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Big Dipper was so nervous when he said this!

He knows the materials of Baili Qingfeng very well. He hasn’t seen it ten times, and he has not missed every detail.

The reason why Su 1000 will die in the hands of Baili Qingfeng is because of laziness and the sudden attack, at first was badly hit, which opened the prelude to the 8th-level peak True Immortal.

However, the lion beats the rabbit with all its strength.

They must do everything in their power to imagine Baili Qingfeng to be powerful, guessing that he killed Su 1000 lines in a head-to-head confrontation, and has better power than Su 1000 lines, and even has Level 9 battle strength.


That’s nothing.

At that Space Passage, their concentrated Strength is too strong, too strong!

Not to mention that Baili Qingfeng has only Level 9 battle strength in the sky, even if he is a real Level 9 powerhouse, dare to step into that Space Passage, it is definitely a lamb in a tiger’s den.

Now, the only problem is to continue to stimulate Baili Qingfeng, anger him, make him lose his calmness, and willingly step into the 5 Longshan where Space Passage is located. Only in this way can their Three Great Holy Lands and the powerhouse of the underground World work together to chop it. Killing can only break the backbone of the Cabinet and the military headquarters, and in the next revenge, let them truly understand the essence and horror of Three Great Holy Lands!

Just like 5 years ago!

But at this time, they will not show mercy!

The cabinet will dissolve, the army will be in the hands of Three Great Holy Lands, and they will make Shia, like the ancient country of Olympus, a country ruled by a martial artist.

“Your Three Great Holy Lands are really crazy! Why ca n’t you change your mind and retreat from the dark, and work with us for the prosperity and stability of Xia! At present, we at Xia internal trouble and outside aggression. Your Three Great Holy Lands are really Shia’s killing ring! The situation that the North finally stabilized will inevitably deteriorate sharply. We have lost Hessenberg under your conspiracy, and there is no longer any defensive front. There is chaos inside Hea, and the Aurora Empire must be under pressure. The war will spread to every corner of Shia, and everyone will be hot in the water! “

Baili Qingfeng said emotionally.

Big Dipper looked at this picture of Baili Qingfeng, and his heartbeat was almost a tad.

He understood that he was now standing at Three Great Holy Lands …

No, it is the 3 Holy Alliance, or even the 3 turning point of the history. At this time, he must stabilize, continue to stimulate Baili Qingfeng, stimulate him to lose his reason, and rush into the dragon’s pool and tiger’s den alone, and ultimately kill his life.

As long as this is done, he will be the greatest contributor to the 3 Holy Kingdoms and will surely be included in the 3 Holy Kingdoms history book!

“What does the prosperity and stability of Shia have to do with us! If we work hard to learn swords in Martial Practice, we cannot be happy and enmity in this land, we cannot become human beings, but we must listen to people’s orders. So what’s the point of our Martial Practice? If this land does not allow us to rule by Three Great Holy Lands, even if it brings the Aurora Empire south, and breaks the whole of Hea, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, we are also Whatever it takes! Heroes in troubled times! Maybe our Three Great Holy Lands can still save Strength in the chaos, and when Shia and Aurora fight both sides suffer, they will rise and take over the land of Shia! “

Big Dipper continued to speak in a frenzy.

“Do you know the possible consequences of war? War will destroy the good things, destroy the stable social order, destroy the good economic system, make the life of the original life can be seen everywhere a sharp shortage of items, and further bring Prices have risen, children cannot find their parents, students cannot go to school, adults have been forced to take to the battlefield, and the elderly have not been able to take care of diseases, and even accompanied by plague, hunger, riots … “

“What we really care about are those martial artists who share our philosophy, like us. As for the others … they are neither willing to join us nor acknowledge allegiance us, whether they live well or not, life or death, we Why be responsible? “

Big Dipper sneered: “Baili Qingfeng, you are very talented at Innate Talent, but you have chosen the wrong path, and the situation has reached the most severe moment for you right now. Soon, Space Passage will be opened. You can imagine, in The Cabinet of Shia and the Ministry of Military thought that when we only had 3 Space Passages, many of our masters at Three Great Holy Lands have quietly returned from the fourth channel to the advantage brought by the main world? We can take advantage of them He was not ready to make a surprise attack at the time, and slaughtered all high-level officials of the Cabinet and the Ministry of Military Affairs! When these people die, what other strength can he fight against us? “

“You don’t have this opportunity.”

Baili Qingfeng resolutely said: “Originally, I also planned to give you a chance. If someone in your Three Great Holy Lands repents in good faith, I will let you be human again, but now … not necessary … I will never let you Step into Hea! I will kill you all in this World! “

Baili Qingfeng’s decisive words sounded like sounds of heavenly music in Big Dipper’s ears.

At this time he was so excited that he wanted to jump up and scream 3 times!

it is good!


very good!

Sure enough, the 21-year-old 愣头青 like Baili Qingfeng is most likely to be provoked. Although he doesn’t yell anger at the moment, as long as he is determined to go to the 4th Space Passage and surround the 4th Space Passage The gathering of Three Great Holy Lands and many masters of the underground world …

He will die!

“I said, you can’t stop it! You alone can’t fight our Three Great Holy Lands, at most you can sneak attack our peripheral members and delay that’s all.”

Big Dipper shouted.

He also specifically pointed out that Baili Qingfeng’s assassination can actually cause them trouble.

Sure enough, Baili Qingfeng was fooled.

In his eyes, the realization of fearless and dauntless generously died: “I know, maybe the hidden strength of Three Great Holy Lands is stronger than I thought! Maybe you have more than a lot of equivalent to Su 1000 line level 8 Powerhouse and even Level 9 Ruler exist, they are gathered together like the peerless Fierce Beast’s opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, if I dare to go, walking right into a trap, dead end … but, in When I stepped into your Space Passage at Immortal Sect in Penglai, I was mentally prepared! “

Big Dipper’s heart broke out when Baili Qingfeng said that they had experts on their side.

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng continues to maintain that unyielding attitude, it seems …

The fierce danger not only did not allow him to flinch, but inspired his fighting spirit even more.

“Some things have to be done by some people. Maybe in your opinion, your Three Great Holy Lands have united and gathered hundreds of powerhouses. They have gathered True Immortal, Celestial, Kingdom Guardian, and Ruler. This Strength is sufficient for any The creatures that stand in front of you are crushed into pieces, but the stone can be broken, you can’t take it strong, you can take it, you can’t take it away! For your rights, you will not hesitate to slaughter and cause war, but, I There is also my pursuit, my persistence, my Faith … “

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked south, shouted heavily: “Even if there is no way, I will overcome the difficulties and make a way …”

“Youngster, it’s easy to be controlled by others’ words!”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s impassioned and even prepared for the scene of the death of Ma Ge’s shroud, Big Dipper sneered, but his mouth said: “You have the courage to dare to stop my Three Great Holy Lands from acting !?”

“You do n’t understand. This is not a question of daring. You are about to get out of the 4th Space Passage. In order to stop you from killing outside and let the whole Hea fall into riot and destruction, I must stand up … lead the way! “

Baili Qingfeng said, taking steps.

“If you want to kill me, I will send you a ride, why not take you to 5 Longshan!”

Big Dipper almost laughed and wanted to be happy. He seemed to be afraid that Baili Qingfeng would see the joy on his face. He accelerated slightly and walked in front of Baili Qingfeng.

1000 kilometers, not too close.

However, because Big Dipper has mastered the method of domesticating wild beast, he has tamed several beasts like horses, and put them on this battlefield less than one kilometer long.

Two people got on the horse and headed for 2 Longshan, 1000 kilometers away.

Just before dawn on the 3rd day, a majestic mountain range appeared in the sight of 2 people.

Looking at the mountain and river, Big Dipper’s mood couldn’t stop the excitement.

Baili Qingfeng is the biggest obstacle for their return to the Three Great Holy Lands. If it is true that Baili Qingfeng, Shouzhen and Yuanpan will gather together and supplemented by the army, they will besiege the Three Great Holy Lands powerhouse, even though Three Great Holy Lands powerhouse as clouds also has to pay a heavy price.

After killing 3 of them, Three Great Holy Lands is estimated that there will not be many people left. At that time, maybe they will pick peaches for people in the underground world.

But now he is determined to use the stimulus method of Baili Qingfeng and is willing to step into the trap of their Three Great Holy Lands, which gives them the opportunity to defeat the three powerhouses of Baili Qingfeng, Shouzhen and Yuanpan.

“If the next 3 League of Nations is established, everyone will remember my contribution!”

Big Dipper was full of excitement and glory.

This is the most brilliant moment of his life!

“en! ?”

When there seemed to be dozens of kilometers to 5 Longshan Space Passage, Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel something, suddenly looked up and glanced.

Immediately after, he looked towards side Big Dipper, calmly said: “I know, you have been waiting for this moment, and you are worried all the way that I will retreat, now, you don’t need to worry …”

Big Dipper slightly startled, and then he seemed to sense something.

“They’re here !?”

Big Dipper couldn’t help showing ecstasy and laughing out loud: “hahaha, they got my news and came to kill you in advance, Baili Qingfeng, you can’t even regret it at this time!”

While speaking, he quickly distanced himself from Baili Qingfeng, for fear of killing him and venting his anger under his anger.

“Really … powerhouse as clouds.”

Baili Qingfeng muttered to himself.

“You’re dead, Baili Qingfeng, you’re dead! No matter how strong you are, you will still be brought into the mortal situation. Today you are impossible to escape!”

“Dead … No one has died in life.”

Baili Qingfeng looked up, watching the silhouette of the dozens of silhouettes coming from the end of the sky, rushing around in a hurry, expressing calmness, generosity, and sadness, and dismounting forward: “1000 hammers and 10000 chisels out of the deep mountains, the burning of the fire is easy, and the body is not afraid of broken bones To stay peaceful on earth … this is the way for me, Baili Qingfeng! “


(I really want to use the title poem. I think about this more suitable episode. The next chapter will be a bit late, but the progress of this story … everyone can watch it together tomorrow.)

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