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Baili Qingfeng glanced over the six people who attacked him.

The clothing style of 6 of these 4 people belongs to Penglai Immortal Sect, and the other 2 people dress similar to Qilin Sword Sect.

When he took a closer look at the attacker who was killed first, he recognized it.


Penglai Immortal Sect Supreme Elder Olmer.

Baili Qingfeng turned over the information sent by Prime Minister Yasuo.

The Royal Family of Shia has ten masters of Three Great Holy Lands level 7 and above, including Dulu, Xiao Jianyin, and Yin Tianya of Qilin Sword Sect, Lanyu, Olmer, Fang Baiyun, and Snow Mountain of Immortal Sect of Penglai. The 6-pulse Qi-mai-pulse main Su 1000 lines, Xin-mai-pulse main celestial heart, Xuan-mai-pulse main 4 phenomena, and Xu-mai-pulse main emptiness. These ten people constitute Three Great Holy Lands’ strongest force.

But these ten people are only the Strength exposed when the Royal Family of Thia shot against Three Great Holy Lands. Based on these ten people, Three Great Holy Lands defeated the royal family ’s crackdown plan on Three Great Holy Lands, but Three Great Are there only these ten people in Supreme Land of Holy Lands …

“more than.”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the second assassin who was killed by him, suspected of having a True Immortal cultivation base on land.

This assassin was not one of the Supreme Elders who survived the Three Great Holy Lands.

“Although this person seems a little weak, that is, the level of Yin Tianya … but it is indeed a 7-level powerhouse that has never appeared in the Shia database.”

Two land True Immortal teamed up with four 2-level powerhouses to guard the Space Passage, ambush all the military powerhouses that may shuttle from Space Passage, and the rest …

Baili Qingfeng stepped forward, and soon came to an area with a lot of human traces outside 1000 meters.

This is a hill.

But the hills were hollowed out, and each and everyone’s small caves connected the ground, forming a space under the ground.

It is conservatively estimated that these residential areas consisting of dozens of underground spaces can accommodate up to 100 people, or even 2 100 people.

It’s just that now more than 100 people have gone clean, there is an empty shell left here, nothing useful is left.

“It looks like I’m not wrong.”

Baili Qingfeng found some books and documents: “It really is the location of Penglai Immortal Sect in the 2nd World, but because the army beat the grass to scare the snake, the people of Three Great Holy Lands have gathered somewhere, so Penglai Immortal Sect was abandoned. “

Baili Qingfeng put down the books and came out of this Underground City … the underground tribe.

As soon as he reached the surface, his keen sense of the eighth peak made him notice something, suddenly looked up, and stared straight into the sky.

There, a dark shadow was hovering.


Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, next moment, the innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared.

Once the legendary lifeform conceived by Baili Qingfeng based on the Refining Spirit 8 heavy cultivation base was manifested, it immediately swept the mighty Divine Power, soared into the sky, and went straight to the other hundred meters to kill the bird!

“hong long! ”

thunderbolt roar!

Temptation Light is blinking!

Even though there is a space of several hundred meters, the bird of the Equivalent to Level 6 beast still seems to have fallen into great fear, and is stiff, falling down directly by the innate Fiendgod Zuz’s Temptation Light.

“en! ?”

At the time when this bird was about to fall, Baili Qingfeng seemed to see something. His body was vertical, and he directly caught the bird with more than one meter of wingspan, and then squeezed it with a pinch to death …

But he took down an apparently artifact on the bird.

“This is … the camera?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it.

Due to gravity and unknownness, many electronic devices cannot be used in this world, but if there are special materials to make it, it is not surprising that items with low technology such as cameras are made.

“Anyone else is monitoring the movement here? In other words, the people at Penglai Immortal Sect have indeed moved, but they have not yet given up on this Space Passage.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the bird.

Level 6 birds are only Equivalent to Beasts in the 2nd World, and their range of motion will not exceed 100 kilometers, otherwise they will be caught by Fierce Beast birds and will only become food for the other party.

in other words……

The controller of the birds is absolutely within 100 kilometers.

Thinking of this Baili Qingfeng stride meteor, rushing straight towards the direction of flying birds, at the same time, the Celestial realm and the mysterious of One with the World inspired him, coupled with the powerful induction of the Refining Spirit 8, as if the radar was going around in a circle It emits special waves, sensing the creatures you want to sense.

As it belongs to the Penglai Immortal Sect station, all around Fierce Beast was obviously hunted and killed by the Penglai Immortal Sect master who guarded this area, which greatly reduced the search difficulty of Baili Qingfeng, and did not encounter any powerful Fierce when he ran for 30 kilometers Beast interference.

But when he ran for about 40 kilometers, a strange breath broke into his induction.

“Penglai Immortal Sect?”

Baili Qingfeng immediately changed direction, and then advanced 4 kilometers. A team of 4 people hiding in the stones pile jumped in front of them.

“Someone’s here, no good, I didn’t receive a secret from Elders! Go!”

As Baili Qingfeng approached, a spirit realm extraordinary man among the four had suddenly stood up, shouted in panic.

“Very perceptive.”

Baili Qingfeng said, next moment, the mysterious of One with the World appeared on the body.

Relying on this perfect fit between man and nature, he seems to clearly understand the trajectory of the air flow, clearly not moving forward in a straight line when chasing the figure, but the speed that can erupt is one point faster than a straight line shuttle.

Even the hurricane turbulence caused by him during the storm was a bit less. Although his blouse was still hunting during the storm, he didn’t have to worry about the speed of the clothes being damaged too fast.

“Fast! It’s too fast! Is this … Is it true !? Leave separately!”

The first one out of 4 shouted.

But his voice just had time to spread. Baili Qingfeng’s figure has stepped through a rock and killed him in the air. The shining gold Battle Armor on his body flashes a metallic luster under the sun, like a space-time travel from the future. Sci-fi warrior.


Carrying a horrifying rush of strength, Baili Qingfeng’s figure collided with a 6-level Elder fiercely closest to him.

The confrontation between steel and flesh caused that Level 6 Elder to shoot blood all over him, as if being hit by a truck and flying out.

Hit this person, Baili Qingfeng will not kill the sword and lightning!


“Sword Qi Latitude!”

At the next moment, the high-frequency air pressure formed by the non-killing sword in his hand and the fierce vibrations of the air, and then the effect of the increase in the Celestial realm and the One with the World effect is like a substance, tearing the void and whistling lasers!

“Be careful!”

In the exclaimed voice, 6 beyond ten meters, a big Grandmaster’s figure was penetrated by Sword Qi in one fell swoop, and his blood smashed and fell!

“hong long long !”

At the same time, his illusory shadow belonging to the innate Fiendgod Zuz emerged. A large amount of thunderbolt lightning condensed on this Fiendgod, turning it into a thunderbolt with destruction, aimed at the third person in a volley. .

“Big Dipper!”

“I come!”

The remaining 2 yelled, and spirit and blood resonated as if they had reached an agreement and became a whole.

“hong long! ”

thunderbolt roar!

The 6th-level martial artist Elder, hit by Baili Qingfeng with the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, was white, with irresistible terror in his eyes.

But in the eyes of the other person, there was a glimmer of light, with a hint of madness: “Backlash!”

“weng weng! ”

Baili Qingfeng had a feeling that an ordinary person slammed a punch on the wall, and that kind of shock strength made him shake the Spirit World for a while.


That’s a little swaying that’s all.

“hong long long !”

The more violent thunderbolt crisscrossed in the sky, roared, and the mighty Destruction Strength continued to condense and rise above Zuz’s head, and broke out when climbing to the top!

Refining Spirit Secret Technique-Nine Heavens Thunder Move!

“How can it be!?”

The Refining Spirit 7 heavy powerhouse, called Big Dipper, felt the deadly Divine Power uploaded by the innate Fiendgod Zuz, and the expression on his face was frozen.

Ordinary person hits the wall with a shock and Strength will cause arm pain, but if it is the Body Refining Stream Grandmaster wearing Chen Jin Battle Armor! ?

“Do not!”

Among the screams of screams, the 6th-level Elder locked by Baili Qingfeng issued a desperate scream. The consciousness in his mind seemed to be shredded by unmatched mighty power, and his brain died on the spot.

Even the Big Dipper with a Refining Spirit 7 heavy cultivation base is also screaming. Due to the 2 blood and spirit resonance, he is also responsible for some of the attacks of the Baili Qingfeng spirit occult. Just the aftermath still caused his Spirit World. The fierce concussion, the pain, made him anxious to faint on the spot.

“The shock is strong!”

Not only him, Baili Qingfeng rubbed his eyebrows.

Fortunately, he is a master of Refining Spirit 8 after all, coupled with strong anti-backlash ability, only a few moments the negative state brought by the Spirit World shock has dissipated, his figure slammed in front of Big Dipper, his left hand was towards his shoulder In one shot, the energy swept through the whole body, and the severe pain made him scream again.

“Is that the bird you domesticated?”

“Baili Qingfeng! You are Baili Qingfeng !? It is you who ruined our Penglai Immortal Sect for hundreds of years! Killed us Penglai Immortal Sect countless senior and junior brothers! You this butcher! We Penglai Immortal Sect will never let go You, you, your Thunderbolt Sect, as well as your family, friends, and all those related to you will be retaliated by our Three Great Holy Lands irreconcilable! “

Big Dipper looked at Baili Qingfeng with resentment.

“Butcher? When it comes to killing innocent people, how can I compare to your Three Great Holy Lands !? Three Great Holy Lands blow up the 3rd Army Arsenal, Char ’s, Sumen, Mizo, and Canon. How many people died because of you! ? “

“What do you know !? The threats of aliens and beasts to our human world in the 2nd World can only be resisted by martial artists. Heia needs martial artists. Only martial artists can save this world! But the government of Hijaa is foolish and blindfolded, once This is right with our Three Great Holy Lands! We destroy their regime and let the marial artist rule Hea to lead Hea to prosperity! What a little sacrifice during this period! What a sacrifice you have! The Strength did not want to gain more rights, but instead served the Shia regime, Baili Qingfeng, you are taking the side of the evil-doer! “

Big Dipper expression growled.

“A little sacrifice … how many thousand people lost their lives, is that a small sacrifice in your mouth?”

“They died well!”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t bother to argue with him: “Where have the people of Penglai Immortal Sect retired? Don’t force me to interrogate you!”

“Baili Qingfeng, you are so brave …”

Big Dipper looked at Baili Qingfeng as if he realized something.

Baili Qingfeng came to destroy their Three Great Holy Lands’ living strength in the 2nd World! ?

Then what did he think of!

At present, all powerhouses in Three Great Holy Lands are not only united, they are also located in …

The two sides unite, powerhouse as clouds!

This is a good opportunity for them to kill Baili Qingfeng extremely rare!

At the moment he stimulated with a frantic tone: “Ask me where did the Penglai Immortal Sect retreat? Want to kill! Oh! All of us Penglai Immortal Sect retreated to 1000 Longshan 5 kilometers south! There is what we have The 4th Space Passage, we will return to the main World in that Space Passage, setting off a monstrous slaughter in Shia! All those who participated in targeting Three Great Holy Lands will die! You Thunderbolt Sect will bear the brunt of it, and then we will Thunderbolt Sect Even up and down the door killed even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, corpses everywhere across the field! Baili Qingfeng, you can’t stop us, hahaha! “


(The numbers in this chapter are distinctive.)

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