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“en! ?”

Ke Ke’s words made Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

The concept and rights of sitting in the Heavenly Knowledge Hall is very clear, that is, to help guard the place against foreign invasions, and still be able to do so.

If the fighting may affect the life safety of the townspeople, the townspeople can choose to leave.

Tessie is Celestial at the pinnacle of Level 9. Even if it is the standard of life threatening for the title Level 9, even if Ke Ke chooses to stand by and watch others, she can’t say anything, but depending on her appearance, she is willing to get involved in this battle?

“So many thanks, Ms. Ke Ke.”

Baili Qingfeng has not yet spoken, and Shouzhen has stood up with a smile and thanked him.

The 3 Star Hunters are generally well-known figures in Level 9. Such a master is willing to help, even if Tessie escaped the torpedo bombardment by chance, with their lineup of 3 major Level 9 powerhouses, they are still unable to account for them. What cheap.

“It’s my job to take Thunderbolt Sect, and I should do it.”

Ke Wei said with a slight smile.

Others dreaded the Aurora Empire, and she from the Hunters Association didn’t take it seriously.

Compared to the Aurora Empire …

She is more optimistic about this Baili Qingfeng.

Especially when she and Heaven’s Mystery Building have a lot of secret information.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng met Long Sheng who came over from the outside, and greeted several people, and quickly came to the side of Shouzhen: “Her Guardian … we have the latest news, and the Hailong National Army is hundred. thousand, coming towards our Shia border. “

“Hailong Kingdom?”

This is one of the 5 countries bordered by Sia Kingdom. It has a land area of ​​90000 square kilometers and a population of 800. However, its national strength is weak. Compared to the country of Oao, it is far behind.

Already equivalent to their power! ?

Shouzhen thought for a moment, and immediately laughed: “It seems that the probability of Tysis entering our Sea Territory by submarine is more than 90%. The hundred thousand troops of this thousand thousand army came in response to Tysis. If the people of the Aurora Empire knew that Tessie was in danger, they would call and let her retreat, but if they didn’t do this, they obviously couldn’t call, then her infiltration method was ready.

After speaking, he turned to Long Sheng, saying cold and severe saying: “Let the Admiralty personnel continue to mine, and strive to sunk Tysis into the Sea Territory of our South Asia Sea without any worries.”


Long Sheng responded and quickly retreated.

“Senior Senior, Ms. Ke Ke, you have come from a long distance. As a Black River City person, I am also a host. I invite you to drink milk tea.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and glanced into the shop …

Maybe because of the morning, the business in the shop is very bad. Except for their table, there are no customers?

Baili Qingfeng didn’t think too much, and said directly: “The taro milk tea here is very delicious. You can also add barley and coconut fruit. Would you like to have one for you two? Or do you order your own?”

“Qingfeng, your identity … you still have to pay attention to eating and drinking …”

The fidelity reminded a little vaguely.

However, Ke Ke smiled a little freely: “Why milk tea, seriously, I haven’t drank this drink for at least 30 years, or … I have never drank it, and the last time I drank it was just similar That’s all, since Mr. Baili recommends, I will taste it. Just follow the taro milk tea that Mr. Baili said, add the rice and coconut fruit. “

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and helped Ke Ke order a cup.

As for fidelity …

He didn’t force it.

Senior is old and may suffer from diabetes and other diseases. He cannot eat sweets, but he is ashamed to speak. As a young man who understands the elderly, he naturally learns to consider the other side.


Baili Qingfeng invited Ke Ke and Shouzhen to drink milk tea at the tea shop while waiting for news from the South China Sea Fleet. Under the Sea Territory south of Chia, a huge black shadow was in the water 2 2 100 ten meters are sailing at a speed of nearly 4 knots.

This is the most advanced “seal” submarine of the Aurora Empire, with a length of 82 meters, a width of 2 meters, an underwater displacement of 9 tons, and 4 torpedo launch tubes.

This submarine uses a new type of steel with a maximum dive distance of 300 metres, a depth that is currently beyond the reach of Sia.

It is because of this advanced snorkeling ability that the empress Tai Sisi who sat inside was able to appear quietly in Wuhe Port, complete the layout of the inescapable net, and lead the 6 True Immortal around him to give Baili Qingfeng a deadly one. hit.

“Commander Worcester, how far is it from our destination.”

Tess asked in a low voice.

“Less than 20 kilometers, at our current speed, we will arrive in 35 minutes, but the water depth of Wuhe Port is limited. We will float up to 50 meters in the next ten kilometers or so. At that time, we can only trouble the officers to put on Dive in gear and enter Wuhe Port. “

Known as Worcester is a man in his 40s who has 3 years of experience in submarine and is the owner of this submarine.

Of course, with the arrival of Tessie, she will naturally be the top person in charge.


Tessie is satisfied with the nodded.

The ten-kilometer snorkeling is naturally nothing to them who have the weakest True Immortal cultivation base.

“I hope that Dongli and Gu Weiwei can stabilize Baili Qingfeng and prevent Baili Qingfeng from seeing any weak spot.”

A woman behind solesialy named Tess.

She is Nascar, and is also the latest left arm and right arm of Tessie. Although she is not as good as Dong He and Yun Ji, she is slightly better than the other 5 True Immortal.

“Donghe, I still trust, as for Gu Weiwei …”

There was a hint of coldness in Tai Sisi’s eyes: “Her ability has made me very disappointed, receiving the best education of our aurora empire, but was played with by Baili Qingfeng in the palm of his hand, and even the enemy repeatedly piled him on Level 9 Ruler …… If we can successfully kill Baili Qingfeng at this time, we will transfer her to the database to guard the information. If there is any accident in our action … the Gu family behind her can’t keep her! “

“Now I’m afraid that Baili Qingfeng himself noticed any accident … After all, the first 2 times were mail transactions, but this time asked to meet, with the care of Baili Qingfeng, insidious and cunning, once in doubt …”

“You don’t understand, Baili Qingfeng rigorous schemes and deep foresight, insidious and cunning, but he has one of the biggest shortcomings … this is a shortcoming that many people have! That is greed! It can be called endless greed!”



Tai Sisi expression carries a self-channel that seems to clearly understand the human heart: “No matter how smart and cautious a person can be, he cannot overcome the shortcomings of human nature. Baili Qingfeng’s shortcomings of human nature are greed, and maybe he will doubt it. Maybe he will hesitate, but the moment when I take out the Divine Transformatio, the big picture is set! “

“Divine Transformatio fruit …”

“Although the supreme holy stone is called Supreme Treasure, the value of the supreme holy stone that I took from Your Majesty treasure house is more than a Divine Transformatio fruit, but … it is too useful for Baili Qingfeng not at all, But Divine Transformatio is different. Divine Transformatio is … It is Supreme Treasure that can help fellow initiates Essence and Qi. Baili Qingfeng has reached 9th in Body Refining and has no promotion. In addition, his Refining Spirit breaks through to level 8. In the future For decades, it is expected to advance to Level 9. In this case, a Divine Transformatio fruit has almost opened the door for him to condense the silver body! If he can condense the silver body, then master several Xeon records … In the face of the new top powerhouse, you can save your life! “

When Tessie said this, she sneered: “Level 9 invincible, but she can still save her life in front of the top powerhouse. This temptation, which Level 9 powerhouse can resist?”

Nascar heard nodded.

Level 9 is a level that cannot be upgraded.

This realm has reached the human puppet, which belongs to the ceiling of human genetic restriction.

Further up is to set foot on the path of Xeon. Relying on the deep foundation, and using the exquisite Xeon method to refining the truth, the existence of the illusory of internal force can be changed to True that can truly affect the material world. Qi to advance his cultivation to a whole new field.

It’s just that achieving top powerhouse is too difficult!

The road to Xeon is better, the monopoly of Xeon Method is enough to make any Level 9 powerhouse despair, even more how ……

Even if you have set foot on the path of Xeon and obtained the Xeon Method, everyone may not be able to successfully practice imagination and become the top of the world.

In this case, all Level 9 powerhouses will try to make themselves stronger, such as delving into the use of One with the World, such as continuously cultivation of the Xeon battle skill, and some Level 9 powerhouse’s Realization is more on top powerhouse …

And the strongest of all the ways to enhance one’s own strength is undoubtedly the silver body.

The silver body is not only capable of Level 9 invincible, but even in the face of top powerhouse, it is no longer like other Level 9 and has almost no power to fight back.

So she was convinced of Tessie’s claims.

“No one can refuse the temptation of the silver body. In addition, Baili Qingfeng is one thing that is different from everyone else, and that is his Refining Spirit Innate Talent! His Refining Spirit Innate Talent is amazing. If he can condense the silver The body, Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 complement each other, endlessly, and the life-saving ability has greatly increased, then he can go deep into the 2nd World and search for heavenly materials earthly treasures that enhance the spirit. As long as he can get some Refining Spirit treasure, he will have Hope to shock the Refining Spirit! “

When Tessie said this, her words were chic: “Who can refuse this temptation !? Especially Baili Qingfeng with greed defects !?”

“The emperor clearly understood the heart, Baili Qingfeng rerigorous schemes and deep foresight, but as long as the emperor has clearly understood his inferiority, he still cannot escape the emperor’s palm.”

Nascar admired.

Tess Slightly smiled.

She was able to sit in the position of Lord of the Sun Temple, relying not only on her identity, but …

“dudu du!”

At this time, a harsh alarm sounded suddenly.

“Deep bombs!”

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