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After all, Divine Transformatio is an opportunity for Baili Qingfeng. Ke Ke, Lu Ping, and the others are envious.

After all, such a crazy move into the Great Sun Temple, who can do it except Baili Qingfeng?

Even if it is a peak Celestial, there is no return.

More than a dozen land True Immortal, 2 True Immortal, and dozens of nearly 100 Grandmaster powerhouses swarmed up and piled a pinnacle of Celestial with no difficulty.

After confirming that Baili Qingfeng was not a big deal, everyone left and returned.

Baili Qingfeng wondered if he would return to Xia Ya overnight, but Baili Changkong stopped him: “Qingfeng, I have something to tell you.”

While speaking, he took Baili Qingfeng to a loft with a yard.

Although Baili Changkong was the Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master, Baili Ruoshi was still in his life. When he heard the movement outside, Baili Ruoshi had fallen asleep and got up.

“Qingfeng? I haven’t seen you for a long time after I moved here.”

Baili Ruoshi smiled and greeted Baili Qingfeng, still looking weak and weak.

But look at her temperament …

No doubt the sun is brighter than before.

“Sister Ruoshi.”

“Go and rest. Qingfeng is his family. Don’t be so polite.”

Baili Changkong said.

“I’ll make a cup of tea for Qingfeng.”

Baili Ruoshi said, using the tea set skillfully.

“The two of us haven’t talked well for a while.”

Baili Changkong said.

“Grandfather has become the Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master. It has 10000 units. There are too many things on my body … Plus, the city of Charia is a little far away from here, and I have come here less.”

“Far? How far can it be, tens of minutes if you drive.”

Baili Changkong said, with a tone of lightly paused: “But I know that you are different now and you have a lot of things to do. The last time you assisted the 6th Army against the cavemen, it was a month in the 2 World. At this time, it was not easy for Her Majesty the Honorable Lady and Ms. Ke Ke to dissolve the conspiracy of Taixis, the master of the Great Sun Temple, to lure us to the destruction of Xia Haizhou.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He is really busy.

I’ve been busy compressing the time to listen to songs and read books.

School will start in ten days or so, and he has no idea how his time will be arranged.

“Since your time is very tight, there are some things that can be put aside. I have also recently understood that Level 9 is divided into 4 stages, first entry, senior, peak, and title, of which peak Level 9 It is to go out of your own path and form your own unique style. This style originated from your cultivation techniques first, and derived Sword Intent and Sword Intention according to the characteristics of the exercises and cultivator personality. Then it gradually evolved into Sword Force and Sword. In the end, Sword Force and Sword Force are integrated into Heaven and Earth, and One with the World is fully realized. When your own potential and One with the World are perfectly combined, the style becomes, and Martial Dao ’s cultivation has truly reached its peak. That’s the pinnacle of Level 9. “

“Yes, 2 grandfather knows it, and penetrates the essence of Martial Dao.”

“Martial Dao has reached the limit at this step. The so-called title Level 9 is nothing more than cultivation of the Xeon battle skill to obtain a higher battle strength that’s all. It ’s true that you need to practice imagination and true Qi. , Some Innate Talents are extremely savvy, and at the senior level 9, they start to borrow falsehood and become successful. “

“That’s the saying.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “When the martial artist has reached Level 9 and has mastered the Strength of the Level 9 martial artist, after transitioning from the novice period of Level 9 to the senior level who can control his Strength, he can try to sprint to the top powerhouse. Forming your own unique path is just to make Faith stronger. “

“That’s what I want to tell you.”

Baili Changkong said this and asked, “Is nihilism still cultivation?”


Baili Qingfeng said that expression was bitter: “But … nihilism is too difficult …”

“Difficulty should be. The level of nihilism is far beyond your imagination, but you don’t have to be discouraged, even if you have not cultivated nihilism perfection, nihilism can break the body of you in the future, refining nihilism into reality, accomplish Xeon is still working continuously, so you have to be confident in nihilism. “


Baili Qingfeng nodded, a clear-hearted way of saying: “2 grandfather, if I didn’t guess wrong, nihilism … should be Supreme’s magical method above the Xeon Method, right? Perhaps its ultimate form is Let people complete the Big Three Origins Unite to achieve a realm above Xeon? “

“Supreme? Big Three Origins Unite?”

Baili Changkong listened, what’s the matter with this?

But soon he had a cough, covering up the abnormal mood, with a long and hearty tone of voice: “You do n’t need to ask more about the level of mystery of nihilism. I wo n’t say if you ask, you just need to You know, nothingness can have magical things beyond your imagination. You have now reached Level 9. Next, polish your Strength and try to condense the silver body. The Senior Senior has already won a Xeon for you. The opportunity of exercises, after you have polished your Strength thoroughly, you will do your best to get the Xeon Exercise, and then … directly try to borrow fake cultivation to shock Xeon! “

“Directly try to borrow fake cultivation, shock Xeon?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled: “I have just arrived at Level 9. I am in the first grade among the 9 grades that have appeared in Level 5. Even if I polish Strength in the future is the second grade, it will directly impact the top powerhouse realm … will not Are you too anxious? “

“Ahem … I said that the magic of nihilism is far beyond your imagination, and … your degree of fit with this cultivation technique is extremely high … after you have the Xeon Method, do n’t hesitate to impact Xeon , You can just rush forward, you have to have confidence in yourself, you have to have confidence in nihilism. “

Baili Changkong said of this tone: “Of course, you have a little heart on the body of silver, apart from this, Xeon battle skill, personal path, etc. don’t need to pay attention to it. In this time, it is better to polish your Strength, Make your Strength master more mellow, and with the degree of fit between you and nihilism, if you can’t become a top powerhouse … then I guess it’s hard for anyone in the world to step into this realm. “

The meaning of Baili Changkong is obvious.

Don’t tidy up the mess, go straight to the top powerhouse.

With the magic of nothingness, you can rest assured that the sprint is bold.

“Really incredible Supreme.”

Baili Qingfeng is heartfelt.

2 grandfather will not harm him. From 2 grandfather’s faith in nihilism, it can be judged to what extent the magic of this cultivation technique has reached, which is almost equivalent to being sent to Xeon.


“2 grandfather, although I seem to have touched the true meaning of nihilism, and derived Small Void Technique based on nihilism, but I still have a short time to get started with the real cultivation of nihilism … not even nihilism Success, rashly hit the top powerhouse … Is it really okay? After all … But that is a fake cultivation, create something from nothing realm … “

“I said that you have to be confident in yourself and be confident in nothingness. It is no exaggeration to say that now that you are away from the top powerhouse realm, you have a Xeon method …”

Baili Changkong said that it seemed to detect something wrong: “Wait, Small Void Technique !? What Small Void Technique have you derived from the foundation of nihilism?”

“Yeah, nihilism is too difficult, so in order to be able to get started with nihilism cultivation, I had to think hard and try another way to create a method that would slightly reduce the difficulty of some nihilism cultivation, so … Small Void Technique came into being. “

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile and said with a smile: “This is the most different point between me and other martial artists. I am very cautious. When encountering problems, I will never be impulsive, but use wisdom to change my mind. Another way, I always believe that its mountain stones can attack jade. Sometimes you have run out of water in this direction. Maybe another direction is every cloud has a silver lining. “

“Then you created it?”

“It was created.”


Baili Changkong opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word.

You said that you improved the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique, well, the prototype of the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique is, after all, the Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, which belongs to the Peak Body Refining method. The card is still there, and the formidable power is increased. Several times are excusable.

You can say that you have improved the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. It is OK. After all, the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique itself is an explosive combat technique. Many sect forces are studying the elimination of the disadvantages of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. You improved the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to At that level, it can only be said that others have succeeded in step 3 4 5 6 and that is also reasonable.

But nothingness …

what is that! ?

Baili Changkong dug into the memory in his brain.

The ghost knows what it is.

He had forgotten the content.

Being able to remember the name “Nothingness” is a courtesy of Baili Qingfeng who reminded me a while ago.


“Come and come, I’ll write it to 2 grandfather and see if it helps the cultivation of nihilism.”

Baili Qingfeng heard 2 grandfather asking, looked at the pen and paper on the side, and quickly came forward to write, and quickly wrote: “Although the Small Void Technique is already a bit like this, but how to substitute it into the real nihilism I still do n’t have much clue about it. There are just 2 grandfather professionals like you. Please give me some pointers on how to overcome the real nihilism based on the current Small Void Technique and make a real nihilism cultivation introduction. “

With Baili Qingfeng’s hard work, soon, a few 100 words of Small Void Technique have jumped on the paper.

After writing, Baili Qingfeng couldn’t wait to pass Nihilism to Baili Changkong, looking forward with hope: “2 grandfather, look at me, give me some suggestions, can I be a true nihilism, can I be a real genius, just It’s all up to you. “

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