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There are countless people in and out of the Prime Minister’s office, and the phone that rings from time to time reports a message to him.

The news came from the city of Tross, and more often the northern border.

“The first group’s army completed the interception at the fastest speed, building a line of defense 100 kilometers away from Bluestone Fortress, blocking the front of the Aurora Empire’s wild battle Legion.”

“Minister Lynch’s press conference on the massive invasion of the Aurora Empire into our territory has attracted the attention of all countries in the East Divine Continent. At present, countries such as the Red Flame Country, the Bucks in the Knight Alliance, and the Moro have condemned the Aurora. The hegemonic behavior of the empire, while more than 10000 troops of the Chiyan State began to mobilize materials to advance to the border, and the fleet of the Bucks Kingdom also left the port and will sail north via the Chiri Strait to cruise the North Sea! “

“Big His Highness the Prince is on his own to inspire morale for the First Army!”

“Reinforcements of the 2nd Army are rushing at full speed and are expected to reach the front and meet with the 24st Army within 1 hours.”

“The commando formed by the 4 Kingdom Guardian of the Aurora Empire was intercepted by the real sacred master who arrived in time. After a fight, the commando was repelled by the real shoulder.”


Prime Minister Yasuo glanced at a message and responded to the situation. Although the entire office was busy, it remained orderly.

At this time, another staff member showed a surprise: “The Prime Minister, Duanmurui Captain called, and the members of the Kunwu team have leveled the Snow Mountain 6 pulse with the assistance of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master. The Snow Mountain 6 pulse 14 Elder has been counted. Kill, only one after another of them, True Immortal 6, will fall under the sword of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master. “

“6 Deadly King is dead? Snow Mountain 6 is gone?”

Prime Minister Yasuo figure stopped, dealing with matters in his hands, and immediately looked up.

“Yes, the current Snow Mountain 6 has been completely occupied by the Kunwu team! None of the seniors have been spared!”

“good, very good, excellent!”

With the fall of Heisenberg, Prime Minister Yasuo has maintained a serious and solemn expression and finally unfolded. For the first time, he was pleased: “Give me the leader of Duanmu Rui immediately!”


The aides promised.

Soon a phone rang beside Yasuo, and as he connected the phone: “Prime Minister, I’m Duanmu Rui! I’m rushing to Penglai Immortal Sect!”

“Penglai Immortal Sect? The plans for Penglai Immortal Sect and Qilin Sword Sect have also started?”

“Not only launched, but also succeeded! Our Kunwu team formed 2 teams, cooperated with the 3rd Army and the Floating Slaughter, broke into the Penglai Immortal Sect, and played a completely unprepared Penglai Immortal Sect. At present, the entire Penglai Immortal Sect has been completely broken down by us, and no longer a threat! “

“Penglai Immortal Sect is broken !?”

The Prime Minister Yasuo was pleasantly surprised when he heard the news.

“Thanks to the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, Penglai Immortal Sect Elder is numerous, with 5 people, but the last time was killed by 7 people by the Qingfeng Sect Master, there are only 8 people left, plus the Qingfeng Sect Master was sold to the military twice A large amount of Chen Jin makes it possible for almost every Warlord to have a Battle Armor next to him. Armed fully, a Warlord can face up to the Grand Grandmaster. Under the bombardment, the Penglai Immortal Sect rebels are directly defeated! “

Duanmu Rui said: “At present, Willis Grandmaster is hunting down the Penglai Immortal Sect Sect Master. As long as you kill it, the outside of Penglai Immortal Sect will be Equivalent to as many as we can.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

Yasuo said three good words.

Even if the fall of Hessenberg makes the northern front extremely passive, it cannot suppress the joy and shock brought by this series of good news.

“Can someone go to Qinglin Sword Sect?”

“It is Hundred Herb Hall and Xiao Lige Grandmaster of the 6th Army who are responsible for clearing Qilin Sword Sect. Qilin Sword Sect was killed by the Qingfeng Sect Master a few months ago. It is currently the weakest in Three Great Holy Lands. In order to deal with Qilin Sword Sect, the 6th Army has seconded 9 Warlords and 2 Wargods from other troops, plus the Warlords and Wargods of their headquarters, it is estimated that it won’t be long before we can receive their good news! “

“Yes, Qilin Sword Sect is really no master now.”

When Prime Minister Yasuo said what seemed to come to mind, he suddenly laughed: “Think now that Three Great Holy Lands is almost the same as being destroyed in the hands of Baili Qingfeng. Qilin Sword Sect and Penglai Immortal Sect even though he did not do it himself Uprooting them, but thanks to the work of Qingfeng Sect Master, it is he that has repeatedly weakened Three Great Holy Lands Strength, so we can defeat them so easily, otherwise, each of the two forces has dozens of Grandmasters, we have to It will be extremely difficult to successfully wipe them out. “

“Qingfeng Sect Master … It is really a blessing for our Maria Dao community!”

“No, it’s Guoshi!”

Yasuo Prime Minister repeated repeatedly: “Matchless State!”

“Guo Shi …”

Duan Murui read this word, associating with what Baili Qingfeng has done over the years, and finally took it for granted: “Yes, the contribution made by Qingfeng Sect Master to our Shia is fully worthy of the title of scholar. “

Shia is not weak.

It is difficult to unify the strength of the country, the Princes are fighting on their own, and the Martial Dao community continues to be being led by an hindrance, which causes internal instability, making the dignified big country’s international influence like a small second-rate country.

Right now they are solving the problems of the Martial Dao world once and for all by the force of Baili Qingfeng. The Ministry of Military Affairs can draw most of the military strength to external deterrence. Anyone’s weight on Sia Kingdom must be re-evaluated!

“Penglai Immortal Sect, Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 have been uprooted …”

For a moment, Prime Minister Yasuo thought about the situation and looked up at the assistant. “Contact Sikong Dao Lineage and ask Sikong Dao Lineage to transfer the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 8th divisions. 60000 8,000 people to reinforce the Northern Front. In addition, Commander Wellington will lead the new 3rd Army to defend the Space Passage of the 6th Army. “


The assistant promised.

Although the 2nd Group Army sent reinforcements, it only had 30000 4000 troops. Now if the elite of the 6th Group Army recruits another 80000 6000 troops, the northern front is equivalent to having more than a thousand troops.

Even though the military strength of Sia Kingdom is inferior to that of the Aurora Empire, the number of hunted thousand people on the front line is still enough to break the layout of the Aurora Empire, forcing the aggressive battle Legion to dare not go further.

Otherwise, once they retreat from the First Army, and the soldiers of the 2nd Army and the 6th Army complete their encirclement, the entire battle of Legion will be buried in the ruins of Hessenburg and the bluestone castle line less than 2 100 kilometers. On the battlefield.

Each and everyone commands are issued continuously.

Based on the situation and intelligence, the Prime Minister Yasuo continued to discuss with other staff members and think tank members. It took him a full half an hour to put out a breath.


He leaned back a bit, his grim expression relaxed: “This time, despite the loss of Hessenburg, the northern front has finally stabilized. The layout of the Aurora Empire can be increased as our situation stabilizes. We can call the army to increase without attack. Self-breaking, especially Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect have been uprooted and cut off a scourge within our country. If it goes well, we will integrate all domestic strengths and work towards the north. It is bound to The minions that extend the Aurora Empire into the north are all interrupted! “


Baili Qingfeng naturally did not know the impact on the domestic situation of uprooting Snow Mountain 6, Qilin Sword Sect, and Penglai Immortal Sect.

He was just glad that his first small goal was finally about to be completed.

Although Three Great Holy Lands still have 2/3 masters in the 2nd World, they …

As long as they cannot be blocked by the fire network constructed by the military, it is no different from being destroyed.

“It’s been more than a year of hardship and danger, and today it’s finally easy to get what you want!”

Baili Qingfeng thinks of himself being destroyed by the burrows from Shire University, and learned that Three Great Holy Lands is the culprit behind the scenes. I set this small goal so far, and I ca n’t help but sigh. .

Some people just think that he has come to this step in these days, listening to songs, going to school, writing assignments, and practicing Martial Practice.


In addition to listening to the song and writing his homework Martial Practice, he also went to fight the burrow people, collecting death deaths and still alive time and time again to collect powerful gold to forge a powerful Battle Armor in order to deal with increasingly stronger enemies, in order to do these things He has missed more than one scholarship, and his academic performance has also dropped from the top ten, and he has dropped out of 20.

If it weren’t for most recently 2 grandfather Baili Changkong who seemed to be part-time Shire University Honor Principal, I am afraid his attendance score would continue to decline.

But even for this purpose, in order to achieve this goal, he took a full leave for 3 months!

Exactly 93 days!

When Baili Qingfeng was forced to leave the school in an increasingly difficult environment, there was a real feeling that he had not yet completed his studies, but was suddenly sent to the army by his parents.

He looked back at the campus, like a traveler on a train, looking for parents on the platform through the glass window …

That kind of loss, that kind of unknown confusion, that kind of emptiness, filled the whole heart.

Those who have not experienced will never understand.

“The hardest time has passed.”

Baili Qingfeng murmured to himself as he walked among the buildings of the Snow Mountain 6 vein.

Although there are not many people in the Snow Mountain 6, the area is not small because there are 6 peaks, which is larger than the Sword Sect, which occupies the green jade bamboo sea.

Baili Qingfeng first made a circle on the peak of Qimai and collected a lot of books. Then he went to the peak of Xinmai and also collected a lot of books.

“Knowledge is the most precious thing in this world. Compared to money, knowledge is truly priceless.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the books he had collected with a faint smile on his face.

Life with books is real life.

“Qingfeng Sect Master, found a large number of industries, shops, land in the Snow Mountain 6 vein, worth 100000000, these are your spoils of war …”

At this time Longsheng came behind Baili Qingfeng and respectfully requested instructions.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Baili Qingfeng with a wave of his hand: “The money industry is meaningless to me. You can take it away. I ca n’t spend any money alone. I just want to read and read things. You ’re interested in applying it to your studies. Just give me a uranium mine. ”

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