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“What’s wrong with us?”

Once the complexion changed, the eyes immediately became sharper: “Baili Qingfeng, things can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can’t be said indiscriminately, what’s wrong with us !? I accidentally kept it while comprehend 10000 Stream Sword Manual, and he was even stolen by night. After I took the 10000 stream Sect protecting method of Sect Protection, I have been guilty of oversight, but if it wasn’t for this person’s deliberate care and I was not prepared, how could I steal the 10000 stream Sword Manual from him? “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Dante. He is a master of Refining Spirit 7. Although he has never cultivated the mind, he cannot capture the thoughts escaped by others, and can distinguish one’s good and evil thoughts through the mind of the other person, but some basic judgments of the ability Still there.

Whoever is telling the truth and who is telling the truth is more or less able to judge it.

“Dante Grandmaster does not have to overwhelm others. I know exactly how this happened. If it wasn’t for Dante Grandmaster to steal 10000 streams of Sword Manual to your girlfriend Lilith to watch, how would she be …”

“A nonsense!”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t finish the words. Dante had already flew into a rage out of humiliation, and cold light flashed in his eyes: “I was surprised beforehand, why I have 10000 streams of Sword Manual in my hand. It is learned that now it seems that there are eight-nine in this matter, you Thunderbolt Sect as a stalk. You Thunderbolt Sect wants to replace our 10000 Liu Jianzong to become the preferred sect to cooperate with the military and cabinet, and specially sent people to steal. Take our 10000 Sword Protection Sect Protecting Sword Manual, all our Sword Techniques of 10000 Sword Sect are derived from this Sword Manual. As long as you get this Sword Manual and push back, you can break us 10000 All Sword Art in Liu Jianzong, how will our 10000 Liu Jianzong fight with your Thunderbolt Sect at that time! Therefore, in order to investigate this matter clearly, please Baili Sect Master follow me for a trip to 10000 Liu Jianzong and prove myself innocent! “

“I deliberately sent someone to steal your sect protecting Sword Manual from 10000 Liu Jianzong?”

Baili Qingfeng heard Dante’s words: “You’re talking nonsense with your eyes open? Who would believe this? You shouldn’t treat everyone as a fool.”

“Baili Vice Sect Master, hurry up, you can send a message to your long-distance Sect Master! Dante wants you to investigate the self-certification innocence, obviously you want to find a chance to kill people … he just wants an excuse to kill us all! “

The Qingcheng Mountain on the side seemed to understand Dante’s intention, and expression expressed a panic, while pulling his wife and daughter, and he was about to flee.

Seeing that Qingcheng Mountain was about to leave, Lilith took a scabbard out of her long sword in her hand, like a Dao Jinghong, and 3 people went off under Qingcheng Mountain.

Although she is not a Grandmaster, she is a well-known figure in the nourishment stage. She also comes from top sects such as 10000 Liu Jianzong, Sword Technique is absolutely exquisite, the sword is windy, and she covers all three families under the Qingcheng Mountain.

And she was the first to assassinate …

Actually not under the Qingcheng Mountain, but the daughter under the Qingcheng Mountain!

Use the daughter’s life under the Qingcheng Mountain to force the lower Qingcheng Mountain to have to face up and take the lead.

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, come with me to 10000 Liu Jianzong. If you have no ghost in your heart and act dignified, our 10000 Liu Jianzong will not wrong you, and I will give you an account of Thunderbolt Sect afterwards. I apologize to you, but if you dare to resist … it proves that you and this person stole me 10000 Liu Jianzong sect protecting Sword Manual, it is true that I can’t blame me for stealing you and this 10000 Liu Jianzong sect protecting Sword The little thieves of Manual slayed together to defend my 10000 Liu Jianzong inheritance! “

As soon as Lilith shot, Dante didn’t hesitate any more, and his internal interest broke out. An explosive force that was stronger than the ordinary internal flow of Grandmaster flooded the whole body, accompanied by his sword edge that burst out. In a flash, the sword edge tore the air waves and assassinated towards Baili Qingfeng’s body.

Before the sword arrives, Sword Force comes first.

The air wave in the sky seems to be swayed by his Sword Technique, forming a storm of coercion, rolling in. When crossing the two, the storm has become a climate, and the streets are dusty, attracting all around exclaimed.

Liufeng ten 9 sword-shock Lan!

Although this sword assassination does not seem to be aimed at Baili Qingfeng’s heart, it is only half an inch away from his heart. If he hits the sword edge slightly, he will move the sword down …

Lifen life and death!

“I thought that my Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master was also a figure with a face and a face, while speaking was a tone of good looks, others would give me some face, didn’t expect, as 10000 Liu Jianzong Disciple, you dare to kill me with a sword !? “

Baili Qingfeng’s heart was full of disappointment, and his tone was gradually sharpening: “Dante, are you trying to kill people?”

“Hey, how could I kill someone, just ask Baili Sect Master to take care of me and investigate, otherwise the sword has no eyes!”

“Dent, stop me!”

Baili Qingfeng shouting loudly.

Faced with a lightning-fast sword from Dante’s assassination, he respected and valued any opponent, and he had no jealousy. Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 2. Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 1 directly added.

As for Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3, it’s too late.

However, he has long known that the Grandmasters of Dante can’t carry their Refining Spirit Secret Technique. Therefore, while taking out Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 2 and Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 1, the innate Fiendgod Zuz is also in his Spirit World. It is visualized in the middle, and emerges from the Spirit World in the next moment as the mind turns, from illusion to reality!

“hong long long !”

lightning sky.

Innate Fiendgod Zuz held a virtual hand, Thunder Scepter has been born from the endless white thunderbolt, and slammed against Dante’s head.

Thunder Scepter attack!

Under this unrelenting spirit of mystery, Refining Spirit cultivation base is worthless to mention that Dante is no different from other Grandmasters, and was directly smashed into the brain by Thunder Scepter, thinking loosely, as if silly and stiff.


When Dante stiffened in place, Baili Qingfeng’s sword stabbed without a pause.


Also only half an inch away from the heart of his heart.

deal with a man as he deals with you!


Seeing Dante’s sword, she was killing Lilis crying in surprise under Qingcheng Mountain, with an incredible look on her face.

Dante, but a powerful candidate for the future Sect Master of 10000 Liu Jianzong, otherwise, how can sect be taught to sect protecting the 10000 Stream Sword Manual? His breath is amazing, and he has been bred to the peak. He can enter the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster only after he has opened the meridians of the Zhoutian. In addition, he has no exception of the Sword Technique, which is Hea Peak, even if facing the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, No wind can fall before the interest is exhausted.

And Baili Qingfeng?

According to the news they have received, the Grandmaster is only a few months away!

Such a new Grandmaster, I am afraid that even the operation of internal interest has not yet been perfect. How is Dante a peak Grandmaster’s opponent? And was directly defeated in an interview?


Lilith was embarrassed in her heart, without the slightest hesitation, and pulled away, and angry roar: “Baili Qingfeng, Dente is a strong contender for our 10000 Liu Jianzong future Sect Master. If you kill him, you are provoking our 10000 Liu Jianzong , If he misses a little bit, my 10000 Liu Jianzong is absolutely irreconcilable. “


Baili Qingfeng slightly startled: “There is a slight loss of 10000 Liu Jianzong to be irreconcilable with our Thunderbolt Sect !?”

He looked at Dante, his body was pierced by his sword, this …

It’s been more than a little bit missing, is it a big hole missing?

in other words……

“Yes, if Thunderbolt Sect does not want to be destroyed under the anger of my 10000 sword sects, he must protect Dante’s security …”

Lilith didn’t finish talking, and Baili Qingfeng’s mind had flashed countless thoughts.

Then think of Dante keep on saying and let him cooperate with him to investigate but kill with a sword between hands, regardless of himself is Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master ……

10000 Liu Jianzong already has the heart to deal with Thunderbolt Sect! ?

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng is also extremely decisive: “If the crime of wanting to add is inevitable, since 10000 Liu Jianzong will be irreconcilable with our Thunderbolt Sect, then it will be a time when two sects go to war and my Thunderbolt Sect suffers heavy losses. The people are plunged into an abyss of misery, I have to slay as many masters of the 10000 Sword Sect as possible before that … “

Although Baili Qingfeng penetrated Dante’s body, he avoided Dante’s key points.

After all, he came to persuade peace, hoping that Dante would live in peace with the family under Qingcheng Mountain, and not kill and kill the trouble.

But now…

Lilith keeps on saying that 10000 Liu Jianzong and Thunderbolt Sect are irreconcilable, even if he wants to persuade Dante to be good and does not want to kill, he still has to kill Dante.

He is the Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. His actions represent not only individuals, but also Thunderbolt Sect. He is responsible for the other disciplines of Thunderbolt Sect.


Baili Qingfeng penetrated Dante’s heart without killing the sword and pressed down …


Pulled the wound!

Dente’s heart was cut directly in half by the non-killing sword!

Dante, who finally woke up in pain, suddenly stared wide-eyed: “Baili Qingfeng … you …”

“Sorry! Don’t blame me, your girlfriend Lilith said. If you make a slight mistake, 10000 Liu Jianzong will be with us Thunderbolt Sect irreconcilable, but you have been stabbed by me, but I missed it a little bit. To me Understanding of the sect’s acting style, you and everyone vicious and merciless killing people like scything flax, and we will definitely let our Thunderbolt Sect go, even if we do n’t want to be against you, you will inevitably cut off our whole family. weeds and eliminate the roots, so I have to start by cutting off your 10000 Masters of the Sword Sect as much as possible! “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Dante with pain and wide eyes, his face was full of sincerity and full of guilt …

After all, he just came to persuade Dante and Qingcheng Mountain to reconcile, not at all the idea of ​​killing.

But under the pressure of Lilith, the arrow had to be fired on the string …

“No, no, no, our 10000 Sword Sects will not fight against you Thunderbolt Sect … I swear …”

Denter shivered coldly all over his body, his face filled with irresistible terror.

“No? I don’t believe it! I understand the terrifying of you martial artist Sect. You are killed by my sword. The heart will die. No doubt, I killed 10000 Liu Jianzong True Disciple, and 10000 Liu Jianzong absolutely fell into my nest and destroyed my Thunderbolt Sect. Revenge, you do n’t have to lie to me, I know, although I do n’t want to do this, but I have no choice but to be here, you must be in pain now? I understand you, why should I not? Don’t let you have too much time … “

Baili Qingfeng held the hilt of the sword without killing him, and his body broke out suddenly, and he suddenly lifted up …

“no no……”

An unprecedented remorse filled Dante’s whole body, his eyes seemed to be glaring out, and he yelled wildly: “My heart is on the right … I can rescue it …”

“Tear it!”

The strength was turbulent, and the sword was suddenly smashed without killing the sword. With the blood shot, Dante was torn into two and a half!

Die on the spot.

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