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The wolf’s running speed is amazing.

Baili Qingfeng Relying on speed and physical strength, you can run each and everyone Dungeon Warriors to death and death, but the wolf under the Dungeon Warriors …

“Can I run to win the wolf?”

Baili Qingfeng is thinking seriously about this issue.

Eventually had to admit a fact.

He can’t run away from the wolf.

Can only give up this tribe.

Baili Qingfeng turned around regretfully, looking for a place to hide for one night, and by the way had a barbecue during a wild beast attack at night.

On the 2nd day, he deliberately found a source of water, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then opened his backpack, and planned to go after breakfast, and see if he could find a tribe without a wolf Knight to brush it.

Just halfway through his food, he heard something keenly.

At the next moment, as soon as he put his things away, he rushed towards the bushes on the side.

Assassin skills-lurking.

Less than one minute after he finished lurking, a team of wolf Knights consisting of 3 cavemen had patrolled from a distance.

Each of these wolves Knight is wearing a Battle Armor. Although the blood emanating from them is a bit worse than that of the Grotto Warriors, they perfectly integrate their blood and the war wolves underneath, even if they are compared. The real cavemen warriors are not inferior, and coupled with the faint formation of war between them, the momentum of the 3 people is more than the 3 cavemen warriors.


This is truly elite!

Far from being able to be compared with the black people of the Ironfang tribe.

After the 3 cave wolves Knight arrived at the scene, one of the war wolves sniffed where Baili Qingfeng had previously stayed.

This scene made Baili Qingfeng start the lurking skills.

These war wolves …

Shouldn’t it be a dog?

lifeform seems to be … really …

The next second, speculation became reality.


A war wolf grunted and rushed towards the bush hiding in Baili Qingfeng.

Before the wolf rushed, Knight sitting on the wolf had suddenly thrown the tomahawk worn on him.

In a powerful way, the tomahawk was spinning at high speed, breaking through the air, and those fragile shrubs were smashed into pieces instantly.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, accompanied by sparks of fire.


Knight shouted for the first wolf.

Of the 3 wolf Knights, the strength of blood and blood is only 3 than those of the Grotto Warriors, but as these wolf Knights merge their own blood with the blood of the Wolves, they are equivalent to the 3 Grotto Warriors!

No, for the first three cavemen who already have the strength of a cavemen warrior, they have climbed to new heights. The momentum of the connection between the two of them has allowed Baili Qingfeng to have his own kind of battlefield at Shire University. Encounter the feeling of a cave man warrior.

“It’s impossible to run, and humans can’t run past the wolf, so … you only have to kill the wolf before running!”

Baili Qingfeng, hiding in the bushes, knew that there was nowhere to run, and he made an immediate decision, accompanied by a burst of energy at his feet, with a shape like a dart that shot from the bushes, and suddenly shot out of the bushes, aiming at ten 3 wolves. Knight launched the charge.


“Gudan told me long ago, it really is a human breath!”

“Is it a fish that escaped the net that lurks over the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain? Kill this human!”

The cave wolf Knight yelled at the same time. The three cavemen of the Mastery flying axe threw the tomahawk at the same time, aiming at Baili Qingfeng, killing them in the air, and the three tomahawks followed different directions and angles to evade Baili Qingfeng. The space is completely blocked.


Baili Qingfeng not at all.

When the fastest Tomahawk was about to cut into his body, Primordial Qi Technique inspired him, his speed skyrocketed, and he did not kill the sword and intercepted it. He flew a Tomahawk on the front, and at the same time he was in shape For a long time, the whole person seemed to pierce through the unrolled bolt of white silk in the void, and the sword light instantly penetrated into the skull of the fastest wolf!

“hong long long !”

At the same time, the innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared.

This magnificent shrine carrying the mighty Divine Power held a glowing white thunderbolt in his hands, forming a scepter of terrifying lightning, and smashing at the cave wolf Knight fiercely in front.

It’s like a giant holding a mace stick and hitting it hard.


A roar headed by more than a dozen cave wolves Knight, accompanied by his roar, everyone’s Essence, Qi and Spirit resonated and connected together. When Baili Qingfeng hit Thunder Scepter in front of Baili Qingfeng, When the cave man wolf Knight, the scattered thunderbolt lightning was evenly shared among the other 12 wolf knights. This situation …

It is very similar to the battle array set by 10000 Liu Jianzong Zhong 10000 and the others, but the effect is much stronger.

“weng weng! ”

The ten wolf Knight spirit World stunned at the same time, seemingly dizzy.

The movements in his hands were a bit slow.


That’s it.

Even the wolf Knight locked by Baili Qingfeng woke up immediately, roaring along with the motion of the war wolf’s death and tilting, chopping off the battle axe fiercely in his hand: “Give me death!”



Baili Qingfeng pulls away.

But at this time, several other wolves Knight were driving the fighting wolf to Baili Qingfeng’s side. Before they arrived, the bloody baleful qi contained in the fighting wolf had assaults the senses, blocking his dodge space.

Not only that, but several of the remaining wolves, Knight, turned around from his side. He wanted to rely on the flexible maneuverability of War Wolf to completely trap him and make him escape.

“Wolf Knight …”

Baili Qingfeng immediately realized his shortcomings, this kind of fighting did not give people the chance to assassinate at all.

Seeing the three wolves Knight coming up to kill him, one of them had a tomahawk shatter void, and a sharp howling with tearing air came down.

The inevitable Baili Qingfeng had only one block.


Where the axe and sword collide, the air seems to be torn and shattered!

A mighty force surged out of the opponent’s tomahawk, impacting Baili Qingfeng’s figure, even though he had inspired the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique mysterious form early, in this pure Strength collision, it still fell. In the downwind, the soil where the feet stand is cracked.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mobility of the other 2 axe leaning on the war wolf followed, and the strength of assaults the senses was almost suffocating.


Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, and the innate Fiendgod Zul illusory shadow came to him again from his Spirit World. Along with it was a scepter with a glowing white thunderbolt dripping from the sky, outrageous strikes.

“hong long long !”

lightning shines!

Thirty-three Knights relied on the blood of the battle formations to swell a ripple again. Their siege attack of howling wind and torrential rain was slightly blocked.

But this degree of obstruction is far from enough to make Baili Qingfeng come back.

“Well? These wolves are fighting against each other and seem to be very resistant? Maybe … I don’t need to go to the Swordsman Temple?”

In Baili Qingfeng’s mind, his mind instantly turned.

Then he didn’t even think about killing this caveman wolf Knight in front of his sword, while his figure kept dodging from the caveman wolf Knight, and more than 90% of his energy was devoted to the spirit world. Looking at it, the silhouette of the congenital Fiendgod Zuz was obviously solidified, and even the Divine Power emanating from him became thicker and more majestic.

“hong long long !”

Thunder for 9 days!

third Refining Spirit Secret Technique Strikes again with almost no stagnation.

The siege of all the cave wolves Knight has slowed down again, and Baili Qingfeng has even been able to escape from their encirclement and kill a war wolf by the way.


Fighting becomes easy!

Thunder Scepter, Thunder Scepter, Thunder Scepter …

When Baili Qingfeng went to great lengths to avoid the tomahawk they sieged, the Refining Spirit Secret Technique smashed like crazy without money, one after another, one after another.

Under the interference of Thunder Scepter, despite being called the top elite of Blood Wolf City, the Cavern Wolf team can’t be successfully launched. Not only can it not help Baili Qingfeng, but …

He has killed 7 war wolves!

Although I don’t know why, this human only killed their war wolves and did not attack the wolf Knight itself, but the war wolves are still an extremely important part for them.

For example, their blood wolf city is the largest city within a 1000-kilometer radius, with a population of hundreds of thousands, a super tribe that can barely establish a nation. The blood wolves Knight can only have more than 100 people. The loss of any one will make the tribe The senior management was heartbroken.

Although it is 6 war wolves and not the wolf Knight, the team Captain still feels a great crisis.

“This human witchcraft is so powerful that you must invite a great sacrifice to bless us with God’s grace to deal with it! Bring other Knights and let us retreat! Hesa ​​and Cuba, you two follow me!”

The wolf Knight Captain growled and started to guide the formation change, and was about to retreat.

“He’s bluffing!”

The blood of another wolf Knight blinked: “As far as I know, human beings have the magic and have a natural advantage in the number of times they use the magic, which is twice or twice as many as the sacrifices in the temple, but 2 By the 5th, the magic is often already the limit of a human being. He has already cast no less than ten magics just now. Even if he has used the secret method that stimulates spirit, it is almost an arrow at the end of its flight. Let’s take another look and he will die by consuming the drama backlash! “

“Helsa, are you sure?”

“Heisa has participated in the selection of the Swordsman in the temple. Although he failed, he has also cultivated with the sacrificial adults. Moreover, they have played against humans who possessed the magic on the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain. There should be no mistake!”

Another Vice Captain Cuban sole solely.

“Well, as a combat partner who has been fighting together for 4 years, I believe in you!”

The retreating wolf Knight Captain once again controlled the formation, gritted his teeth, and turned to Baili Qingfeng: “Human, I don’t believe you have no limit! Today it is not that we pierce your strong limit to kill you, or you rely on the source Absolute magic will kill us! “


(Today is the birthday of Fengfeng. Since it is a big birthday, I have to entertain relatives. The draft was saved the day before yesterday and yesterday, but there is still one chapter missing. At present, it can only be 2 more. (Add it up later.)

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