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Yasuo gave the information directly from the think tank to several people.

Several people watched after one after another.

This data not only analyzes various condition factors, but also includes analysis of Tessie’s behavior pattern.

Although not necessarily accurate, when all small probabilities come together, they become large probabilities.

“Dairi Sanctuary, which is an intelligence agency dedicated to the East Divine Continent nations by the Aurora Empire. No one knows how much dark chess they have hidden outside. If you manage it yourself, you will be able to guess his attention to the Great Hall of the Sun. At present, Baili Qingfeng Sect Master has destroyed the Great Hall of the Sun, causing them to start the self-destruct process. Next, we only need to leave Taise here … 鈥?The Great Sun Temple is equivalent to being completely dismantled, and dark chess becomes dead chess! “

Mo Yun was emotional.

“But in this way, we are bound to attract the hatred of the Aurora Empire, and become the inevitable force of the Aurora Empire.

Yuan Pan Slightly frowned.

“It is already.”

Yasuo calmly said: “At present, the Aurora Empire has completed the reunification of the north. Among the 6 countries bordering the Aurora Empire, he has annexed 2 of them, and the other 2 countries have the rights and interests of Patriarch. The rest is Chi Yan and our Shia. Chi Yan, as the traditional overlord of East Divine Continent, has a strong background. No one knows what kind of hole card is hidden. Zhao Jiansheng turned out to stare to death. Good example, for security reasons, the Aurora Empire must have set its sights on us. “

“The Knight Alliance is larger than the Chi-Yan Country, but all the nations, including the Bucks, are on the bright side. Against the Knight Alliance, do n鈥檛 worry about what deep-water giants will suddenly run out, plus the Knight Alliance It is also composed of six great powers, and the internal opinions are not united, and it is suitable for being defeated by various people. Therefore, if I am an Aurora monarch, the first thing to deal with is my Sia Kingdom. “

Duanmu Rui Road.

“Previously, Three Great Holy Lands was holding us back. Most of the Aurora Empire 鈥檚 energy was focused on the layout and instigation of the top ten consortiums of the Red Flame Country. He did not want to spend too much energy on us, but now … the situation is different, We have completed the internal integration of Shia. The Martial Dao, military and political circles are integrated, and moved towards the same direction. People in the Aurora Empire can see that as long as we give us ten years, we will have the strength of Shia. We will be able to return to the status no less favourable than that of the Moro Kingdom. We will even be able to compete with the Buck Kingdom after 3 years, so … whether or not we attract the hatred of the Aurora Empire, the Aurora Empire will shift its focus to us. “

Mo Yun said, thinking for a moment: “I have a hunch, the war between us and the Aurora Empire … I am afraid that the battlefield in Tianyu Mountain is stable.”

“Tianyushan Battlefield …”

Yasuo expressed a heavy nodded: “The forecast of the situation is consistent with the results obtained by the think tank based on the information.”

“The Emperor Aurora mainly waited for the stabilization of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield before launching the invasion, but if we can completely dismantle the Great Sun Temple, we should be able to delay a little longer!”

“That’s right, so destroying the Sun Temple is good for us Sia Kingdom.”

Yasuo said, as if thinking of something, looking at Mo Yundao: “How’s the other side of Tianyu Mountain battlefield? I heard something changed?”

Mo Yun’s expression was a little dignified: “According to the news from Commander Jonson, the cavemen in the Tiantu Mountain battlefield have increased their troops again. At present, the number of cavemen concentrated in that area seems to have exceeded thousand thousand. The appearance of the action, although the pressure on our northern front has increased greatly, but fortunately, the pressure on the Aurora Emperor has also increased sharply. I believe that he will not risk fighting with us in this big environment. “

“hundred thousand !?”

“That’s the horrible Strength that requires 10,000,000 troops to resist!”

Duanmurui and Yuanpan both exclaimed.

“At present, countries such as Chiyan, Bucks, Moro, Novi, Ghana, and Beisen have increased their troops. The League of Nations is also calling on other powerful nations to send special warfare teams to help to prevent the coalition forces of various countries from resisting the invasion of the cavemen. Disaster, but … little response … “

“After all, we can only rely on ourselves!”

“Then, at this critical moment, we can’t even let the Great Sun Temple come to us to destroy. Whether it is against the cavemen or the frontal battlefield, Baili Qingfeng Sect Master has an irreplaceable role for us. Anyone who thinks of his idea is to shake the country of Hea! He will surely get the most severe counterattack from our Sia Kingdom! “

Yasuo expression calmly said: “I decided to launch a large number of buoy sonars in the Sea Territory outside Wuhe Port, and let the South China Sea Fleet in charge of daily patrols carry a large number of torpedoes. Once I saw the submarines of the Aurora Empire … sunk directly!”

“The people led by Longsheng have also arrived in Xia, and I will let him assist the local to keep a close eye on all suspicious people and vehicles on the land.”

Duanmu Rui Road.

“Don’t they want to lay traps to lure Baili Qingfeng Sect Master? We’ll deal with a man as he deals with you, and put inescapable net to work, as long as they dare to come, they will be taught to come back!”


“hu! Call! Call!”

Xia Haizhou border.

A seemingly vague silhouette was slowly moving forward at a speed of less than 100 kilometers per hour, while breathing heavily from his mouth.

It was Baili Qingfeng, which was not far from 1000 miles and took 8 hours to run from the headquarters of the Great Sun Temple in the suburb of the Aurora Empire, 4000 kilometers away.

At this time, it was 1 o’clock in the morning. It was a sunny day. Under intense exercise, Baili Qingfeng was already sweating, and his body seemed to be wet with sweat.

With this constant running, even with his physical strength, he has a feeling that he can no longer run and has reached the limit.

Because of this, he had to slow down and plan to recover while running.

“Persist! Persist! Persevere! Black River City is in front of you, Tairi Shrine ruler Tess, what a horrible figure, if I can’t stop her before she arrives, once I let the master she brings to Black River City is about to kill … The entire Black River City will be blood flowing into a river, and the damage caused is hundreds of times greater than that of several hundred cavemen! Therefore, even if I clenched my teeth, I had to insist on running to the Black River. City, just to stop this man-made disaster! “

Baili Qingfeng insisted on Faith in his heart, and speed was slightly faster.

Fortunately, he had enough to eat in the Great Sun Temple. Otherwise, he would run for 8 hours, which would be exhausting.

“Hope it’s too late.”

Baili Qingfeng looked up.

This is the Xiahai State border, less than 2 100 kilometers from Black River City.

“d墨ng l铆ng l铆ng !”

Just as Baili Qingfeng was about to reach Black River City, his cell phone rang.

This burst of noise made him start lightly, but he didn’t respond for a while. Obviously, 8 consecutive hours of extreme long-distance running drove him out.

after all鈥︹€?/p>

If it is not excellent, and the will never give up is supported, who can continue to run for so long?

After a while, Baili Qingfeng took out the phone, looked at the unfamiliar number displayed on it, and connected in doubt: “You are …”

“Mr. Baili Qingfeng? Hello, this is Ke Ke.”

A female voice came from the phone.

Sounds like …

It’s not very big.

“Ko Ke?”

Baili Qingfeng immediately thought of this person, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: “Ke Ke of the Hunters Association?”

“It’s me, Mr. Baili. I’ve heard of your name for a long time. I’ve been to Xia Ya now. May I meet you if it’s convenient?”

“of course can.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and estimated the time a bit: “But I’m going to Black River City right now, right next to the city of Shaya … Can we put the meeting place in Black River City?”

“of course can.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in 40 … 50 minutes. It’s in Lisboa Station along the river in Black River City. Can you find it? I’ll buy you milk tea.”


Ke Ke paused for 2 seconds, and then responded with a smile: “Of course, I have not only my personal assistant but also a person in your sect who will take me to the place you said, and I will be there Waiting for Mr Baili to drive. “

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng answered.

Someone is waiting for himself, and he is not good at letting others wait too long.

The continuous trot just now has made him a lot of physical strength. Coupled with the long-term rush, the strange and strange heavenly materials earthly treasures taken by the body seem to play a role, while letting him absorb better. It also provides Strength for him continuously, and after a while he has recovered some strength.

As a result, he ran at full speed, sprinting for less than 2 100 km.


Baili Qingfeng’s hunch was correct.

In the last 180 kilometers, it only took him 35 to 40 minutes to run to Black River City, but it was obviously not polite to see a lady who had deliberately helped him sit in Thunderbolt Sect, so he took the time to return home.

on the one hand鈥︹€?/p>

Make sure your father is safe and sound, and take a shower.

Time was short and he couldn’t blow his hair. He quickly put on the Battle Armor again and hurried to the Lisboa station, which was less than two hundred meters away from home.

But when he came to Lisboa Tea Station, he found …

There is more than one atmosphere of Level 9 powerhouse in this small shop …

“Senior Senior, are you here too? You are so fast.”

Baili Qingfeng came in with some surprises.

“It won’t be faster than you, Qingfeng, your efficiency … fast I can’t imagine … I can hardly believe that you were still 9 hours ago …”

Shouzhen looked at Baili Qingfeng who walked in from the outside, and expressed emotion 10000 1000.

In the face of Baili Qingfeng, the rear waves of the long river drives on those before, the feeling of the front waves dying on the beach is extremely strong.

“Senior Senior has won the prize. I am young, physically fit and able to run.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

At the same time, his gaze fell on a woman who also stood up and seemed to have only two eighteen-nineteen appearances.

“Mr. Baili, hello, my name is Ke Ke, I have long been known, and today I finally see the True Master.”

Ke Ke smiled and said, “Mr. Baili is younger than he thought.”

“Sorry, something has happened and I have to deal with it, keeping you waiting.”

Baili Qingfeng apologized.

“What happened …”

Ke Ke looked at Baili Qingfeng and expressed goodwill in the expression: “Honest Shouzhen told me … just right, I started to take part in Thunderbolt Sect today, maybe … I can help a little bit.”


(These two chapter names are a bit arbitrary.)

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