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“war Wolf!”

“Zixiao Palace!”

“Dragon Sect!”

“Finally Sacred Domain!”

Every big man is fighting hard in the group. He is blushing, stubborn, and neither giving way to the other. They all feel that their name is best and most distinctive.

Seeing that there is an endless trend among all the big brothers, Sword Monarch directly introduced a chat emoticon package: “Drop the dice, throw it round by round, whoever points the most will ultimately listen to whoever.”

“Come and come, who is afraid of who!”

“Invest in investment!”

At the moment, a lot of big brothers have voted.

In order to integrate with the public and follow the trend, Baili Qingfeng also clicked.

6 points.

And the other big guys in the group …

A bunch of 2 3 4 ……

The biggest misty princes only cast 4 points, and one did not have 5 points.

The atmosphere in the group was slightly quiet.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the number he had thrown, and embarrassedly added: “Or … shall we vote again?”

“No! Now that you have the rules, you have to follow the rules. Besides, Brother Thunder Dominator has contributed so much to our forum. The name you choose will be the most convincing.”

Aotian Sword God without the slightest hesitation.

Several other big brothers also echoed.

“In our group … shouldn’t there be just nine of us?”

“No, I have several new members under investigation, and they will be drawn in after the inspection is passed. Moreover, over time, our team will grow stronger and stronger. Dozens, even as many as 100, as many as 100! “

Aotian Sword God said, adding: “Of course, we only need elites.”

“Then you have to reserve the position in advance, so, our organization is called Golden Ten 2 Star Palace?”

“Golden Ten 2 Star Palace?”

“So strange name.”

“Since we talked about whoever voted the most, we naturally obeyed the rules. The leader of Thunder Dominator said that the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace is the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace.”

Several big brothers can afford to lose.

“Well, our organization is called Golden Ten 2 Star Palace.”

Aotian Sword God finalized.

“Well, I originally thought it was a divine throne, but it was too high-profile. It was a little bit more grounded. The inspiration for Gold 2 Star Palace was derived from the constellation of Boundless Starry Sky above me. I expected it. The organizational structure is like this, our organization, the highest leader can be called Star God, Star God is the first of the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace, each Star Palace is guarded by a Peak powerhouse, under the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace, there is a silver Star Palace, Bronze Star Palace, these people are our organization Core … “

“Golden Ten 2 Star Palace, corresponding to the constellation in the sky …”

“Well, it sounds pretty good. It’s more reliable than the other people who came up with a name.”

The big brothers should be in harmony and discuss.

“The leader of Thunder Dominator has given us a framework. Naturally, we need to improve each of them. Sword Monarch and Oriental Winner are two people I know, but I do n’t understand your talents. Please introduce yourself. Your talents go to different Star Palaces. “

Aotian Sword God said.

“I specialize in history, writing …”

“I’m in business …”

“I’m an architect, and I have a bit of mechanics …”

Every big man has spoken.

And Baili Qingfeng also modestly said, “I’m a college student, I’m trying to become a scientist, I’ve practiced a little martial arts, and I can be a bronze Swordsman.”

Aotian Sword God collected the information of the crowd, and soon let Dongfang Pisheng be responsible for arrangement.

The characteristics of the East win are actuarial and collation, which is different from Sword Monarch’s intelligence collection.

Relying on the co-ordination technology cultivated from an early age, several people were arranged in an orderly manner.

Baili Qingfeng, who originally wanted to be a Swordsman bronze horse, was directly arranged by the Eastern Wins to sit in the Star Palace.

In response, Baili Qingfeng, who thought he could not afford this important rule, wanted to refuse, but was blocked by Dongfang Winsor because of his great contribution.

“Okay, Golden Ten 2 Star Palace is established. Next, we will find a venue as our Golden Ten 2 Star Palace’s headquarters. At the same time, everyone will talk about when we have time and we will meet together at a time. It is located on the Divine Continent in the east of the Star Pearl Mountain. Star Mountain is the world’s first mountain range.

Aotian Sword God said.

“The moderator has a place in Everest?”

“Xingzhu Everest is 10000 6 1000 meters above sea level, I can’t go up.”

“Yes, yes, one thousand thousand meters of the Everest is already called a life-limit zone. Every 1000 meters of temperature decreases by 6 degrees, and 10000 6 1000 meters …… If the Grandmaster stays for a long time, it will cause heart and lung and blood coagulation. Frozen to death. “

“That’s not a field that mortals can get into. Only True Immortal can survive …”

The big guys in the group, each and everyone, are very self-aware.

“I wouldn’t naturally set up a meeting place on Xingzhu Peak. The site is at the Colored Glass Peak north of the Xingzhu mountain range. The altitude is only 5000 metres. I also found it when I logged into that mysterious account a few months ago. I After downloading the map, I immediately deleted all the relevant information in the database, so no one could find us again. That place is absolutely safe and secure as our Golden Ten 2 Star Palace. “

Aotian Sword God is full of confidence.

Baili Qingfeng thinks of those files downloaded a few months ago …

Put together the map of this land with those materials, it should …

It’s important.

I wonder if the moderator’s family found it.

Baili Qingfeng always feels that if the moderator’s family finds that he not only uploaded information in the group, but also deleted the information, the end result is more than just breaking his leg.

“We can go uphill from Luoxing Town in the southern provinces of the Aurora Empire, or from the frozen river town of Moro. If you go to Luoxing Town, there is a cable car. After getting off the cable car, you only need to walk another ten kilometers. River town is thirty-forty kilometers away. “

Sword God is still describing the location of the plot.

But Sword Monarch, the East wins, and the others also had the same ominous premonition as Baili Qingfeng at this time, and suggested euphemistically: “As young people in the new era, the leaders, founders, and pioneers of the Martial Dao era should be up to date. Keep advancing and put the sect station in the mountains, isn’t it the same as those elders? “

“Yes, yes, we do n’t want to go to Colored Glass Peak. Our resident is located in the city, put in an international metropolis, rent an office building, and hang the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace sign. Follow the times. “

“If you want an office building, I can provide it. Moreover, the location of that building is located on the 2nd ring of Star Rail City, the largest commercial city of Chiyan Country. Alas, Golden Star 2 Star Palace and Star Rail are quite decent.”

Misty Fairy followed the echo.

“In the star-rail city, every inch of land is said to cost more than 2 to buy a house. It is impossible to build a mountain gate. Our golden ten. 10000 Star Palace is destined to lead the era of World Martial Dao. The mountain gate must be mighty and domineering. There must be many … “

Aotian Sword God also wants to fight for it.

“Step by step, first hang the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace brand, and then go to Colored Glass Peak to build our palace after it has reached a certain scale.”

Sword Monarch comforted.

“Then … then Star Rail, when will everyone have time to meet?”

“My translation work is not finished yet, it will take about 2 months.”

“I just started school, I have to wait until the winter vacation …”

“I can, but I am in the glorious empire of Xiyanzhou, far away …”

Everyone one after another began to discuss, and finally decided to meet at Haitian International Building on Arthur Avenue, Star Rail City, Chiyan.

The establishment of the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace was finally negotiated, and Baili Qingfeng finally had time to do business at this time.

He immediately transmitted the Sword Technique of the name Mountain and Rivers Momentum to the group, and humbly asked: “The Quantum Wargod boss, thanks to you for the last war song translation. This time, I have to trouble the boss to help me translate this. Sword Technique. I am currently facing a major crisis. Whether I can survive this crisis safely depends on whether the big guy can help me translate this Sword Technique as soon as possible. “

“Crisis !? I see! I immediately ask my grandfather to translate and give me a day!”

Quantum Wargod answered immediately.

“Many thanks big brother.”

On the side, Aword Sword God saw Baili Qingfeng speaking, and said something about the temperament: “What trouble is there with Brother Thunder Dominator? Do you need any help? We are all members of the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace. Support. “

“Many thanks Moderator, the crisis has not yet started. When I can’t withstand the enemy’s assassination, I will ask the moderator for help.”

Baili Qingfeng moved.

He has no doubt that the moderator has this ability.

It’s different in the past.

Now he has more or less understanding of “Force”, but even then he still can’t do One with the World like white clothed wins, integrating into a small half of Qingyuan Mountain to overpower the detached realm, you can see white clothed The winning cultivation base is even more above him.

“Myself, you’re welcome. Remember to ask me if you have any questions. I’ll help if I can help.”

Aotian Sword God said happily.


After discussing with everyone in the group and confirming the establishment of Golden Star 2 Star Palace, Baili Qingfeng went offline.

Soon after he was offline, he received a call from 2 grandfather Baili Changkong. All the medicinal herbs he needed were available and will be delivered to his yard within a day.

After receiving the news, Baili Qingfeng smiled suddenly.

With the medicinal materials for refining the blood of the brave, the translation of Sword Technique is out, waiting for tomorrow’s double happiness.

With school, books, martial arts, and medicine, for a while, Baili Qingfeng felt that life was better than ever.


At the time when Baili Qingfeng was feeling good about life, Sumen City next to Xia City, a group of 6 people gathered quietly together.

If Qiu Yi is still alive, he can definitely be identified immediately.

He knew 6 of these 5 people.

The first of these was the person in charge of the operation that detonated the 3rd Group’s Armoury Depot more than half a year ago-greetings.

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