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“Three sects experts gather !?”

Baili Qingfeng expression suddenly became dignified: “You mean that the masters of Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect will come together and try to rush out of Penglai Immortal Sect’s Space Passage?”

“Not sure of the time, but this is their only way, otherwise they would be trapped inside.”

“How many more masters are there at Three Great Holy Lands?”


Duan Murui’s voice was silent. After a while, the tone was a bit bitter: “This is the biggest problem. We don’t know how much Three Great Holy Lands has, but not long ago Heaven’s Mystery Building was established in our town In a branch, we took advantage of the opportunity to obtain a piece of information from Heaven’s Mystery Building. Currently, Three Great Holy Lands is in the East Divine Continent First Rate Influence ranking given by Heaven’s Mystery Building.


“The forces in the top 20 have either a Level 9 powerhouse or a Strength against the Level 9 powerhouse.”

Duanmurui summarized briefly: “In other words, they have at least 2 Su 1000 masters!”

Baili Qingfeng decided to completely solve the problem of Three Great Holy Lands ten days ago, so let Duanmu Rui pay attention to the specific opening of Three Great Holy Lands Space Passage, but now …

“Qingfeng, if the people of Three Great Holy Lands are scattered in 3 places, I believe that your strength is assaulted and assaulted, it is not difficult to destroy them, but if they gather in one place …”

Duanmu Rui did not go on.

But Baili Qingfeng already understood what he meant.

2 Su 1000 lines.

Baili Qingfeng thinks of his battle with Su 1000 …

The opponent completely suppressed him on Strength, outbreak, and speed. If it was not because he was the first sneak attack to kill him, and then rely on Yaojin Battle Armor and fight for his life, I am afraid the end of the battle will be rewritten.

One Su 1000 line has been so difficult to deal with, two Su 2 lines …

Even if he breaks through to the Kingdom Guardian level, his win rate is less than 30% if he cannot sneak attack.

Not to mention that in addition to the two Su 2 lines, Three Great Holy Lands must have other land True Immortal-level powerhouses.

He remembered it clearly. At that time, he killed Su 1000 and was seriously injured. The injury was so serious that if he came to any other land, True Immortal could easily kill him, even if the opponent had more than one land True Immortal. He fought his life, and finally killed two Su 2 lines. In the end, his injuries would be so serious that he would no longer be able to fight …

Without the power to fight again, he is still surrounded by digital land True Immortal …

will die!

Right …

“We still need a little time and a little patience, and Qingfeng, you also need some time to grow. Of course, the luckiest thing is that Three Great Holy Lands powerhouse has no choice but to strike the Penglai Immortal Sect’s Space Passage ten days later. We have already deployed inescapable net outside the Space Passage. If they forcibly impact, they will lose a lot of money. If Qingfeng you are here to help us again, they will definitely hurt them. As long as they can shoot more than half of them, Qingfeng you must pass It will be a lot easier for Space Passage to enter 2nd World and completely uproot their influence in 2nd World. “

Duanmu Rui Road.

“I see. I will go to Penglai Immortal Sect Space Passage to cooperate with the military.”

“many thanks.”

Duanmu Rui said sincerely.

“This is what I should do.”

Baili Qingfeng hung up.

“Sure enough, the enemy is not a weak one. Before I broke through to True Immortal on land, I could only rely on sneak attack and assassination, and fight with him both sides, even if I broke through True Immortal realm on land, cultivation. The base has grown, at best it is equivalent to a Su 1000 line … To truly uproot Three Great Holy Lands completely, unless my cultivation base does a breakthrough … Break the 2nd human limit! “

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the feathered spiritual liquid that had just been exchanged with Frozen Emerald for ten days.

This feathered spiritual liquid can greatly increase the efficiency of Leakless True Body’s cultivation. Although it is not as good as the cultivation of the fleshhy body to its peak, it should be enough to allow him to try to hit the human limit twice.

Even if almost …

He didn’t plan to wait any longer.

Danger lurks within the riches and honour !

How hard is it to break the second human limit?

His time is not allowed, then, only to have the courage and firm Faith, to fight hard with a determination to go forward!

If he breaks the limit smoothly, his cultivation base breakthrough, Three Great Holy Lands will no longer be a threat.

If you fail to break the limit …

Baili Qingfeng took the feathered spiritual liquid …

Because of the nervousness, the hands holding Yuhua’s spiritual liquid were shaking slightly.

“The Ministry of Defense has beaten the grass to scare the snake. The masters of Three Great Holy Lands will definitely try to return to Shia. Once the masters of Three Great Holy Lands return to Shia, I learn that I cooperated with the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet. Three Great Holy Lands, breaking their inheritance, they will definitely retaliate in madness. At that time, not only will I have mortal danger, my relatives and my friends will be caught in the death threat posed by Three Great Holy Lands … “


Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, dissipating the pressure of death that had been overlaid on himself by the Three Great Holy Lands.

“That’s it, I have no choice. There must be only one who can survive between Three Great Holy Lands and me. The key to survival is whether I can break the second human limit within these ten days. If I break the second human body, Extreme, breaking through level 2, supplemented by my Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique with Yao Jin Battle Armor, let alone a 2 Su 8 line, Level 2 powerhouse, I dare assassinate it for you! But if I break the second human body Extreme failure … “

Baili Qingfeng holds the hand of feathered spiritual liquid paused.

Next moment ……

He seemed to have made up his mind!

Suddenly opened the feathered spiritual liquid and swallowed.

Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique operates, and the medical power of the feathered spiritual liquid is quickly digested!

“If I break the second human limit and fail, I can only hurry to practice the Refining Spirit technique. At my current progress, I can almost break through. At that time, I will re-initiate Nine Heavens Thunder Move with Refining Spirit 2. It shouldn’t be difficult to die for a few thousand Su 9s, but then … I’m afraid for a few days, my family and friends have to be protected and even moved to military camps. Their lives will be seriously affected, my dad. Baili Hong cannot do business, my sister Baili Die cannot go to work … “

He must not allow this to happen!

What is the meaning of his Baili Qingfeng Martial Practice?

Guard those who need guard!

Cherish those things that need to be cherished!

Live a peaceful life!

“The one who fears my God, the one who messes with my heart …”

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked through the window, seeming to cross a distance of several hundred kilometers, and landed on the Penglai Immortal Sect, 100 birds lake outside the city of Tross.

“Ten days! Come! Either you kill me! Or I kill you!”


Aurora Empire.

The aurora empire has serious personal worship, and domestic laws are extremely harsh. Equivalent to a very large militarized group!

The military order is like a mountain!

A General War Grade commanded, even if death is undoubted, True Immortal on the land must die generously, otherwise no one is spared under the military law!

For this reason, there are few masters of the military Aurora Empire, and the three and a half World Level forces of the East Divine Continent have no good opinion of the Aurora Empire. If it is not the Great Emperor Sword Technique of the Aurora Emperor, it will dominate Divine Continent, even Divine Continent Number One Person Zhao Jiansheng had to avoid his edge and was forced to hide in the dark to wait for the opportunity to move. I am afraid that the three and a half World Level forces have long pushed the Chiyan and Knight alliances, forcing the Aurora Empire to disintegrate.

This harsh law has created the powerful mobilization and war potential of the Aurora Empire, making them possess the horrible military Strength of East Divine Continent. Even if the Chiyan and Knight alliances work together, they cannot stop the expansion of the Aurora Empire!

It was as if watching the Aurora Empire annexed Han Guang and Na Fan 2 nations more than a decade ago.

Their resistance …

At best, the pace of the Aurora Empire’s unification of East Divine Continent can only slightly slow that’s all.

And there are 2 intelligence agencies that ensure the fairness of Aurora Empire ’s internal and external laws, one is the Imperial Intelligence Agency and the other is the Sun Temple!

The low- and middle-end personnel targeted by the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

And the Sun Temple …

Aurora Emperor’s largest and most cutting-edge institution at home and abroad!

Local authorities such as Otto in Xia City and Ona in Miro City did not even have the qualifications to enter the temple of Da Ri.

At this time, in an office on the side of the building of the Great Sun Temple.

A bright-looking woman is directing something, and from her body, a confident and flying color can be seen.

It is often said that serious men are the most attractive, and women are the same.

Just like Gu Weier now, she was so radiant and dazzling that she attracted frequent attention from the team.

“Leader Gu Weier.”

At this time, a woman with a magnificent appearance and less than 30 came in accompanied by two men in white robes.

Seeing this woman, Gu Weier was startled first, then immediately came forward, with a trace of cautious saluted in her eyes: “Queen!”


This woman is truly one of the three wives of Emperor Aurora, Empress Taisies.

Even Oglie, the crown prince of the Aurora Empire, had to honor Junior.

And she is also the highest ruler of the Great Sun Temple!

On power can be included in the top ten in the Aurora Empire!

“Surfer Court Academecian from the Research Department provided me with a piece of data, and this piece of data came from a piece of exercise material you submitted? Sia Kingdom’s exercise material of a person named Baili Qingfeng?”

Empress Tai Sisi watched Gu Weier’s politeness and went straight into the subject.

“Yes, I asked the professionals in the research department a few days ago to study Godi and Demon Purgatory Physique in Baili Qingfeng’s cultivation.”

Gu Weier said that there was a cautious look at the West Court Academecian in a white robe: “Are there any results?”

“There are results, but … in order to test your cultivation technique, one of our Wargods, one Grand Grandmaster was killed, and one Kingdom Guardian was hit hard!”

Tysie said indifferently.

Gu Weier suddenly turned pale when she heard: “I … I’ve been cheated?”

“No! You are not deceived! The effect of this cultivation technique is amazing. Once promoted, it will have a disruptive effect. Our military will produce a continuously powerhouse, but this version you get is not perfect! It is … too overbearing Now! I need a complete volume for this cultivation technique! “

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