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Stargazing Hall.

Luoying listened to the rain, and lost his stiff hands away from the keyboard.

She was sitting in a chair, staring at the screen in front of her eyes for a long time, silent, 2 eyes empty, without any focus.

“Miss? Miss?”

It took a few minutes for her to slowly come back to his senses with a call from the door.

“Mom Fu.”

Luo Ying Tingyu stood up, walked to the door, and opened the door.

Outside is a middle-aged woman dressed in steward.

The woman looked at her startled, who seemed to be a bit disheartened, and quickly said, “Miss, what’s wrong with you? Is there some discomfort? I will immediately inform Lord and ask the doctor to come.”

“I am fine.”

Luo Ying heard a little spirit in her eyes. She looked at the woman in front of her and murmured, “Mother Fu, do you believe that this World really has genius? That kind of irrational, illogical, beyond people’s imagination. genius.”

“Miss, you speak of genius, naturally.”

Woman said with a faint smile: “The white clothed of Heavenly Knowledge Hall beats the Young Master, less than 40 years old, has been level 9 Celestial, and the world is called Peak. The Hunter ’s Dragon Gun Young Master, 2 Star of the League Yu Young Master, also only 42 3, has already broken the promise of Noble in Level 9 … “

“They … may not be so glorious in their 20s, even if they have the most successful dragon gun among a few people, in their 20s, they are only worthy of condensing their true body. It is not beyond imagination and illogical!”

“20-30 years old genius is also a lot in the world today, the North Star of the Aurora Empire, Constantine, the Bucks of the Bucks Kingdom, the Moonlight of the Red Flame Country, and the Quick Wind Sword The congenious sacred emperor of the continent stepped out of the air … Each of them is a nameish of the momentary Legendary characters, waiting for more than ten or 20 years, there must be their place on the Level 9 stage, and even after decades, they can even land Become a World Level powerhouse at the top of the world! “

“Constantin, the Bucks, Yuezhaoying, Xing’e, Emperor Takong …”

Luo Ying listened to the rain and heard the names reported by the woman, and then compared these people with the person in her mind …


Unspeakable gap!

“In addition, the White Jade Xiao Young Master is actually good. It is said that the White Jade Xiao Young Master went straight into the accumulation after three Origins Unite became Grandmaster a few months ago. In just a few months, he has been promoted to Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster and moved towards the Grand Grandmaster realm sprint, it is expected to break through again within a year … with the rich heritage of Heaven’s Mystery Building, once the White Jade Young Master achieves the Grand Grandmaster, all kinds of resources will spare no effort to support, it will not take long Can condense the true body without leaking, step into the True Immortal realm on land! This time … If it is slow, it will take 4 to 5 years, and if it is fast, it will only take a year or two. At that time, the white jade xiao Young Master was only 2 eleven-twelve, 2 eleven. -Twelve’s land True Immortal, look at Divine Continent, who can be compared? “

The eyes of the woman flickered with rays of light: “Even the incarnation Miro, who is said to be the most powerful god of the Aurora Empire, was already 24 years old when he stepped into True Immortal on land?”

“White jade flute …”

Luo Ying heard the rain and knew that it was the woman who was saying good things to her, and she heard that not at all caused a big ripple.


Luo Ying heard the rain and shook the head, with a trace of emotion in her eyes: “They are not really geniuses. In the East Divine Continent, 2 eleven-twelve has not achieved the True Immortal of the land, but … Kingdom Guardian Yes, it ’s not just the Kingdom Guardian level. Without age, he has continuously crossed the Kingdom Guardian and matchless Two Great Realms and has been directly promoted to one Ruler! 21-year-old Level 9 Ruler! “

“21-year-old Ruler …”

The woman was lightly startled, and she quickly thought of this new figure who emerged in the East Divine Continent Martial Dao world: “Miss is Baili Qingfeng of Shia?”

The falling cherry blossoms are nodded to the rain.

In the face of geniuses beyond the imagination of Baili Qingfeng, what are these people like Constantine, the Bucks, Yuezhaoying, Xing’e, and Emperor Takong?

“Yes, where is my father?”

“The destruction of the Great Sun Temple shook Divine Continent. Such a force that is not inferior to our stargazing hall was uprooted and may even affect the next pattern of East Divine Continent. At present, Lord is trying to find out the news and wants to understand The reason for the destruction of the Great Sun Temple is to come up with a solution as soon as possible. “


Luo Ying listened to the rain nodded, she father Luo Ya was busy with this matter and she knew it.

Not only the Stargazing Hall, I am afraid that everyone in the East Divine Continent is investigating the inside of the Great Sun Temple.

Instead of doing other things during the day, she chatted with other people in the group of elders. She just wanted to see if she could meet Sword God white jade flute and hear useful news from them.

As for asking Heaven’s Mystery Building directly …

The Stargazing Hall is not so big.

Heaven’s Mystery Building has not spread its influence to the East Divine Continent for more than a year and two years. The combination of Heaven’s Mystery Building and Ancestral Dragon Mountain shows the layout of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

Stargazing Hall …

It’s just a pawn that’s all in order to consolidate the layout.

At that time, the white jade flute was plain in Heaven Talent in Heaven’s Mystery Building, not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, so in order to stabilize the stargazing hall, she chose to acquiesce to the stargazing hall before she was sent to the white jade flute. .

But now…

Over time, white jade flute gradually showed Innate Talent. The communication between her and white jade flute has become less and less. Every time she calls white jade flute, white jade flute is either in retreat or preparing. On the retreat.

And with her understanding of white jade flute …

His character doesn’t seem to be able to withstand this dull cultivation.

There are new ideas on eight-nine Heaven’s Mystery Building.

In this case, there are naturally some gaps between Two Great Influences.

“Father don’t need to go and inquire about it. I know the truth about the destruction of the Great Sun Temple, so I’ll go to Father.”

The falling cherry blossoms listen to the rain.

“En !? Sakura, what are you talking about? Do you know the truth about the destruction of Dairi Shrine?”

There was a sudden sound outside the door.

It is Luo Ya, the principal of Luoying Listening to the Rain, the star-viewing hall.

“Father, why are you here?”

Falling cherry listened to the rain a little gift.

“Listen to Afu saying that you closed yourself in the house and did not open the door. I happened to be in the vicinity, so come and see what is going on.”

Loya Road.

Falling Sakura heard the rain lightly startled, it turns out …

Was she shocked for half an hour by the news from Baili Qingfeng?

“It looks like there is something wrong with you, is it related to the destruction of the Great Sun Temple?”

The falling cherry listened to the rain nodded: “Father, I have learned the truth about the destruction of the Great Sun Temple, the person who destroyed the Great Sun Temple and beheaded Tessie, is the Sia Kingdom Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. The Level 9 Ruler Baili Qingfeng that has stirred the Divine Continent situation more than once in the recent period of time. “

“Baili Qingfeng !?”

Loya’s eyes narrowed suddenly: “The destroyer of the Great Sun Temple is Baili Qingfeng? A new Level 9 Ruler !? How is this possible !?”

“Although it is unbelievable, but this is what he said personally. I believe that as Baili Qingfeng, acknowledging such a thing is not good for him, but it will also attract the aurora empire and even the hostility of that aurora monarch. . “

Luo Ying heard the rain and sighed: “Actually, I should have thought of him. Looking at the growth history of Baili Qingfeng, he definitely belongs to the kind of person who must report. Almost any of his forces who have offended, almost He was overwhelmed by everything from Iron Sword Sect, the Sun Gate, to 10000 Liu Jianzong, and 3 Holy Leagues. No one offended him and he was spared. This and the others … Do n’t the four True Immortal besieges say anything? “

“The 4 True Immortal siege of Chiyan Country … You mean, this is the reason why Baili Qingfeng destroyed the Sun Temple?”

Loya naturally knew this.

After all, the 4 True Immortal are by no means a Strength that can be underestimated, especially the top True Immortal of the 4 True Immortal account for 3, if it is a life and death fight, after paying the price of several people, the Level 9 powerhouse will be besieged by them To death.


“How is it possible that although Baili Qingfeng has been promoted to Ruler, how is Taisis the peak Celestial’s opponent? Not to mention the destruction of the Great Sun Temple!”

“It’s an assassination!”

Luo Ying listened to the rain and said, “Maybe it was a conspiracy or some other reason. When Baili Qingfeng entered the Sun Temple, the inside of the Sun Temple was empty. Not at all was resisted, and it was directly destroyed. Clearly understood that Tessie wanted to assassinate him and kill him in the opposite direction … “

“Assassination … like the Su 6 line that assassined the 8th-level peak when he was 1000th-level Wargod?”

Luo Ya suddenly thought of the brilliant record of Baili Qingfeng.

after all……

He is also a True Immortal at the pinnacle of level 8.

Luo Ying heard the deep nodded: “In fact, until now I have doubts about Baili Qingfeng’s assassination, but now I want to come, this doubt is so ridiculous, as if I was invited for the first time Entering that group doubting that Baili Qingfeng’s real strength is the same … maybe, Baili Qingfeng’s so-called naive and simple words have always been his disguise, and it is through this disguise that he conveys the wrong message to others time and time again, so that The opponent made wrong judgments again and again … even … he had already formed this instinct into instinct, and it seemed that everyone around him had cheated … “

“His disposition, everything about him, is disguise !?”

“Yes! Disguise!”

Luo Ying heard the heavy nodded: “I thought a lot when I got him to assassinate Tai Sisi in the opposite direction. How did Baili Qingfeng’s enemies be destroyed? If you look closely, you will find … intelligence! The biggest problem appears In intelligence! The Intelligence Section provided the wrong information over and over and finally laid the prelude to the demise of the forces. 3 Holy Alliance is the best example! The fault of the Intelligence Section, plus I recalled some descriptions of the assassin classics … assassination The core of the way is in camouflage! When no enemy can see through your camouflage, your assassination is more than half successful. “

“This this……”

“Baili Qingfeng has obviously incorporated camouflage into his life instinct. Every move, every word and every action, is sending the wrong signal to the outside world, leading the enemy to make a wrong judgment. Ask this realm’s camouflage, who can see Broken? And once such a pretender, who returns to the Natural State, assassinates, who in the world can resist? “

Loya heard the kind of instinctual omnipresent camouflage that Luo Ying heard from the rain, and she felt a cold sweat when she thought about it.

“It’s no wonder that even Celestial and other peaks such as Tessie died under his sword … Baili Qingfeng’s assassination technique … it should be the first in the world!”

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