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“Qingfeng is back?”

In the courtyard, Shi Yiyi seemed to hear the voice, and his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng outside the courtyard.

“came back.”

Baili Qingfeng said, “What are you doing?”

“I’m teaching Xiaozhu to read.”

Shi Yiyi said: “Although Xiaozhu can’t speak, I think the education of a small child should not be less. Moreover, Xiaozhu is very smart, really smart. Only a few days, she has already written all the numbers and learned ten A few words. “

“A dozen words?”

Baili Qingfeng thought of his progress in learning Beidi and said sincerely, “That’s great.”

You know, he has only learned more than a dozen words that’s all until his northern language study. Although this is related to no one teaching, the difference between the two can be seen from the learning progress.

“But it’s terrific. In addition, there is a bit of Qingfeng. You are mistaken. Xiaozhu is not incapable of speaking. Come, Xiaozhu, called Qingfeng big brother.”

Shi Yiyi said, and said to Baili Zhudao.

Baili opened his mouth with a bamboo, and shouted a little timidly: “Qing … Qingfeng … Ge Ge …”

“Xiaozhu, do you really talk? Very good!”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s appearance, the timidity on Baili’s bamboo face dissipated a little, and he had a little confidence.

“I guess Xiao Zhu was unwilling to speak at the beginning. On the one hand, she was frightened and shocked. On the other hand, she also just came to our World. I do n’t know the reason for our World language … Of course, there may be … Xiaozhu ’s family education is good. The adults taught her some precautionary measures, and she protected herself in this way in an unknown environment. ”

Teacher Yiyidao.

Baili Qingfeng thought of the battlefield not far from her when he first found Xiaozhu.

There, but two temples Knight were damaged.

The forces that can kill 2 temples should not be weak.

“I see. If Xiaozhu’s family is better, I believe it will be easier for us to find her parents and family.”

“I will teach her the words of our World as soon as possible, communicate with her at that time, and see if I can ask her where she is from, and send her back at that time.”

“Okay, I’ll leave that up to you.”

“Well, who is such a lovely child, who is willing to give up? I don’t want her to be so separated from her parents.”

The teacher Yiyi nodded.

After chatting with 2 people for a while, Baili Qingfeng entered the small building and came to his room.

“Meditation Method, Hypnosis, Heart Power …”

Baili Qingfeng associates the formidable power of the Mediation Method in his memory with deep sleep to stimulate the potential of life. The First Step is deep sleep, the Second Step is meditation, and the Third Step is the birth rate.

However, he can’t remember exactly how to do it, and can only establish this vague direction and then enrich and improve it according to his actual situation.

“A strong Strength needs a heavy heart to support it. Body Refining, Qi Refining, and Refining Spirit are all a type of Strength, but Heart …… is independent of the regular Strength. They are more like realm variants, and their will is obvious The strength of a martial artist depends on 5 aspects: refining, Qi Refining, Refining Spirit, martial skill, and heart. Among them, refining, Qi Refining, refining spirit, and martial skill all have traces. Only Heart, 缥缈Unpredictable … “

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

Among the martial artists he has contacted, apart from the shrine sacrifice, no one has the exact grasp of Heart Strength, even if Baili Qingfeng himself wants to stimulate Heart Strength, he must assist foreign objects, and in the case of foreign objects, he also Only with special skills can Heart Strength be activated.

That technique …

Just like hypnosis!

“So, the Meditation Method, probably equivalent to make yourself into a special state, hypnosis is probably equivalent to the songs I play, and the power of Heart needless to say, a magical Strength …”

Baili Qingfeng summarized based on his own experience.

Meditation Method, put your spirit in a special state, such as …

Lafie, Wind Cirrus, and the like when they want to kill him, hypnosis is equivalent to the songs played before the battle …

Two conditions are true at the same time, and Heart Strength is naturally inspired.

However, this kind of heart power belongs to the combat type of heart power. What he wants is the power of heart that puts himself into deep sleep and quickly regains energy. Of course, it is best to enhance the essence of his life.

In this way, it is obviously impossible to stimulate your heart with powerful crises, Faith, and supplemented by war songs as before.

“Sing a hypnotic nursery rhyme?”

Baili Qingfeng feels …

This is a little bad.

“Maybe I didn’t accumulate enough. I need to read more books about hypnosis and meditation.”

Baili Qingfeng stopped his cranky thoughts and then turned on the computer directly.

He remembers that he had seen a lot of books describing hypnosis in Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes, which he just downloaded and delved into.

“Well, the number of exercises has increased?”

Baili Qingfeng went to Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes and found that the exercises in the database actually broke through to the 2 mark.

Although most of these exercises are based on ordinary exercises, advanced ones, and Peak are extremely rare, but each exercise is equivalent to a martial artist’s life-long wisdom, the other mountain’s stone can polish jade, sometimes in When you encounter any difficulties in creating exercises, you can take a closer look, do more research, and brainstorm. Maybe you can break the wrong thinking and create a refreshing method.

It’s like Baili Qingfeng now, using the internal search function, he quickly searched out dozens of hypnosis and meditation related exercises. After a little review, he downloaded them all.

After finishing these exercises, he glanced at the chat software that was automatically logged in after the computer was turned on, and found that the chat in the group was very lively.

Sword Monarch, The East Wins, Quantum Wargod, The King of Black Hole, Falling Sakura, Listening to Rain, Killing Every Step.

He looked at the time displayed on the computer …

40:6 1.

It was 40:6 AM in the morning, not 40:6 PM in the evening, so many people were there during the day?

“What day is it? Why are everyone there?”

Baili Qingfeng popped up and asked.

“Boss Thunder Dominator is here too?”

“Welcome big brother!”

“Big Thunder Dominator is here. It is said that you have been invited to enter Heavenly Knowledge Hall. Go to Heavenly Knowledge Hall and ask us what’s going on!”

Sword Monarch, the East wins, the king of black holes speaks in succession.

“What’s going on? What are you talking about?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Well, no, Brother Thunder Dominator didn’t know it? The Aurora Empire and the Sia Kingdom you belong to are neighbors. Should n’t you know that as a big brother immediately?

East wins a little surprised.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“What about the Aurora Empire ’s Great Sun Temple? The big Apostolic Empire should know? That is the most powerful organization in the entire Aurora Empire. It is responsible for all large and small matters in the Aurora Empire. Equivalent to the eyes and ears of the Aurora Empire. , Even if they look at the entire East Divine Continent, their influence can be regarded as the first. No matter whether it is the flame tower of the Red Flame Country or the star horn of the Bucks country, it is inferior to the Sun Temple.

“Know, I know terrifying the Da Rih Church very well.”

Baili Qingfeng said deeply.

“Yes, but it is such a terrifying force, one that is located in the east of the Divine Continent First Army. It was actually the night before yesterday … or it was destroyed in the early hours of the morning. At present, the entire Great Sun Temple has been razed to the ground. It was said to be in ruins. It is said that more than 80% of the personnel were not spared. As for the masters who were in the Sun Temple at that time, they were all beheaded and killed in advance. Some people estimate that the dead land True Immortal and Kingdom Guardian were at least 5-1. More than a few people, and there are several True Immortal-level masters, we are discussing which country is the best player, Chi Yan or Bucks! “

East wins.

“Then it must be said that it must be red inflammation. The Bucks Kingdom is not close to the Aurora Empire itself. The master of the horn of the sky is a little worse than the Great Sun Temple. How could it be the Great Sun Temple of the Aurora Empire? Only a certain consortium of the Chiyan country with a deep foundation can suddenly erupt when it is touched by the Great Sun Temple, destroying the Great Sun Temple in one fell swoop, as if the Hengguang Consortium was in danger at that time, and suddenly Zhao Jiansheng appeared . “

Refuting him is falling cherry blossoms listening to the rain.

“But it ’s not necessary. Do n’t forget that the Tianshan Mountains have changed. It is said that there are hundreds of people in the cave, there is a tendency to invade humanity. In this case, the Chiyan country destroyed the Great Sun. Tang, to disperse the energy of the Aurora Empire, once the cavemen in the Tianyu Mountain battlefield rushed out, they would also face great pressure on the Chiyan country, but the Buck Kingdom, separated from the Tianya Mountain battlefield by a Shia country, also After a strait of Chiri, there is no need to worry about the problems of Tianyu Mountain. Whenever possible, you should try your best to cut off the wings of the Aurora Empire and weaken the strength of the Aurora Empire. “

Sword Monarch followed.

“Although there are several Level 9 masters in Bucks Country, who of these Level 9 can endure the ability to sneak into the capital of the Aurora Empire near the North Star City and destroy the Great Sun Temple, which has more than a dozen land True Immortal powerhouses?”

The East wins clearly believes that the person who shot it is Chiyan.

“Yes, Taisei, Lord of the Sun Temple, is at the peak of Level 9 and is said to have been cultivation Xeon Sword Technique. Once completed, he will get the title, which is the most Peak existence in Level 9, this and the others, the Buck Guo Shao said that more than half of the masters had shots before they could hope to siege him, but according to the information I got, what was the level 9 masters of the Bucks not at all that night. “

Falling sakura heard the rain follow.

“The Bucks Kingdom doesn’t have any master moves, but other countries may not. So don’t forget, the Bucks represent the entire Knight League …”

The East wins counter.

For a time, Sword Monarch, falling sakura listening to the rain, ten steps to one kill, the king of black holes and the others also followed the fierce discussion. Each and everyone quoted the classics, analyzed in detail, talked about the data, guessed the motive, talked about the interests, said It is well-organized, the head is the way, even if Baili Qingfeng looks at it, he feels a kind of sudden realization and a wide-open vision, but he can’t find a reason to refute.

It was a while before he returned to God. Everyone was a member of the Ten 2 Star Palace. They were fighting for this?

In order to prevent the internal unity of Star Palace from being affected, he hurriedly said, “Okay, don’t fight, I thought what you were studying. It turned out to be the destruction of the Great Sun Temple. I did this. , You want to know what asked me, I know. “


(Kavanka is awesome, and it has to be changed. Chapter 3 may be at 1 o’clock.)

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