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“Baili Sect Master is a Grandmaster character. Do you follow him to practice a lot of Peak boxing skills? Take out your strongest method and just shoot.”

Miao Dao, with his hands on his back, stood in the open space in the middle of the box and smiled calmly.

“No … Master forbids me to do anything with people. He said that I can only do logistics at most now, and … Master has taught me a set of stabs, crosses, chops, chops, points, etc. without teaching me any boxing skills. 2 sword-style Sword Techniques … and I have n’t learned the sword until now, and started to learn 2nd Sword … “

Ge Feibai quickly waved.

“Stab, cross, chop, chop, dot … these are the basics in Sword Art. You can learn from any Sword Art textbook you can buy … as the Grandmaster of Baili Sect Master, Actually passed on these to you? And you have practiced martial arts for so long before you got to Hengjian?

Miao Dao was a little stunned.

“Master said he would do this Sword Art …”

Ge Fei white road.

Ge Feilong, Ge Shuren, Ge Xiu, Ge Bai and the others glanced at each other and realized something.

“It seems that although Qingfeng has become a Grandmaster, it is clear that the skills have gone up. In other aspects … it’s 2 black eyes … Basic Sword Technique. I remember ordinary people can learn it in a month.”

Ge Baidao.

“It took me a week to practice the basic Sword Technique.”

Geshasha said lightly with a smile.

Looking at the sweet and confident smile on Ge Shasha’s face, Ge Feibai was full of shame.


His Innate Talent is really bad.

The basic Sword Art cousin was trained in a week, but what about him? Only 2nd Sword …

The gap is so great that it is hopeless.

“It also makes sense. I also practiced with Master Miao for a period of time. I no longer understand Martial Dao as before, and have completed the Grandmaster in a year like Baili Qingfeng. I put it on Tuna Body Refining, how can I still have enough time to practice Sword Technique, body, boxing? “

Ge Shuren said thoughtful.

“No wonder Baili Qingfeng keep on saying that we wouldn’t teach disciple … we thought it was modest and didn’t expect it to be true …”

Ge Feilong was a little upset.

“Anyway, Baili Qingfeng is a Grandmaster or a Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. After all, the old 2 and your family have such opportunities to pay to Qingfeng. We are envious and envious.”

Aside Heidi said with a smile.

Ge Feilong also just annoyed that’s all, but this promising line of Baili Qingfeng finally managed to catch Ge Feibai and never let it go.

At the moment, he humbly shouted to Miao Dao: “Miao Master, then you can give me pointers.”

After speaking, he turned to Ge Feibai: “Have you heard what Master Miao said? Exhibit your strongest means to let the Master take a good look at your cultivation base, so that the Master can give his own guidance.”


Ge Feibai saw that Father had spoken, so he responded, stood in front of Miao Dao, and gave a gift: “Please Master, I can only stab swords and cross swords, but now there are no swords, I use fists instead of swords. “

“Yes, come, young man, don’t be nervous, try hard.”

Miao Dao said with a smile, with one hand behind his back, and one with a stroke.



Ge Feibai took a deep breath.

At first glance, the Miao Master knew that he was a Peak master. Although he did not reach the Grandmaster, it was definitely second only to Master. His Martial Practice was only a few months, and the real Innate Talent was still the worst of the Master’s teaching discipline. One, in the presence of the whole family, even if desperately, he could not humiliate the Master, lest his parents would not allow him to follow the Master Martial Practice again, then the hope of joining the mysterious organization to maintain World peace would be completely destroyed.

For martial arts, for dreams, for World peace …

“I’m coming!”

Ge Feibai shouted in a low voice, next moment, within the body’s blood and energy, was seduced by him!

Although he hasn’t practiced Refining Spirit Prominent Divine for several months, he hasn’t even mastered Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, but during this time he took mine refining liquid, nourishing soup, and Baili Qingfeng in order to verify the blood of the brave. He gave him a few sips when the potion was effective, and his blood at this moment is not inferior to any Level 3 martial artist, especially the tempering strength of internal organs is more than that of Level 3 martial artist.

The majestic qi and blood formed strength, and as he stepped on one step, he rose from his feet, passed through the meridians, and pushed along the spine layers, as if a dragon was condensed into the right hand, turning into a standard bayonet posture , Stabbing outrageously!

“Stab of the Basic Sword Technique!”

At the moment pierced by this fist, for several months thousand hammers, hundred refinements swords imprinted in in the bones, coupled with the Sword Technique trajectory of Baili Qingfeng belonging to Baili Qingfeng remaining on him, making each other The strength of Ge Fei’s body was completely erupted from fist strength, forming a sharp edge, really like a peerless swordsman, killing in 3 steps, Divine Sword came out!

The sword is shocking!

“Not good !”

Feeling Ge Feibai ’s fierce momentum before and after punching out, one second with a single hand carrying Miao Dao showing a masterful look suddenly changed, and his hands were out of surprise without the slightest hesitation. Run, trying to intercept his sword.

It can be put into a punch after months of hard work, making Ge Feibai’s this fist’s sharp as fast as electricity!

Even the remnants of Baili Qingfeng Connecting Soul Technique make this fist implicitly contain a murderous aura that kills Grandmaster!

A punch is like a punch!

Before the fist arrives, the intention comes first!

Miao Dao has always felt that his heart was torn by the power in this fist, and the hands that intercepted the rung were involuntarily slowed a bit, watching the fist’s sharp tearing void, holding on with the mighty force Opening his arms, fiercely fell onto his chest.


The energy burst!

Even though Miao Dao’s two-handed crosses slightly resolved the strength in Ge Fei’s white fist, he still seemed to be pierced by a sword, and was hit by a car. The penetrating strength broke in his chest. Sweeping his body, let him involuntarily fly 3 meters backwards, and hit the box wall heavily!


The wall of the box was fiercely shaken, and the crystal headlights hanging from the ceiling of the box shook violently.

“This fist strength … Level 3 martial artist !?”

Miao Dao supported his body and stared at Ge Feibai incredibly.

But before he had time to say anything, a spit of red blood had spewed out.

“Pu chi! ”

In the blood, Miao Dao went dark at first glance, and fell down.


Sudden changes suddenly shocked everyone in the box.

After 3 seconds, Miao Shaofeng, who followed Miao Dao, could not help but scream: “Dad!”

“Master ?”

“Miao Master !?”

“What’s going on … Why is the Miao Master who is famous for Xia Ya … Can’t even stop Fei Bai’s punch?”

“Hurry up, make an emergency call, make an emergency call!”

Ge Shasha, Ge Feilong, Ge Shuren, Ge Wen and the others each and everyone also widened their eyes and screamed in horror as they watched the bloody unconscious Miao Dao.


In fact, not only them, Ge Feibai also has some cyanosis.

The Miao Master has always maintained a relaxed master style, an extraordinary Master demeanor, like a peerless powerhouse, and the other things, if it is not because of words that have some fear and respect for one’s own master, he must What is the name of the other Grandmaster who moves the world, just because he has seen the fame and reputation, and does not look at a small War Grade certificate, so he still stays at the Level 3 martial artist level.

Turns out this hands-on …

The other side fell down?

His fist strength …

Is it so strong?

Also Level 3 martial artist?

He has n’t practiced with one’s own master in the past 2 months, but his fist strength has fallen on Master Baili Qingfeng. He ca n’t even let his body move. It seems to be the same as tickling. Master vomiting blood?

Shouldn’t you run into porcelain?

For a while Ge Feibai’s eyes couldn’t help but be strange.

This weird atmosphere lasted for several minutes. Fortunately, there was a hospital not far from Jiang Xinyue.

“End bird, end bird!”

Soon a sound came from far away.

Along with it, several medical staff carried the stretcher and hurriedly pulled Miao Daoyi and Miao Shaofeng out of the field.

In fact, at the level of Ge Feibai ’s fist technique, if Miao Dao Yi Concentrates One’s Mind is on guard, with his Level 3 peak cultivation base, he may not be able to block it, but before he started, he did not use Ge Feibai as an opponent at all. A pair of Seniors pointed at Junior’s gesture, which was why Ge Feibai spit out blood in a boxing flying mouth and fell into a hospital coma.

As Miao Daoyi father and son left, the atmosphere in the box originally in a frenzy became cold in a blink of an eye.

“Uncle, I did n’t expect that the Miao Master who looked very difficult to deal with would be so fragile … he … wouldn’t we let us pay for medical expenses? But he made me fight hard? “

Ge Feibai asked cautiously.

Ge Shuren, Ge Sasha, Heidi, and others who had previously bragged about Miao Daoyi’s full strength, were asked by him, his face was full of embarrassment and I didn’t know what to say.

Seeing that Ge Shuren didn’t speak, Ge Feibai was a little scared: “I … were we being stabbed? Or … I called Master, Master, who is a member of the martial artist circle, that Miao Master dare to stab us , The Master will definitely do justice for me. “

“Don’t do it!”

Ge Feilong quickly said: “Don’t tell you Master.”

He didn’t dare to tell this matter to Baili Qingfeng.

If Baili Qingfeng asks Ge Feibai and Miao Dao for a reason to let Baili Qingfeng know that he is dissatisfied with Baili Qingfeng’s progress in teaching Ge Feibai and wants to find him a master again, what would Baili Qingfeng think?

10000 As soon as Ge Feibai is no longer taught, isn’t Ge Fei Bai flying to Huang Tengda’s Yangguan Avenue?

“What about this Miao Master …”

“I’ll take care of Miao Master.”

Ge Shu is humane, after all, it is because of him.

If it wasn’t for Ge Shasa who had obtained the martial artist certificate in a few months under the guidance of Miao Daoyi, he would show off, invite Miao Daoyi, and then want to borrow Ge Feibai to set off his daughter Geshasha ’s achievements. Will this happen?

Tears are also done for the things you give birth to.

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