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Baili Qingfeng hunts down at full speed behind 6 Juezhen.

6 Absolute True Immortal As a true True Immortal on land, the explosive power is far beyond that of a Body Refining flow martial artist. Although Baili Qingfeng in Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique ’s blood strength is equivalent to the peak of Kingdom Guardian, he will want to catch up with a fugitive Onshore True Immortal is still not easy.

At the same time, the bursts of drinking came from the many peaks of Snow Mountain 6.

“Someone dares to come to my Snow Mountain 6 veins!”

“It’s impudent!”

“It’s a big courage!”

one after another silhouette quickly approached.

Snow Mountain 6 is different from Qilin Sword Sect and Penglai Immortal Sect. There are not many people in this sect, but without exception, they are all elite. It is as if the first dozen people who came to hear the news. 6 Level masters actually accounted for half.

Many masters of the Snow Mountain 6 that were swiftly killed looked at that silhouette, aggressive, who was chasing 6 Junzhen.

“When did anyone dare to take our Snow Mountain 6 pulse so seriously? With the details of our Snow Mountain 6 pulse, even if the Vice Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect comes in person, our Snow Mountain 6 pulse … Hmm! This … This is Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique !? “

“Stop him for me!”

Among the rushing 6 Jun Zhenjun howled.

“hong long long !”

The innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared again, and the mighty thunderbolt formed a thrilling roar, impacting everyone’s spirit world. Even if this Strength is not aimed at the 6-5 masters other than 6 Junzhengjun, they still have a big problem ahead. World Destructive horror.

“Baili Qingfeng! Baili Qingfeng! This is Baili Qingfeng!”

“Baili Qingfeng’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique Non-Terrestrial True Immortal cannot be resisted at all!”

“Our strength is simply sending death to Baili Qingfeng!”

Each of the dozen or so masters who arrived hurled each and everyone complexion greatly changed. In addition to the two people who did not fear death, they wanted to stop him, and the remaining ten people …

Immediately made the same choice as 6 Juejin!



“hong long! ”

The roar formed by Thunder Scepter straddles the void, and fiercely blows up in the Spirit World of 6 Juejun, leaving him with a stupid figure running wild.

At this time, the two masters who intercepted and advanced were also roaring. Sword light flashes, like meteors, stabbed Baili Qingfeng who could not escape.


The fire is shining!

Baili Qingfeng is like dealing with those ordinary Grandmasters. With the amazing defense and unique design of Yao Jin Battle Armor, he directly offset and dismissed the strength of their sword edge assassination, and his body is without any lag. Head-on.

A 6-level Elder who was standing in front of him couldn’t dodge, and was directly hit by Baili Qingfeng. For a while, the horrifying force like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood acted on his body and smashed his skeleton on the spot Most of them caused him to spit out blood and flew out. He had not yet landed and was dead!

“This … this is the Strength of Baili Qingfeng !?”

“so horrible!”

The Elders who withdrew abruptly looked at blocking the end of Baili Qingfeng, and felt a horror from their hearts.

have one’s hair stand on end!

“Primordial Qi Technique!”

He killed a 6-level Elder, and the Strength 2 degree of Baili Qingfeng within the body erupted. Under Primordial Qi Technique, his figure seemed to tear through the void, and with Mount Tai’s imposing magnificence, he was killed behind 6 Juejun. If you do not kill the sword, it will be cut off. Before the sword arrives, the sword ridge formed by the sword edge tearing the air has already landed, forcing the 6 Supreme Master Jun who was too late to avoid the Thunder Scepter strikes.


The sword cricket and the sword body collided fiercely!

The 6 Junzhengjun, who was holding a sword alone, seemed to have been stepped on by an elephant fiercely, and his retreating figure fell to the ground involuntarily. In a hurry, his left hand was shot fiercely on the ground and was about to fall Stand again.

But before he had time to completely stabilize his focus, the second round of Thunder Scepter has been blasted down, accompanied by the 2nd sword light cut off by Baili Qingfeng!

“Do not!”

6 Desperate King shouted a bit of desperation, but had to resist the sword again.


The blade and the blade collided again!

The sword cymbals contained in the sword edge burst apart during the impact, forming an extremely powerful force, as if Sword Qi generally tore the arm of 6 Juejun, tearing the sleeve on his arm into a shatter on the spot, and His wrist with a sword was even blood red!

With the sword double in the sword edge and the strength of the double strikes in the sword edge, he managed to stabilize his figure with the help of his left hand, and was once again dumped down by the strong strikes contained in this sword.

The body collided with the ground, shattering the slate ground to the ground on the spot.

Without waiting for him to breathe, Baili Qingfeng third Thunder Scepter arrived.

Along with it is the third sword …

Baili Qingfeng didn’t seem to regard his sword as a sword, but instead regarded it as a hammer.


“hong long long !”

Rigidly resisted Baili Qingfeng A note of Refining Spirit Secret Technique 6 Juezhen had to cross the sword again.


Vigorous strikes.

2 The location where the swords intersect seems to be detonated by a detonation bomb, and the ground that fell to the ground 6 shattered all around shattered, forming a circle of crack nets with a diameter of more than 3 meters. Blood spit out from the mouth of 6 True King.

“No … I served …”

6 The scream of Mengzhen Jun drowned in the roar of the fourth Thunder Scepter.

Hearing the voice of 6 Jue Zhenjun, the fourth sword that Baili Qingfeng cut off has a momentary lag.

But in less than half a second, the sword had been chopped by fiercely again.

6 The True King is True Immortal!

Although he slain 2 large land True Immortal in the Oya Forest World War I established self-confidence against the land True Immortal, but he still dare not be a little bit embarrassed against any land True Immortal!

The lion fight rabbit also uses all strength!

Not to mention he’s just a little Wargod!

A Wargod that is only 6th in the cultivation level is one level lower than the land-level True Immortal of the 7th level.

Not to mention that in the face-to-face fight, the Body Refining flow martial artist is not as good as the Inner flow martial artist.

Once he dares to have any covetousness and slackness, what is waiting for him is bound to be dead end.

He Baili Qingfeng has grown all the way to the present, does he rely on caution?

It is because of prudence that he never underestimates any opponent, so many enemies that are significantly stronger than him are eventually killed by him and die under his sword. He does not want his final end and those killed by himself. Like the enemy.

With this kind of dedication, like the enemy’s stance, Baili Qingfeng’s 4th sword was chopped down without any delay.


Energy Road 4 is scattered.

6 The blood of the right hand of Juezhen Jun holding the sword permeated, and the ground on which he was standing broke apart again, causing a burst of dust.

“Rao … Rao …”

Weak voices drowned in the 5th Refining Spirit Secret Technique and the 5th Sword slashed down.


6th Refining Spirit Secret Technique and 6th Sword, 7th Refining Spirit Secret Technique and 7th Sword, 8th Refining Spirit Secret Technique and 8th Sword …

While Baili Qingfeng continued to contemplate the innate Fiendgod Zuz, intending to condense the ninth Thunder Scepter, he found …

6 The True King is motionless.

There was also no breath of life left on the body.

This result made Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.


At the next moment, his ninth sword, which was about to be killed, suddenly turned into a stab, swiftly avoiding the sword edge that was still in front of him, and pierced his skull.


sword edge through!

6 Jun Zhenjun, who originally did not have any life aura, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of astonishment, fear, and incredibleness, and the breath of life emerged from him again, and at the next moment …




Baili Qingfeng twisted the sword that penetrated the head of 6 Juezhenjun, and then pulled the sword with lightning and retreated.

Avoid him having a technique similar to the Divine technique of Swordsman in the temple.

But in the end …

6 Jue Zhenjun also just uttered a half of the word “you”, and shook his body, completely avoiding his eyes.

This time, there is really no breath.


Baili Qingfeng long put out a breath.

Sure enough, there is no one who can achieve True Immortal. If it was not because he used to add a sword after the other person lost his breath, I am afraid …

The consequences are unexpected.

Once he thought that 6 Jue Zhenjun was dead, he relaxed his vigilance, and 6 Jue Zhenjun seized the opportunity to burst out, and assassinated by the sword. When that time came, he was caught off guard, and he was afraid that he would die directly under the opponent’s sword!

“Terrifying! In the future, I will meet a True Immortal opponent on land. I ca n’t carelessly break my head! I ca n’t even pierce my heart. Since my heart is pierced, I can recover. The enemy may also! After all, it ’s With no leakage of the true body, we have transcended the ordinary land of True Immortal! “

Baili Qingfeng secretly abstained.

At this time there was a shout of killing from the mountain.

When Baili Qingfeng and 6 Zezhengjun struggled to fight, the Elders called by 6 Zezhengjun, each and everyone fled and ran down the mountain. Now it is estimated that they have reached the foot of the mountain and the Kunwu team from the mountain. Members and Lu Ping and the others ran into.

“Can’t let any Snow Mountain 6 vein Elder leave alive, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble!”

Baili Qingfeng sensed it a little bit, and quickly sensed ten 3 levels of 6 breath.

It has to be said that the Snow Mountain 6 vein martial artist is of high quality.

Counting the 6-level martial artist who was killed by him, Snow Mountain 6 has less than 50 people, and the 6-level powerhouse accounted for 4 of them. The minimum number is the martial artist below the Grandmaster, which adds up to less than 1 people. It can be seen that this sect elite education is extraordinary.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng was flying in shape, and rushed towards the direction with the largest number of people.


An hour later, Baili Qingfeng returned to the courtyard.

Kunwu lays a lot of eyeliners outside the Snow Mountain 6 veins. In addition to the scarcity of personnel in the Snow Mountain 6 veins, almost any official member has more than two intelligence personnel to focus on. Elders are even more important.

Relying on intelligence personnel to guide the way, those Elders who had broken through the defense line of the Kunwu group did not escape from Baili Qingfeng and were hunted down by him and everyone, killing as many as possible.

When Baili Qingfeng started the Snow Mountain 6 pulse, the Warlords and Wargods drawn from the army were also leading the elite soldiers, wearing the Chenjin Battle Armor, and fully armed to kill Qilin Sword Sect and Snow Mountain. 6 veins, strangling all the tops of Two Great Influences with the cooperation of intelligence personnel.

In less than 2 hours, the Three Great Holy Lands headquarters was uprooted by the military and cabinet with a thunderbolt of 10000!


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