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Baili Qingfeng The movement of the sword on the sword is slightly frozen.

“The heart is on the right …”

For a moment, he said he didn’t believe it: “The heart is on the right. I have only seen this kind of plot in movies, but movies are movies and they can’t fool me.”

“Ah! Murder! Murder!”

“Go, go!”

At this time, there was a sudden exclaim on the street.

The place where several people fought was a barbecue restaurant not far from the entrance of Shire University. It was a busy street with people coming, people going. Pedestrians suddenly saw someone fighting, and even entered with a sword. ,run.

among them……

Including Lilith.

She immediately screamed, creating chaos, and quickly mixed into the crowd.

“It caused disorder …”

Baili Qingfeng figure stopped.

He kills the people who should be killed, but if this causes the crowd to panic and bring negative social impacts, scaring the children to leave a psychological shadow on the children, he can hardly blame him …

He kept admonishing himself in his heart, and he would have to pay attention to the occasion when he started to do 10000000.

With this in mind, he could not afford to chase Lilith, and immediately took out his military documents, loudly said: “I’m a consultant of the military, I’m looking for the prisoner here, please avoid it, which enthusiastic people help report A policeman. “

“Looking for inmates?”

“Master of the military? That must not be a bad guy.”

Baili Qingfeng’s yelling effect is remarkable, and the disorderly order in the street is restored.

Because of the nation ’s martial arts, everyone was bolder, but many people still stayed there to watch and report to the police.

“Baili Sect Master, let’s go back first. Shia has rules. Martial artist hates killing. As long as it does not involve the people, there will not be much problem …”

A glance at the somewhat chaotic street under Qingcheng Mountain, although …

This should have affected the normal order. Considering the identity of Baili Qingfeng Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master and the influence of this sect in Xia, he still said: “We leave first, and there will be special staff to deal with it afterwards. Corpses, this is the tacit understanding of the polity and the martial artist circle. “

“Is that so? Okay.”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t know how to deal with it. He also planned to call 2 grandfather Baili Changkong.

A group of people quickly left the main street, walked several hundred meters, and came to an unmanned alley.

As soon as I reached the alley, I could n’t help but thank you in the heart of Qingcheng Mountain. I knelt down and said a deep grateful hoe. “Thank you, thank you Qingfeng Sect Master. In order to save us, you even let Thunderbolt Sect be offended by 10000 streams.” Jianzong, this kind of great grace, I will never forget Zhang Qingshan, I only hope to be a cow and a horse in the second half of my life, in return to the Sect Master. “

“It doesn’t have to be this way, as long as you can be a good person from now on, and be a person who is good for society, that’s the best reward for me.”

Baili Qingfeng helped Zhang Qingshan up.

“Qingfeng Sect Master, it ’s because of me, I ca n’t blame it, so I ’ll ask for more information about 10000 Liu Jianzong to ensure that Sect Master can know yourself and know your enemy in the battle with 10000 Liu Jianzong Not too passive. “

“No, since you are going to be a good person, don’t mix too many things in the rivers and lakes, and take your wife and daughter to live a good life from now on.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Rivers and lakes …

Too dangerous!

He does n’t have much contact with the martial artist in the martial artist circle, but sincerely feels that the marial artist each and everyone living in this circle is cruel, demented, and beaten and killed every day like the mental illness of the lunatic, which is also the case of Baili Qingfeng. Reasons for not wanting to step into this circle.

Those who are close to Zhu are close to those who are black.

Although he is kind and has no dispute with the world, the environment can change a person the most. Many times, he does not kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren dies because of him, so he does not hope that one day he will also become a martial artist. The same, indiscriminate sex, destroys the whole family.

Especially now…

He seems to have a tendency to evolve into such a person …

There is really sin. He can bear it alone, Baili Qingfeng, even if he is trapped in infernal hell, but he does not want to see those who have a good heart and fall again.

“Qingfeng Sect Master …”

“You can find a place to live in the city of Xia. Xia City counts as the site of our Thunderbolt Sect. I believe that 10000 people of the sword sect will not dare to avenge you again.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Thank Sect Master Xie!”

Zhang Qingshan looked at Baili Qingfeng, expression was full of emotion.

He had never met a good person like Baili Qingfeng who was really kind and focused on others.

He could see that Baili Qingfeng was not hypocritical or pretentious, and he was full of words and deeds.

At the moment, he took a box from his body and handed it to Baili Qingfeng: “Sect Master, this is the 10000 Stream Sword Manual’s 10000 Stream Sword Manual, which is the general outline of all the Sword Techniques of the 10000 Stream Sword. You can comprehend it well.”

“No, how can I glimpse into the inheritance of others’ sect, and I do n’t have any Martial Practice Innate Talent. This kind of high-end Sword Technique ca n’t even learn it if you take it. You take it, burn it, and keep a secret for others . “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Sect Master, your own cultivation base is amazing. You ca n’t use the 10000 stream Sword Manual, but you can give the 10000 stream Sword Manual to other people for practice, and let them research the 10000 stream Sword Manual by comprehend to crack the 10000 stream sword. The Sword Technique method, so that if Thunderbolt Sect really fights with 10000 Liujian Sect, irreconcilable, know yourself and know your enemy can also slightly reduce the casualties of some Thunderbolt Sect children. “

Zhang Qingshan advised.

Baili Qingfeng associates with the members of Thunderbolt Sect …

Hong Tiange, Shi Tianya, Shi Yiyi, Baili Tianxing …

It is a group of old, weak women and children.

In particular, Baili Tianxing was interrupted by Lafite not long ago, so far he has not recovered, and is regarded as a “disabled” standard …

Let these people fight for life and death with the elite children of 10000 Liu Jianzong … if you ca n’t know yourself and know your enemy, it is indeed easy to lose a lot of money and even destroy the entire army.

Realizing this, Baili Qingfeng did not refuse anymore, and nodded closed up the 10000-stream Sword Manual: “You have the heart, go.”

Zhang Qingshan gave a gift and left with his daughter’s wife.

But the noble spirit of Baili Qingfeng’s grandfather selflessly self-denial has undoubtedly moved him. In the face of such a great spirit, he recalls all the mistakes made in his life, a mood of remorse and atonement.

“True kind people like Qingfeng Sect Master are rare in the world … he has a life-saving grace for me. If I do n’t repay it, why is it in my heart? I set my wife and daughter, this world has light and darkness No matter how strong a martial artist can’t prevent those sinister villains, I don’t want Qingfeng Sect Master to be assassinated and killed one day, and I don’t want Qingfeng Sect Master to be polluted by darkness and become like other martial artists … … then going back … all the dirty work … I’m coming. “

Zhang Qingshan secretly resolved.


When Zhang Qingshan left, Baili Qingfeng went to his yard.

However, he hasn’t returned to the yard yet. The mobile phone has been ringing. As he connected the phone, Baili Changkong heard a breathless voice: “Qingfeng, what’s the matter !? Why are you here with 10000 Liu Jianzong people? Shire University’s door was up? You killed Dante, one of the 10000 True Disciples of the 3 Sword Sect !? “

“I’m going to talk to 2 grandfather you.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly: “Our Thunderbolt Sect is currently in a major crisis. We need to be careful on the sect up and down for a period of time to prevent revenge of the 10000 Liu Jianzong. I am now walking home and waiting for my ID card. Go to the ticketing point and buy a train ticket to the 10000 Liu Jianzong. Solve this scourge that will most likely bring us the Thunderbolt Sect. After I kill the 10000 Liu Jianzong, the Thunderbolt Sect’s alert can be lifted … “

After he said it, he added: “I want to call 2 grandfather on the one hand to say this, and on the other hand, I want to ask 2 grandfather where are your 10000 Liu Jianzong, how many people? I’m based on their There are many people but few people. It is estimated how long it will take to eliminate 10000 Liu Jianzong, so as to facilitate the purchase of tickets and avoid losing the return tickets. “


There is no sound on the phone.

“No signal again? This imported cell phone is too bad to use? It’s not as good as my previous cell phone.”

Baili Qingfeng reluctantly wants to hang up and call again.

“Wait a minute!”

At this time, Baili Changkong’s voice finally sounded again: “You want to destroy 10000 Sword Sects? Like dealing with Iron Sword Sect, the door to the sun ?? Solve the problem in this way !?”

“I don’t want to, but I have to do it.”

There was a hint of pain in Baili Qingfeng’s voice.

slaughter, sin!

He didn’t want to kill, but …

What a brutal artist! ?

If you ca n’t start by assaulting 10000 Liu Jianzong for the first time, once 10000 Liu Jianzong begins bloody revenge, his family, his relatives, and his friends will always be in danger of life and death. By then, any one person will be slightly injured …

He will remorse for life!

“Tell me about the entire process of development of this thing first! 10000 Liu Jianzong is not like the unforgiving sect like Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, Snow Mountain 6, Jinglanzong, Purple Clothes Building, Jianghe Temple They have cooperated with the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet, and have assisted the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet more than once in defeating the cave invasion. Will there be misunderstandings during this period?

Baili Changkong had a heavy tone.

Baili Qingfeng was silent for a moment, and said, “This matter involves sect protecting Sword Manual of 10000 Liu Jianzong …”

He slowly clarified the entire process of development.

On the phone, Baili Changkong was quiet for a while, and then he was a little dumb and said, “Just … because of someone who meets Pingshui, did you provoke 10000 Liu Jianzong?”

“Pingshui meets? He was the first person who was willing to abandon evil and do good under my persuasion, not to mention that this matter is clearly 10000 Liu Jianzong taking advantage of one’s position to bully people. First, it is not us who is strong to help the weak What should Practice do? Shouldn’t we stop this kind of bullying? “

Baili Qingfeng’s voice was one point higher.

“Yes, but you don’t need to kill.”

“Slayers keep killing them.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “I just want to persuade them to make peace a valuable thing. Throughout the process, I have always looked good-looking, with a smile on my face, and I have never been rude, but he … he will kill me with a sword! Baili Qingfeng devotes himself to the good, never to be evil. If someone kills me, no matter the reason, there is only one explanation-he is a wicked! “

At this point, Baili Qingfeng stubbornly said: “Evil, be a scum!”

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