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3 The enemy of Holy Land is not wild beast or Fierce Beast.

Knowing that the enemy has deployed inescapable net outside, they will not stupidly use mortal danger to fight against the long spear cannon with flesh and blood.

Although they would charge without fear of death, relying on the Wargod and Kingdom Guardian in the door, they could break through the blockade of the long spear cannons, but after they suffered a heavy loss and rushed out from the military blockade, they still had to face a power The assassination of Su 1000 line, this 8-level peak True Immortal’s powerhouse …

In that case, no one can guarantee that they can survive the assassination of the other party.

Everyone in the military department wanted to snip the Three Great Holy Lands in Penglai Immortal Sect Space Passage once and for all. Many powerhouses are a wonderful luxury in themselves.

There was no space Passage in a few minutes, just to break their beautiful wish that’s all.

Si Kongdao, Xiao Lige, Jin Yan, and the others were somewhat lost.

As those martial artists have argued-next …


Enemies can’t bear it anymore, they will become very passive in the next few years!

“It’s Qingfeng Sect Master! It’s Qingfeng Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect!”

At this time, an exclaim came from the command room.

“Baili Qingfeng?”

Sikongdao was lightly startled, his eyes immediately fell on the silhouette of the picture, which was running towards Space Passage at a very fast speed. He seemed to think of something, and suddenly stood up: “What does he want to do?”

“He is going to enter the Space Passage! He is going to take the initiative to uproot the Three Great Holy Lands masters who did not dare to come out in the 2nd World, and make the Three Great Holy Lands completely history in our Maria Dao world!”

Xiao Lige was a little shocked and admired.

“He will die! He killed Su 1000 by relying on assassination. Even as he condenses the true strength of the Battle Strength Kingdom Guardian, he can stand alone against the Three Great Holy Lands, and there is still only dead end, and he will die in it! “

Si Kongdao said that he rushed to the microphone and shouted loudly: “Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, stop, please stop! Three Great Holy Lands has 2 2-level, digital 8-level powerhouses in the 7nd World’s Strength Conservation. Strength, by no means can you fight, don’t be impulsive, stop your reckless behavior! “

“I know exactly what I’m doing.”

Baili Qingfeng said calmly.

He didn’t say much, but he knew that Sikongdao could hear what he said.

“Three Great Holy Lands has established a complete living system in 2nd World. Even if we can block the 3 major channels, they will not be in any danger. They can survive in 2nd World for one year, two years, 2 years, even 3 years, 5 years, and our soldiers, our martial artist, can quickly gather each time the Space Passage is turned on, and play a 100% spirit to respond to the counterattack they may initiate at any moment? Once we The heart was relaxed and they took the opportunity to tear the line … “

“Even if there is one day, now is not the time to fight back! You can wait! Wait a year, wait 2 years, wait 3 years, wait 2 years! Wait until you break the second human limit, wait until you become Level 9 Ruler Lead us into the 2nd World! “

“Can’t wait!”

Baili Qingfeng said: “The failure of the Xeon Road made me understand a problem. I am not a genius. I am a little smart ordinary martial artist. We are growing, the enemy is growing, and the enemy ’s growth ratio is 10000. Are we faster? “


Si Kongdao opened his mouth and said nothing, but couldn’t say a word.

Previously, they did have a blind self-confidence in Baili Qingfeng, thinking that no matter how dangerous the situation was, as long as they were given Baili Qingfeng time, he could eventually rise up against adversity and lead the world of Hea Martial Dao to glory.

But the failure of Baili Qingfeng’s Xeon Road no doubt made them wake up …

They should not rest all hope on one person.

This is an injustice to him, as is their self-evasion and irresponsibility.

“Do n’t worry, my life is very hard. Although there are many Three Great Holy Lands, they ca n’t kill me. I ’m still young, just after my 21st birthday, and I have n’t found the person who can spend the second half of my life with me. I want to get married, have children, and watch our child little by little grow up and listen to their happy laughter and cheerful voices, so … I won’t die so easily … “

Baili Qingfeng said, looking up at the Space Passage, he seemed to be telling others, or maybe he was holding his Faith: “I will destroy Three Great Holy Lands and come out alive …”

“No! Stop talking!”

Sikongdao’s voice was trembling.

From Baili Qingfeng …

As if the flag was standing, people’s hearts were full of uneasiness.

“do not talk!”

“Sect Master ……”

Lu Ping looked at the back of Baili Qingfeng under the night, and his eyes were wet unconsciously.

“Qingfeng Sect Master …”

The Warlord, Wargod, Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, and Grandmaster of the military and Martial Dao circles also seem to feel the lifeless Faith on Baili Qingfeng.

That was unsuccessful.

Wind Xiaoxiao Xi Yi Shuihan ……

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master clearly has this identity and has such a cultivation base, but in order to be able to completely eliminate the hidden danger of Three Great Holy Lands, he still enters the Space Passage with an impassioned heart without the slightest hesitation! And Three Great Holy Lands fighting bloody battles !? “

“This … is Baili Qingfeng !? The most authentic Baili Qingfeng !? Even if you know that there are all Three Great Holy Lands masters across from Space Passage, there is still no flinch …”

“I finally understand why Qingfeng Sect Master is clearly not as good as the incarnation of God, Miro, Golden Judy, Polaris Constantine, Bucks Simba, and the others, and they can still become Kingdom Guardian in just 2 years. Opportunity is a reason, and the country’s spare no effort in resource support is a reason. The most important thing is Baili Qingfeng Sect Master himself! He has a hot and sincere heart, and a Faith who is not afraid of sacrifice and fear of hardship! He was born in a small , Starting from humble, but longing for glory and great success! He is our Shia, our martial artist is a spirit example of unyielding service, never giving up! “

Everyone looked at Baili Qingfeng’s ordinary, youthful and astringent face, and he was all moved by his generous spirit and Faith.

Some people are even eager to move, want to keep up with him, step into Space Passage with him, and fight side by side.

It is just reason to tell them that if they step into Space Passage simply to die, it will not play any role except to drag the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master.

“Baili Qingfeng …”

Jin Yan thought back to the video of the battle of Shire University he had seen.

At the beginning, the same young man also adhered to a similar Faith. In order to defend the University of Charles, he did not fear death, and fought hard, but today …

That scene seemed to reappear!


Xiao Lige was silent for a moment, and said repeatedly: “Baili Qingfeng, he is a hero! Our hero of Shia! I’m better than him …”


Si Kongdao looked at Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation, stepped into the Space Passage of Penglai Immortal Sect, and couldn’t say the words that prevented Baili Qingfeng from going, just murmured: “Qingfeng, come back alive!”


“weng weng! ”

Baili Qingfeng experienced a familiar sense of weightlessness.

There is a feature when the Space Passage is turned on. The space ripples emitted from it will plow all the materials in the range of 100 meters and several hundred meters on the circle, like the Space Passage in Qingyuan Mountain. A huge cave is formed inside the mountain.

Therefore, no one has to worry about stepping into the trap when they pass through Space Passage.

Of course, the other party launched an attack outside several hundred meters is another matter.


Baili Qingfeng just felt down-to-earth, and a sharp spirit mixed with the tyrannical killer Faith erupted, as if banging in front of him.

“Some people sneak attack!”

At the critical moment, Baili Qingfeng Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique was running violently, the figure was twisted, and then the left hand was pinched into a sword and stabbed with lightning …


The fire is shining!


A sharp sword rubbed against the Yaojin Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng, while splashing firelight, it left a sword mark on the Yaojin Battle Armor!

This is the sharpness that only the fine golden sword can have!

“Yao Jin !?”


Without waiting for the attacker to have any other response, Baili Qingfeng’s instinctively formed left hand of the sword had pierced the void, and the fierce friction between the finger and the air seemed to form a sword cricket. Strength has burst open on his head!


blood light

The attacker’s head burst into a blood hole!

“Olmer !?”

While Baili Qingfeng was killing the attacker with a sword, a surprised and angry roar came, accompanied by a strange cold light!

However, in the face of this assassin’s cold light, Baili Qingfeng didn’t see it, and moved the right hand holding the hilt.


Draw a sword!

Out of the sheath!


Although this assassin’s sword is fast and weird, and the angle is so tricky that it does not give any room for dodge, but …

Baili Qingfeng’s sword speed is too fast!

The bursting Strength fills the whole body, accompanied by thousand hammers, hundred refinements. I don’t know how many times the cultivation of the bayonet sword has made his sword almost crushed at the speed of the sword …

“hong long! ”

Jian Xiao broke through.

The assassin first came out with the sword, and Baili Qingfeng still came first. Before the opponent’s sword had time to tear the shining gold Battle Armor on his body, the sword did not kill with a burst of air-like sharp howling through the assassination Skull!

The majestic energy carried on the sword edge pierced through the assassin’s skull, tearing the void, whistling several dozen meters, and leaving a sword mark on the ground of several dozen meters.

“These two … seems like True Immortal on land?”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this thought in his mind.

But then he was too lazy to think about it.

Anyone is dead anyway.

“hong long long !”

No need to take a closer look. The innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared on Baili Qingfeng, and endless thunderbolt lightning emerged from this Fiendgod, with a deafening roar to the remaining 4 people in the induction!

These 4 people are all in the 6th level. Their response is half a beat, and they have not had time to launch an attack. They have been deterred by Zuz Divine Power, who was born.

next moment, sword light broke out!

The sword in Baili Qingfeng’s hand is like the shock of tearing the atmosphere!

“chi! chi! chi! chi! ”

Blood shot!

The 4th and 6th-level Elder couldn’t even see the trajectory of Baili Qingfeng’s sword, and his throat was swept by the edge of the sword that did not kill.

After killing these 4 people and the 2 previous attackers, Baili Qingfeng all around has no enemies.

The 1000 meters above the circle are empty, as if the 6 people killed by him are the only creatures in this Heaven and Earth.

“Did I go wrong?”

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