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“Go back and think about it.”

Baili Qingfeng had some expectations in mind.

If such a technique could be created and sold, he would have more than enough resources to promote True Immortal to the top.

If it goes well, there will be plenty of resources left.


Baili Qingfeng flicked his body a little, and estimated the change in his internal strength to reach True Immortal on his strength.

The methods he majors in now are Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique and Small Void Technique, and the attack methods are focused on Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique and Primordial Qi Technique. The remaining Thunder Scepter and Nine Heavens Thunder Move belong to the Refining Spirit. For the time being No.

As for the Great Emperor Sword Technique, Divine Thirteen Swords, and Void Sword Technique, although the time has come, they have not been trained so far.

Void Sword Technique requires too much computing power. At least Baili Qingfeng does not meet this standard.

It is said that when the Refining Spirit realm breakthrough reaches the Tenth Layer, not only will the mind be strong enough to interfere with the outside world, but the efficiency of thinking operation will also increase slightly.

Baili Qingfeng reckons that unless he can develop a lifeform computer, if he wants to complete the 3 Sword Techniques, he can only pin his hopes on the Refining Spirit tenth.

“My Celestial Realm is not yet Great Accomplishment. If Celestial Realm is Great Accomplishment, then Celestial Realm mysterious can be integrated into the battle, instead of only being used for escape. As a result, my strength is expected to increase slightly. “

Although Baili Qingfeng is currently estimated to have the peak strength of Level 9, he can only advance to Level 9 if it is divided in the conventional sense.

Integrating One with the World into the battle is known as senior Level 9, and combining One with the World with the Sword Technique and boxing skills you have mastered, you can perfectly control one, go out of your own path, and form your own unique style. Level 9 pinnacle.

As for the level 9 title, it refers to the Xeon method.

The title of Level 9 is the combination of a Xeon Sword Technique, boxing, Blade Technique cultivation Perfection, and integration into One with the World.

And this level is the highest realm that cultivators can reach.

What’s left is the title Body Refining Flow Level 9 which wears the boutique bling gold Battle Armor, which is slightly better than the usual title Level 9 and wins the top half.

However, what really can be named invincible is the condensed existence of the silver body, especially the existence of the three-pulse fellows who condensed the silver body and the cultivation perfection of the Xeongong method, even in the presence of top powerhouse. life.

and so鈥︹€?/p>

He has a long way to go.

“The water at Level 9 is very deep … The true Senior told me that Level 9 is divided into 4 grades, and the special case of the boutique Yao Jin Battle Armor is only 4 and a half grades, but now it comes out A silver body, changed from 4 and a half to 5 … “

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng has long been mentally prepared for these.

Not to mention Level 9 invincible, he will not be surprised if he comes up with a half-step Xeon, quasi-Xeon, pseudo-Xeon, etc., anyway, he has been mentally prepared.

These realm are a little far away from him. All he needs to do now is to practice the Small Void Technique carefully.

Based on the Small Void Technique, I realized the true meaning of nihilism.

Martial artist reaches the peak of Level 9, and even at the advanced level 9, he can actually start to impact the top powerhouse. The levels of miscellaneous 7 and miscellaneous 8 are actually refined by those who are hopeless and strong, as long as he can cultivate into nothingness Technique, maybe you can jump directly to the top powerhouse realm, regardless of the title or title.

Therefore, Small Void Technique is the foundation of his true power.

Before breaking this limit, Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique have to temporarily give way to Small Void Technique.

“My Small Void Technique seems to have broken through this internal refining … Alas, the essence of life has improved a little … Next time, one third of the 10000 energy cells will not be so severe as to almost lose the battle. It 鈥檚 strength … come one third and try again … “

Considering that the elders of Thunderbolt Sect, such as 2 grandfather, are not worried, Baili Qingfeng is not good, so I will try my new limit here.

Before entering the Practice Room, his energy accumulated abundantly to overflow in the form of sweat, and as he refined his internal interest into internal force, he was greatly consumed in the process, but now he is trapped in a state of withered energy, and naturally there is no need for cultivation. Already.

Right now he sorted himself out of the training room.

“En !? It’s late at night?”

Baili Qingfeng looked up.

Although it was midnight, the lights outside the training room were still brilliant.

2 grandfather Baili Changkong, Lu Ping, and Shi Tianya were all waiting outside, and even Ke Ke, who had just taken the task to take the level 9 Celestial of Thunderbolt Sect, did not leave.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng coming out, Baili Changkong and the others surrounded him at the same time: “Qingfeng, how are you?”


Baili Qingfeng quickly nodded: “I’m fine, 2 grandfather, Lu grandfather, division grandfather, Ms. Ke Ke, you are worried if you have work.”

Several people looked at Baili Qingfeng carefully, but after seeing that he seemed not at all other than a little tired, this was slightly sighed in relief.

But because of this look, Ke Ke seemed to notice something, and his pupils shrank a little: “Mr. Baili, why … on you … I seem to feel the trace of the internal circulation …”

“Inner interest !?”

Baili Changkong slightly startled: “You mean … Qingfeng has worked out his inner interest !? Isn’t he a Body Refining stream martial artist? The Life and Unite extracted from Three Origins Unite will penetrate into the freshy body again to strengthen the freshy. Body, can’t be stored at all, how can it form internal interest? “

“I still have a little confidence in my eyesight.”

Ke Ke said.

And Lu Ping also nodded after looking at Baili Qingfeng for a moment: “I also have this feeling, Qingfeng Sect Master, you … really practiced the inner interest?”

“This … speaking of which is a bit troublesome, you should understand that in order to cut off the threat posed by the Great Sun Temple, ten thousand li ran to the Great Sun Temple, and I was thirsty and hungry along the way. After the strength of the temple broke down, I wanted to find something to eat, and unconsciously walked into a very sturdy room. At first, I thought it was the safe house of the temple of Dainichi, which was used to start the self-destruct program. Self-help, I came to understand after came back to his senses, that is the treasure house of the Great Sun Temple, which contains a lot of good things … If you leave these things to Tai Sisi, she will definitely take these treasures out The cultivating masters continue to murder me, so … I will eat all of them … Then you will understood, I will start sweating, and then my unfathomable mystery will be able to cultivate inside. “

Baili Qingfeng explained briefly.


Baili Changkong expressionless looked at Baili Qingfeng …

He seems …

Not surprised at all.

“Eat all …”

Ke Ke’s heart seems to have been hit by turns today. Hearing Baili Qingfeng’s words, despite the complex expression and envy, he didn’t say much.

“Maybe there is no Supreme Treasure that can break the cultivation barriers of the human body Essence and Qi 2 in the Great Sun Temple, so that people can become fellow initiates of Essence, Qi and Spirit … Qingfeng Sect Master has a good chance.”

Shi Tianya said with emotion.

However, Lu Ping asked for a little quick breathing: “Qingfeng Sect Master, have you ever eaten a kind of pear similar to a pear, but smaller than a pear when taking those items, it is oval-shaped, full-azure fruit ? “

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, nodded: “It seems that there is such a fruit.”


Ke Ke apparently knew what Lu Ping was describing. He heard Baili Qingfeng’s response, and suddenly he was shocked: “Is it the fruit of Divine Transformatio !?”

“Divine Transformatio fruit! Definitely the Divine Transformatio fruit! The Great Sun Temple is the Peak organization of the Aurora Empire, and Tai Sisi, who is in charge of the Great Sun Temple, is one of the most powerful great characters in the Aurora Empire. Divine Transformatio fruit is not impossible … Maybe this Divine Transformatio fruit was prepared for herself by Tessie, but for some reason, she hasn’t had time to take it, and finally Qingfeng Sect Master is cheaper! “

Lu Ping said this, his eyes were shining: “Qingfeng Sect Master Xeon Road is cut off. After taking Divine Transformatio fruit, the 3 pulses are initiates. Just cultivation the 3 pulses to Level 9 realm to condense the silver body. Thanks to the strength of the silver body, Qingfeng Sect Master can be called the same invincible of the same order. If he builds a few Xeon battle skills in the future, he will be able to retreat even when facing the top powerhouse! “

“I will bring the Qi Refining lineage up as soon as possible.”

Baili Qingfeng said, with some expectations: “I also want to know how strong the silver body is.”

“Silver Body!”

Ke Ke took a deep breath, eyes full of deep envy: “The silver body can not only make people of the same order invincible. At the moment when the silver body condenses and forms, Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 is endless, Circulating and promoting each other can greatly increase the success rate of cultivator to agglomerate True Qi and step into the top powerhouse … Of course, it must be that cultivator has embarked on the path of Xeon and has Xeonong method. “

Baili Changkong listened, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and Shen asked, “Large? How big?”

Ke Ke took a look at Baili Changkong and thought for a moment: “Refining the virtual becomes true, turning his Essence and Qi into reality, the difficulty of the process is not simpler than breaking the second human limit, plus this The first stage is different from breaking the second human limit. There are not many experience references and not many wordly treasure pie available. Often only one of 2 or 2 people can succeed. If you can take Divine Transformatio fruits in advance to shape the silver body, This probability is likely to skyrocket to 7-8%, or even 30-40%. Because of this, the price of Divine Transformatio fruit will always remain high. For those who want to cultivate their own top powerhouse, a Divine Transformatio may be even more precious than the Xeongong method. “

“Even more precious than the Xeon Gong Method !?”

At the same time, Baili Changkong, Lu Ping, Shi Tianya, and the others took a sip of cold air at 3 to 4 in the morning.

That 鈥檚 the most powerful method!

While shocked by Baili Changkong, she couldn’t help looking at Baili Qingfeng.

He is the only one after another who knows the true number of Baili Qingfeng quenching …

It has been quenched 66 times, and has a deep foundation. If it can condense the silver body again …

The door of Xeon has been opened to him for the most part!

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