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Ge Shuren’s face had a embarrassing and reluctant smile on his face: “Qingfeng deserves to be a Grandmaster powerhouse. It really is a master teacher who has become an apprentice. Fei Bai has followed Qingfeng cultivation for a few months, can he even play the fist strength of Level 3 martial artist, Qingfeng’s method of changing something rotten into something magical … it’s amazing, amazing! “

“3 …… Level 3 martial artist !?”

Not long ago, Zhang Xin, who was still envious of the first-class martial artist certificate for Geshasha, opened her eyes suddenly: “Big brother, you mean, flying to fist strength of Level 3 martial artist? Is he able to go? Examining the Level 3 martial artist certificate? “

“I can spit blood from the Miao Master.

Grace Whispered.

Miao Daoyi is an old-fashioned powerhouse. It has been almost ten years since I got the Level 3 martial artist certificate. This logic of Grace …

No problem.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes fell on Ge Feibai, and the atmosphere was strange again.

“Feibai … you, do you really have the strength of a Level 3 martial artist?”

After a while, Zhang Xin asked some incredibly.

“I don’t know, maybe it is …”

“Old veteran Level 3 martial artist is not an opponent of Feibai big brother. It is a real record? I think Feibai big brother took the time to take it, maybe he can successfully pass the Level 3 martial artist certificate. With this certificate, big brother It’s totally possible to find a company to call. By then, you can receive 2 yuan per month, which is higher than the salary of mother Father. “

Grace’s eyes lightened.

“Yes, Miao Master is a real Level 3 martial artist, or an old-fashioned Level 3 martial artist. Fei Bai can defeat him. It is definitely a Level 3 martial artist.”

Ge Feilong spirit also cheered up: “Test Level 3 martial artist !? Go test Level 3 martial artist certificate tomorrow!”

“Very good, really good.”

Zhang Xin is also encouraged.

This scene saw a complex moment in Heidi’s mind.

Her daughter Geshasha had hoped to follow Baili Qingfeng cultivation with Ge Feilong, because she felt that Baili Qingfeng Martial Practice had only been one year, and there would be no real ability to stop it, so that Geshasha went to a cram school with a grandmaster name And missed the opportunity.

Otherwise, with the goodness and cleverness of Geshasha …

Definitely be able to please Baili Qingfeng. The current achievement is only stronger than Ge Feibai.

“Feibai, since you have such a cultivation base, why … why did you say that Qingfeng was very dissatisfied with you … you … you have spent months building a Level 3 martial artist, this achievement … How amazing !? “

Ge Shuren asked, when talking about Level 3 martial artist, his voice was a little louder.

If he can be a Level 3 martial artist, in order to be the Vice-section Head of this armed department, there is no need to spend so much effort on that kind of compassion. Based on his qualifications, he will put this position on him.

“I … I’m really a Level 3 martial artist? But … why don’t I feel anything? My little cultivation base is not worth mentioning in front of the Master. Even if the Master stood still and let me fight, I also Why don’t he half point … “

Ge Feibai was a little dazed.

“Standing still, why don’t he let him go for half a minute?”

“His! Grandmaster powerhouse, so scary!”


“hong long long !”

Thunderbolt roared in Baili Qingfeng’s meditation room.

After a long time, the thunderbolt dissipated, and the noise in the room gradually subsided.

With Baili Qingfeng turning on the lights, there was a glimmer of melancholy in his expression.

“Sure enough, got stuck on bottleneck?”

Baili Qingfeng frowns, he found that his cultivation base has now fallen into bottleneck.

“The cultivation in the Wargod phase can only be slowly boiled. I estimate that if I want to complete ten tempering, it will take more than a year if the mine liquid is sufficient. If I set my goal at 20 tempering, It ’s been nearly 2 years. How long is this process? Body Refining cultivation base has stagnated, and Refining Spirit cultivation base has reached the upper limit. From the day before yesterday, Divine Power realm has accumulated to the peak, although if it is brewed for six months, I should be able to Trying to impact the Refining Spirit Eighth Layer, but … for six months … too long! “

The stagnation of the Refining Spirit realm is not the most serious. The real headache for Baili Qingfeng is Qi Refining realm.

So far he has not found the true meaning of the large universe and small universe strength.

And ca n’t see the Strength of the Big Universe and the Small Universe, how can he achieve Three Origins Unite, and how can he practice the real internal interest?

“It seems that I have to think of a way. I need more references to cultivation. By absorbing the wisdom of predecessors, pushing the old and new, I have really created my method.”

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, came to the desk, and picked up the almost human race-like universal language book.

Although he took the time to learn humanoid languages, he believes that when he encounters the cave people tribe again, there will never be the same kind of chicken-to-duck talk. Everyone communicates by hand and guessing. The meaning expression is not very clear, but as long as it does not involve rare words, normal communication is not a problem.

“en! ?”

When Baili Qingfeng was studying for a while and was about to go to bath and sleep, a slight sound came from outside.


“A thief?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

However, his yard is equipped with anti-theft nets and uses solid steel. Ordinary thieves don’t even want to enter …

Baili Qingfeng’s thoughts turned to here and stopped.

If he heard it right …

Footsteps came to the yard.

In other words, the thieves had opened the lock on his yard.

As for why he can sense the thieves …

The breath of these two thieves is like a beacon in the dark under the spirit of the peak of his Divine Power. Even if they try their best to let go of their steps, and Refining Spirit and Body Refining are not a system at all, no matter how cautiously, how to escape his perception?

It’s as if a person in a camouflage suit can hide the visual observation of others, how can they hide the infrared scan?

“Wait a minute !? Grandmaster !?”

At this time Baili Qingfeng seemed to think of something.

3 people who came to steal …

Actually Grandmaster! ?

Two of them are not yet weak. The breath on the body and the shock of Hong Jinghong are some?

Shocked than shoulder to shoulder?

Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster! ?

“Now the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster has fallen to such an extent, has he done some thief every day?”

Baili Qingfeng was a bit shocked.

Previously, Grandmaster was a trafficker. It’s very destructive. But now, Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster has fallen into a thief?

Now it ’s not all about promoting Martial Dao for the whole people. Level 3 martial artist can get 1000 yuan a month’s dead salary when linked to Grand Grandmaster. Grand Grandmasters use it to steal things everywhere?

Obviously not, then there is only one result!

They came at him Baili Qingfeng.

Reasonable reasoning.

“Now it’s too late for armor piercing, and without the Battle Armor, I’m going to be against the last Grandmaster … I’m afraid it will be very passive, so I can only use a sneak attack …”

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

A sneak attack wouldn’t work either.

When the opponent came to the other side of the wall, he directly smashed the wall and gave him a fatal sword?

This is his house. How bad is it to break things?

Many of his precious items are kept at home, as well as furniture, sofas, coffee tables, and cups. If they are broken, repurchasing them will not delay them for a day or two. Since these people come for themselves, then …

The battlefield cannot be left at home.

Baili Qingfeng thought he would jump from the window and lead the enemy to the Qingyuan Mountain War.

But as he opened the window …

Anti-theft network!


Anti-theft network! ?


The other party came in through the gate.

Suddenly, he was speechless.

Stuck yourself?

“Not good, the target found us!”

“I found out that we had successfully entered Xia Ya by the cover of Zhong Sect Master. Even after being exposed, within one minute we were enough to solve the whole battle and retreated. Waiting for Baili Changkong in Wuhe to react again. When we come here, we are holding Baili Qingfeng and leaving Xia! “

“Hey, you blame Baili Changkong if you don’t live with Baili Changkong. Okay, go ahead and catch Baili Qingfeng and let Baili Changkong step into our trap!”

The movements of Baili Qingfeng upstairs quickly made the 3 grandmasters with sharp hearing sense. With a scream, the 3 grandmasters did not hide themselves, and their internal interest and blood burst, one of them …

“hong long! ”

With the tremor of the house, the wall was cracked by a majestic force, and a lot of dust and stone debris were sputtered in all directions …

“Lying …”

Baili Qingfeng, wondering whether to cut the security net by himself, stared, staring at the collapsed wall, his face full of incredible: “My house …”


Steel 铮 zheng!

A silhouette wrapped up and down in Chen Jin’s Battle Armor was trapped in dust and stone debris, and it seemed to have come out in vagueness. “It is said that Baili Changkong’s favorite thing to do is to rely on The advantage of his own Chen Jin Battle Armor, he smashed the wall and then assassinated the opponent with thunderbolt before his eyes had not adapted to the darkness. Today, we let his grandson try to be overwhelmed by this method. The taste of prevention … “

“Stop! Something is coming to me!”

As soon as the man in Chen Jin’s Battle Armor finished speaking, an angry roar suddenly came from the room, and along with it, there was a sword light that was dazzling to the extreme!

This burst of sword light shrilled with a shrill shriek, tearing the air waves, and suddenly whistling towards the door, it seemed to carry a depressed anger, and then …

Escaped! ?

“It’s Baili Qingfeng!”

“He is going to run!”

“Block him!”

Bursts came from behind Baili Qingfeng, accompanied by a fierce roar!

In this roar, a breaking Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster smashed the wall violently, sweeping a lot of masonry, smoke and dust, and slammed behind Baili Qingfeng. The sorrowful sword light was like the cold winter that suddenly came in the night, sending Baili Qingfeng’s body is completely shrouded!


The fire is shining!

Baili Qingfeng was blocked by the horizontal sword, and his body seemed to be flung out by the Strength shock contained in this sword, and rushed to Qingyuan Mountain frantically.

The only thing that makes the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster feel weird is …

When Baili Qingfeng flew by his own sword, he still had time to avoid the iron gate opened by them. It seemed to worry that the iron gate would be damaged?

But that’s not the point!

The Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster broke out inside, with a shape like a cannonball, followed by a long sword in his hands, and shouted in the mouth when he tore the iron gate of the yard: “Chasing, can’t let him run away!”

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