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“One … 2 … seems to be 5 2-level powerhouses and 8 9-levels that have broken the 7nd human limit … 2 of them have a faint peak in their breath, even compared to Su 1000. The 8th-level powerhouse is no worse! “

Baili Qingfeng looked at the fourteen silhouettes rushing forward, and his heart was full of consciousness.


Hisa’s intelligence was wrong.

Three Great Holy Lands The remaining Strength is more than two Su 2 line-level battle strengths, at least three and a half.

If you add the nine 9-level land True Immortal, Kingdom Guardian, equivalent to five, or even six.

This is a Strength that can besieged the Level 9 powerhouse!

No wonder.

No wonder Big Dipper is so confident.

“Baili Qingfeng!”

Come here!

One of the fastest men who slain suddenly opened his eyes, and a murderous aura broke out on his body: “Destroy my Snow Mountain 6 vein inheritance! I want you to die!”

“hong long long !”

Internal shock!

An immense amount of majesty is rolling out over the Su 1000 line.

Level 8.

Breaking the second human body limit, or refining internal interest into internal force, collectively referred to as level 2.

This realm can be divided into two small stages, one is to break the human body limit twice, and the other is the peak of level 2.

The 8th-level peaker has either realized One with the World, or his own blood and internal force have reached a new limit under the accumulation of continuously resources, reaching any of 2 conditions, which is the 8th-level peak, and 2 conditions are achieved at the same time That is Level 9.

Su 1000 realized that One with the World belongs to the former, and the man’s internal strength condenses to the peak, which belongs to the latter.


Baili Qingfeng recognized this person.

Snow Mountain 6

There are 4 other 8-level powerhouses, 2 strange faces, and 2 others: Qilin Sword Sect Xiao Jianyin and Penglai Immortal Sect Fang Baiyun.

This is the essence of Three Great Holy Lands!

That’s all for Three Great Holy Lands!

A Strength that is by no means his half-step matchless victory!

His only hope can only rest on Yao Jin Battle Armor, the power of Heart, and the soul of justice!


Baili Qingfeng backhanded and pressed the Walkman button.

Knowing the dangers of going deep into the 2nd World, he was well prepared, including carrying a special walkman that inspired Heart Strength.

“Come, let me give you a chance, let me see if I killed you or did you kill me!”

“wu wu wu ……”

A vicissitudes of desolate music sounded from him.

This burst of lightning made the lightning slam the forward empty pump suddenly shrinking, and the spirit excited to the extreme.

“Be careful!”

In any case, Baili Qingfeng is the peak powerhouse who once killed and killed Su 1000, even if he used the sneak attack method, but killing is killing. In the face of such a terrifying opponent, you can’t be too careful.

Especially his true strength is Kingdom Guardian!

Whether it was an intelligence error or Baili Qingfeng was hiding it, they could not tolerate half of it.

At this moment the music sounded in this empty and desolate plain night sky. It was weird, and his body that swept down the terrible momentum was involuntarily paused.

But he paused, but Baili Qingfeng moved.


The energy burst!

Under Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, the strength and blood strength of his body skyrocketed, and the horrible coercion, even when compared with the outbreak of True Immortal, the inner-inflow stream, two momentums slammed in the void. Because Kongming was slightly affected by that strange sound, a little bit of anger was made, and his mighty and surging momentum was actually scattered by Baili Qingfeng!

“You can’t see the future and the past, you can’t tell the difference between life and death …”




Out of the sheath!


“His improved Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique … is so strong !?”

Empty response is not uncomfortable.

After realizing that his momentum was actually suppressed by Baili Qingfeng’s momentum, he did not operate the Explosive Secret Technique without the slightest hesitation, and the violent internal force turned into a stormy sea-like torrent running through the body, sweeping the whole body, and finally merging into him. Of the sword edge!

“Go to death!”

Roaring in the air, the momentum is soaring, born from Baili Qingfeng’s momentum, he develops a void, and integrates it into his Sword Technique, making his sword power comparable to Baili Qingfeng’s sword.

In the face of the counterattack, Baili Qingfeng didn’t see it.

He knows very well that he is just a pseudo 8th level, just a half-step matchless, a cultivator without 2 realms, even if he can compete directly with the 8th level peaks like Kongming by Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, he can win one, absolutely Can’t win 2, even more how, there are 4 8 levels, 9 7 levels, and the strength of this lineup is enough to crush him into powder with no difficulty!

Therefore, all he can do is death battle!

Give birth!


Hurt each other!

You stab a sword on my forehead, I stab a sword on your forehead!

fair and just.

Kill one enough! Kill 2 and earn one!

With Faith who was going to kill, he just wanted to kill as many enemies as possible before he fell or escaped, and healed more people for injuries, so as to reduce the pressure on being true, Yuan disc, Zhang Lie and the others.

So he gave up everything except offense!

“Death battle!”

Baili Qingfeng angry Hah!


Sword light roars, Heaven and Earth whisper!

His sword edge, pointing directly at the head of the sky!

His gaze locked the empty brows!

His Faith runs through the empty consciousness!

Don’t dodge!

Get rid of all your thoughts!

Give up all hesitation!

With extremely pure spirit bayonet!

Attack with determination never to return!

Kill the enemy with Faith of burn both jade and stone!

Faster! Stronger!

This Faith seemed to affect the emptiness. He was so angry that he wanted to kill Baili Qingfeng to take revenge on Su 1000, so that the enemy who destroyed the Snow Mountain 6 knew the price to offend them.

But this does not mean that he is willing to fight desperately with Baili Qingfeng, knowing that he has a significant advantage.

Moreover, he could see that Baili Qingfeng was here with Big Dipper, and he was ready to prepare for the death on the spot. With the determination of Faith, burn both jade and stone, he only wanted to kill more opponents!

In the face of such a generous opponent who died without fear and sacrifice, it was unwise to fight with him! ?

They have 8 5-level powerhouses and 7 9-level powerhouses. As long as they are stable and stable, Baili Qingfeng will surely die. ?


Kongming flinched again.

With this retreat, the tendency of being able to confront Baili Qingfeng suddenly fell straight.

And at this moment, the Celestial realm formed by Baili Qingfeng Lesser Universe Cultivation Technique was inspired, and his sword was integrated into the realm of One with the World, meanwhile …

“Primordial Qi Technique!”

3 All in one, the sword speed soars!

“Not good !”

Suddenly the complexion greatly changed.


The sword seems to surpass the speed of sound, producing a harsh sonic boom!

Sword Qi is the first step to tear the void in the moment of smashing in the air, and it comes through!


Blood light sputtering.

A bloodstain appeared on the empty brows!

The sword edge that did not kill the sword even passed through his skull hole in the blood stains.

The sudden change of expression in the sky freezes: “I …”

“Without taking joy or regret, leave here …”

Music reverberates.

“Empty !?”

“One with the World !?”

“He broke out with his improved Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. Strength is as strong as the peak of level 8!”

Exclaimed, stunned, and roared, as the empty body fell down, it came out from the remaining population at the same time!

Not inferior to the physique of the peak of level 8, the realm of One with the World, these 2 characteristics …


The sword light trembled, and after killing the sword through the hollow head, it did not kill the sword for a moment, rolled up the cold light again, 凛冽 murderous aura, and aimed at Qilin Sword Sect 8-level powerhouse Xiao Jianyin swept through.

“Be careful! He’s already been Equivalent to Level 9 Ruler on some level!”

Fang Baiyun shouted, and the sword in his hand initiated a howl, like a crane howling for 9 days, killing Baili Qingfeng with an incredible speed.

At the same time, another man whose body strength is also called the pinnacle of the eighth level hits.

He used the same sword!

A great sword!

The giant sword stabs madly compressed air under the horrible internal force to form a stronger sword cricket than Baili Qingfeng Sword Qi, and the screaming vacant space makes a come first, and shoots to Baili Qingfeng’s chest!

“weng weng! ”

Jian Jian burst!

Baili Qingfeng’s Yao Jin Battle Armor burst into a loud bell-like sound.

This sword-shaped formidable power is not inferior to the Grand Grandmaster’s blow, but this kind of damage can’t shake Baili Qingfeng’s determination to go forward and die!

His sword deadly locked Xiao Jianyin, One with the World, mysterious sword of Celestial sword, and several 8-level powerhouses exploded with imposing momentum. Obviously, the method was still jerky, but it resisted several people. Suppression of the momentum, the sword in his hands assassinated to Xiao Jianyin.


Xiao Jianyin cross sword interception!

2 Swords collided fiercely in the sky.

The penetrating Strength cracked Xiao Jianyin’s palms and made him look cold!

Baili Qingfeng, who was blocked by the sword edge, stabbed without the slightest hesitation in his left hand and aimed at Xiao Jianyin. 5 fingers seemed to grab the air and blow out the airflow within the range of several meters.

“Break of dawn and crescent, I have traveled for centuries … just for you …”


“Take me a sword!”

Fang Bai Chief Yun Xiao, if his sword is astonished, he savagely killed, and the sharp edge on the sword edge has not yet arrived, and has made Baili Qingfeng understand that if he does not avoid, the entire arm will be chopped off with a sword!

Yaojin Battle Armor’s defenses can’t carry it!

It was nothing to be pierced by a sword hole, but I really had to cut off an arm …

The injury was too severe.

Only after a fight, he can’t just lose the battle strength!

Baili Qingfeng grabbed Xiao Jianyin’s left hand and turned abruptly. The energy erupted, and the sword from Fiercely’s assassination of Chao Fangbai went away!


The palm and Fang Baiyun’s sword collided with each other and shot a dazzling fire.

He clasped the sword tightly, next moment, and yanked to the right.

Just at this moment, a huge sword carrying a horror storm slammed to the ground, and Fang Baiyun was pulled to the side of the sword together!


Nether Blast!

The air in the range of several meters is as if fragmented by a big invisible hand and broken into violent waves sweeping through the 8 squares.

It was a sword cut by the man with a huge sword holding the sword at the peak of level 8!

Baili Qingfeng’s shining gold armor smashed, golden light shone, and blood shot.

Under his strenuous forces of violent force, he slammed forward. With the eruptions of his feet, the ground exploded a pit with a diameter of one meter, and the dust was flying. Baili Qingfeng took his body as As the most powerful weapon, like a cannonball with a bore, and Xiao Jianyin, who thought he was safe, was about to pull away!


skeleton is broken!

Under these horrible impacts of Inhuman Strength, Xiao Jianyin, who was not physically strong, shattered the sternum, ribs, and thoracic spine. The cervical vertebra was unable to withstand this kind of dislocation stretch due to the sudden impact of the body. …

“The most glorious sacrifice is the fate of the hero …”

The singing is endless.


(Don’t worry about the lyrics being misplaced.)

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