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“Who is working with us in secret?”

Hundred Refinements hesitated slightly, and then quickly shook his head: “No, although Thunderbolt Sect has now become the uncrowned king of Xia, the background is still worse than those major businesses that have been operating for decades or decades. It is impossible. It will be a piece of iron plate operated by Xia. Besides, we are 2 Heavenly Revolution Grandmasters and 1 Warlord. It is not difficult to sneak in. “

“you’re lying.”

Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation rejected his words, and gradually turned to Hundred Refinements’ disappointment: “I said, I have already given you the opportunity. If you really want to be good, be a good person, change yourself New, then you must be honest about your sins, tell the culprits behind the scenes, and avoid them from continuing to harm others and innocent, but you have n’t, obviously, you still do n’t want to repent … ”

“No! No! I really don’t, I swear … We are the Grandmaster. Who can prevent the Grandmaster from sneaking into a city? Even outside the Three Great Holy Lands, it’s no wonder that the Grandmaster wants to lurk, let alone Xia Such a city … “

100 Refining Spirit was panicking, and his face was filled with terror of the innocent.

“Still arguing! Can’t you really treat me as a fool?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were slightly indifferent: “Grandmaster has always been a big goal, and many people will pay special attention to it. And the kind of roundness and charm that Grandmaster has, it is not easy to hide, let alone you are wearing Chenjin Battle Armor. You must be noticed when you pass the security check. “

“This … what is this characteristic? We can drive ourselves …”

Hundred Refinements The sophistry words haven’t finished yet, Baili Qingfeng has raided: “Is it 10000 Liu Jianzong? 10000 Liu Jianzong has cooperated with you.”

Hundred Refinements, who knew the identity of the collaborators, suddenly shrank his eyes.

This kind of eye-pupil contraction forcibly disguised itself for a moment: “10000 Liu Jianzong? 10000 Liu Jianzong has served the cabinet and has been hostile to our Three Great Holy Lands for a long time. How can we cooperate with us?”

“It looks like you’re really obsessed with it, don’t you know, Refining Spirit powerhouse often masters the means of Connecting Soul Technique, ideation and so on? Your thoughts have nothing to hide in front of me.”

“Mindfulness !?”

Hundred Refinements turned pale and finally lost his calmness.

He naturally heard about Connect Soul Technique and ideation. As a Peak Refining Spirit powerhouse, Baili Qingfeng has mastered similar methods …

It is entirely reasonable.

“You have let me down too much……”

Baili Qingfeng said, slowly stood up with a sword: “It’s not 10000 sword sect …”

But Baili Qingfeng ’s sword-holding action seemed to stimulate Hundred Refinements, making Hundred Refinements think that the other party had clearly understood his lies and beheaded him on the spot, and screamed in horror: “10000 Liu Jianzong! It is 10000 Liu Jianzong … … “

“Who would it be …”

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t go on in the second half.

For a moment, it turned into a surprise: “It’s 10000 Liu Jianzong !?”


Hundred Refinements’ expression of horror was a little stiff.

He looked at Baili Qingfeng with a look of amazement, and instantly realized that he had been bluffed by him, but it was because the other party’s means had succeeded! ?

Forced him to sell the 10000 Liu Jianzong directly! ?

This kind of grasp and clear understanding of the human heart …

It’s scary!

“It looks like I guessed well. 10000 Liu Jianzong really hated me for beating Dante. He always wanted to get revenge on me, but because of the warnings from the 3rd and 6th Army and the cabinet, he was not good at it. , To provide you with convenience, Murder a person with a borrowed knife, to lend me your hand to death! “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Hundred Refinements, stubbornly, solemnly vowed said.

Hundred Refinements opened his mouth, and he wanted to help 10000 Liu Jianzong take them out of this operation. After all, they managed to catch up with the 10000 Liu Jianzong line. Without revealing the cooperation between the two parties, they would be able to send For even greater use, but now …

Baili Qingfeng’s speculations are exactly the same as their plan, almost making them doubt whether there is a spy inside their home, and leaking this plan!

If not, the deducibility of Baili Qingfeng is too scary.

Have courage and conspiracy!

“I … Baili Sect Master, please give me another chance. If you still want to know what you want to know, even if you speak, I will know everything and everything …”

“No, am I like the kind of person who can be easily deceived? I have seen through your nature, I gave you the opportunity, but you still do not want to grasp, I no longer believe you …

“I have money, I have a lot of money …”

Feeling Baili Qingfeng ’s gradually determined murderous intention, Hundred Refinements hurriedly begged: “I can give you all my money, and in addition, what else do you want, I am willing to contribute, I am really willing to change evil , Forsake evil and do good, please, Baili Sect Master, please give me another chance! “

Baili Qingfeng looked at him like this. Although he knew that evil people like them would lie with their mouths, there is a saying that people can not fail without Sage, and that mistakes can improve them …

Baili Qingfeng itself is a person who yearns for simplicity, kindness, calmness, and peace. It really can’t hold back the other’s pleadings. Now I can only sigh: “that’s all that’s all, I’ll give you another chance, who will let me I ca n’t bear the kindness of my determination. Let ’s say, all your money is handed over. I will help you donate to those in need and contribute a strength for the country ’s peace building. I will also upload your exercises Go online and help those who want Martial Practice but do n’t have the right martial arts to practice … With these merits, barely enough to make you pay for your sins … ”

“Yes, yes, I will tell you my card number and password, and all the Martial Dao I have. The Martial Dao I have is the Fighting God Fist, Da Luo Xian Jing, Tamron 6 Technique, Blood Burning … “

“You said, I remember, let’s see if it’s true and judge whether you really have the heart to abandon evil and do good.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

In the face of Baili Qingfeng, whose inferential ability was so explosive, Hundred Refinements did not dare to conceal it any more, and one after another told his account and password, as well as several methods he had mastered.

Baili Qingfeng at first can still listen, but after a while, he frowned slightly: “The Da Luo Xian Jing is the sect protecting method of Penglai Immortal Sect, right?”

“Yes, there are 3 volumes of the Great Romance of Penglai Immortal Sect. They are the martial artist volume, the Grandmaster volume, and the True Immortal volume. At present, I have only been taught the martial artist volume and the Grandmaster volume. If I want to learn the True Immortal volume … We must continue to accumulate enough contributions … “

“It looks like you still lie all the way up to now, you’re so disappointed.”

“Full … full of lies?”

Hundred Refinements was in a panic.

He carefully thought about the methods mentioned earlier …

He really told according to his own one after another. There were no typos during the period, and there was no problem with even the sentence. How could he lie?

For a while, the fear in Hundred Refinements even defeated the pain in the feet, trembling with fear said: “Qingfeng Sect Master, please believe me, I didn’t really lie, could it be that you heard something wrong? Me, I repeat … “

“Well, I will give you another chance. This is the last chance.”

Baili Qingfeng’s expression became more and more indifferent, and it seemed that he was about to lose patience.

Hundred Refinements didn’t dare to conceal it, and said it again one word at a time. In order to ensure that Baili Qingfeng can understand clearly, can write it down, and speak a little bit slowly, and strive to articulate each word to avoid misunderstanding.

But when he described the exercises once more, the indifference on Baili Qingfeng’s face did not fade away, but became more obvious: “It seems that you really think I am young, so confused, and do not repent, then don’t Blame me for being ruthless. “

Right now, he resolutely came to Hundred Refinements with a sword, and expressionless raised his sword without killing him.

“No! No! No! I said it, I said it all! What I said was true! What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong !? Even if you really think you can kill me, let me die Just understand! “

Hundred Refinements mourns in despair.

It ’s a pity that Baili Qingfeng didn’t mean anything to explain: “I recently wanted to use a similar method to scam your behind-the-scenes instructions. As a result, you and everyone were tight-lipped, and it seemed that I would rather watch me with confusion and I’m not willing to die and don’t want to leak half a word, now I want you to taste this taste! “

At the end of the sentence, he held up the sword without any stagnation, aiming at Hundred Refinements’ head and stabbing violently.

“No! All I said …”


Fire and blood shot at the same time.

Although Hundred Refinements was wearing a Chenjin Battle Armor, he was still a little bit in front of the non-killing sword, blocking it for a moment, and the armor of his skull was directly penetrated by the non-killing sword.


The screams of Hundred Refinements came to an abrupt end.

“Do you really think that I can only judge the authenticity of a method when I step into the martial artist circle? Never underestimate the amount of knowledge mastered by a person who likes to read books! The Great Romance is Penglai Immortal Sect sect protecting Laws, such as Penglai Immortal Sect and other Holy Earth Grade sects, sect protecting methods are rarely Peak level, even above Peak, but the few methods you recite are at best the level of advanced exercises. The sect protecting method of Penglai Immortal Sect is how this level can break through the name of Three Great Holy Lands. “

Baili Qingfeng said indifferently.

Based on this speculation, there is only one truth …

Hundred Refinements, hide it!

Such a person who refuses to tell the truth until the last moment, would Baili Qingfeng believe that he was reformed?


Baili Qingfeng pulled the sword from the undead Hundred Refinements.

Now the original road returned to his yard.

Looking at many places, although the lights were on, but the iron gate was damaged, and even the front side was knocked down by a wall of the house, Baili Qingfeng was in a heavy mood.

He is naturally not a house in a heavy mood, he is not so superficial yet!

What really made him brows tightly frowns was the meaning behind it!

Thunderbolt Sect’s so-called intelligence system is like a sieve and can’t be trusted at all.

Depend on Intelligence Section?

The crisis brought about by the 10000 Liu Jianzong and Penglai Immortal Sect is the best lesson!

It turns out that he still has to use his method to stifle danger in the cradle in the future!


(Thanks to the support of the Alliance Leader for rain and dust, the Nuclear Leader ’s Alliance Leader, and this one is the Alliance Leader again. Thank you! At present, there is no deposit of the draft. When the draft is saved, the addition of the Alliance Leader must be supplemented immediately. .)

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