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“As a 10000 Sword Master Sect Master, lead by example, take out your courage as a Sect Master to the last minute, and drain the last drop of blood, as Disciple Lilith said in your door, irreconcilable! So, I will respect you It’s a man! “

Baili Qingfeng strides meteor, and the Ominous Fiend Qi that accumulates 7 Peak powerhouses keeps condensing and circling on him. The power of just a simple smashing action is to make Zhong 10000 ride this grandmaster with a sense of suffocation.

“Irreconcilable !?”

Zhong 10000 by the teeth!


Must be irreconcilable, but not now!

For a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long !

He must first escape from Baili Qingfeng’s pursuit, save his life, save their inheritance of 10000 sword sects, and then return to Penglai Immortal Sect, and inform Penglai Immortal Sect that Baili Qingfeng has Kingdom Guardian-class battle strength. People of Immortal Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Qilin Sword Sect Three Great Holy Lands will try their best to ambush Baili Qingfeng to avoid its continued growth and growth. They will truly step into the Kingdom Guardian level and become the scourge of Three Great Holy Lands. .

And he is expected to rise again with the support of Penglai Immortal Sect, and reappear the glory of 10000 Liu Jianzong!

With this kind of thought and determination, Zhong 10000 multiplied within the body with little remaining interest. The original trend of his slow forward surged sharply. The collision between the figure and the air stimulated a fierce sound, as if to Tear the void.

“Good speed!”

Baili Qingfeng complexion changed.

The next moment, he exhaled, and burst into a thunderous cry: “Clock 10000 times!”

When he burst into drink, the innate Fiendgod Zuzweigan’s figure appeared in the air, and endless thunder and lightning erupted and condensed from this Fiendgod, forming a white scepter with imposing power!

Thunder Scepter!

Just waiting for 10000 to turn around in response, he smashed the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter, even if he was a big Grandmaster powerhouse, it would be affected by the moment, and he would quickly get closer, one strike certain kill.


He thought beautiful.

Among the fugitives, Zhong 10000 didn’t pay any attention to the yelling of Baili Qingfeng, and his interest broke out. He ran up his head, and there was a tendency to escape from Baili Qingfeng’s attack range.


Looking at the condensed Thunder Scepter in the hands of innate Fiendgod Zuz, and glanced at the indifferent Bell 10000 times, Baili Qingfeng had to speak again, shouted out loudly: “10000 squares! I call you, do you dare to promise! ? “

The Warlord arrived at the clock 10000 times and called his name. He remembered it.

This shouted, let the horrified 10000 Fang instinctively turn his head and looked at the sound.

But such an ordinary look back is to completely bury his hope that he could have escaped.

The Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter, which is nowhere to be used, turned back at 10000 squares, tearing the sky, carrying the terrifying roar of shaking Heaven and Earth, and entering the 10000 square spirit world at the speed of light.

“hong long long !”

Heaven and Earth shock, thunderbolt 10000!

The huge realm gap between the peak of Divine Power and Warlord completely shattered the 10000-square thinking consciousness on the spot, and he was shocked at the spot. His face maintained the astonished expression that looked terrifying, and time seemed to be stagnant on him.


Baili Qingfeng, who chased Zhong 10000 by a stone, kicked it out when he passed a stone. With that strength, the stone was like a cannonball with a sharp scream and smashed with horror speed. 10000 square head.

Stone debris, blood, shoot at the same time!

The Warlord, who had no courage to confront Baili Qingfeng, died without any suspense.

To death, he failed to struggle from Thunder Scepter’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique.

A stone shot the Warlord 10000 side, and Baili Qingfeng also found a new means of interception, aiming at the clock 10000 that ran on the stuffy head and shouting loudly: “Look at the hidden weapon!”

Zhong 10000 took a sudden change of face, without the slightest hesitation, his body flickered, and he instinctively wanted to avoid the killing of the hidden weapon.

It can be a quarter of an hour and 10000 times has been greatly changed.


There wasn’t any breaking sound behind me!

“be cheated!”

Do not!

Not counted!

Almost less than a second after Baili Qingfeng shouted watched the hidden weapon, the non-killing sword in his hand had been thrown under the majestic strength to tear the void, and the fierce friction between the sword edge and the air almost formed the sword cricket, whistling towards several dozen The clock outside meters 10000 is away by burst, location …

It’s the position where Zhong 10000 took a sudden flash …

Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique The extra Transcendent Saint given by the white form allows him to clearly and accurately predict the evasion trajectory of Zhong 10000 times. His withdrawal suddenly flashed as if he deliberately hit the sword edge of Baili Qingfeng’s burst, next moment …

Broken sound volume!

The sudden response of the bell 10000 multiplied had not had time to startle, and the entire shoulder had been penetrated by the sword edge without killing the sword.


Blood smashed.

The majestic energy mixed in the non-killing sword ripped past, impacting his figure, causing him to imbalance and flutter forward.


Taking this opportunity, the strength of Baili Qingfeng erupted, the floor of the foothold shattered instantly, and the stone debris flew over.

In the smoke, his body looks like a cannonball shell. He leaps forward, smashes the air, and the horror momentum sweeping the roaring mountain forest slams to 10000. After riding, the right hand fist strength is like a giant that shattered Heaven and Earth. Hammer, fiercely hit the clock 10000 times, which was shot by the non-killing sword!


The mighty and violent energy broke out, and Zhong 10000 Cheng’s body was like a run-down ragdoll, his clothes burst, his blood vomited, and his strength penetrated. Internal organs shattered as much as possible.

The forward-leaning Zhong 10000 struck the ground heavily under the inertia of fist strength. He smashed the bluestone floor on the ground to a crack on the spot. The friction between his body and the ground instantly made him a blood man.


He struggled and seemed to want to stand up again, but Baili Qingfeng’s punch had completely broken his internal organs and cut off all his vitality, not to mention that he was still a physical child, even though it was repaired to land True Immortal’s leak-free real body will certainly die under such injuries.

He struggled in vain for a moment, gradually stopped, turned over, and looked directly at Baili Qingfeng: “Slayer people always kill … I … are not as good as people, they die for nothing … but 10000 Liu Jianzong disciple Innocent … please … give them a way of life … “

At the last moment of death, Zhong 10000 showed a rare glory of humanity on his body. He looked at Baili Qingfeng and pleaded.

“I am different from you.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly: “You have acted arrogantly, unbridled, and wiped out the whole family, but I only want World peace, great beauty, and I will advise them to be good to any non-evil martial artist. disciple I will give them a chance, as long as they have a good heart and can do evil and do good. “

“Thank you…thank you…”

Zhong 10000 said with a difficult voice, and then he was lying down, his eyes gradually turned from the sky of Baili Qingfeng.


Azure is like washing.

Since becoming a Sect Master of 10000 Liu Jianzong, how long hasn’t he taken a closer look at the sky like this?

Every day, instead of plotting against each other’s sect martial artist in the circle of martial artist, they are fighting against the military and cabinet, and racking their brains for the growth of 10000 swordsmen …

Murder, treasure hunt, extinguish sect, what kind of things did he never do?

just now……

Everything is finally over.

He devoted countless efforts to bring him back to the peak of the 10000 Liu Jianzong, who was eventually buried in his hands.

“Good and evil come to the end, Heavenly Dao has a good reincarnation, not to not report, the time has not yet come … ha ha … I have 10000 times today … and deserve it …”

After a tragic laughter, Zhong 10000’s voice stopped abruptly.

“If you have the patience, sect naturally thrives, but you can’t perform as well as people, so you can collude with Penglai Immortal Sect, secretly assassinate, mean means, and who will you blame in the end?”

Baili Qingfeng said, looking up, looking in the other direction.

There he felt a few hundred breaths.

The disciples of 10000 Liu Jianzong are all over there.

Apparently, Zhong 10000 had made arrangements before ambushing Baili Qingfeng.

If it goes well, Baili Qingfeng will die, and Thunderbolt Sect will have no other masters. Naturally, it cannot threaten 10000 Liu Jianzong, and the 10000 Liu Jianzong crisis will collapse.

And if it fails …

They immediately passed the news on, letting all the disasters coax out, and break through the mountain. It was impossible for Baili Qingfeng and Thunderbolt Sect to stop everyone, and 10000 Liu Jianzong kept the inheritance.

It’s just that they didn’t expect …

Baili Qingfeng was so strong that they 9 teamed up to siege against a strong counter-kill, and supported the Kingdom Guardian battle strength with Explosive Secret Technique, killing all 9 people, leaving them no chance to spread the news.

“It’s over.”

Baili Qingfeng ignored the body of Zhong 10000 times and the others, strode on the meteor, and went straight to the place where the disciples of the 10000 Liujian Sects gathered.

10000 Liu Jianzong as a top sects. Although the number of disciples does not reach 1000 like Qilin Sword Sect and Penglai Immortal Sect, there are still three-four hundred people, and half of the three-four hundred people stay outside. There are still nearly 2 100 people in Kezong.

At this moment, nearly 2 people gathered in the conference hall, discussing one after another, wondering why the Sect Master and Elder hurriedly gathered them here to wait for the order.

However, there were some informed guardians and deacons who kept their eyes on the direction of the war and expressed concern.

“Stop! The fighting sounds stop!”

Three protectors are together, each and everyone is full of dignity.

They understand that this battle is related to the future of 10000 Liu Jianzong.

“If we win, our side must win. Although Thunderbolt Sect’s Baili Sect Master has the record of killing the 6 Grandmasters such as Feng Cunyun and Qiu Yi, it is better to assault than to assassinate. This time, our side But there are 9 people, 2 Grand Grandmasters and a Wargod wearing a Battle Armor. Even if he has the ability to ambush, he can only have a dead end! “

“Or, let’s go and see?”

The law defenders and deacons talked for a moment, and then they stepped forward.

But at this moment, a sound of heavy footsteps came.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette full of metallic lusters struck up and down.

“It’s Supreme Elder!”

Seeing this silhouette, a magician’s face suddenly showed a happy look: “Hurry up, welcome to Supreme Elder!”

But another person looked at the Battle Armor for a moment, but his face turned pale: “No! This is not the Supreme Elder’s Chenjin Battle Armor, Supreme Elder’s Chenjin Battle Armor is not like this … Thunderbolt Sect, this is Thunderbolt Sect’s Chenjin Battle Armor! We … lost !? “


(The book is short? I recommend a novel, “One Man’s Power”. One can eat alone, one can go shopping, and one can watch movies. One novel that is super suitable for singles. Don’t worry about being fed a dog Grain, haha.)

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