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The most core palace in Polaris.


Along with the sound of patting the table, the guard at the door was half-knelt at the same time. The two cabinet members in the room also bowed their heads slightly, and were afraid to look directly at the man with a large body and an angry expression.

“Hey Baili, kid me too Aurora too!”

The man threw the letterhead in his hand fiercely, and was vigorous, and the letterhead had been shattered into pieces in the void.

“His Highness is angry! Little Hea, provoking my Aurora Empire, but to take the path of death, only wait for the emperor’s plan to be 1%, and you can be crushed by turning your hands. Why be angry for an ignorant child in such a small country? itself.”

Cabinet Prime Minister Alov came forward.

The man in front of him can let him, as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, talk in this tone, and it is indeed the Emperor Aurora, the next imperial successor, Eldest Prince Ogle.

Oglie does not even look like 30. Although it is because of taking medicine that stays in the face and prolongs life, in fact, he is not too old. He is still a year behind 50 years old.

He was able to reach the throne of the Emperor in his 40s, and he was able to build the same level 9 Celestial as Tai Sisi. Innate Talent is high and powerful. It is unprecedented. Even Constantine, the most brilliant genius of the Aurora Empire, is in front of him. Come, all seem jerky.

This time he has not yet reached the throne, but once angry, the power on his body still shocks the audience. Unless the Prime Minister of the Cabinet Aloft is also a land True Immortal that has condensed the true body, I am afraid that even speaking in front of him will become Very difficult.

“Have you found out why Queen Taisies died? I don’t believe Baili Qingfeng, a Ruler, killed Queen Taiss, who is Celestial at the pinnacle of Level 9!”

“Check it out.”

Alov said: “According to a Junior from Jinbo and Gu’s family, Queen Taissie caught Baili Qingfeng’s treacherous scheme and was seduced by him into the trap he arranged. First, the submarine they were riding on was counted as 100 Destroyed by 1000 deep water bombs, all 6 True Immortal who died with the Empress were killed, and the Emperor who was severely hit by the Emperor was attacked by the fidelity and Hunter Association 3 Star Hunter ‘Sword of Rose’ Ke Ke 3 people are siege, this is the enemy. “

“‘Sword of the Rose’ Ke Ke …”

Naturally understand the 3 star hunter Ogle of the Hunter Association. Each 3 star hunter is a well-known figure in Level 9. In his hand, he has a copy of all the Level 9 powerhouse active in East Divine Continent. Ke Ke, although not Peak, is also among the best.

“Hia must give us an account of this.”

Augli said solemnly.

“They did not acknowledge the bombing of the emperor, but only claimed that a military exercise was conducted in the South China Sea …”

“What about the Great Sun Temple? The destruction of the Great Sun Temple was caused by Baili Qingfeng. Wouldn’t Hea want to stay away?”

“We learned from Jin Bo, the Junior of the Gu family, and many survivors that the culprit who attacked the Sun Temple was Baili Qingfeng, but … we have no evidence!”

Alov said somewhat helplessly: “In order to ensure that the materials of the Great Sun Temple and many empires are not taken away by Baili Qingfeng, Kevin, who is responsible for protecting the database, has not only deleted a large number of materials in advance, but also started later The self-destruct procedure destroys all the data, so that we can’t produce enough evidence … As for the witnesses, they are all members of our Great Sun Temple and are not useful … “

“Evidence? I need revenge on Sia Kingdom. What evidence do I need?”

Auglie suddenly stood up, and his momentum became more violent: “Baili Qingfeng of Sia Kingdom dared to come to our Aurora Empire impudent, and even boldly destroyed the Great Sun Temple. If our Aurora Empire returns without revenge, what is the awesomeness of the Aurora Empire? Save !? How will the other Divine Continent and other small crumbs see our Aurora Empire !? “

“Retaliation is inevitable, but … we need to have a detailed plan. Baili Qingfeng is not the weak, and there are two truthful, Kirk 2 peaks: Celestial. Conventional revenge is not at all very meaningful to them. If we really want to deal a fatal blow to them, we have to move at least 3 Level 9 powerhouses, but in this case, it is necessary to call the monarch … “

“Emperor …”

When referring to the emperor, Ogle’s expression was obviously a bit hesitant: “The most critical moment has now arrived on the Tianmao Mountain battlefield where the emperor is located … It would have been normal to launch it completely in one or two months, but I don’t know why The number of burrowers in the Tiantu Mountain battlefield skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands. Under the threat of these burrowers, the emerald king of the stag kingdom, the prince of the Moro kingdom, the white night group of the Chiyan kingdom, the night light of the golden light group, and Jin Shaoyun, meanwhile, Leading the army to the Tianying Mountain battlefield, with the addition of variables, in addition, the brilliant empire Elizabeth, the steel empire Coulson and the Golden Eagle Empire Maher all led the masters to form a special task force to come, in the name is to reinforce the Tianyingshan battlefield, the actual I want to wait for the opportunity … “

“Glorious Empire, Steel Empire, Golden Eagle Empire !? They actually set their sights on our East Divine Continent Tianying Mountain battlefield?”

Another minister couldn’t help showing his face.

Prime Minister Alov gave him a glance, saying: “The Iron Empire unified the Nanlizhou with the invincible trend, and set its sights on Xiyanzhou where the powerful nations gathered. It then invaded Xiyanzhou, but it was with Xiyanzhou The battle between the overlord’s glorious empire was blocked, and the war between the two nations caused neighboring countries and many World Level forces to glare like a tiger watching his prey. It was inadvertently invaded. Most of the two nations have recently ceased their war. It is rumored that the two nations have reached Consensus, first clear up the other countries and forces in the World, and then compete for who can become the true King of the World … Our East Divine Continent …… Obviously included in the vision of these 2 super empires! This is also the emperor has no choice to continue to execute in In the next 2 years, the Knight Alliance and the Chiyan Country will be slowly engulfed, but the Tianshan Mountain Project will be launched. It will once and for all sweep the East Divine Continent and complete the unification of the East Divine Continent. Only in this way can the Iron Empire and the Aurora Empire be blocked. Peeping at Strength. “


The minister was shocked.

Glorious Empire, World Overlord for the last 100 years!

The steel empire is faintly known as the first power in the world!

As for the Golden Eagle Empire, it is the most technologically advanced country in the world. Although the overall national strength is probably similar to that of Aurora, Olympus, and the Forest due to the short time since the founding of the country, the Golden Eagle Empire completely unified Lone Star Island. Occupying a continent is the most promising country among the six super empires.

They represent the past, the present, and the future!

Right now, three countries are turning their eyes to East Divine Continent at the same time …

It is foreseeable that once these countries judge the strength of the East Divine Continent, they will never send troops to the East Divine Continent to share a piece of land and divide up a piece of land. As the East Divine Continent hegemon, the Aurora Empire has long been the East Divine Continent. Considering his own imprisonment, he would not allow this kind of thing to happen, so the pressure on the emperor’s side can be imagined.

“We can’t move the Strength over the Emperor. The Emperor not only needs to face the pressures of the Golden Eagle, Steel, and Glory. The Chi Yan Kingdom and the Knight Alliance also glare like a tiger watching his prey. Don’t forget … 3 Hiding in the dark waiting for opportunity! “

Augli said solemnly.

Zhao 4 ……

Zhao Jiansheng, East Divine Continent’s first powerhouse, an Essence and Qi 2 Peak Powerhouse, and even outside rumors that his Refining Spirit has been promoted to the Tenth Layer.

In order to deal with a small Baili Qingfeng, the emperor sent ten masters in the god column … Once Zhao 8 was given, he could take advantage of it …

The consequences could be disastrous.

“Apart from using Strength from the Emperor, can’t we retaliate? Let Baili Qingfeng be a man who beheaded and killed the Emperor Tai Sisi, and lived an extra life. Every additional day of life, we have the prestige of our Aurora Empire. Words are a fatal blow! And, according to Jin Bo, the failure of this child on the path of Xeon is most likely a bluff. 10000-he really embarked on the path of Xeon, with his growth speed … In the future, we I’m afraid to appear a World Level enemy! “

Oglie’s eyes fell on Alof again.

“World Level Enemies …”

When Jin Bo and Gu Weiwei were reporting to Ogle, Alov was also present. He knew very well that with Baili Qingfeng this child’s effort to plot against, Jin Bo’s speculation was not impossible …

Maybe he really embarked on the path to Xeon!

“Say a way … yes!”

Alof said solemnly: “Our Aurora Empire in the East Divine Continent has also conquered many countries, and a few of those countries can be dispatched to obtain Level 9 powerhouse …”

“The quicksand country?”

“Exactly the Fatian Pavilion in the black and white sands of the quicksand country!”

Alov said: “The Pavilion Lord mirror, which has been retired for many years, was a prestigious peak Celestial when he retired. According to the information we got, the reason for his retreat was to refine a Xeon battle. Skill, right now the battle skill has been completed, it can be called the title of Level 9. In addition, Great Elder in Fatian Pavilion is also a senior Level 9 consciously. They two, plus we send True Immortal to help … Revenge Baili Qingfeng, or even Killing him is no luxury. “

In fact, he felt that the best way to deal with Baili Qingfeng’s most 10000 is to ask the Lord to take the shot himself, and just sending the Level 9 powerhouse to it may feel a kind of fueling tactics. After all, Baili Qingfeng is too rigorous schemes and deep foresight. As soon as the eyes turned, the vicious scheme rose in the mind, and maybe the Level 2 of Fatiange 9 was pitted in.

Dignified invincible is crushing it is the king.

Just think of the pressure that the Lord is facing …

“The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength!”

Oglelie narrowed his eyes slightly: “Too many people have planted in Baili Qingfeng. Although he really looks like a child, it seems worthless to mention … but none of us can deny the glory of his growth … In addition to the mirror and the heart, I will ask Emperor Margaret to take the shot myself! Combined with the title of Level 2, a senior Level 9 Strength … siege Baili Qingfeng! “

“Queen Margaret …”

Alof suddenly looked up, his face full of shock.

Empress Margaret …

That was the first powerhouse under the Emperor of the Aurora Empire, an Essence, Qi Dual Cultivation, which had already obtained the title of invincible as early as 20 years ago!

She specializes in guarding the treasury, and at the same time in the closed-door cultivation of the treasury, she tries to shock the Refining Spirit 9 times, condensing the silver body!

So 3 powerhouse shots …

Baili Qingfeng will surely die!

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