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“The creator of this cultivation technique is a genius!”

As soon as Tessie had finished speaking, the West Court Academecian in a white robe couldn’t wait to marvel: “This cultivation technique is the ultimate excavation of the human body’s potential. It deeply uses every aspect of the body’s survival instincts. The body will be forced to evolve in a high-frequency state. Any life has a survival instinct. It depends on how the cultivator is properly turned on. If you can master this method and then take cultivation resources, the speed of the cultivator can be 4 times, 6 times, 8 times, or even ten times! “

“ten times!?”

Gu Weier could not help but widened her beautiful eyes.

“Yes, the improvement of efficiency depends on the degree of stimulation of the body’s thirst for survival. It is as if you can only become strong by eating. The problem is how much you can eat. As long as you solve this problem, the potential of this cultivation technique is inestimable.”

“Incalculable potential …”

Gu Weier breathless!

No wonder!

No wonder Baili Qingfeng has been able to break through from a newcomer who just met Martial Dao to the Kingdom Guardian powerhouse that can suppress one party in just 2 years!

Ten times the cultivation efficiency!

Coupled with the cultivation resources that are equivalent to the power of the nation …

This method of work …

“Ten times more efficient than the Peak cultivation method … this cultivation technique is no less inferior to the Xeon method in terms of value, no … although it does not seem to refine the key to True Qi helping others to break through to Xeon, but rely on him The cultivation speed ten times higher than the Peak cultivation method is still not weaker than any Xeon method, and even the practicality is still above the Xeon method! After all, not anyone who cultivates the Xeon method can make a top powerhouse, and this God and Demon Purgatory Physique, as long as there are enough resources, everyone can achieve Kingdom Guardian, and everyone can be true! “

“Really can achieve Kingdom Guardian in a very short time?”

Tess asked.

Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, even the highest level of existence for a powerful Aurora Empire!

Such figures can be counted with a slap in a country such as the Kingdom of Oao, and it is unknown whether there is a Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse in the small countries of 100 in the world.

“As long as the flushy body can enter the high-frequency state without crashing, plus the supply of resources, I am confident that a War Grade can be repaired as a Kingdom Guardian within 3 years!”

Said Court Academecian said, almost couldn’t help but dance: “Genius! This is the idea of ​​heaven! Your name is Gu Weier? Hurry up, get the complete volume of this cultivation technique right away! Get that can make people safe to stimulate survival Instinct enters the rest of the high-frequency state! As long as this part is completed to complete this God and Demon Purgatory Physique, with the resources occupied by our Aurora Empire, in less than 5 years, the Empire will give birth to 100 Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouses, By then, 100 Kingdom Guardian wearing Battle Armor will be enough to sweep the East Divine Continent and crush all the resistance Strength to shatter! “

“I’m going to find a way to get the complete volume as much as possible.”

Gu Weier immediately nodded, and for a moment, she pondered: “I have conducted an investigation based on the address left by the person I deal with, and the other party is likely to come from Ancestral Dragon Mountain. Even if it is not Ancestral Dragon Mountain, the person also has Ancestral Dragon Mountain. Great relationship. His appetite is very high. The ordinary item does not look at it at all. If he trades, he is afraid to pay a small price … “

“Ancestral Dragon Mountain?”

Tess Fries owned.

Ancestral Dragon Mountain is a World Level force.

At present, the Emperor of Aurora is being stared at by Zhao Jiansheng. It is not appropriate to act blindly without thinking, and there is also a need for masters to sit on the side of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, plus the enemies such as the Chiyan Country and the Knight Alliance …

It’s unwise to offend an Ancestral Dragon Mountain.

“This cultivation technique is more cost-effective than the Xeongong method. I think that as long as it can get its complete volume, it is worth paying any price!”

Said Court Academecian without the slightest hesitation.

“Don’t put all your hopes on one technique. If this cultivation technique is really as magical as you say, the Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse of Sia Kingdom will come out earlier and succeed, and Ancestral Dragon Mountain will not take it so happily. Come out and trade with us. “

Tysie calmly said.


Gu Weier recalled the conversation with that “ordinary passerby” as if thinking of something, and suddenly asked: “Will there be any requirements for the physique? Do I need some special physique to cultivate?”

“It’s possible, special physique, a lot of resources …”

Tai Sisi gave Gu Weier a grateful glance: “Please contact with them first to see how they offer. If the price is acceptable, you can trade directly and pay some price. In addition, this cultivation technique was created by Baili Qingfeng Come out, we really want to perfect it, just grab Baili Qingfeng and force it to ask if it’s not enough. After asking what we want, we can also Dissection him to find out what he really is. “

“Yeah, the two-pronged approach is the safest.”

West Court Academecian without the slightest hesitation in favor.

At this time he just wanted to get God and Demon Purgatory Physique of the complete volume to study it well.

“Baili Qingfeng has a record of assassinating Su 1000, plus he broke through to the Kingdom Guardian level not long ago. It is not easy to kill him, let alone capture him … To do this step, I ’m afraid we have to take the Level 9 powerhouse, and our Aurora Empire ’s Level 9 powerhouse … ”

Gu Weier said in a tone.

Every cultivator of the Aurora Empire breaks the limit of the second human body will force the cultivation of the Great Emperor Sword Technique. If he is promoted to Level 2, he must join the Aurora Guardian column.

This is a glory and a bondage.

Means of control from superiors to inferiors.

“The emperor is currently laying out the Tianmao Mountain battlefield and will need to withdraw from the Tianmao Mountain battlefield. If it is successful, it will directly solve the problem of Hea. It is related to the 2nd World Blood Temple. But you can fake others. I remember that Ou Tieqi was in the area of ​​Xia and Chiyan. He always wanted to make his underground kingdom bigger and stronger. I would give him a promise to ask him to take his own shot. “

Tess Indifferently said.

“European flag … Luck Emperor, after the unification of the Martial Dao world, Heia is bound to integrate the strength of the underground World. He will face this Baili Qingfeng sooner or later … and then the emperor will open your mouth, and the European flag will surely push the boat.”

“As a Level 9 powerhouse, Ou Tieqi has taken his shot against a Baili Qingfeng, killing him and catching him is more than enough.”

Tessie while speaking is full of the indifference of the superior to the inferior.

After speaking, she called out, “Donghe.”

“Hall Master.”

A vague man came in from the outside.

“You are responsible for this matter, and I will see the results within a month.”

“I understand it.”

The man promised and retreated quickly.

“Gu Weier, you are one of my favorite youngsters. You have n’t disappointed me for years in the Great Sun Temple, and I have made a lot of contributions, and I will further open our Great Sun Temple to you. Resource library, make good use of the resources at hand to get more information … In another year, the Templar Committee will recruit a group of young members. If you can establish a merit that is convincing to others, I don’t mind giving you a selection Places. “

Tessie is slightly appreciated with a smile.

Gu Weier listened, and her pretty face was full of surprises and gratitude: “many thanks to the Empress Cultivation! I must do my best to do this!”


cultivation cave.

On this day, Baili Qingfeng had breakfast early and came outside the cave.

As he was about to enter the cave, he was paused.

Finally took out the phone.

After a long silence, he called the elder sister Baili Die.

“Qingfeng? You rarely call me. Is something wrong?”

“It’s okay, sister, did you go to work?”

“Yes, although I know you are great, but your sister and I don’t want to rely too much on you. I have to prove my worth.

Baili Die’s voice was very cheerful.

Obviously, she enjoyed it even at work.

“Okay, don’t be too hard, just tell me anything.”

“What can happen? Everyone in the unit is very nice.”

Baili Die asked, “You haven’t said anything about calling me?”

“It’s okay, just ask, OK, I’ll hang up.”

“Oh, okay, pay attention to yourself. There are so many things in your life. Talk to Yiyi younger sister and Cai Wei younger sister. They are both good girls.”


Baili Qingfeng said and hung up.

After ending the call, Baili Qingfeng stood for ten seconds and dialed the father Baili’s phone again.


“The number you dialed is on the call …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it and did not fight again.

As for the remaining 2 grandfather Baili Changkong, Shi Yiyi, and the others …

Forget it.


Baili Qingfeng doesn’t want to alarm others.

Breaking the limits of the human body, only the Body Refining flow martial artist can rely on!

Rely on your own Faith, on your own determination, on your own will!

Success is born!

If you fail, you die!

No Third Type is possible!

Therefore, telling Baili Changkong, telling the teacher Yiyi, telling Baili Die, and telling Baili Hong that he is going to break the second human limit has no meaning, but it will only make them worry about nothing.

He succeeded, naturally sharing this joy with everyone.


Let him be obscured in this cave …



Relying on the powerful refining effect of Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique, it took him only 4 days to fully refine the medical power of the feathered spiritual liquid.

After refining the spiritual liquid, his body is more complete and deeper than the previous one. Although he has not yet accumulated to the 7th peak, the possibility of breaking the second limit barrier has been greatly improved compared to the previous one. !!

If it was nine deaths and still alive, then now …

Success rate increased by 30%!

After taking another 2 days of rest and mastering his physical condition, he came to the cultivation cave.

And now, there are only 4 days left to open Heavenly Immortal Realm in Penglai Immortal Sect!

In other words, he has only 3 days left.

After all, driving to Penglai Immortal Sect would take another day on the road.

“The second human limit … It’s time to test me. Can you solve the Three Great Holy Lands once and for all, just today!”


(Chapter 3 needs to be a bit late, it is estimated at 7:1, thanks to the Alliance Leader of VenetoLittle Overlord for their support!)

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