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“Uranium mine.”

Longsheng just vaguely knew that it seemed to be a new type of energy ore. However, because there is no effective way to use it, this ore is currently in the basic reserve stage and the country has not paid much attention to it.

Since Baili Qingfeng has spoken …

“Understand, I will apply above to change the Qingfeng Sect Master to the owner of the No. 4 uranium mining site!”


Baili Qingfeng said, what seemed to come to mind, some sorry said: “Or, let me use the power station in Nuhe for it too? Due to the availability of the centrifuge, the laboratory ’s recent consumption of electricity is getting bigger and bigger, making it summer. Villages and towns around Asia are all limited in power supply. This kind of behavior that affects the lives of the surrounding people is not good, so I want to test a new power generation technology at that power station. If it goes well, it will not only solve the problems in our laboratory, It can also solve the problem of electricity use throughout Xiahai Prefecture and reduce electricity prices. “

“Oh, what happened?”

“Yes, it is not difficult to implement this technology, please believe me!”

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

“We can trust the Qingfeng Sect Master. I will report it to the Cabinet. It is estimated that it will not be long before the management right of the Nuhe Power Station will be delivered to Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Long Sheng said with a slight smile.

Although he thinks that the laboratory that Baili Qingfeng was interested in creating most recently seems to be playing more and more, but …

Who hasn’t ordered hobby yet?

Some people like cars, some people like watches, some people like beautiful women, and some people like working hard …

Baili Qingfeng Sect Master itself is a hobby learner. It is completely reasonable to learn that things are irritable and put into practice.

This formal interest hobby is much better than the other 2nd generation bullying bullies.

Therefore, the Cabinet has spared no effort to support these small requirements of Baili Qingfeng.

“So many thanks, and I will call the Prime Minister Yasuo to express my gratitude.”

Baili Qingfeng is sincere.

“It’s our pleasure to be able to help Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Long Sheng responded with a smile.

Since the matter in the Snow Mountain 6 veins has been resolved, the following are some trivial matters, and Baili Qingfeng did not continue to stay in the Snow Mountain 6 veins.

After all, he is a man who is really trying to condense the Xeon, and every one minute is extremely important.

Therefore, when he proposed to return to Xia Ya, Long Sheng immediately arranged a vehicle to send Baili Qingfeng to leave, leaving only Lu Ping and the others to discuss the specific issues of Snow Mountain 6 treatment.

When Baili Qingfeng left without bringing anything else, he brought several boxes of books.

With these books, I believe it will help him to supplement his cultivation system.

It really can’t help. Uploading it to the Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes forum can also be regarded as a contribution to the vision of the master of the edition.

Under the strength of Moderator Sword God’s example Strength, this dedication spirit Baili Qingfeng has never been lacking.


When Baili Qingfeng came to his yard, he found that several disciples were waiting here, and even the teacher Yiyi came.


“Little sister!”


Seeing him, several people came forward and said hello, their eyes were full of an irresistible worship.

“Come here, just right, help me move some books.”

Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation pulled 4 people.

Fortunately, several people have been practicing martial arts for a while, and they still have the strength. It doesn’t take much time to move a few boxes of books. In a short time, all these books have been transferred to his study.

After waiting in the study room, he found that his study, which is more than ten square meters, was already piled up, not only a lot of books on the bookshelf, but also a few corners of his desk, and the books were stacked. It’s the same as the desk of high 3 students.

Although these books are not all cultivation methods from the Great Sects, but also include physics, chemistry, lifeform, mathematics and other classics being studied by Baili Qingfeng, it can still make him a little hesitant to see so many books in the study.

“I actually bought so many books?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Long Sheng and the others originally intended to give him the money industry, but he didn’t need it, he asked for some books and minerals, and exchanged money for books, so it is reasonable to say that he bought so many books.

“These are your record of Master.”

Ge Feibai glanced over these books, his eyes full of envy.

“Qingfeng, congratulations, you have almost destroyed the Three Great Holy Lands by one person. Our Maria Dao community can usher in peace and stability. You are the biggest contributor.”

Teacher Yiyidao.

“I didn’t do anything, I just killed a few land True Immortal and some Elder. It was the floating slaughter, Hundred Herb Hall, military forces and members of the Kunwu squad that really uprooted the Three Great Holy Lands.”

Baili Qingfeng modestly said.

But Shi Yiyi, Yu Caiwei, and the others clearly did not believe that he had already become the savior of the Martial Dao world of Xia.

Seeing that the explanation was unclear, Baili Qingfeng had to shift the topic: “You can enjoy these books when you want to read them, but you should only use these exercises as a reference meaning. It is not necessary to follow the teachings. Read the book I gave you Well, laying the foundation is the right path. “

For the basis of Baili Qingfeng’s statement, several people looked at each other and seemed helpless.

“Understand that we will read books and study well.”

Yu Caiwei said.

At this point her teachings of Baili Qingfeng were actually a bit desperate.

However, the real purpose of associating with them is just to get close to Baili Qingfeng and have a good relationship with him. In the end, they struggled and chose to give up.

“There should be nothing to deal with next. I will stay in the yard for a long time. If you do n’t understand anything, just ask me.”


The crowd promised, and they quickly retreated.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the new boxes and had a little headache.

The Snow Mountain 6 vein inheritance is much older than the Chilin Sword Sect’s inheritance. The books collected from the Snow Mountain 6 vein are more than twice as many as the Chilin Sword Sect, plus many books from Penglai Immortal Sect. The harvest of defeating Qilin Sword Sect.

The last time he took 3 or 4 hours to pass these books, this time …

Wouldn’t it take more than ten hours.

“Ten hours, just ten hours. At that time, Aotian Sword God moderator uploaded 1000 methods, but it still took a lot of time. Although there are more than 1000 methods in several boxes, The proud owner of the Sword God moderator, such as Heaven’s Mystery Building’s son, can withstand the loneliness of uploading for more than ten hours. I have worked hard and what is it … “

With this in mind, Baili Qingfeng no longer wastes time, and uploads these cheat books one by one.


Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect are collectively known as the 3 Holy Alliance. In the entire East Divine Continent, they belong to the huge monster that can rank top 20. Sia Kingdom has cooperated to destroy the news of the 3 Holy Alliance. hide.

When Baili Qingfeng devotedly uploaded the exercises, the cabinet, the army, and the Martial Dao community joined forces to destroy Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 10000 and Penglai Immortal Sect with a thunderbolt of 6. Quickly spread towards the surroundings.

The first to get the news is that the Aurora Empire is currently aggressively invading Sia Kingdom’s northern border.

“Victoria, can you lead the masters of the Sun Temple to besiege the truth? Our tactics are to target the Shia army through special operations squads, and then cut the battlefield of Shia through the elite. Finally, it is the pressure of the army. “The little by little army that is going to be divided cannibalize the siege. Now we have the truth. Our plan is seriously frustrated. If we rush south, the special operations team is afraid of losing a lot.”

What is talking at this moment is Legion Commander Kives.

Legion mobilized 120,000, 60000 Chen Bing at the border of the Kingdom of Chiyan during the war, and another 60000 took advantage of the fall of Hessenberg and drove straight into the territory of Chia for 100 kilometers. As long as he can maintain this kind of front, people will see It is clear that Shia ’s unable to withstand a single blow, Wind Thunder Legion will also follow. By that time, more than 10000 troops can even directly kill the light of the capital of Shia Hill, and the soldiers will be under the city.

“The martial artist of the Great Sun Temple is good at assassination, stealth, and protection. The front war is not our home field. Therefore, how to annihilate the fidelity, you can only rely on you to fight Legion yourself.”

Known as Victoria is a woman looking up and down 30, full of mature charm, making people involuntarily hot, but the words are cold and ruthless, pouring a basin of cold water.

“At present, the only obstacle we have is fidelity. As long as we can eliminate fidelity, with our tactical layout, we can reach the light of Hill within 3 days, completely breaking the pride of Sia Kingdom, and letting them fight against us, storm Thunder Legion. Acknowledge allegiance, then we will be the heroes of opening up the territory and destroying the city. “

“I’m afraid we don’t have 3 days.”

At this time, a voice came from outside the door. It was Cherie, Chief of Staff of the Furious Legion: “General, the situation has changed, so we can build a line of defense around Hessenburg.”

While speaking, he had passed a piece of information to Kivis.

Kivis glanced, his face changed suddenly: “How is it possible? Sia Kingdom actually swept 3 Holy League in such a short time !? 3 What happened to the people of Holy League, even a few 100 pigs, it is impossible Killed clean in such a short period of time, can’t they hold us back for a few more days? 3 days! No! Just 2 days is enough! “

“With the death of 6 Supreme Masters, the 3 Holy Alliance Dragons have no heads, and were defeated by the military, cabinet, and local martial artist, which is also reasonable.”

Cheryl said the expression grave and said: “The threat of the 3 Holy Alliance is removed … At least a few months will no longer be able to contain the strength of Gia ’s domestic strength. Next, the army originally used to prevent the 3 Holy Alliance must be drawn out. We A preliminary estimate is that there will be hundreds of hunted thousand people one after another. Now we have not completely defeated the resistance of the First Army. If they are blocked by the 2nd Army and this wave of reinforcements … Legion, half a Legion, there will be Maybe the whole army is gone. “

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