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“8 times …”

Baili Qingfeng watched the red rock that had lost his voice and fell on the ground, and then used Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to expel the blood within the body, relieved a little.

These shrines Swordsman are really terrifying.

The weirdness of the blood-divine technique has so far failed to clarify the principle.

Why the blood of one’s own body is burned when it is contaminated?

Baili Qingfeng even felt that if he could not kill Hongyan in a short time, his body would probably be burned to death eventually because of the burning of blood …


This situation is extremely dangerous, and neither death deaths nor still alive can be described.

“Is it a virus? The zombie virus, the one that spreads with blood?”

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

After thinking for a while, he still took out a specimen box from his backpack and got some blood from the temple Swordsman.

“Send it to Kanis then and see if Kanis can figure out why the blood of these cavemen is so weird.”

After Baili Qingfeng collected the blood, his eyes naturally fell on the Battle Armor of this temple Swordsman.


On his helmet.

Baili Qingfeng took this helmet with a trace of golden texture and knocked it carefully. With his rich experience in obtaining many Chenjins, he quickly judged that the helmet was sturdy enough to match the boutique Chenjin Battle Armor. Competitive, but their casting process has not reached the level of Chenjin refining at all.

So the final question …

It is in these golden lines.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it for a moment, but he couldn’t see why it was happening. He was too lazy to think about it, and left the professional to the professional.

“Ask the Crab Master then.”

He took the Battle Armor of the 2 shrines Swordsman down.

But when taking off the Battle Armor from Red Rock, a roll of parchment caught his attention.

This roll of parchment is one foot wide and nearly one meter long when unrolled. There are many words and some patterns written on it.

Baili Qingfeng translated for a moment with the knowledge of the cave people who can be regarded as Mastery, and soon realized that this is a Sword Technique.

Mountain and Rivers Momentum.

Or Sword Technique.

“Are these temples Swordsman cultivation’s Sword Technique?”

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment. This Sword Technique uses a lot of professional terms. Due to the limited text, the style of writing is similar to that of classical Chinese. One word may represent multiple meanings. He who has practiced the basic Sword Technique just looks I felt dizzy and bloated at the last glance.

“You can’t learn, you can’t.”

Baili Qingfeng hurriedly put away this Sword Technique.

Unless he finds a professional to help him translate this Sword Technique into plain and easy-to-understand vernacular Chinese, he can’t really learn this Sword Technique.

“Sword Technique is used for head-to-head confrontation. As an assassin, I can study the assassination method. This Sword Technique has learned nothing and expended energy …”

Baili Qingfeng thought.


Think of the power of the Sword Techniques of the Temple Swordsman …

I want to learn.

The assassins also faced head-on confrontation when engulfed.

Or, to deal with some enemies that are not as good as their own, how can they use assassinations to assassinate them?

“Upload it to the group when you go back. Please ask the big guys who are knowledgeable in astronomy and geography to help translate it, and see if I can learn …”

Baili Qingfeng has plans.

Bring the Battle Armor on these 2 temples Swordsman, Baili Qingfeng walked back without killing the sword, it took 3 hours, and finally came to the wood where the first temple Swordsman was assassinated.

He concocted the Battle Armor of Swordsman in the temple into the scope of war of Spoils, and then searched him.


Except for a dozen things similar to money, there is no other Sword Technique book.

It seems that the temple Swordsman who carried the Sword Technique with him was only a few after all.

“This battle is really difficult. In the case of one-on-one, I can deal with the Temple Swordsman by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, but once the number of opponents reaches more than two, the situation will become very dangerous …”

Baili Qingfeng sat under the tree in which he was hiding, took out mineral water and compressed biscuits from his backpack, summed up his fighting experience while replenishing his strength.


Summarizing the combat experience, he briefly thought about Fiendgod Zuz in Spirit World.

I have to say that during the battle with the temple Swordsman Hongyan, he smashed 8 Thunder Scepter without any stagnation, which was a great stimulus to the Refining Spirit realm. The Refining Spirit realm, which was already at the 7th peak, had a kind of stupidity. the trend of.



“Sure enough, blindly practicing behind closed doors is only a matter of years. Only by fighting and constantly squeezing yourself in battles that exceed the limits can we inspire the true potential of the human body, thereby achieving a breakthrough.

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and made a decision: “The” God “of the Swordsman in the shrine is probably similar to the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, but they seem to have sharpened their will by a special method, and they are so firm in their thinking that they are resistant to the Refining Spirit Secret Technique. Chasing Wargod or Grand Grandmaster is very resistant. It seems that I have to search for a temple Swordsman. This time when I encountered the temple Swordsman, I did n’t use a sword and did not assassinate. I threw it directly with Thunder Scepter, regardless of consumption, and smashed dozens of times. Ten times, I have a good chance of breaking my limits and being promoted to the Refining Spirit 8th level. “

After eating, he didn’t waste time, and set off again to rush to the cave people tribe he saw earlier.

However, when he came to this cave people tribe, he discovered that not long ago, there were still crowds of people in the cave people who had gone empty.

And they seem to be walking in a hurry, many things are unpacked, and the time of leaving should not exceed 3 hours.

“This group of cave people knows the location of the Transmission Gate. If they leave, they will definitely inform the more powerful tribes of the Transmission Gate, so that those powerful tribes will set their sights on the Transmission Gate. Once the Transmission Gate continues to expand, One day, when dozens or more than 100 cave people can pass the Transmission Gate at one time, I can’t resist it. By then, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery … “

For a while, Baili Qingfeng immediately hid several sets of Battle Armor from the Swordsman in the temple, took a backpack, clenched the sword without killing, and chased up the traces left by those cavemen at the fastest speed.

After chasing for half an hour, the traces left were a little chaotic, pointing in 4 directions …

Obviously, three of the four directions are dominated by confusion, just to make Baili Qingfeng make a wrong judgment.

Baili Qingfeng had to speed up and continue to pursue.

After 2 hours, the traces disappeared …

And at this time the sky was already dark.

The night of the Caveman World is different from other places. At night, various wild beasts will run out to look for food. Their activity trajectory will destroy all the traces left by the migration of the Caveman tribe. He wants to follow the road again. The hope of returning and chasing becomes extremely slim.

It has to be said that the people in the caves who battle with nature all year round, when it comes to survival skills and survival wisdom, are far from being comparable to those coming out of the peaceful era such as Baili Qingfeng.

“The Transmission Gate grows more than ten centimeters at a time, and it has to grow to a level where it can accommodate dozens of people in the 100 caves. It ’s been a few years … A few years later … With my diligence, Refining Spirit realm Not to mention reaching the highest realm Tenth Layer, Ninth Layer is definitely not a problem, plus the strength of a martial artist who is almost Level 9 … “

Baili Qingfeng sits in a hidden cave to rest, and thinks about it carefully …

Suddenly felt that if the Ironfang tribe really leaked the news of Transmission Gate and attracted a big tribe …

It’s really not a bad thing.

At least his Chen Jin has an endless supply of energy, and he no longer needs to worry about the shortage of funds.

If it goes well, he doesn’t need to run to the Crypt World in person for ten or nine days. Those diggers will deliver Chen Jin to their door.

“Think of it this way … Irontooth Tribe … A good man?”

Baili Qingfeng was surprised.

Nothing overnight …

In addition to eating a hearty barbecue a little bit, the calm and composed by Baili Qingfeng this evening was calm.

On the 2nd day, he returned to the Ironfang Tribe and collected all Chenjin from the Ironfang Tribe.

Not much.

Obviously, such iron objects as Chenjin belonged to the Ironfang tribe, and they were all taken away, so that Baili Qingfeng ransacked the entire tribe, and actually collected less than ten kilograms.

This number made him a little speechless.

And he went back and searched for the sacrifices to the cloth, and got nothing good from him.

There is not even a parchment that records the war song, which is poorer than the sacrifice protected by the Swordsman in the temple where there is a person.

“Although there are 3 Swordsman Battle Armor shrines, each Battle Armor weighs several tens of kilograms, and there are a few 10000000 million when sold out, but I took a full leave of absence for ten or nine days! And it was ten or nine days of leave as soon as school started! Failure to do so will again affect my scholarship distribution, failing to get 9 good student evaluations, and paying such a large price, it would be too shabby to harvest so little … “

Baili Qingfeng didn’t hesitate, he just chose a direction and set off directly, and began a long journey.

Due to his physical strength, his running speed is extremely fast. Even if the gravity of the Crypt Man World is amazing, he can still walk over 20 kilometers in one hour.

at last……

After a full day’s journey, when it was dark on the 2nd day, some traces of the activities of the cave people appeared in front of him.

After waiting for another hour, a tribe surrounded by a rough city wall, which appeared to be smaller than the iron tooth department, suddenly appeared at the end of his field of vision.

“See the second Grotto tribe.”

Seeing this tribe, Baili Qingfeng didn’t hesitate, immediately lowered his backpack, and went to attack the city without holding a sword.

But at this moment, a group of eleven cavemen quickly ran from the end of the sky, speed was extremely fast, and entered the tribe.

The eleven cave people are not the point.

The point is…

These eleven cavemen are riding war wolves …

War-haired wolf with bloody hair.

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