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Snow Mountain 6 Pulse!

This sect has nothing to do with Snow Mountain.

At least the peaks where their gates are located do not see any pure white snow, but a beautiful landscape.

At this moment in the courtyard of this sect, 6 Juezhen is under great pressure, looking at the information from Xia Ya over and over again.

The main line of Qimaimai Su 1000 had no response for a long time, which made him very disturbed.

In this uneasy trend, he even had a way to pack things, temporarily leave the Snow Mountain 6 veins to hide, and wait for the situation to clear up and then return to the idea.


With the death of Yin Tianya and Lanyu, the land True Immortal on which the Three Great Holy Lands are placed on the bright side is only 2 of him. If he disappears suddenly, it is not only the vein of Snow Mountain 6 but Qilin Sword Sect. Penglai Immortal Sect will also be frightened. They finally managed to establish a stable situation by shrinking the defense line and will break it again.

Coupled with the dignity of True Immortal on land that did not allow him to defeat without a fight, he coerced and ordered the dark man lurking in Charia to risk exposure and watch out for any wind and thunder from Thunderbolt Sect.

“Good news! Good news! Great news!”

Just when 6 Juezhen was fidgeting, the voice of Long Old Zhou overpass and Anther came from the door.

“But the pulse master succeeded !?”

6 真真 君 immediately stepped forward.

“Success! Master Su Mai succeeded!”

Zhou Tianqiao said heavily, there was unstoppable excitement in his tone: “According to the news from our intelligence personnel, the people of Thunderbolt Sect are now searching the city of Xia, and they can’t wait to turn it over, even the army The people of the ministry also went to the city of Xia to cooperate with Thunderbolt Sect’s blockade of the city of Xia. From the intense reaction of Thunderbolt Sect, Su Maizhu has completed the assassination and succeeded! “

“So Baili Qingfeng is dead?”

“Thunderbolt Sect did not announce any news about Baili Qingfeng, and it seems that he was deliberately taken out, but according to our high-level Thunderbolt Sect who secretly trusted us, Baili Changkong and Shi Tianya have gone to the summer After the city of Asia, there have been no small changes in emotions. Although they have not behaved abnormally, based on his understanding and observation of Baili Changkong, it can be concluded that he is now in a tragedy, which can make Baili Changkong almost control his Those who live in their own emotions … what else can be !? “

When Zhou Tianqiao said this, he waved heavily: “It must be the cultivation evil of Baili Qingfeng, take the side of the evil-doer, and the culprit who endangered our position in the Martial Dao realm has already fallen, and died in Sumai Lord. Under the sword! “

“If Baili Qingfeng is dead, why hasn’t the master heard so far?”

6 absolutely true frowns saying.

“According to the response of the Thunderbolt Sect to the search for Xia City, Su Mazhu killed Baili Qingfeng. He was also injured in the dying counterattack of Baili Qingfeng. Now he should hide in the dark to heal …”

Ansel said solemnly.

“Principle is injured …”

“Although I think it’s incredible, after all, Su Maizhu can fight True True Mormort, the pinnacle of the true guard, to assassinate Baili Qingfeng, who is said to have not yet condensed the leaked true body, and only has the Kingdom Guardian-class battle strength due to the mystery explosion. One should be called with no difficulty … but … “

“Do not!”

Anser was interrupted by 6 Juezhen before he finished speaking: “Baili Qingfeng is not a weak person. He dying back and causing the pulse master to be injured … it is also very likely …”

Speaking of which, he didn’t say any more.

The news brought by two Elders seemed reasonable. It is logical that Su 2 killed Baili Qingfeng and was hidden after being injured, so it was too late to immediately send the good news back to sect, but …

For some reason, the sense of anxiety in 6 Juezhen’s heart is getting heavier.

After a while, he said solemnly: “Launch all Strength to find out the situation of Xia, Baili Qingfeng …… living, then must see the person, died, then must see the corpse!”

“Thunderbolt Sect has great control over Charlie ’s strength, so I’m afraid it will cause all of our secrets to be exposed …”

“Exposed, exposed!”

6 Juejun waved his hand and said, “Also, contact Penglai Immortal Sect and Qilin Sword Sect to monitor the movements of the military masters and the whereabouts of the Kunwu team! Within 3 hours, I want to know their exact location! “

With his orders, all of the Snow Mountain 6 and even the Intelligence Section of Qilin Sword Sect and Penglai Immortal Sect moved.

Three Great Holy Lands are quite integrated in some cases, and they claim to be 3 Holy Leagues to the outside world. The reason for dividing the 3 lands is mainly because of Space Passage. In addition, it can also avoid being pressured by the army of the military.

Right now, Three Great Holy Lands has only 6 True Immortals, and his orders can automatically move all Strength, less than 3 hours, and an information quickly passed up.

Looking at this information, 6 Jue Zhenjun suddenly sank with a heart.

“Military masters move frequently !? Half of the Warlord masters are out of surveillance?”

“Kunwu’s team gathered at full speed and then disappeared?”

“3 The League ’s Intelligence Section is seriously disrupted? Suspected of being targeted by the Security Council?”

Seeing these news, 6 Jue Zhenjun took a deep breath and Shen Sheng ordered: “Gather all the elite seeds and execute the Qianlong plan!”

“Plan of Qianlong !?”

Although Zhou Tianqiao and Anser felt wrong after seeing the information, …

“Hessenburg fell. The warlords of the military took action. Did they support Hessenburg?”

“Yeah, Sia Kingdom lost its defensive facilities and can only rely on the army to pile up, otherwise how can it stop Legion from going south?”

6 Zhezhen Jun glanced at 2 people and said sternly: “The situation is in crisis and no negligence can be tolerated! Do it now!”

At present, 6 Juezhen is the only one after another land, True Immortal. Zhou Tianqiao and Anser didn’t dare to violate his orders, only promised: “Yes …”

At the moment, two people left to prepare for the implementation of the Qianlong plan to save the sect tinder.

“If something goes wrong with the lord … we 3 Saints left outside … I really only have one land, True Immortal. If I miss anything, the military department loses its scruples, and we can send troops in Space Passage builds a firepower network and blocks Space Passage … “

Thinking of this possibility, 6 Jue Zhenjun could no longer sit down and got up sharply: “No, I will go deep into the forest and hide it. The sword that does not come out of the sheath is the most threatening …”

At that moment he suddenly went out and went straight out of the hospital.

As soon as he left the yard, the light in his eyes seemed to be faintly aware of the golden light …

With a spirit of high alert, he suddenly gave a tentative drink: “Who !?”


Quiet for 3 seconds!

When 6 Juezhen thought he was too suspicious, the streamer bloomed!

In a green belt outside the courtyard, a silhouette full of metallic colors was shot out suddenly.

Although this metallic Battle Armor seems to have been painted with a special paint layer and has a light-absorbing effect, there is a hole in the position of the Battle Armor chest. This hole reveals the Golden material of the Battle Armor, which led to the 6 out of noble king ’s yard. Sweep that light.

The moment this silhouette emerged from the fight, the majestic qi and blood swept through, and the familiar way of qi and blood explosion that he had studied for a long time changed the face of 6 Juejun.

“Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique !? You are Baili Qingfeng !?”

6 Zhenzhen Jun screamed and pulled away at the same time!

“hong long long !”

in the sky thunderbolt roar!

Inborn Fiendgod Zuz was born in the air, with a virtual hand and an endless glow of white, Thunder Scepter has condensed out.

His Refining Spirit Secret Technique is not very useful to the Su 1000 line, but it is absolutely true to 6 …

More or less there are some effects.

Although it is not as good as dealing with the people in the cave, it can also affect the 6 true kings.

Besides, even if he can’t shake his mind, and even accidentally cause his mind to backlash, it doesn’t matter. At worst is regarded as Refining Spirit cultivation.

In the face of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique smashed by Baili Qingfeng, 6 Zhenzhengjun inspired the spirit of Spirit to the extreme, and he fought desperately with Thunder Scepter. In a severe collision, he seemed to be an ordinary person in a car accident. The shock of his will made him The whole person seems to be spinning.

“Give me the town!”

The state of heaven and earth continued to turn for a moment. 6 Jue Zhenjun’s eyes were already shining, and he was struggling out of this anomaly.

next moment, the sword in his hand came out, like a giant slashing the sky, fiercely collided with Baili Qingfeng’s sword edge and slashed the sword edge!


Atmospheric shock!

The front of the two strong roads blasted and tore the air, forming a terrible high-frequency air pressure that blew up all around and turned into a naked eye. The visible shock wave tears the green belt and bonsai in the square ten meters into shattered, solid and flat. A layer of smoke and dust was cut on the ground on the spot, and the 2th floor was filled, and the floor of 4 Juezhen ’s footing was even shattered.


Blocking the sword of Baili Qingfeng, 6 Jue Zhenjun retreated while taking advantage of the vast and powerful figure, and at the same time a shout, the sound of the mountains.

“Assassination … failed again?”

Seeing the 6 retreat in the retreat, Baili Qingfeng complexion changed, his foot broke out, and in a burst of roar and smoke, he was shaped like an arrow, bursting out, and smashed away again to the 6 retreat.

Assassination is not a failure until the battle is over.

But 6 Juezhen does not play against Baili Qingfeng at all.

At this moment, his mind had been filled with horror and incredibleness.

He couldn’t imagine why Baili Qingfeng, who was supposed to be killed by Su 1000, actually appeared at their Snow Mountain 6 vein headquarters.

What is even more terrifying is…

Su 1000 line went to assassinate Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng was safe and sound, so Su 1000 line! ?

“How can this be !? Impossible, impossible!”

6 Absolutely ruthless monarch and chaos. Although he is unwilling to accept the truth in his mouth, he has lost all his courage to fight with Baili Qingfeng and retreated at full speed, and interpreted the powerful outbreak of True Immortal on land to vividly and thoroughly. Shouting and screaming, summoning all powerhouses in the Snow Mountain 6 vein.

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