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Baili Changkong took a look at this Small Void Technique, and then looked at Baili Qingfeng full of expectations …

In the end, he slowly put it down: “Oh, grandson, it’s too late today. Look, it’s all 4am, 2 grandfather. I’m older. This person is prone to sleepiness when he gets older, so You go to rest first, and I will take the time tomorrow to help you take a look at your Small Void Technique, summarize what it has in common with real nihilism, and then think about whether it can be integrated into real nihilism. “

Baili Qingfeng heard that although I was a little disappointed and couldn’t get the answer I wanted immediately, so that I could be promoted to a real genius, but …

It’s like 2 grandfather said, it’s now 4am.

2 grandfather In order to wait for him to step out from the Practice Room and wait until this time he is already unhappy, now let 2 grandfather consume Heart Force for his cultivation technique, and think hard …

Some are not considered for others.

Especially 2 grandfather is so old.

“Okay, 2 grandfather, you take a break first, and when you’re back, let’s talk about nothing.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Well, you go to bed too.”

Baili Changkong said.

In his attic, he reserved a room for Baili Qingfeng.

After all, it is Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. If it wasn’t for Baili Changkong’s understanding of his grandson’s life, in life … informally, it would be no surprise to leave him a yard alone for people to clean up day and night.

“Then I’ll rest first, 2 grandfather, you also go to bed earlier, really sorry, so much trouble for you.”

Baili Qingfeng said apologetically, and then went to the room.

It is a guest room, but the interior hall, bathroom, and toilet are actually comparable to the suites in the hotel. The ancient style and charm of the decoration are unique. When placed in the hotel, they are almost comparable to 4 stars or even 5 -Star level standard.

“Very good, there is a place to bathe.”

Baili Qingfeng is satisfied with nodded.

Looking at the time, 4:12 in the morning …


He has a habit of cultivating a round of Small Void Technique before bathing and sleeping.

Although he has just come out of the Practice Room, the cultivation of Small Void Technique must not be lax. This is related to whether he can succeed in the future. Standing on top of the world, he is qualified to talk to the Aurora Emperor on an equal basis to discuss peace between the two countries. The key to unity.

“Night at 4am …”

Baili Qingfeng came to the balcony and looked at the deep night sky outside.

So what about 4:12.

Can Baili Qingfeng achieve what he has achieved today, can it not be hard work and perseverance?

“Although I’m about to reach Innate Talent who is the same genius as Miro and white clothed, I still can’t relax a bit. Miro, I don’t know for the time being, but I have communicated with white clothed. Geniuses like him have been assisting in continuous cultivation, pushing themselves to the limit again and again, and even rescued from the collapse with the help of Phoenix Nirvana Technique. Those who are of good origin, high Innate Talent, and have a lot of resources I ’ve already worked so hard, Baili Qingfeng, what qualifications do I have to be lazy? “

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were shining brightly.

Heaven will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, they must suffer their minds first, strain their bones, starve their skin, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions, so be patient and gain what they cannot!

He has a lofty mission, a sacred mission in himself, and he should work harder than others!

“Work hard, I want to work hard!”


“Small Void Technique …”

Baili Changkong returned to his room, and immediately researched such a small Void Technique that he picked up the lights and read at night.

Although the Small Void Technique is based on an improvement that does not exist …

Hehe, neither is it nonexistent.

Baili Changkong actually consulted the health techniques of several Old Partners who had exercised and danced on the square in detail. It was formed after summing up, integrating, and simplifying.

Although he has almost forgotten the content of nihilism, the prototype is there after all.

Moreover, with the brilliant achievements of Baili Qingfeng’s improved Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, Baili Changkong dare not to underestimate the “wisdom” of his grandson. He clearly looked at this Small Void Technique and was full of violations. Feeling, but he still let himself look over patiently.

Look at this…

He quickly understood clearly the extraordinaryness of this Small Void Technique.

“Optimize the human life potential from the essence of life, so that humans move towards higher levels of evolution and transformation … nihilism can be improved into this look by you …”

With that in mind, Baili Changkong couldn’t help feeling …

For a moment, his eyes fell on the Small Void Technique again: “this cultivation technique … if it really is like what Qingfeng grandson said … it would be terrible … it is not an empty talk to stimulate human life potential and promote the evolution of human form!”

But when he saw the specific cultivation method of this cultivation technique, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but draw a little …

Sure enough, it is a familiar recipe and a familiar taste.

The effect must be there, and the kind of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Ordinary person simply don’t want to practice it.

Unless, he is the same as improving Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique of Baili Qingfeng, and then improve it to see if we can reduce the side effects of this Small Void Technique and save some of the effects of Small Void Technique.

As long as there is a part of the effect …

That can also optimize human potential and push the limit of the expert class, making it easier for people to face realm breakthroughs in the future.

“My grandson, Fengfeng, is really a genius!”

Baili Changkong smiled.

At present, Baili Qingfeng has flattened the entire Maria Dao world. Martial Dao is a peaceful place, and many Sect exchanges are frequent. No more savage savages in the past. Everyone is born and killed the whole family. We exchange enthusiastically, brainstorm, and short In a short year, it has already achieved initial results. A large number of young masters have sprung up, and even people from the older generation have broken through to the Grand Grandmaster and Wargod realm.

What this realm needs is the accumulation of resources. As long as the resources go up, it can naturally be repaired without leakage.

With the opening of the Three Great Holy Lands Space Passage, there are more channels for everyone to go to the 2nd World cultivation. As long as you give Sia Kingdom 5 to 20 years, the domestic land True Immortal and Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse will definitely have an explosion. Growth, this growth will reach its peak after 1 years, and only then will Shia be truly qualified to declare to be a great power in the world, which can be compared with Bucks and Chiyan.

The heyday is coming. He is Baili Changkong as Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master and 2 grandfather of Baili Qingfeng. Although he has been threw away a few 10,000,000 li by him, but …

Without a hindrance, he still had to work hard to keep up.

“I am only 70 5 this year. If I can become a true body without leakage, I will definitely be able to live the moment when I truly see the coming of the heyday … and hope, maybe it will be on the improvement of the Small Void Technique of Qingfeng grandson . “

Thinking of this, Baili Changkong also carefully studied this Small Void Technique.


Because he fell asleep at 5 AM, it was already 1 AM when Baili Qingfeng woke up.

Although he only slept for 6 hours, Essence, Qi and Spirit have already been replenished for Baili Qingfeng, who has become a true body. If he did not maintain his sleep habits, he would have to rest at 4 times a day. Hours are enough.

If he can create the Crystal Meditation Method for deep sleep …

2 hours is enough!

Sleeping 2 hours a day, all the rest of the time is used for reading, studying, listening to music, Martial Practice, experiments, how much more time?

“It looks like the research on the Crystal Meditation Method has accelerated …”

Baili Qingfeng pondered.

He currently has only four research projects, lifeform computer, Small Void Technique, and the Three Origin Good Fortune Technique and Crystal Meditation Method, which were added yesterday and today.

However, lifeform computer technology is expected to have a better R & D effect when the Refining Spirit is tenth, and he temporarily put it on hold. Before adding the Three Origin Good Fortune Technique and Crystal Meditation Method, his real main task was Small Void Technique.

“Sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood, and the Crystal Meditation Method going into deep sleep can make me 4 to 6 hours more a day … then … take more time on it.”

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself that he no longer wanted to stay at Thunderbolt Sect.

He is going to study related materials of hypnosis and Meditation Method.

“Are 2 grandfather up?”

Baili Qingfeng finished washing and left the room, asking Baili Ruoshi who was mopping the floor.

“Qingfeng is up?”

Baili Ruoshi glanced at him and said, “Grandfather slept late last night and hasn’t got up yet. I discovered at 6 o’clock that the lights in his room were still on, as if studying something …”

“Six o’clock … research things?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

There are eight-nine, 2 grandfather helped him to find a way to integrate the Small Void Technique into nothingness overnight …

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help feeling a little guilty because his own business made 2 grandfather so laborious.

It is estimated that he couldn’t wait until last night, so that the 2 grandfather, who was already a bit sleepy, got up again, and he played with the spirit to find a way for him …

At that point, he said, “You don’t need to worry about grandfather. The integration of exercises is not a matter of overnight. Take your time. I’ll wait.”

“I will.”

Baili Ruoshi heard what he said, and was a bit surprised: “Grandfather should wake up at lunch. You don’t eat here and tell him in person?”

“No, I have other tasks, so I’ll go back first.”

“I’ll help you arrange a car to take you back.”

“No, I’ll run back, just a little faster.”

“Run … run back?”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

As his understanding of Celestial got deeper and he no longer worried that the hurricane caused when he ran away would destroy flowers and grass, he already felt that running was easier than riding a car.

And this is the green environmental protection movement, which should be promoted by itself. As a civilized youth in the new century, he naturally has to lead by example and travel with low carbon.

He went out to find Ke Ke, quit to her, and then replaced with the Storm Ripper Battle Armor with environmental simulation function. Maintaining a low speed of 2 100 kilometers per hour, he ran from Thunderbolt Sect to his yard in ten minutes.

After watching this small courtyard hidden in the shade, especially the one big and one small in the courtyard, looking at the two girls in the same book in the morning soft sunlight, Baili Qingfeng is a dusty servant 2 The heart running around suddenly calmed down.

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