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Pin Jianshan mountainside.

At this moment there are already five parties.

Among the six parties, Thunderbolt Sect belongs to one party, the cabinet belongs to one party, and the remaining three parties belong to the military department, but they represent different forces in the military department.

The 2nd Army, the 3rd Army, and the 6th Army led by the Cosmopolitan Dao Lineage.

Although yells could be heard from within the 10000 Liu Jianzong faintly, none of the five parties had the intention to look in.

If the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet all enter the 10000 Liu Jianzongs, and the 10000 Liu Jiansongs turn to the army and the cabinet for help, will they save or not?

If you do n’t save, what do you think of those sects who are leaning on the military and cabinet?

Couldn’t the Thunderbolt Sect’s prestige be saved?

Therefore, staying outside the house is the best option.

“Captain, you said, can Baili Qingfeng really destroy 10000 Liu Jianzong? 10000 Liu Jianzong is an Ancient Sect that has been inherited on our land for hundreds of years. The depth of the heritage is not comparable to that of ordinary Sect. . “

At the moment, among the men of the 3rd Army, Xiao Chizheng, who had previously monitored the movements of Baili Qingfeng, cautiously asked them Captain Jin.

“Whether Baili Qingfeng has this ability, you shouldn’t guess? When you killed 6 Grandmasters such as Feng Cunyun and Qiu Yi, you all could see clearly outside.”

Kim Chan said.

Hearing Jin Min’s mention of this, Xue Xiao couldn’t help holding breath cold air even if he learned the news early: “It was unexpected that the attack on Qilin Sword Sect Manor a few months ago was not Baili Changkong Old Master. It’s Baili Qingfeng. I heard people say that Baili Qingfeng seems to be under 20 years old, right? “

“It’s a few days.”

Jin Min squinted his eyes slightly: “This world, there are always some people who are beyond our power.”

“With less than 20 Wargods, and still able to compete against the top 6 Grandmaster’s peak Wargod, I can almost predict his invincible style as a Kingdom Guardian.”

Xue Xiao said with emotion.

None of the players in the field questioned his words.

20-year-old Peak Wargod, this character can’t be a Kingdom Guardian, who can?

What they need to consider is that Baili Qingfeng’s time to achieve Kingdom Guardian level is that’s all.

ten years? 5 years?

Or faster!

“en! ?”

At this moment, several people and horses seemed to sense something. Their eyes were immediately looking towards the mountain road, but they saw a military vehicle rushing to the scene at a speed almost as fast as a car.

“It’s the First Army!”

“The First Army is our most elite army. It has always guarded the northern border. It is because of their existence that they can make it difficult for the aurora empire of the assault forces to march south. However, the First Army only obeyed the king Your Majesty. “Never participated in the struggle for power between the four Princes and the open strife and veiled struggle of many martial artist sects in the kingdom. How could they even come to this fun?”

Seeing the vehicles coming quickly, the forces on several sides seemed quite surprised.

And when everyone saw the two people coming down from the car, the surprised look on their faces became more obvious.

“It’s General Astor and Moyun Sword too white!”

Esther was a Warlord, and Taibai was also a Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster. These two men were called Peak seniors even in the First Army.


People similar to the military system such as Jin Mao saw the arrival of Astor and quickly made a salute.

Esther expression was completely nodded, and his eyes immediately fell on Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master Baili Changkong: “Baili Sect Master, have you ever gone uphill with Vice Sect Master Baili Qingfeng of Thunderbolt Sect?”

“It’s been a while in the mountains.”

Baili Changkong said.

“Not good, quickly, we will go up to support immediately. Baili Qingfeng is our best Martial Dao genius since the founding of the Republic of China. The achievement of Kingdom Guardian will only be a matter of time. If it falls on Pinjian Mountain, it will be a great loss for us. It is a huge loss. “

Astor complexion greatly changed.

“General Esther need not worry. Qingfeng was able to slay Qiu Yi and Feng Cunyun 6 2-level powerhouses under the siege of the 6 Grandmasters. Although 10000 Liu Jianzong may be better than these 6 due to a small sect The Grand Grandmaster is better, but I believe that it is not difficult for Qingfeng to defeat them. No matter how bad it is, they can retreat with the solidity of the Battle Armor. “

Baili Changkong is confident in Baili Qingfeng’s strength.

“10000 Liu Jianzong is not a weak person. There are several battlefield inheritance, and which which is included. It can connect several people’s blood and blood into one. With this existence, Qingfeng Vice Sect Master’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique has nothing to do with 10000. Multiplying swords 2 and Qingfeng Sect Master cultivation is still short, and relying only on its own Wargod-level Strength, even if it can hold 10000 stream sword sects, it is estimated that it is better than the front line … and according to the news I got … … The Great Elder exhibition of Chi Lan Zong is also at 10000 Liu Jianzong! “

“Battlefield !?”

“Zhan Chilong !?”

Hearing Esther’s words, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, and the others, who had full confidence in Baili Qingfeng, changed their faces at the same time.

“Yes, according to the news from our 10000 Liu Jianzong secret son, Zhong 10000 by ten has eight-nine to risk the war, break the jar, and ambush him while Baili Qingfeng is on his way up the mountain. Once Baili Qingfeng is trapped in them During the battle, they were besieged by 3 6-level powerhouses and 6 Grandmasters. By that time … “

Zhan Chilong is a large Grandmaster powerhouse built into Primordial One Qi, and because he walks in the dark all year round, when it comes to fighting, he is slightly better than Qiu Yilai!

Such a powerhouse lurks, plus Zhong 10000 times and sword ten 2, and there is a way of fighting to offset Baili Qingfeng’s Refining Spirit realm advantage …

His situation …


“Up the mountain, let’s go up the mountain! Please follow along with me and help me, Sun Qingfeng, help me!”

Baili Changkong said, immediately rushing up the mountain.

“Qingfeng, can’t they really fall into their trap?”

“Hurry up! Never let Baili Qingfeng do anything! He is our hope against True Immortal in Three Great Holy Lands in the future!”

Others are also followed closely from behind.

Thunderbolt Sect’s position destined them to be in love with Shia. This is completely different from Three Great Holy Lands, and what they did was to verify their position. Like Baili Qingfeng’s debut, only one year, it can fall into his hands. There are more 3 Holy Land masters than in the past 3 years. If such a promising young martial artist falls on Pinjian Mountain, it will be a huge loss to Shia, as General Astor said.

The entire group rush quickly at top speed, but because they are located on the mountainside, a little distance from the 10000 Liu Jianzong, even if they are anxious, it still takes some time.

On the mountainside, observer Duan Muqi from the cabinet ’s Kunwu squad also received a call from the Prime Minister of Yasuo, confirming that Zhan Chilong was in the 10000 stream Sect, and everyone could not help speeding up One point faster.

Climbing at full speed, the courtyard of 10000 Liu Jianzong suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

As everyone entered the courtyard, their hearts sank at the same time.

be quiet!

Silent as silent!

This silence represents only one possibility!

The battle between Baili Qingfeng and Zhong 10000 by the the others is over. Otherwise, the Grand Grandmaster and Wargod level existence will not be able to pass without any news.

“Nothing, 10000000 nothing!”

“Qingfeng grandson, but you promised me that the true meaning of the assassin is that you can’t hit 1000 miles away. If you fall into the ambush of the enemy, you must escape 10000000 million, and must keep his own life!”

“Doesn’t it happen to me that Shia has a peerless genius who is overflowing with Innate Talent, and just before it has time to show its brilliance, is it going to fall on this Pinjian Mountain?”

Everyone kept praying.

“Where are the people, where have all the 10000 Liu Jianzongs gone?”

“Shouldn’t they know that their collusion with Jinglanzong was exposed, and they have led many disciples and fled?”

“There is a 10000 2 disciple on the 100 Liujianzong Mountain. If it retreats, the masters we arrange at the foot of the mountain cannot be unaware of it. Find, living, then must see the person, die, then must see the corpse!”

However, Taibai, known as the Moyun Sword, felt a little for a moment. His eyes were light flashed, and he quickly set his sights on a building: “There is a strong breath over there.”


With a wave of his hand, General Astor rushed towards the building at full speed.

Although everyone on their side is only an observer, they represent the Peak force of the family. The observation team sent has a Grandmaster in addition to the Thunderbolt Sect. The 4 forces, plus the 2 members of the First Army, are a total of 6 Grandmaster can win even against Wargod.

A group of more than ten people strode meteor and rushed to the conference hall soon.

And almost as they were about to rush to the conference hall, the closed conference hall door suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette wearing a metal Battle Armor came out of it.

This man ’s Battle Armor is full of large and small shades of swords and swords. Yin Hong ’s blood is like scrubbing the entire Battle Armor. Everywhere, it ’s hard to imagine what kind of battle he has experienced.


Seeing this bloody silhouette, Fang Fang witnessed the fact that his forces going up the mountain represented a relieved sighed in relief, and finally his heart was let go.

“It’s Qingfeng Vice Sect Master!”

“Qingfeng, are you okay? It’s very good!”

“10000 Bell of the Sword Sect Zong 10000 and the others was repelled by you? Or did you kill them from their ambush, and they escaped after knowing that they couldn’t stop you? No matter what, leave it alone, just fine , All right! “

Shi Tianya and Baili Changkong immediately went to the front road.

Baili Qingfeng wearing the Battle Armor did not speak, but slowly took off the helmet he had been wearing.

As he took off the helmet, the young, even childish face appeared clearly in front of everyone.

His face was full of pain, regret, guilt, hatred …

But in addition to these kinds of emotions, there is more a sacredness of determination, determination, and who does not enter Hell!

“I am fine.”

Baili Qingfeng whispered: “The matter of 10000 Liu Jianzong … is resolved.”

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