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“Hello there.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Gu Weier made a gesture with a handless gesture: “Drink something? Although Arctic Coffee is not a World Peak brand, it is the world’s largest coffee chain. It was founded for the first time in 9. Before the World War, there were a total of 2 10000 4300 stores worldwide. Its retail products included more than 30 global Peak coffee beans, espresso coffee made at the end of work, and a variety of hot and cold coffee beverages … “

“All right.”

Baili Qingfeng said, asking tentatively: “Is there any boiled water?”

Gu Weier smiled lightly and turned the book list elegantly and charmingly: “I invite you to drink coffee, but you can’t let the little shadow say I abuse you. If you won’t order, I’ll order it for you. How about ruby ​​coffee? World Peak coffee quality, Origin is in Ethiopia. Its multiple varieties and different flavors are not inferior to the 10000 wines brewed by 1000000 grapes on the World. This coffee is separated by variety, microclimate, and harvest timing, one after another. Selected, specially designed and processed into a craft-like artwork for each taste, and then refined, improved, and finally presented to the guests in the most beautiful posture. “

“Uh … is it sweet? I heard that coffee is bitter, just give me a sweeter one.”

“Coffee is like life, thick or light, bitter or sweet. It is mainly the mentality we use to taste it, just like your youngster. It is like 4 seasons of love, full of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, bitter Sweet and sour. “

Gu Weier said with a smile: “To be sweet, rose coffee is suitable for you. The growth of this coffee is particularly critical to the environment. It must be high in altitude, covered by clouds, covered by fertile soil, and must have sufficient accumulated temperature. Among the few mansions in the world that have the conditions to produce rose coffee, Als Manor with an altitude of 1000 six hundred meters to 2000 meters is the most suitable for the growth of high-quality rose beans. It is this unique environment and climate that has cultivated this coffee king. “

Soon, she ordered the order and gave it to the waiter.

Baili Qingfeng looked aside, feeling a sense of being suppressed.

“Qingfeng, I heard Xiaoying and her friends say you, you are a very good youngster, and I got a little understanding during this time, and found that you are really excellent, I have to say that Xiaoying is very visionary, It ’s actually able to pick you out of all beings before you show the rays of light. “

Gu Weier praised with a smile on her face, and her charming pretty face was full of sincerity.

“you flatter me.”

“I’m talking about the facts. You must know that Xiaoying’s vision is actually very high, not just looking at people. He always strives for excellence in his life. The quilt is always only silk, and it is the best double-cocoon filament. Although the cosmetics used are few, they are the non-marking suits of the international Peak brand Delair. This kind of suit is not for sale. You need to queue to make an appointment to order. Her clothes are not big brands, but they are all customized. Craftsmanship, tailor-made, hand-made cashmere fabric, delicate and smooth, comfortable and breathable, you two have known each other for so long, should these Qingfeng be understood? “

Baili Qingfeng is a little dazed.

He knows what.

Who still stares at a girl’s clothes all day?

“As a male child, it’s not careful to be so inattentive. Little shadow is one of my most precious relatives. I don’t ask her boyfriend for his ability, how much money, but she must be kind to her and care. Just a little bit of her life … you do n’t know, this girl is still very careless. When she came to study in Xia Ya, she took care of her aunt nanny Song for a while, but she was worried for a while, after all, she She has n’t done housework since she was a child, she ’s never washed the dishes, she ’s done the laundry, she ’s cleaned, she ’s worried she ’s going to take care of herself. ”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it …

It seems that he is really incompetent.

“The confession of you and Xiaoyin I heard that the younger sister of Langshan said, it was wonderful, 2 people, lived peacefully and lived an ordinary person’s life, watched the children grow up day by day, first went to kindergarten, Then he goes to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university. When he gets to university, he talks about a girlfriend, enters the marriage hall, and mentions the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law. , Sitting in the sunset watching youngster running, nostalgic for the youth, and slowly getting old … “

Gu Weier’s eyes are full of longing for this kind of life: “Seriously, it is beautiful, just like a poetry and painting, and I also hope that at some point in the future, I will meet someone who loves me and say so to me A word. “

“Miss Weier is so beautiful and tender that she will definitely meet someone who will satisfy you in the future.”

“Then I will borrow your good words.”

Gu Weier said with a faint smile: “However, getting married and having a child is different from falling in love. Falling in love is just a fairy tale written by your youngster in pursuit of youth. Marriage involves all aspects, not only you and Xiaoying, but also To Xiaoying’s family and your family, if Xiaoying is willing to marry you, I have no objection, but Qingfeng, are you really ready to be with Xiaoying in the future? See your performance just now It seems that you haven’t even noticed some details of Xiaoying’s life. This is unqualified. “

“I will do my best in the future.”

“Although our family history is good, it is not the kind of ancient door valve that has to pay attention to door to door. What we really see is that you can love her and give Xiaoying a truly happy life and make her happy every day. At this point, the relationship between the two families and the different customs between the two countries, you have to deal with these issues. “

“Different customs in 2 countries?”

“Yes, since Qingfeng thinks of marrying Xiaoying and the thought of having children, must these issues be taken into consideration?”

Baili Qingfeng is a little bit stingy.

Gu Lingying …

Not Sia Kingdom?

“Don’t you be unclear? If that’s the case, it will make me very disappointed and unhappy. I know you very well through small shadows, knowing that your mother died early, and I worked in the military for one party. General power, you father is the factory director of a factory, and a grandfather who has a good relationship with you, you follow him Martial Practice, he recently established a Thunderbolt Sect? There are some forces in the martial artist circle in the area of ​​Char, Am I right? “

“No … yes.”

“So how much do you know about her? I have to test this. If you don’t even know these, then I can only say that you are too frivolous, too unstable, and even unavoidable to let me Bad guess … Do you like to use marriage as an excuse to deceive those kind-hearted girls, and the ultimate purpose is just to deceive them? “

Baili Qingfeng is speechless.

He didn’t think so much.

Two people with a good outlook on 2 walk together, like each other, support each other, to never leave each other, shouldn’t that be the case?

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s appearance, Gu Weier’s smile on her face gradually converged: “So Qingfeng, I ask you a question, would you like to go to the Aurora Empire?”

“To the Aurora Empire?”

Baili Qingfeng immediately thought: “Gu junior sister is a man of the Aurora Empire?”

“Don’t you know … what do you don’t know, why can you say that you want to grow old with Xiaoyin? Is Xiaoyin too simple and trusting you, or are you too eloquent?”

Gu Weier’s charming face with deep disappointment: “The small shadow is the pearl in the palm of all of us, we love her, my father, my mother, me, I will never let her marry Hea, Then if you really love her and want to marry her and marry her, then you must go to the Aurora Empire. This is all the prerequisites for you two together, even if we have no requirements for you in other aspects, but But this must be observed. If I can’t go to Aurora, everything I said before can’t be true! “

“Can’t junior sister stay in Charlie?”

“If Little Shadow is willing to stay in Xia at all costs for you, can you take care of Little Shadow?”

Gu Weier asked in return: “Can you come out immediately to comfort her when she is sad, can you stay with her immediately when she is lonely, can you immediately laugh at her when she is lost, can you please her when she needs you Did she appear immediately before her? “


Baili Qingfeng asked himself this question.

This is a problem trap.

Because very few people can really do this.

But when Baili Qingfeng realized this, Gu Weier once again said: “Maybe you think my requirements are a bit harsh, but Xiaoying just said for you, ‘She can’t stay in Xia’, it is very likely that she and her were raised and raised. She, fathered her, loved her parents, elder sister, and since then separated, it may also cause revenge between father and daughter. She made such a huge sacrifice and paid such a huge price. I made this request, there are Wrong? “


Baili Qingfeng shook the head.

“If you can’t afford the responsibility of a man, you can’t give my younger sister a happy life and can’t accompany her to the Aurora Empire, then … please let go.”

Gu Weier calmly said.

“Sir, miss, your coffee.”

At this time, the service staff knocked on the door.

“Please come in.”

Gu Weier said.

After the service staff brewed the coffee and left, Gu Weier said indifferently: “You can see that you don’t like drinking coffee, but Xiaoying likes it very much, you know, she can say the top 30 in the world in detail. You can judge the strength of these coffee flavors with just one sip from all the coffee producing places in the country, can you? “

“I can not.”

Baili Qingfeng is honest.

“Two people are together. After experiencing the initial enthusiasm and blind enthusiasm, the key to the rest of the time is to see if their three views are consistent, and apart from the music, I do n’t see that any of the three views between you two fit in any way. Everywhere. “

“We … 3 disagreements?”

Baili Qingfeng stunned.

He felt that Gu Lingying was the closest girl to her 3 views, but why …

Gu Weier stood up and took her own bag: “Our family is not the kind of unreasonable person. As a family, we all hope that her future will be happy, happy, happy and happy. Maybe you should ask Ask yourself, can you really give Xiaoying such happiness and joy? If you can, we welcome you to come to Aurora Empire to find her. If not, please forget her.


(The next chapter may also need to be skipped. This book is either a heroine or not.)

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