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In the face of absolute strength, any resistance is futile.

Before Baili Qingfeng became Wargod, he could use the boutique Chen Jin Battle Armor to slay 6 Grandmasters including Qiu Yi and Feng Yunyun. Now he is a Wargod who is not just in name only, but also in reality. The kind of certificate you can get when you go to Hill’s Light Examination, and then deal with the 2 Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, a Warlord, completely with no difficulty!

The black shark that was thrown out by Red Alga and intercepted his shape seemed to be stabbed by a mob, and he didn’t even feel much about it.

“Run! Didn’t you just be happy after chasing? Go ahead! What are you running!”

Killing the black shark, Baili Qingfeng growled and strode.

The Strength given to him by Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 makes him faster than red algae, with less than 2 breaths, already killed behind red algae!


Assassination without killing the sword, the violent strength and the air in the sky are fiercely rubbing and exploding, as if forming a deafening thunder, tearing towards the red algae figure.

“Burning Yuanshu! On!”

Under the stimulation of life and death, the red algae boiled internally, as if exhibiting an Explosive Secret Technique similar to Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, and sky-burning technique. The speed soared, and he emerged from the sword cricket shot by the assassination of Baili Qingfeng.

“En! Explosive Secret Technique, so will I!”

Baili Qingfeng watched that the forbidden technique speed skyrocketed red algae was used, and the breath on his body climbed up.

Primordial Qi Technique!

Relying on the Strength outbreak of Primordial Qi Technique, the ground under his feet suddenly exploded, as if being hit by a mortar shell, dust sweeping and dirt 4 splashing, with the help of this Strength recoil, his body suddenly emptied, as if Exploding off-string arrows, tearing the air, body shape and air collision caused hunting sound!

This vertical, flutter, really like God and Demon came to life, the kind of terror that swept down from the sky, almost let the red algae suffocate on the spot!

“Do not!”

Red algae screamed in horror. At this moment, his whole potential seemed to be fully stimulated, and his thinking moved to the extreme. On the spot, he realized the tricks of unity of strength and unity, and under this strange mysterious feeling, His Strength and speed seem to have broken some kind of limit, suddenly turned around, at the crucial moment in front of the rungs!


The fire is shining!

Vigorous collision and the violent collision of vigors in the sky set off a fierce gas explosion!

Red algae …

Blocked the sword that Baili Qingfeng cut down! ?

“Mixed Yuan … This is the Perfectly Round Fulfillment of Grand Grandmaster, turn around! I … I broke through !?”

Red algae flashed through the brain.

Understood the trick of this step, it seems that there is no longer any gap in the power running throughout the body. He can mobilize all his internal interests in one thought.

Although there will still not be much increase in the total internal interest, it is as if the scorching sun releases 100 days of sunlight in a day, and the damage caused by it is not comparable to 100 days.

This is why the large Grandmaster full strength attack can cut out a dozen or 20 meters of blades, which can cause a small building to crack and collapse.


“en! ?”

Just as Red Algae seemed to be immersed in mysterious who understood the meaning of Taoism, a slight sound awakened him.


A crack appeared on his Chen golden sword!

And with these cracks appearing and wanton expansion, it has exceeded the bearing limit of his golden sword in an instant!




At the next moment, the brilliant sword light cut off the golden sword in the red algae, and the debris was shot. Mount Tai’s top-strength led him to the sword with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, tearing him.


“It’s gone! The breath of red algae is gone!”

Hundred Refinements doesn’t have to look back to know what kind of horror is happening behind him right now!

The Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster broke out internally, and the battle strength is definitely on top of himself wearing the Battle Armor. But now, the 2 Heavenly Revolution Grandmasters have not even carried a face-to-face, they have been beheaded by Baili Qingfeng, and the power demonstrated by Baili Qingfeng …

Subvert everyone’s imagination!

“How is this! How is this! Baili Qingfeng is actually so powerful !? Thunderbolt Sect has Baili Changkong such a True Immortal. The abnormality of the invincible hand is scary enough. Right now, there is actually a Baili Qingfeng, a Baili Qingfeng, which is more scary than Baili Changkong !? What happened to this World !? The masters are so worthless !? “

Hundred Refinements trembled and ran wild. At this time, he could only hope that the internal flow of the Grandmaster, Baili Qingfeng, had a limited outbreak time. He could rely on the amazing strength of Warlord and the defense of Chenjin Battle Armor to survive the outbreak of Baili Qingfeng. Find a chance to escape!

“Wait a minute!”

He dashed for a moment, as if he suddenly thought of something.

“Thunderbolt Sect appears with Baili Changkong, a metamorphosis that has been called an alien force. How can there be a second Baili Qingfeng !? Will … The Thunderbolt Sect has always been the only character with the invincible hand under True Immortal. Baili Changkong has been bluffing? After all, that mysterious powerhouse always wore a Chenjin Battle Armor when he killed people. No one really saw him. Everyone just preconceived Baili Changkong as the mysterious powerhouse !? “

As soon as this speculation emerged, it was immediately taken into account by Hundred Refinements!


Most likely it is!

Otherwise, Thunderbolt Sect really has 2 powerhouses with invincible hands under True Immortal.

Unfortunately, although he saw through this, but …


A few of them have already stepped into this sinkhole enough to make them die without a burial site!

“You need to pay for your actions! If you destroy my home, I will break your sect!”

Baili Qingfeng contains endless angry sounds from behind, accompanied by a deafening roar!

In that roar, the suffocating coercion behind him approached madly, so fast that he was not given any chance to breathe!

“Burning! On!”

On the front line of life and death, Hundred Refinements yelled, without the slightest hesitation, and chose to take out the red algae to take out, similar to Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, a method of life-threatening, the power of blood on his body skyrocketed, and his life reached the level of Wargod Power

“hong long long !”

However, without waiting for his outbreak of qi and blood to have time to play his role, Baili Qingfeng was already carrying an endless number of lightning flashes and thunders.

Do not!

It wasn’t Baili Qingfeng who killed him, but a God and Demon!

A goddess of God and Demon exuding glowing white Thunder Strength!

Vaguely, his eyes were already illuminated by a mighty and devastating rays of light. Even in the middle of the night, the entire World was still rendered like daylight!

Thunder Scepter!

Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter!

“Baili Qingfeng is the master of mysterious!”

Hundred Refinements was 100% sure in my mind.

Body Refining, Refining Spirit!

He didn’t believe things would happen to this extent!

When the thought flashed through his mind, his mind was already torn apart by a horrible Strength.


Consciousness shakes, Hundred Refinements supports spirit, struggling violently, trying to emerge from this pain: “Illusion! Illusion! All hallucinations! Give me!”

鈥渉ong long! 鈥?/p>

Clouds and fog clear!

The pain of the World, full of thoughts and tears, lasted for a moment, and it had disappeared again.

Without waiting for him to be lucky, a pain that was so intense as if to tear his will again has swept the whole body!

At this time he was suddenly awakened. One of his thighs had been forcibly severed, and his body had fallen into the mud, showing his embarrassment. The red blood splattered freely, rendering the golden battle armor on him Blood red.

“Ah! My legs! My legs …”

A terrified cry came out of Hundred Refinements.

“Now, it’s time to talk about our compensation!”

Baili Qingfeng stared at him, full of chill.

Hundred Refinements suddenly looked up, looking at the single-handed sword, near Baili Qingfeng, and had one’s hair stand on end in his heart.

His crisis …

It’s not over yet!

Resisting the pain in his leg, Hundred Refinements controlled his own blood to avoid excessive blood loss, and at the same time looked pale and shouted, “Rave your life, let your life go ….”

“If you really want to show your sincerity and reform, and answer my questions, I can spare you, and sincerely repent, we should all give him another chance to be a good person! But once I found you still If there is deceit and obsession, it is no wonder I am vicious and merciless. “

“I am changing! I am changing! I must be rehabilitated. From now on, I will do my best to be a good person!”

Hundred Refinements hastily.

“Then tell me your identity first.”

“My code name is Hundred Refinements, a Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster anchored at Immortal Sect in Penglai, specializing in doing some dirty and dark work for Penglai Immortal Sect. Penglai Immortal Sect, because of the death of Elder Qiu Yi, thunderbolt anger, Qilin Sword Sect Looking forward and back, they did not dare to retaliate against Thunderbolt Sect, but they did not have this scruples, so they found us and ordered us to come to Xia, want to capture you, threaten Baili Changkong with you, so that Baili Changkong stepped into our cloth. He was killed in the trap. “

Hundred Refinements said it was a dreadful glance at Baili Qingfeng.

Thunderbolt Sect obviously cannot have 2 Peak powerhouses, which reminds Baili Qingfeng that the blood is not inferior to that of the Kingdom Guardian, plus the Refining Spirit Secret Technique that still stunned him even when he was on guard … …

Obviously, he is the culprit of beheading Qiu Yi and Feng Yunyun. Baili Changkong is only used to cover him for confusion and audiovisual that’s all. The purpose is estimated to protect Baili Qingfeng and allow Three Great Holy Lands to make wrong judgments. Then he focused all his attention on Baili Changkong, thinking that Baili Qingfeng’s growth would take time.

Just didn’t expect …

They want to catch Baili Qingfeng and threaten Baili Changkong. They want to catch Baili Qingfeng’s True Dragon to threaten Baili Changkong’s bluffing false dragon …

What’s not about about one’s own destruction?

“Is Penglai Immortal Sect?”

Baili Qingfeng had long guessed the possibility that the shot was Penglai Immortal Sect or Qilin Sword Sect, but …

“Now answering my second question, Charlie is currently under the surveillance of Thunderbolt Sect. Thunderbolt Eyeliners of 2 to 1000 are all over Charlie. You sneak into Charlie. How could my Thunderbolt Sect know nothing? Who is it? Cooperating with you in secret? “


(There is a delay in the afternoon. Chapter 3 has not been finished yet. It needs to be a bit late. It should be around 9 o’clock.)

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