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Baili Changkong felt like his heart was being pulled fiercely by one hand, like …


evil ways!

He found that he could not keep up with Baili Qingfeng’s thoughts completely, and could not hold back his hurricane figure!

Baili Qingfeng is about to get out of control and fall into evil ways!

“I have 3 small goals. The first small goal is to destroy Three Great Holy Lands and complete the integration of Shia. The second small goal promotes the unification of Shia and the Aurora Empire and makes East Divine Continent no longer subject to war. Misery, the third … humanoid! “

Baili Qingfeng straightened out his own path.

Very clear!

I understand!

“I will calmly shed blood, I will face death with a smile, and I will dedicate myself generously, because … this is what it means for Baili Qingfeng to live in this world …”

Rays of light !

The unprecedented rays of light burst in Baili Changkong spirit World!

At this moment, his vision, heart, and thinking were filled with a glory called “great”.

A “suffocating” light!

Even though he was shaking his body across the phone, he stepped back 3 steps involuntarily and sat on the chair.

“Qingfeng, you …”

“That’s it, 2 grandfather, I will listen to you and persuade them before I start.”

Baili Qingfeng said that he would hang up.

“Wait a minute!”

At this time, Baili Changkong, whose spirit was sacred, suddenly said, “Qingfeng, since you have such a great ideal, such a lofty spirit, and such a sacred mission, then we should change our approach! One … Since we can avoid accidental injury And a big step towards your first small goal! “

Another way to persuade!

The persuasion of the previous reason and reason is no longer valid!

He Baili Changkong can only pull this grandson back by changing the law!

“What is it?”

“Push Sia!”

Baili Changkong repeated.


“You, push Shia Martial Dao realm, defeat all Shia Wudao sect, and set new rules in Shia Martial Dao realm!”

“Oh, 2 grandfather, you mean, through this rule, to distinguish those sects in the Martial Dao world that are good or evil? The sect Sect who is willing to abide by the rules I have established is the good and lawful camp. Prove that wild ambition, conspiracy, should be classified as chaotic evil? “


“This method seems to work. We have given them a chance to abide by the rules. They still do not comply. Equivalent to we have given them the opportunity to persuade them sincerely. They are still stubborn, so if they are killed, they do not have to worry about accidentally hurting innocent people. “


Baili Changkong has a strong urge to spit.

Why can you pull on extinguish sect for anything?

But it ’s rare to make Baili Qingfeng stabilise a little. He did n’t dare to expect too much. He had nodded and said: “That ’s right, that ’s the truth. I believe that if those martial artists yearning for goodness are witnessing your strength and our Shia, After the rise of the 4th Holy Land, the strong and overbearing Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, and Snow Mountain 6 will inevitably choose to rely on our Thunderbolt Sect. “

If the rest of the people choose to resist to the end … then Baili Changkong would not care about that many.

“Okay, this method works. Let’s start with 10000 Liu Jianzong …”

“Wait a minute! Now that you’re pushing Shia ’s Martial Dao realm, naturally you have to make a little noise and spread it all over the world. Just right, 3 months later, our Thunderbolt Sect will hold a ceremony. This time, we invited almost all sects and forces in the Maria artist circle, and at that time we promulgated the newly formulated Martial Artist Code! We will severely punish 10000 Liu Jianzong, killing the chicken to warn the monkey! “

“Is Thunderbolt Sect established 3 months later? Yes.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

For a moment he seemed to realize something, frowned: “But can’t 10000 Liu Jianzong wait to be resolved in 3 months? 10000-In these 3 months, 10000 Liu Jianzong has shot against us Thunderbolt Sect, we Thunderbolt How does Sect resist? “

“You rest assured, 10000 Liu Jianzong is different from other sects. Although this sect acts a bit overbearing, it is also extremely cautious. Before they do not understand the reality of our Thunderbolt Sect, they are absolutely afraid to act blindly without thinking, as if you said Yes, 10000 Liu Jianzong will take advantage of the weakness of our Thunderbolt Sect in the future, but our Thunderbolt Sect will never encounter life and death in this area for 3 months, right?

Baili Changkong grinned, “You have to have confidence in yourself.”

“It’s been too long for 3 months …”

“But if you want to make a rule, you must show enough means to be convincing. When no one jumps out of 10000, how do you show the means? It is necessary to leave 10000 sword sects in case of 10000. You always Ca n’t you just take a small sect and teach others? Is n’t that a bully? Do you want to be a bully? ”

“Of course not. I wish everyone could unite and love each other. Everyone can resist the invasion of crypts, beasts, and tartars. How can we do that kind of thing, but if we want to stand up, we can invite Qilin Sword Sect and Snow. Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect! Isn’t it enough to deal with them then? “

“But they may not be willing to come. The military department is staring closely at Three Great Holy Lands.”

Baili Changkong said, with a tough tone: “Okay, this thing is settled, believe me. Compared to the six-man lineup of Qiu Yi and Feng Cunyun, there is only one more. Warlord, a Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, you just killed the 10000 Grandmasters led by Qiu Yi and Feng Yunyun. Before they understand the reality of our Thunderbolt Sect, they will never dare to act blindly without thinking to hurt our relatives and friends. Buddy! “

Baili Qingfeng was silent for a moment, and finally gave in.

“it is good.”

At the moment, the call was hung up.

“Humans are a habitual animal, so is compromise.”

Baili Qingfeng muttered to himself.

When did he slowly get used to compromise?

From the gate of the sun, to the recent storm, and …

The current 10000 stream Sect.


He remembers seeing it in a book, when people learn to compromise, it proves that he is mature.


This is the price of growth.

Baili Qingfeng returned to his yard with a low mood.

When he arrived at the yard, he was planning to refine the mine liquid. An off-road vehicle had stopped outside the grove in his yard. After a while, Ye Fusheng got out of the car and greeted him, “Consultant Qingfeng, the teacher asked me to take you to the ground. Look at us … “

“Go now.”

Baili Qingfeng set up a few spirits, went out of the yard, and got into the car with Ye Fusheng.

It seems that the captain Ji Feng is still driving?

Ye Fusheng took Baili Qingfeng into the car to look at the ground. Baili Changkong also immediately called Chief Switch and expressed seriousness: “I need to see General Sikongdao.”

“General Sikongdao’s barracks outside Fudan City … somewhat far …”

“Things matter.”

Baili Changkong said in a tone: “Perhaps, our battle with Three Great Holy Lands is about to start ahead of time.”

“Three Great Holy Lands?”

Mr. Liswich’s voice changed suddenly on the phone, and he quickly said, “I’ll drive over right away!”

After the call was over, Division Switch took the guard personally to Sanshun Town and took Baili Changkong to the military base outside Fudan City where the 3th Army was stationed.

At the military base, the vehicle was unblocked as a result of receiving the order, and it drove directly to the office of General Sikongdao.

When Baili Changkong arrived at the office building, there were already 4 people waiting.

Si Kongdao, Xiao Lige, and the other 6 heavyweights of the 2th Army, Maders and Zhou Chuanshi.

“Baili Sect Master, what exactly happened, why did you suddenly propose a plan ahead of time?”

Once Baili Changkong arrived, Zhou Chuanshi could not help asking.

“Before answering Zhou’s question, I want to ask you a question in advance. Who do you think is the highest person in Martial Dao Innate Talent in our country?”

“Martial Dao Innate Talent?”

Si Kongdao, Xiao Lige, Zhou Chuanshi, Madras and the others glanced at each other for a moment, and Xiao Lige said, “It should be Goddess Wukesi in the Snow Mountain 6 vein. Wu, 4 years old to become the Grandmaster, 18 to open the Zhoutian Meridian, outside rumors, she is now cultivation Primordial One Qi, asking the Grand Grandmaster is in sight. “

“I really want to say that the highest Innate Talent is Qilin Sword Sect’s Ye 9 Sword. Ye 9 Sword’s Innate Talent can rank in the top 3 in the history of Eastern Divine Continent. At the age of 3, he opened the meridian of Zhou Tian, ​​and at the age of 6, he trained Primordial One Qi. Even the most difficult Grandmaster went to the land of True Immortal. It took him only ten years to rely on all kinds of opportunities. At the age of 20, he completed the land of True Immortal. Lin Sword Sect has opened up unprecedented prosperity … if it were not for him, Qilin Sword Sect may not have the glory of today. “

“Ye 9 Sword is a character from decades ago. If the older generation is also counted, Penglai Immortal Sect’s Yunxiao True Master may not be worse than Ye 9 Sword …”

Several people one after another opened the mouth and said.

But Sikongdao set his sights on Baili Changkong: “Baili Sect Master suddenly asked what this was doing?”

“If I tell you, someone can practice vigorously in one day. In six months, the sword will cut the Grandmaster, and in nine months, the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster. In less than a year, one grandmaster and one Wargod will be killed. Do you believe it? “

Baili Changkong said solemnly.

“In less than a year, beating a big Grandmaster and a Wargod, and the number of Grandmaster powerhouses in the dozens?”

Zhou Chuanshi couldn’t help but laughed: “Isn’t Baili Sect Master kidding me? Less than a year? I may not believe it for ten years.”

“It’s incredible.”

Xiao Lige is also nodded: “Martial Dao cultivation has always been trained step by step. Who can make such achievements in less than a year?”

“Unbelievable? I can’t believe it!”

Baili Changkong is long sighed.

Seeing the appearance of Baili Changkong, the expressions of Xiao Lige, Zhou Chuanshi, Si Kongdao and the others gradually condensed: “Baili Sect Master, wouldn’t you say … is it true? There is such a Legendary character?”



“My grandson, Baili Qingfeng!”

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