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“The doors are broken. I rashly left. What happened when my family was thiefed and stolen?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at his yard, slightly frowned.

There are a lot of valuable things in his yard, not to mention the excellent Battle Armor Storm Ripper that all Wargods have dreamed of, even if all the remaining medicinal materials are taken out, the price is tens of thousands.

It is no exaggeration to say that if someone can steal his yard, with no difficulty, he can achieve richness overnight and enter the ranks of 100000000 million 10000 rich men.

So his caution is perfectly reasonable.

“Ge Feibai went to sleep at home today, and although he is my disciple, there is a layer of relatives after all, although it is very obedient, some tasks are really difficult to assign to him, otherwise 10000 will be My cousin understood asked carefully why so awkward? “

Baili Qingfeng felt that he had to receive a final disciple.

Yes, it is the kind responsible for guarding the gate of the home care home.

Now he is Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, and he is determined not to be an ordinary person anymore, so …

Admission should be qualified.

Baili Qingfeng wondered if he could ask 2 grandfather to help him pay attention and find a suitable person from Thunderbolt Sect, and it is best to do it as soon as possible.

Because according to 2 grandfather, he pushed Shia sideways, and he must go to those who have an opinion about Thunderbolt Sect. After that time, it is estimated that there will be a lot of time to leave the house, so the importance of this final disciple is Extraordinary.

With this idea, Baili Qingfeng turned around the house to test the loss.

Fortunately, his most important study and bedroom were not seriously damaged because of his initiative. Soon, he had found his intact mobile phone.

“It’s eleven o’clock, it’s a bit late, so it’s hard to disturb 2 grandfather.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and called Baili Tianxing.

Baili Tianxing apparently also fell asleep, and the phone rang for a while before successfully connecting: “Hey, who?”

“Uncle, it’s me, Qingfeng.”


Baili Tianxing’s voice quickly spiraled a bit: “Is there anything wrong so late?”

“That’s it. I’m going out late. Can I trouble you, uncle, please come and help me to see a home. Well, I’ll be back tomorrow night if it works.”

“Housekeeping, okay, then shall I pass now?”

“Well, I still have my uncle come here so late, I’m in trouble, mainly because there are more valuable things in my house, and no one sleeps here really uneasy.”

“Haha, you are the Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, and the black and white 2 in Char ’s City, which one dare not daring to provoke you? Of course, you have already spoken. I used to sleep all night and it was nothing.”

Baili Qingfeng sincerely thanks: “Many thanks, uncle, I just killed a few assassins. One of them was wearing a Chen golden armor, and this Chen golden armor will be given to you by the uncle. I will give you a Grandmaster gift in advance. “


The voice across the phone suddenly stopped.

After a while, Baili stammered and asked, “Qingfeng, what did you just say? It seems that the signal is not good. I didn’t hear it clearly.”

“I said, I have an abandoned Chenjin Battle Armor here that I can give to your uncle, but this Battle Armor is damaged and needs to be repaired before it can be used.”

Baili Qingfeng said laughed: “Uncle, it will take a long time for you to cultivate to the Grandmaster. The damage to the Battle Armor is not serious, and it will be repaired when you get to the Grandmaster.”

“No, right! It’s the previous sentence! Battle Armor … Chen Jin Battle Armor !? Someone wearing Chen Jin Battle Armor comes to assassinate you?”

“Well, I have figured out the entire process of development. I will talk to 2 grandfather, but it’s too late. 2 grandfather should be sleeping now. I don’t want to disturb Senior anymore, so I plan to give it tomorrow. He called and understood the whole story. “

“What happened?”

“Not a big deal.”

“It’s not a big deal that someone wearing Chenjin Battle Armor came to assassinate you !? I remember, Chenjin Battle Armor is often a Wargod-level powerhouse configuration, right?”

“It’s not just Wargod that can wear Chenjin Battle Armor, like the one I killed just now is a Warlord.”

Baili Qingfeng modestly said.

“Warlord … just …”

Baili swallowed breathily, only to feel that his throat was very dry: “In other words, a Warlord wearing Chenjin Battle Armor just came to assassinate you?”


“You… are you okay?”

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the house and yard that had broken a few holes, and was silent for a moment: “something …”


Baili sucks in a breath of cold air: “You wait, I’ll be right here!”

“Well, help me at the train ticket sales point to see if there is a train to Hill’s Light, the sooner the better, if you don’t reach Hill’s Light, you can also go to Wolong City.”

Baili Qingfeng asked.

Although Baili Changkong solemnly vowed guaranteed that the 10000 Liu Jianzong was entrusted to him to resolve, in 2 months, Baili Qingfeng did not do nothing. He not only investigated the location of the 10000 Liu Jianzong clearly, Even the Sect Master of 10000 Liu Jianzong, 10000 times, Supreme Elder Sword 2, and 3 Elders under the door, 3 True Disciple cultivated by Vice Sect Master … Oh, now there are 2 of them.

The 7 Grandmaster powerhouses in the clan are clear from his investigation.

In addition to the 7 Grandmasters, this sect has many Core masters who also have detailed information.

It’s just that these Core masters are different from the Grandmaster, with a larger number and a relatively scattered distribution. Baili Qingfeng will kill these Core masters after one after another. I am afraid that it will take several days to run in more than a dozen cities.

However, the meal needs to be eaten bit by bit, the road must be step by step, and the door must be destroyed by one by one. He still intends to take the lead to reach 10000 Pinjian Mountain where Liu Jianzong’s headquarters is located, lift Pinjian Mountain, and kill it. All the culprits that can bring him great threats, go one after another to deal with those Core characters.

Baili Qingfeng came to the study and wrote down the fighting fist, Da Luo Xian Jing, Tenglong 6 tactics, and blood burning technique recited by Hundred Refinements. When the book was edited, a car had been driven outside the forest.

In the light of the lights, I quickly saw 3 people running towards this side at a very fast speed.

“My uncle is so good, he actually switched to a car.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it with a little surprise.

Previously, Baili Tianxing was a motorcycle.

“Qingfeng! How are you? Is the injury severe?”

When Baili Qingfeng looked at the car of an unknown brand, a full voice had been heard from far away, actually …

Is Baili Changkong?

“2 grandfather?”

Baili Qingfeng quickly went downstairs: “2 grandfather, it’s so late, why are you here?”

“You have been assassinated and badly wounded. How can I not come!”

Baili Changkong strode into the yard.

Looking at the broken iron gate and the crashed wall, expression was full of dignity.

“I was badly hit? No, I’m fine.”

“en! ?”

Baili Changkong glanced at Baili Qingfeng and saw that he really did not look like a wounded, so he turned his attention to Baili Tianxing.

Baili Tianxing was a little wronged: “I asked Qingfeng if there was anything, but he said … a little bit, isn’t it …”

“Oh, my yard was almost demolished. Naturally, something happened. I figured it out, and I want to rebuild it. I’m afraid it will take a week.”

“Courtyard … the yard? What you call something is that the yard is almost demolished?”

Baili Skywalk is a little hesitant.

It is Baili Changkong’s thoughts on Baili Qingfeng.

Genius, there are always things different from ordinary people.

“You’re fine, what about those who assassinated you?”

“You can see it all the way through.”

Baili Qingfeng pointed in one direction.

“You take us.”

“But my yard …”

“Leave it in heaven!”

Baili Changkong ordered.

Baili was nodded in the sky, guarding the door.

At the moment, Baili Changkong and Chang Ming, who was traveling with him, were heading towards Qingyuan Mountain under the leadership of Baili Qingfeng.

The first thing they saw was Hundred Refinements wearing Battle Armor less than two hundred meters from the yard.

No need for Baili Changkong’s orders, Chang Ming quickly came forward, untied Hundred Refinements’ helmet, revealing his appearance.

When you can see the identity of the murderer, Chang Ming sucks in a cold breath: “It’s Hundred Refinements! ‘Butcher’ Hundred Refinements!”


Baili Qingfeng heard Chang Ming calling this person the nickname, with some surprises.

This person is very courageous, and he likes to lie. His nickname should be “cowardly liar”.

Baili Changkong and Chang Ming quickly found the codename red algae and the black shark not far away.

Relying on Chang Ming’s profound knowledge, he quickly recognized the identity of two people: “It is the ‘lone traveler’ red algae and the ‘giant god’ black shark! These three people are all shocking people, but they call In Penglai Immortal Sect! Three people, one Warlord, two Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster! Specially responsible for helping Penglai Immortal Sect to do some dirty and dark work, his crimes are heavy, and he would not dare to show up in normally, why would he … “

“This matter is related to 10000 Liu Jianzong.”

Baili Qingfeng said, “It is said that they entered Xia Ya under the cover of 10000 Liu Jianzong.”

“10000 Liu Jianzong? You said that this incident involved 10000 Liu Jianzong !?”

Baili Changkong complexion changed.


“Is there evidence?”

Baili Changkong said rudely.


Baili Qingfeng figure stopped, his eyes fell on Baili Changkong, calmly said: “2 grandfather, I personally cheated from Hundred Refinements, there will never be false.”

Baili Changkong immediately felt the determination in Baili Qingfeng’s words.

He knew that he couldn’t stop Baili Qingfeng.

“I asked my uncle to buy me a train ticket to Hill of Light or Wolong City. Did he buy it?”

“Train ticket?”

Baili Changkong was silent for a moment, and said, “The country has built a highway from Xia City to Hill’s Light. It will be much faster to drive there, and there is no need for a series of security checks.”

“drive to?”


Baili Changkong nodded, I have decided in my heart: “In addition, I originally planned to make you famous in the ceremony of our Thunderbolt Sect one month later, since the 10000 stream Sect act recklessly cooperated with Penglai Immortal Sect. , The road to fame begins with 10000 Liu Jianzong. “

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