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“He killed you with a sword first?”


Baili Qingfeng repeated.

“I understand.”

Baili Changkong’s tone aggravated a bit: “Then he deserved the crime, and he died for nothing! A True Disciple tried to assassinate my Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, and wanted to fight against my Thunderbolt Sect !?”

“They just want to fight against our Thunderbolt Sect.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Baili Changkong heard Baili Qingfeng’s rhetorical inferences. He didn’t respond for a while, and then said after a while: “Okay, I’ll deal with this matter. You leave it alone. This is the grudge between the two of you. It’s irreconcilable to make Thunderbolt Sect and 2 Stream Swordsmen. “

“The meaning of the four words irreconcilable is not in themselves, but in speaking a human attitude like the four words ‘irreconcilable’.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly: “Maybe 2 grandfather, do you think that I have to destroy 10000 Liu Jianzong because of a sentence,” irreconcilable “, but if a person yells out” irreconcilable “as a threat, then his temperament , The behavior style should be arrogant and despotic, indiscriminate, to what extent the life of grass mustard, according to scientific research, a person’s character is determined by the influence of the environment, through the individual, you can infer the environment in which he lives, which is 10000 Liu Jianzong, so understand 10000 What kind of Sect is Liu Jianzong, and once they have mastered Strength, I believe they will turn the ‘irreconcilable’, which was just a ruthless word, into reality!

“But as long as the people of 10000 Sword Sects are sensible, they will definitely not fight against our Thunderbolt Sect because of this. You should also think about this.”

“At present Thunderbolt Sect is proclaiming the power of bluffing. 10000 Liu Jianzong will not break our face with us, but 2 grandfather, do n’t forget, our Thunderbolt Sect has a great enemy-Qilin Sword Sect. If one day, Thunderbolt Sect, our grandchildren were defeated by Qilin Sword Sect, and the tiger fell into Pingyang, so will the 10000 Liu Jianzong with the ‘irreconcilable’ lesson learned before it, go downhill? “

Baili Qingfeng said in an absolute tone: “Yes! They will definitely be the last straw that crushes us when we reach the end of the mountains and rivers, decisive our last vitality and kill us!”


Baili Changkong was silent for a while, but Baili Qingfeng hung up the phone, and said slowly: “Qingfeng, all of what you said is based on speculation, and does not hold. If you speculate that the other party has this motivation, you will destroy people. whole family, this behavior … “

“It’s not speculation, it’s a fact! When the two men clashed, the opponent’s knife was taken out, and they stabbed into your body to end your life. Can you say, can’t you fight back?”

“In the martial artist circle, similar battles are inevitable, and you can’t always think about exterminating another’s whole family because of each battle. How crazy is this behavior !?”

“No! If that Sect belongs to the righteous side, I believe that not only will I not have conflicts and disputes with the other side, but I can also get along well, be trapped in the dark, all I see and see is darkness, the believer in the light, where I am It’s all sunshine. “

“Dark and light?”

Baili Changkong’s long put out a breath: “Not only Xia, the martial artist circle in more than 90% of the countries in the world, the powerhouse is respected, weak are prey to the strong, the law of the jungle, if you really want to uphold you This style of behavior goes on, and you are almost equal to challenging the iron rule of the martial artist circle with one person. You will encounter resistance and you will face more enemies than you can imagine! “

When he said these words, he felt hesitant for the first time.

Hesitating to let Baili Qingfeng learn martial arts, hesitating to make him a Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master is right or wrong.


Think of this chaotic world now …

“I know, it will be difficult, and it will face countless setbacks, snipers, hostility, conspiracy, assassinations. I want to avoid this result and eventually overturn the entire martial artist circle to rebuild the world, but … Difficult, how about it? I have no intention of going ordinary anymore, so for this society, for this country, for this Human World, I have to do something! “

“One person overturns the martial artist circle !? Have ideals and courage! But you, one of the people who are most afraid of trouble, have to think about it for a year off school, can you survive it? This must be a long and costly process. The arduous goal of time is for the so-called punishment of evil, promotion of goodness, support of the weak, and can you persist after day? “

“Why cannot?”

Baili Qingfeng’s voice was full of excitement: “Being a man with one liver and gallbladder, being a man is a matter of fear and danger, and pride is not changed year after year. Being a man has bitterness and sweetness, good and evil are separated on two sides, all for the dream of tomorrow!”


Baili Changkong could not advise it.

He can feel Baili Qingfeng’s determination through his mobile phone.


Baili Changkong really knows his Martial Practice Innate Talent and strength-less than a year, invincible under True Immortal!

If you give him a few more years …

He seems to have seen sword light 铮铮, tearing ten thousand li rivers and mountains!

Seeing fireworks everywhere, blood drowned the world …


If this continues, Baili Qingfeng will most likely go to extremes, set foot on the evil path of slaughtering the world, and become the enemy of the world.

He must give Baili Qingfeng a right direction.

“Wicked man, when I am, I agree with this statement, it is like when you went to assassinate Feng Cunyun and Qiu Yi, I also gave support!”

Baili Changkong said, adding another sentence: “But there is a good saying, it is abusive without teaching!”

“Until avalanches, no snowflake is innocent.”

“You have to persuade people to do good and bring peace and warmth to the world. Then, in the matter of treating 10000 Liu Jianzong, why should you not give 10000 Liu Jianzong a chance? Under your persuasion, abandon Zhang from evil and do good. Qingshan is a human, are n’t those disciples of the 10000 Liu Jianzong people? Maybe the 10000 Liu Jianzong environment is very poor, but this is not the reason why you give them up completely! “

Baili Qingfeng was silent for a moment, and in the end, he was nodded: “I see. When I go to 10000 Liu Jianzong, I will talk to them first, and persuade them with joy, if they really repent under my persuasion. Heart, with good intentions, then I will naturally not kill them to the last one. “

“This is a cure for the symptoms.”

Baili Changkong took a deep breath: “Qingfeng, remember I said a word to you?”


Baili Changkong paused for a moment, and said in a heavy voice, “It’s not you who’s wrong, it’s the World!”

“I remember! I remember very well!”

Baili Qingfeng said, looking up, looking at the sunny sky above the clear sky: “This World … there is a problem!”

“I used to say that you are not ready, you need time, but now, I look down on you, and you are determined to overthrow the entire marial artist circle and rebuild, then you should be ready … well, Can you fight back against the rules of the entire World? “

“I am always ready.”

“it is good!”

Baili Changkong said loudly: “World is wrong, so we have to change this World so that we can solve the problem fundamentally, and then we can heal the symptoms. Why is each and everyone martial artist sect acting so unbridled? It is because there is no balance. They do n’t have Strength that allows them to obey the rules! And you … Qingfeng, you are qualified to be the sword of judgment above all sects and forces. You have the ability, the potential to change the rules of the World, and let those who are malicious, or The forced martial artist abandoned evil and good! “

“I may or may not, but I will do it!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the non-killer sword in his hands: “until now, I just want to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary person’s life, and I have no dispute with the world, but recently I discovered that as long as I am an individual, I have a need, From physical needs, safety needs, to contact needs, respect needs, and self-actualization needs, needs never stop, life is a big desire, there is no such person who does not want, and can really achieve that level It is not man, it is God, it is holy! “

Baili Changkong did not respond, and Baili Qingfeng on the mobile phone still said to himself: “I want to destroy 10000 Liu Jianzong, to achieve physical and safety needs, and to persuade people to change the world is a self-fulfilling need. I Try hard to adapt to this World, to escape this World, but in the end I found that as long as people live in this World, certain things are inevitable, unavoidable, and unable to adapt, then there is only one way … … “

At the other end of the phone, Baili Changkong’s heart fiercely trembled.

“Let World fit me!”

He guessed this sentence.

But when Baili Qingfeng really spoke this sentence, he still had a deep weakness.

after all……

Want to take this step?

Without the lessons learned from Lafite, Tong Jinghong, Feng Cunyun, Qiu Yi and the others, Baili Changkong’s words to Baili Qingfeng would not be regarded as one thing, and they would only be used as joke words for the middle 2 teenagers.

Still let World adapt to you?

Why don’t you fly to the sky side by side with the sun?

Think of what Baili Qingfeng has done in less than a year, think of Baili Qingfeng’s strength growth in less than a year …

He understands…


This is real!

What he said was true!

“2 grandfather, do you believe in destiny?”


“I feel that when I come to this World, I have a sacred mission! My arrival is to save this World! Everything I do now is for a moment in the future that will truly lead our World to glory, Towards prosperity! “

“Rescue … Save the World?”


Baili Qingfeng simply said, “To save the World under the threat of a human being, this great feat should not be solely based on my strength, human beings, against human races, but on my own, and I ’m exhausted. I ca n’t do it. My true correct way is to be a pioneer, first to promote the unification of the world, then lead human beings, establish a good social order, make my Human Race Dachang, and finally fight back against humans, and bring all of us to this world of suffering Humanoids, all wiped out! “


“And during this period, all those who obstruct me are indulging human evil! It is destroying human solidarity!”

Baili Qingfeng’s tone sank: “It is inhuman sin!”

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