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Baili Qingfeng sword light flashes, return to assassinate.

“en! ?”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng not retreating, Bronze Dragon in ones heart trembled, his instinct will be pulled back.

But he was chasing too fast, too close to Baili Qingfeng, this sword could not be avoided at all, and eventually had to fight against it …


The fire shines.

The moment the swords intersect, Tonglong feels a huge force rolling on his body, it seems …

“No! His Strength …”

Surprised rays of light flashed in the eyes of the bronze dragon shot back by a sword.

Regardless of Strength, speed, and momentum, Baili Qingfeng’s swords have been reduced by a large margin, at best they can only be comparable to the peak 7 level.

This battle strength …

It was not difficult for them to siege him.

“He really can’t do it!”

“Baili Qingfeng is seriously injured!”

The black cricket with mystery technique is also happy, as if he has seen the dawn of hope.

“Good, good!”

Seeing that even the newly-promoted Kingdom Guardian of Tonglong can block the sword of Baili Qingfeng without hurting them, everyone is very excited.

Beacon was sound transmission in secret: “Du Elder Lu, doing a good job, continue to stimulate him, let him fight with us to fight blood, don’t think of breaking away!”

“Leave it to me, I will surely stimulate him to irreconcilable with us! The excitement makes people lose their sense! Pull hatred, I am professional!”

As soon as Dulu finished speaking, he made a false step and shouted in his mouth: “Baili Qingfeng, you think you are a genius, you think you have saved everyone, you think you have maintained the peace of Hea, what do you actually do No, you can’t do anything, you can’t do anything else. On the contrary, everyone around you will face the disaster because of your stupid choice and our Three Great Holy Lands. Your parents will be us. Massacre … Oh, I forgot, your mother is dead, dead on the battlefield, I believe the scene must have been miserable, you … “

“shut up!”

Baili Qingfeng, who originally planned to wait for the black cricket, beacon, bronze dragon, 4 elephants and the others to erupt, screamed in response to the stimulus of Dulu: “Man is dead, you dignified the land True Immortal. As the insulting parents of the marketplace, sin is not tolerated! “

“Hahahaha! Sin does not tolerate it?”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s sense of irritation sank, Du Lu issued a gigantic laugh: “Can you help me? I humiliate your parents, you is it possible that you think you can kill me? Come on, I Right here, today, none of us retreat. If you can’t kill me, you’re not filial … “

“hong long long !”

The Dulu words did not finish, and the innate Fiendgod Zuz was conceived by Baili Qingfeng.

This innate Fiendgod seems to sense the anger of the subject. Once he appeared, he held up his hands, held up Heaven and Earth, danced the sun and the moon, and the mighty thunderclouds condensed and roared in the sky, emitting endless destruction of Divine Power.

“Refining … Refining Spirit Secret Technique !?”

The smile on Dulu’s face instantly solidified.

In addition to Body Refining, Baili Qingfeng has Refining Spirit!

He is also a powerhouse of the Refining Spirit 8 Awakening Realm!

Body Refining plus Refining Spirit, 2 people gathered in one person, by no means simple one plus one equals 2 so simple …

“Refining Spirit Secret Technique is coming! Watch out!”

“Gaze! Get together! Inspire Faith!”

“When we were Concentrates One’s Mind, his Refining Spirit Secret Technique could only cause us a puppet. We were in a group of three, one of whom had the Refining Spirit Secret Technique and the other was slightly restrained. Struggling out of Technique! “

The remaining 4 elephants, black crickets, beacon and the others shouted at the same time, each and everyone’s eyes were shining, condensing their will to the extreme.

“hong long! ”

The inborn fiendgod Zuz ’s thunder cloud containing the mighty Destruction Strength shone freely. A lightning suddenly dropped from the sky, like a Divine Dragon swallowing the world, on the copper dragon body closest to him.

Baili Qingfeng seemed to be provoked by Dulu, but it did not mean that he lost his mind.

He knew exactly what he was going to do.

Eliminate all the masters of Three Great Holy Lands!

Only by destroying the living Strong of the Three Great Holy Lands as much as possible can he guarantee the Thunderbolt Sect and the safety of the city of Xia. If you kill a Dulu but let others see his depth and escape from the Space Passage, then it is true. Outweigh the gains.

“Dark flash!”

Seeing the Bronze Dragon being hit by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, the blackbird and another land True Immortal shot at the same time!

The sword in the hands of the blackbird shouted and slashed, and the special material of the sword gave out a dazzling light when it fiercely rubbed against the air, making it impossible to look directly.

Another land True Immortal was also a sword if shocked, and came to assassination.

Baili Qingfeng seemed to perceive the crisis in general, the sword edge turned sharply, and he was forced to abandon the copper dragon, and went straight to the blade light that was strangled by the blackbird and the sword glow pierced by True Immortal on the land.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng being attracted by himself, the black cormorant walked away without confronting him at all.

But the land True Immortal was slow.

“hong long long !”

in the sky thunderbolt roar again!

With the innate Fiendgod Zuz roar towards the sky, a silhouette of the great shore of Thunder Scepter condensed from the thundercloud, fiercely hit the land True Immortal!

“Be careful!”

The blackbird yelled, hesitated to evade, and smashed forward again.

The innate Fiendgod Zuz that can throw Thunder Scepter turned the Thunder Dragon from Thundercloud at an incredible speed. At the same time, the sword of Baili Qingfeng cut the body of the land True Immortal. At the same time, fiercely’s blasted into the black cormorant. spirit World.

2 Refining Spirit Secret Techniques, less than a second apart!

“Bronze Dragon!”

The Refining Spirit Secret Technique struck, and the blackbird shouting loudly.


The bronze dragon seemed to be still in the shock of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, without any response at all.

This scene makes the black-eyed pupils wide open!

“Bronze dragon, you …”

“hong long! ”

The thunderbolt fiercely condensed by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Nine Heavens Thunder Move condensed into the dark world of Spirit World, almost bursting his Spirit World.


The pain of tearing consciousness made the black scream scream!

But his spirit of spirit is very powerful. He resisted the strikes of Nine Heavens Thunder Move, forcibly struggled from this blow, and concentrated his mind.


He couldn’t stop Nine Heavens Thunder Move, and couldn’t stop the sword edge that Baili Qingfeng followed.


The giant sword swept, fiercely chopped on the blackbird’s head!

The fire shines.

The Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, who belongs to the underground World Luck Emperor camp, was beheaded with a sword even if he was wearing the Chenjin Battle Armor and died on the spot!

“Blackbird !? Shao Qi !?”

“what happened!?”

4 Elephant, beacon and the others surprised and angry.

“Damn, the Bronze Dragon belongs to our Qilin Sword Sect, the newly-increased Kingdom Guardian, condensed without leaking for less than a year, and has not yet polished the Perfection. Shao Qi is relying on heavenly materials earthly treasures to pile up True Immortal on land. They cannot stop it. Stay at Refining Spirit Secret Technique at Baili Qingfeng! “

Dulu’s face was ugly.

“Be careful, we can’t lose any more, otherwise it won’t be a big deal even if we return to Shia!”

This negligence made Xiang Xiang annoyed: “The reason why the Refining Spirit lineage has not been able to mention on equal terms with Qi Refining and Body Refining lineage is because they use the Refining Spirit Secret Technique strikes others and they will also be shocked by their hearts. The more powerful the enemy is, the stronger the anti-seismic effect, not to mention that Baili Qingfeng breakthrough will soon reach the Refining Spirit 4 weight, even if he is the Refining Spirit 8 heavy peak powerhouse, the Refining Spirit Secret Technique can be performed up to ten times, as long as we are a few Supporting two of his Refining Spirit Secret Techniques by himself, a single anti-seismic shock would be enough to break his consciousness! “

Beacon and the others are deeply nodded.

They don’t have Refining Spirit, but that doesn’t mean they know nothing about Refining Spirit powerhouse.

“Form a battle formation and connect your mind as much as possible!”

“Heaven and body fall, we don’t understand the battle formation … even to form battle formation is not very effective …”

“Able to share 1% is 1%!”

The remaining 5 people quickly reached a consensus, each and everyone is connected with blood and resonance.

However, due to the lack of the main heart of the heart, this connection is not worth mentioning.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng was unambiguous, and thunderbolt blasted down again in the thunderous cloud of inborn Fiendgod Zuz, aiming at the strikers who seemed to be the weakest in the center of the five.

“hong long long !”

Even with the battle split, the man who was hit by Baili Qingfeng still screamed in pain.

“Really strong Refining Spirit Secret Technique! He … really the Refining Spirit 8!”

The other 30 terrestrial True Immortal who shared 4% of this Refining Spirit Secret Technique formidable power are also exuberant.

If Tong Long and Shao Qi can also be explained by the fact that the will has not been polished, then the land True Immortal just now …

“His Refining Spirit Secret Technique has a problem!”

“I’ll be fine enough, I’m here, you cover me!”

“Chong Feng, then be careful!”

Seeing the 4th Refining Spirit Secret Technique strikes of Baili Qingfeng, a real Immortal shouted by Baili Qingfeng’s unknown land was actually facing the Refining Spirit Secret Technique of dropping from the sky …


The self-asserted spirit of the imposing land, True Immortal, quickly followed in the footsteps of the previous one, and his will almost collapsed under the strikes of Nine Heavens Thunder Move.

“This is not an ordinary Refining Spirit Secret Technique! This is an advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique! Or an aggressive Refining Spirit Secret Technique!”

“Advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique !?”

“Agressive Advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique !?”

The remaining 4 elephants, Beacon, and Dulu were completely trembling.

“Baili Qingfeng has mastered the advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique !?”

Just then, Baili Qingfeng shook his head slightly.

This land called Chongfeng True Immortal is truly extraordinary, and coupled with the connection of several of them, he feels dizzy under the spirit shock.

Fortunately, he used spirit backlash to temper his mind. He was very resistant, and he slightly shook his head and had recovered most of it.

But this scene fell into the eyes of the three elephants, Beacon, and Dulu who still had battle strength, but they let them see hope again.

“The advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique for midable power is large, and it is comparable, but it consumes the same number of times as the ordinary Refining Spirit Secret Technique. Baili Qingfeng has just used 4 Refining Spirit Secret Technique … he can’t hold it!”

“I don’t believe his life strength is tenacious, and spirit will be tenacious like this. Up to two more advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique is his limit!”

4 Elephant eyes flashed decisively: “in today’s battle until now, our Three Great Holy Lands powerhouse is almost lost, if we can’t kill Baili Qingfeng … Hia has no place for our Three Great Holy Lands! , Beacon, Dulu … We take turns to resist the Refining Spirit Secret Technique of Baili Qingfeng! “

“it is good!”

Beacon said solemnly.

“hong long long !”

In the sky, Baili Qingfeng’s new round of Refining Spirit Secret Technique strikes.


4 Like a groaned, with a pale face, back down!

“I’m the 6th!”

Beacon growled.

The next second, he fought another blow, and he had a headache, and his consciousness was like an illusion!

“hong long long !”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng reunite the seventh Refining Spirit Secret Technique as if he was tireless, and the last person could not help but give birth to a chill in his heart!

An unprecedented fear came to his mind!

The advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique, which consumes at least 5 times more than the ordinary Refining Spirit Secret Technique, can perform 7! ?


What kind of monster is fighting? ?


(Ten o’clock two o’clock, caught up, everyone rested early.)

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