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“I … what kind of monster did I get?”

On the edge of the battlefield, Big Dipper’s face was full of shock and terror.

When the five big 5-level powerhouses such as Kongming, Chixiao, Xiao Jianyin, and Fang Baiyun killed 8 9-level powerhouses, his heart was full of ecstasy.

A turning point in history was born in his hands.

And then…

He will witness history.

Witness the history of 3 Holy Alliances destroying Baili Qingfeng, destroying Shia, and establishing 3 Holy Kingdoms!

But what happened next makes it seem like dreaming!

An unforgettable nightmare!

Kongming died, Xiao Jianyin died, Lichen died, Chixiao died, and finally Fang Baiyun died.

5 8-level powerhouses, the slaughter is over!

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the heart, the main Tianxin and the others, began to gradually enter into their footsteps. Each and everyone was savagely killed by Baili Qingfeng, who never tires and has no limit.

That kind of horror, that kind of surprise …

It made him cold, his hands and feet soft, and he couldn’t stand still and sat on the ground.

“How could this be … shouldn’t, shouldn’t it, I … didn’t I affect the historical turning point of the 3 League of Legends, did I want to witness the history of the 3 League of Nations … why … why is this so?”


“Why is this happening??”

Duluo also yelled in horror.

After smashing the 7th Nine Heavens Thunder Move, Baili Qingfeng only took a breath, and the 8th Nine Heavens Thunder Move smashed again.

“Do not!”

Seeing this scene, 4 seemed to utter a desperate roar, and disregarded the tear-like pain of Spirit to leave the battlefield, heading forward arrogantly, holding a sword to kill.

He doesn’t want to be killed by Refining Spirit Secret Technique, he will give his life a try!

However, under the spirit shock, his sword is not only as strong as Strength and speed, but his accuracy and stability are not as good as an ordinary Grandmaster.

Baili Qingfeng pierced the giant sword in his hand, with no difficulty piercing his body.

At the same time, this Nine Heavens Thunder Move also fell on another person. He was bombarded by Nine Heavens Thunder Move for a round. He also lost the battle sharing, no suspense, and the pain on his face was frozen. The fire of consciousness went out, and it fell suddenly.

“4 Elephants !?”

“Escape! Escape! Escape! He is not a man, he is a monster, a monster that cannot be defeated by courage and sword!”

“Escape one by one! Leave here forever, leave Shea!”

The remaining 3 people collapsed without any courage to irreconcilable.

An unprecedented fear shrouded their hearts, depressing all their glory, confidence, determination, and dignity!

At this moment, they just want to leave at the fastest speed. The farther away from the monster, it seems as if they can’t be beaten.

Especially Dulu …

The regretful intestines are green.

It had long been known that Baili Qingfeng still retained such a powerful Refining Spirit Secret Technique. When Baili Qingfeng planned to break out, he was given 100 courage. He did not dare to stimulate Baili Qingfeng, and held his hatred to let both sides continue to fight.

“Escape !? You said that none of us will retreat today. If I can’t kill you, it’s my filial piety. You have to say nothing without faith !?”

Baili Qingfeng drank, chasing after him.

“No! No! He said” If you can’t kill me “instead of” we “,” I “means Dulu instead of me, and we are just competing for interests. There is really no need to make you live. To the point … “

Chongfeng felt the desperate momentum of Baili Qingfeng and shouted in despair.

“I got it wrong?”

Baili Qingfeng frowned.


His sword has been chopped down, and it can’t be recovered anymore …


Blood light flashed.

Chong Feng’s body fell down.

“There are 2 more!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Fangya from afar, the innate Fiendgod Zuz 鈥檚 illusory shadow has faded a lot, even the thundering cloud with the in the sky has disappeared a lot, but …

When all the thunderclouds condense, the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Nine Heavens Thunder Move condenses again in the sky.

“Forge life! Forgive life! Baili Sect Master, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance! I am willing to abandon evil and do good to you and become your subordinate …”

Tuya felt the mighty Destruction Strength above his head. At this time, no dignity, loyalty, or glory could be considered.

He wants to live!

He was only 80 years old and managed to become True Immortal on land. He could live for 2 30 years. He didn’t want to die like this.

“Abandon evil and do good …”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head: “When I first stepped into the 2nd World, I did intend to persuade you. If you are willing to reform, I would like to give you a chance, but … Big Dipper keep me on saying To kill and kill all the people related to me, this brutal and disgusting attitude made me think of Iron Sword Sect, made me think of the door to the sun, so I understand that between me and you Three Great Holy Lands There is no possibility of reconciliation. Even if I let you leave Hiah, you will try to make a comeback. In order not to let the tiger returns to the mountains, I was determined at that time, even if I managed to shed the last drop of blood on my body, Even if you fight hard in this World, you will kill all of you! “

“North … Big Dipper !?”

Fangya looked at the far side of the battlefield, who was scared to sit on the ground in front of the war situation, and covered with a silhouette, a kind of unprecedented sorrow in the mind …

His only chance of struggling on whilst at death’s door was ruthlessly crushed by this jerk called Big Dipper?

鈥渉ong long! 鈥?/p>

thunderbolt roar!

The 9th Nine Heavens Thunder Move shines in the void.

The expression of depression and unwillingness of fangs solidified, and the rushing figure fell down along the inertia …

“No! Nine Heavens Thunder Move is my limit under normal circumstances. If I use the tenth one, I’m afraid my mind will collapse and fall into a coma … The advanced Refining Spirit Secret Technique is too expensive.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the desperate Dulu, looking pale and rubbing his head.

“He … he finally can’t use the Refining Spirit Secret Technique?”

This scene filled Deru’s face with a surprise of desperate situation.


Can live!

Land True Immortal is good at eruption, he spares no effort to run wild, and may escape to the Space Passage of 5 Longshan!

5 Although Longshan’s Space Passage has no masters, there are still 2 100 Grandmasters. With their protection, he may be able to support the opening of Space Passage.

After leaving, he left Shia, far away from where the monster was, went to a small remote country, opened a noodle shop, regardless of things in the Martial Dao world, and passed his life blandly.

The second half of my life …

He wants to be a good person.


As soon as Dulu saw the hope of survival, there was a bang behind him.

I saw Baili Qingfeng’s ground-based soil layer exploded, and a dust pit with a diameter of more than one meter spread directly between the fume and dust.

With this strength, Baili Qingfeng’s body was lasing, and a speed not inferior to the person who broke the second human limit broke out in an instant, bursting into the air, sweeping the suffocating terror, and rushing towards him. .

“This speed … this breath …”

The blood on Duluhun’s body seemed to freeze.


sword light shot.

The giant sword rubbed against the air to form a harsh shriek, piercing the void.

Baili Qingfeng’s mental exhaustion has reached its limit, but when he used the Refining Spirit Secret Technique to strike Duru, 4 elephants, and torches over and over again, the wound on his body was also recovering rapidly, although it was not enough to recover 108,000 li, no less than several hours, but has gone through the most difficult stage, and has a much smaller impact on the battle.

In this case, the battle strength climbed …

It makes sense.

“Baili Qingfeng!”

Dulu wailed desperately, trying his best to block.

However, the strength contained in the Baili Qingfeng sword was too strong, and not only Zhen Zhen flew his saber, but the blown-out sword slammed into his body, causing him to fly down for more than ten meters. On the ground.

Blood spit out from his mouth.

“It’s over! Although, my injuries are as serious as never before … but … I said that you will never be allowed to return to Shia, wantonly destroy, and kill the ring, so that Blood flows into a river … … I did it after all! “

Baili Qingfeng holding the sword, step by step, came to Dulu, who was lying on the ground and covered with blood: “Now, let me end your sinful life.”

“100 … Baili Sect Master … if I said … I didn’t really say what I said before to kill the Baili surname … only … just to stimulate you, do you believe …”

Du Lu looked at Baili Qingfeng and said in pain and pain.

Baili Qingfeng watched Dulu for a moment, and then replied, “I believe.”


Dulu looked at Baili Qingfeng with his eyes open.

Baili Qingfeng, I actually believe it! ?

Believe what one of his enemies said?

In his mind flashed all the things he did to join Qilin Sword Sect in his life …

For a moment, a stunned smile was drawn on his face: “3 Holy Alliance … deserved …”

“I will be fast.”

Baili Qingfeng held up the great sword that belongs to the red night.

“Thank you鈥︹€?#8221;

Under the sword!


Through the skull.

“You’re welcome.”

Baili Qingfeng whispered.

Belief and unbelief are not important.

Dulu must die, and this cannot be changed!

But Baili Qingfeng respects all lives.

He is not the kind of murderous person, if he believes that he can die better and is more peaceful, he is willing to say such offensive words.

Dulu’s life aura disappeared.


Baili Qingfeng twisted the huge sword in his hand …

After confirming complete death, draw the sword.

He just carried this great sword and stood on the battlefield covered with 5 8th and 9th 7th powerhouse corpses.

The first dawn of the dawn pierced the sky and shone the sky.

Baili Qingfeng is blowing the cold wind, looking up, looking into the distance …

Watching quietly.

There is the outline of 5 Longshan.


Baili Qingfeng whispered to himself.

For a moment, he stepped forward, step by step, toward Big Dipper, who was stiff, shiver coldly hiding on the edge of the battlefield.

One left.

As he passed his non-killer sword, he threw the great sword aside and picked it up.

That sword …

too big.

He is an assassin.

No matter how bad it is, Sword Qi is a white clothed swordsman.

What would it look like with such a huge sword.

Not killing the sword is his favorite.

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