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“Chenjin Battle Armor of Thunderbolt Sect !?”

“We lost !?”

“How could that be, the 9th Grandmaster? That is the 9th Grandmaster! It also includes 2 Grand Grandmasters and a Wargod. How can we lose? How can we lose !?”

The expressions of several protectors who had intended to approach their own Supreme Elder immediately solidified.

For a moment, three protectors looked at each other, and then fled.

“Escape! Run away!”

“It’s over, our 10000 Liu Jianzong is over!”

Even Zhongli 10000, led by Sect Master, waited for 9 Grandmasters to besiege Baili Qingfeng. They all ended in defeat. How can the protection methods that these Grandmaster realm can’t reach to stop Baili Qingfeng from being fierce?


Try your best to escape from this place, the sooner the better!

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes from the striding meteor running instantly fell on the fleeing 3 Great Protector, his eyes flashed lightly: “These people see me turn and run, there are eight-nine crimes, even with the wind and clouds and Qiu Yi People are generally born as human beings, even though I will give others a chance to correct their evils, but they must be killed, these wicked and unpardonable people. These people may understand my style of action, so they see me and flee … First, you must not let go! “

At this point, he took a breath, and the silhouette of the innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared behind him. The mighty Divine Power erupted from this Fiendgod, sweeping it, forming a fiercely subdued repression, and blasting into the Spirit World of 3 Great Protector. .

Even though Baili Qingfeng has never used the Refining Spirit Secret Technique at all, the Divine Power embodied in Zuz is like a towering mountain. The more they resisted and struggled, the more the mountain seemed to be heavier. The lively town is in place, and no further movement can be achieved.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Baili Qingfeng daredly kill, and the sword light in his hand did not kill the sword light, which swept across 3 people.

“Do not!”

Blood light, accompanied by screams, spilled into the sky.

Under his sword, the Level 4 Grandmaster has become a soldier who deceives the number of frames, let alone a Level 3 martial artist?

Baili Qingfeng beheaded and killed 3 people. After turning around, he headed for the Assembly Hall.

The lobby is actually equivalent to a small basketball court, of which the high platform also occupies a large area.

The screams of three protectors outside the door have attracted the attention of 10000 Liu Jiansong disciples. As Baili Qingfeng, who had just fought blood, stepped into the chamber, a few guardians and deacons who knew they were called here turned pale.

“we lose!?”

“It’s over! Our 10000 Liu Jianzong is over! Escape! Escape!”

“Who is this? What happened?”

Exclaimed, the crowd suddenly rioted.

The informed guardian and deacon immediately wanted to escape from the other door of the conference hall.

“I have good intentions, but I’m not a good person. For those who are extremely ferocious, because of all kinds of small things that kill Ye Yingye and commit many crimes, even if they have the heart to correct and abandon evil and do good, I will not lighten it, otherwise The irresponsibility of those killed by them! And you have no courage to face me under the shining Faith of my sincerity … There are eight-nine, this is the type! “

Baili Qingfeng snarled, and immediately closed the door where he was.

At the same time, striding meteors, when the informed deacons and protectors were about to run out, their feet erupted, and their shape flew like a cannonball from in the sky. Fiercely fell towards the escaped protectors and deacons. , The person is in the void, the innate Fiendgod Zuz’s illusory shadow has been visualized, the mighty Divine Power carrying Mount Tai’s terrifying horror came to the scene, making him smashed down as if he was not human, but a Meteorite!

A meteorite carrying destroying heaven extinguishing earth power!

“hong long! ”

With the protection of Baili Qingfeng dropping from the sky, several protection methods that were about to rush out of the gate were crushed on the spot, and then Baili Qingfeng sword edge turned sharply, the sword flew, and the following Two Great Protectors blood shot!

“Ah! Kill!”

“Escape! Everyone is escaping!”

“This is Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master Baili Changkong. This time I went up the mountain because of killing me 10000 Liu Jianzong True Disciple. They will kill us 10000 Liu Jianzong! They will kill us 10000 Liu Jianzong. Jianzong was all slaughtered! “

A terrified shout came from the crowd, accompanied by some outlaws who wanted to create confusion and escaped, and was completely unprepared. The 10000 Liu Jiansong disciples were completely panic, each and everyone fled madly towards the front and rear doors. go with.

And one of these fugitives, seeing the blood-stained silhouette wearing the Battle Armor, was cold and a heart seemed to fall into the endless winter.


The deputy woman of Equivalent to 10000 Liu Jianzong deacon stared at Baili Qingfeng like God and Demon, her thoughts were frozen.

Others don’t know what happened, but she was called by Sect Master 2 hours ago and asked about the specific strength of Baili Qingfeng, but she knew it clearly.

10000 Liu Jianzong secretly cooperated with a mysterious force to send a Warlord and 2 Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster to besiege Baili Qingfeng, which ended in failure. This action caused Thunderbolt Sect to be angry, and the sect masters went to the 10000 Liu Jianzong Xingshi to confess. In the future, Sect Master Zhong 10000 saw that the matter was revealed, and planned to join with 8 other great experts to ambush while Thunderbolt Sect killed the mountain gate and killed him.

But now…

Sect Master They have never appeared, but here is the master of Thunderbolt Sect, Sect Master, their results, still use to guess?

“10000 Liu Jianzong … is it over? Just offended Baili Qingfeng of Thunderbolt Sect?”

Lilith looked stunned, afraid to accept the reality in front of her.

“Stop! I only kill sinners with blood in their hands! Those who are kind can protect themselves!”

By Baili Qingfeng shouted.

But the scene was chaotic, all disciples ran madly, and just wanted to rush out of the conference room at the fastest speed. How can I listen to Baili Qingfeng’s words?

Even a defender shouted loudly: “He is only one person, and he must have been hit hard just after the battle with Sect Master and the others. You can see the blood on the Battle Armor 2 and everyone, don’t be afraid, we people Many, swarming together, will certainly be able to siege them to death! “

“Kill! Kill him to take revenge for the Sect Master and Elder!”

“We have set up Sect of 10000 Liu Jianzong so far for three hundred or so years. Even if Penglai Immortal Sect failed to give us 3 Liu Jianzong, a Thunderbolt Sect, what fear do I have? disciple obey, give me! Consumption will also consume him to death! “

In his lip service, those disciples seemed to have found the main bones slightly.

Being proud of being a member of the 10000 Liu Jianzong, they have no fear of Thunderbolt Sect. All the bloody surgers roared violently and dared to kill Baili Qingfeng.

Correspondingly, the elder, the savvy Elder, and the deacon tried every means to flee.

Baili Qingfeng intercepted the only way out, the sword edge was headed, the sword was shot 4 times, and the 10000 Liu Jianzong disciple that was culled was not his enemy at all, with no difficulty, he was knocked out of foul wind and bloody rain.

Those disciples with the most spiritual levels can’t even break the defense of the Chen Jin Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng. He doesn’t need to defend at all, he can let go and kill.


Spread quickly!

“10000 Liu Jianzong really looks like a magic cave, but no one has good intentions, so I can’t blame me!”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were stunned.

It is difficult to imagine that there are nearly 10000 2 people in 100 Liu Jianzong. No one is willing to abandon evil and do good, and no one is willing to redress the former. Instead, he persuaded him for his kind words and intentionally led them to the light and to the good angel How ruthless it is to wave your swords and rush to kill! ?

The current Baili Qingfeng is no longer the state it was when the Sun Gate was destroyed.

At this moment, whether he is physical or temperament, he does not know how many times higher than the period of the Sun Gate.

Killing a person is sin! Slaughter 10000 people is male!

He no longer considers himself an ordinary person. He has the consciousness of being a human race, for the world, for the world, and falling into hell. As long as the earth can spring back, as long as it can bless the world, slaughter 1000000, blood flowing into a river, he has no regrets!

blood mist and screams intertwined!

There were dozens of 10000 disciple disciples that fell instantly in the hands of Baili Qingfeng.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to see a somewhat familiar silhouette, and her eyes turned sharply, and immediately fell on her.


It was Lilith who caused it all 2 months ago, setting off the battle of two sects irreconcilable!

“Our Thunderbolt Sect and 10000 Liu Jianzong all started because of you. Since you want to make a life and death with me 10000 Liu Jianzong, I’ll do as you wish!”

With a roar, Baili Qingfeng, who was wanting to escape and protect the law, broke out at the foot of his feet. The foothold collapsed and the stone debris flew up, and his whole body rose again into the air and flew. Kill, the majestic horror that sweeps through her body is like a cloud of death falling down, let Lilith, let other disciples beside her die.

“Do not!”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng coming out, Lilith, who was in the crowd and wanted to run away, issued a terrified cry: “Be for your life! Please, I want to abandon evil and do good, I want to be a good person, please give me a chance……”


Without waiting for Lilith’s yelling to finish, Baili Qingfeng had already fallen on her with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Thunderbolt 10000-strength Strength hit her on the ground and smashed her into pieces. Died on the spot.

The impact of his body shape when it fell to the ground made the conference hall fiercely startled, stone debris flying, and several nearby nearby disciples were overturned by this shocking force and flew out.

“I have the intention to persuade you to do good and give you the opportunity to correct evil, but you are stubborn. I have to kill the war today!”

As soon as Baili Qingfeng finished speaking, he suddenly took a deep breath, and his cardiopulmonary function was excited to the extreme. With his mouth opening, his strength suddenly burst out with a special vibration frequency!


Like a thunderous howl!

The sound wave oscillated, sweeping 8 sides with a visible trend of naked eye. The glass, porcelain and TV screen in Conference Hall shattered into powder under this sound wave.

I don’t know how many 10000 Liu Jianzong disciple’s ears were smashed with blood, and the brain was shattered. Even those Level 3 martial artists who are the pinnacles of Essence and Qi Perfection are dizzy and sad.

After the sound waves spread, the original 100 bustling 10000 Sword Disciples in the original conference bustling Conference Hall, no one can stand.

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