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“A single hit killed 1000 miles in the original meaning. It killed one of them in one hit, ran for 1000 kilometers, exhausted the other opponent’s physical strength, and one after another killed …”

Baili Changkong felt that he had learned something.

At the same time, he felt that he might have bought fake medicine. Why did the antihypertensive medicine he had just taken have almost no effect?

“The temple Swordsman is still very powerful.”

Baili Qingfeng’s big brothers in the understanding group each and everyone clearly have the highest status and cultivation base, and still warned themselves when they were low-keyed to the extreme.

Be cautious, low-key, and humble!

This is the true way of life of big brothers.

“Single to single go to the Swordsman Temple. I battled blood to death, and I barely managed to kill it with my life. But if I work together, I can only use our wisdom to give play to our human advantage and attack each other with our strength Run them to death, if the number reaches 2 or more, you can only kill each and everyone, assassinate one, run, hide, and then assassinate the other, and run until you have only one or two Swordsman in the temple. . “

Baili Qingfeng explained.

“I … I understand … you don’t have to explain it to me.”

Baili Changkong reached out to stop Baili Qingfeng from continuing, he was afraid he would be the first to bear it if he listened.

After taking a deep breath, Baili Changkong recovered his calmness: “I need to be slow, I need to go back and think about it.”

“Think about it?”

“But one thing I can already confirm.”

Baili Changkong looked at him with complex eyes and an unstoppable incredible: “Qingfeng, now you, maybe you haven’t become a real person on the realm, reaching level 7, but the battle strength … has really been comparable Going to the Kingdom Guardian level … even … more than the ordinary Kingdom Guardian level! “

“Me? Comparable to Kingdom Guardian?”

“Yes, you now have a Kingdom Guardian certificate.”

“But I haven’t become a true body.”

“Battle strength is the only criterion for measuring a martial artist. You have the strength to kill Swordsman in front of the temple. Who dares to say that you are not a Kingdom Guardian?”

Baili Changkong chirped his words.

But Baili Qingfeng always felt a little strange.

The Kingdom Guardian level is a realm that is on the same level as the True Immortal on land. His Martial Practice is only over a year old, and his internal interest has not been trained yet. This is the Kingdom Guardian level? Is n’t it too fun?


2 grandfather has never been to the Kingdom Guardian level, his judgment …


Kingdom Guardian, it cannot be so weak!

“Even if Three Great Holy Lands really have land, True Immortal comes to you, you can be careful and you can make a comeback in one fell swoop.

Baili Changkong’s face had a reassuring smile: “At this moment, you really have the capital to confront True Immortal of Three Great Holy Lands, waiting for your sword to be cast and wearing armor, we will invite experts to help, We’re afraid we can start preparing to overthrow the Three Great Holy Lands and knock them down. “

“Fight against Three Great Holy Lands True Immortal? Overthrow Three Great Holy Lands?”

Baili Qingfeng immediately shook his head when he heard: “No, no, although I fortunately killed several temples Swordsman, but I rely on the Refining Spirit Secret Technique and sudden assassination, but the Refining Spirit Secret Technique is useless to the human True Immortal, I lost the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, head-to-head, how can you match the True Immortal of the Three Great Holy Lands? “


Baili Changkong slightly startled.

He ignored this point. The Refining Spirit Secret Technique is not bad for the cavemen, but it is really bad for human martial artists …

“Moreover, even if I really have Kingdom Guardian-class battle strength, it is definitely the bottom of the Kingdom Guardian-class. For the True Immortal, which is inherently good at bursting out, it must be more than a little bit worse. I became a true Kingdom Guardian, otherwise I would definitely not win against them. “


Baili Changkong is not good to persuade him to say so.

Just …

He felt something was wrong.

You are a Kingdom Guardian powerhouse …

Will there be a little less pride in the martial artist?


Baili Qingfeng can’t insist that the Kingdom Guardian level does not positively overthrow Three Great Holy Lands, and Baili Changkong does not really ask for it.

Coupled with the fact that Baili Qingfeng was able to slay 3 temples Swordsman after all with the technique of assassination and the technique of Refining Spirit, he had to wait for Thunderbolt Sect to be fully established, and then cooperate with the military and cabinet to pull the military, The master of the cabinet tossed over Three Great Holy Lands, temporarily suppressing their thought of knocking down the dust.

Anyway, with the growth speed of Baili Qingfeng, this day will definitely not take too long.

Moreover, it is worthwhile to confirm that now that Baili Qingfeng can really be regarded as a Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, the assassination of Three Great Holy Lands True Immortal on the land has also greatly reduced the danger for him.


Almost nothing.

Baili Changkong is a Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, and there are many things to deal with now. After seeing Baili Qingfeng returning from the caveman World intact, he left.

Before leaving, he took a list from Baili Qingfeng.

The list details the auxiliary medicinal materials needed to make the blood of the brave.

As soon as these herbs arrive, Baili Qingfeng will be able to take the blood of the brave, and when the cultivation base realm is raised to Kingdom Guardian level by the blood of the brave, Baili Qingfeng will really begin to deal with Three Great Holy Lands.

Although at that time even when he was at the Kingdom Guardian level, he could only be regarded as a newcomer, and the details were far from being able to mention on equal terms with Three Great Holy Lands’s 7-level powerhouse, but …

He will not face the True Immortals of the Three Great Holy Lands at all, and he will be able to sneak into the Three Great Holy Lands at that time, as if dealing with the Sun Gate, Di Jinghong, wind clouds and the others, assassinate with assassination Three Great Holy Lands’ True Immortal-class powerhouse.

Now he has been upgraded from a professional-level assassin to a Grandmaster Rank assassin. I believe that under his assassination, the True Immortal of Three Great Holy Lands will definitely be irresistible.

As long as the True Immortal of the Three Great Holy Lands can be assassinated, without the deterrence of such a strategic powerhouse, the powerhouse of the military and cabinet can naturally swarm up and completely rid the Three Great Holy Lands, thereby liberating more Strength. Come and fight against the humanoid Transmission Gate in Aurora Empire and Shia.

“In addition to the blood of the brave, there is Sword Technique!”

Baili Qingfeng said: “I originally planned to deal with Three Great Holy Lands after martial artist Level 9. At that time, it did n’t matter if I played at a low level with advanced skills or did not practice Sword Technique, but now I have to face Three Great at the Kingdom Guardian level. Holy Lands, a Sword Technique is essential … “

With this in mind, Baili Qingfeng quickly went upstairs, turned on the computer, and logged into his chat account with great skill.

Numbered, messages have popped out of the group.

Baili Qingfeng opened the group and found that the people in the group were all together like never before. What was talking at the moment …

It’s actually Sword God.

Seeing Awording Sword God, Baili Qingfeng was sincerely kind and surprised: “The moderator you finally appeared, where have you been in the past 2 months, we miss you very much.”

“It’s Brother Thunder Dominator.”

Aotian Sword God saw Baili Qingfeng speak, said hello, and said at the same time: “Ahem … For the past 2 months, I feel that my cultivation base is too low, so I deliberately found a place to retreat for a while, that place Although verdant hills and limpid water sun shone brightly, but it is not connected to the Internet … Well, there is no way, in order to be able to grow in cultivation, to catch up with your achievements of Brother Thunder Dominator, without the Internet, I can only bear it … … “

“Is the moderator really okay?”

Baili Qingfeng is not quite convinced.

Sword Monarch said at this time: “Big Thunder Dominator, this is not the point, you don’t have to follow up in detail. The moderator appeared last night. He made a suggestion and felt that we just created such a forum. It may be hard to say, in order to put the theory into practice, we should create a force of our own. We will meet after the organization is established. Would you like to join the Thunder Dominator? “

“Creating our forces?”


Aotian Sword God answered immediately, and he seemed to be able to see the excitement in his tone across the screen: “We uploaded a method of cultivation, but the cultivation has never been achieved by only the method of cultivation. The pioneers of the times are leading the trend of Martial Dao in this unprecedented moment of change. It is necessary to truly act to hope for the dawn of Martial Dao. Without force, we cannot grasp the resources and have no right to speak on the World , You will always be subject to others! Otherwise, the other party will break your legs and imprison you for several months, you have no ability to resist at all! Therefore, we must master Strength to truly affect the future World Pattern of Strength! “

“We support moderators!”

“I also support moderators! Those Old Guys let me work hard every day without paying wages. It’s time for us to stand up.”

“Yes, the new era belongs to youngster, and the thinking of the elderly is deep-rooted. Only we youngster like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, are not restrained, so we can lead a new future!”

“I also support. Recently, when I was doing business, I deeply felt the darkness in the business field and the unshakable rules held by those people. No matter how hard you try, they are exploited by the rules they have formulated and left to you. But less than one of 100, it is time for us to resist and make our own voice! “

One big man in the group spoke.

Looking at the impassioned big brothers, Baili Qingfeng was also deeply shocked. He felt that he seemed to be standing on the top of the tide of the wind and waves. As long as he took a step forward, he could dance with the world and bring about world upheaval …

This feeling……

Think of it is very exciting.

“Count me, although I don’t have much weight, I only have 2 strengths, but my grades are okay, and I will build weapons. I will use the knowledge I have learned to help everyone as best I can.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“The big guy is humble, and with the big guy you join, I have more confidence.”

Aotian Sword God said.

“Yes, I will rely on you in the future.”

“Boss Thunder Dominator joined, steady.”

Sword Monarch, Quantum Wargod, and the others all echoed.

“What is the name of our organization?”

The atmosphere in the group was lively for a while, and the East wins before asking.

“What about Dragon Sect? Or the Dragon Organization, too, after all, our ultimate goal is to be like a dragon.”

“Is this name too popular?”

“What’s the name then?”

“What about Sacred Domain?”

“It doesn’t fit the theme.”

“I think the planet empire is good …”

“We are not trying to establish a country …”

“Then …”

All of you enthusiastically spoke.

Gradually, the building was crooked.

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