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“Qingfeng … has become the chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the Six Nations?”

Also in Zhang Lie, Yuan Pan, and First Prince Mo Rong and the others in the Martial Practice Stage, expressions have a few puppets.

The Bucks Kingdom went to great lengths to organize the internal meeting of the Knight Alliance, launched a bill of the six military joint committees, and finally completed Baili Qingfeng! ?


It’s just a pie in the sky!


Zhang Lie quickly set his sights on Baili Qingfeng.

All of this is achieved by the efforts of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master. It is precisely because of the extreme outbreak that it is comparable to the sword of top powerhouse, so Sia Kingdom can become the biggest winner in this conference.


The sword that can pierce Xeon Mighty is definitely a great burden for Baili Qingfeng who was promoted to Level 9 soon. Seeing the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent in the field has eased, Zhang Lie hastened to fight Mo Rong Prince With a wink, Mo Rong Prince would come forward.

At this time, Reynolds looked at Prince Sun Yi who was bathing in blood, and couldn’t help asking: “Chairman Baili … You see, Prince Sun Yi’s injury is a bit serious, please let me send him to the hospital for treatment first. how is it?”

“of course can.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Reynolds quickly called Fuqin and 2 disciples to come to Prince Riyi.

After saying 2 words, “Counting”, Prince Ri Yi looks like an unlovable person.

More than a month ago, he was refining Spirit breakthrough, built into a silver body, with ten thousand zhang lofty spirits, and was full of spirits. Yesterday, he defeated 8 Level 8 powerhouse sieges with an enemy of 9 and was about to bring this invincible trend to the unity of laughter. 6 countries, as a result …

Level 9 invincible’s confidence was smashed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood in the presence of Baili Qingfeng.

This sword caused indelible wounds to both his flesh and his heart.

Reynolds looked in his eyes, sighed in his heart, and waved his hands. Fuqin and two disciples took him out of the meeting place.

Watching Prince Riyi’s departure, Mo Rong stepped forward: “Just now Chairman Baili Qingfeng and Prince Riyi are a bit tired after the battle, and Chairman Baili should take a rest first.”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t like this kind of meeting very much. If it wasn’t because the meeting was related to the issue of Xia Haizhou’s defense strength, he would not come to participate. Now that the problem has been solved, Mo Rong has also spoken. “Yes, I’ll take a break. The specific duties of the six military joint committees will be determined by Mo Rong His Highness the Prince.”

“It’s my honor.”

Mo Rong Prince said with a slight smile.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

As if Moore was thinking of something, the rays of light flashed in his eyes, and he deliberately passed by Baili Qingfeng when he left, feeling carefully.

Baili Qingfeng didn’t care. At this time, he just wanted to return to his residence at the fastest speed and take a bath happily.

You know, although these days he cultivated Small Void Technique with some success, but at the same time burning 20% ​​of 10000 energy cells, it still caused a great load on his fleshhy body, although it was not almost fleshhy when he killed the Lord of the Blood Wolf The body collapses, but it’s not much worse than using Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 for the first time.

If at this moment he took off the Storm Armor Battle Armor, it would be covered with blood.

Countless tiny veins and capillary blood vessels burst into overwhelming stress at the moment when 10000 energy cells can burn.

Fortunately, these all are minor injuries.

Coupled with the continuous climbing of the Small Void Technique realm, the body gradually began to adapt to this outbreak. Wait for him to take a bath, clean the blood on his body, blow his hair, and then wash and dry the clothes. back to normal.

With such a big change in the formation of the six military joint committees, senior officials of all countries need time to adapt to this change and make the next arrangements for this change.

So with the departure of Baili Qingfeng and Prince Riyi, this large-scale, somewhat lively conference, after half an hour, ended like this with tiger’s head, snake’s tail.



Reynolds came out of it.

“Your Majesty, how’s it going?”

Moore solemnly asked.

“Although it was only scratched by the sword cricket, … the killing power contained in the Xeon strike was too amazing … Prince Riyi’s half body was directly smashed, even if we immediately gave him various internally and externally earthly treasures. I want to recover, I am afraid that I still have to raise for half a year … “

“Little half year …”

Moore sighed slightly in relief: “It’s good if people can recover from nothing.”

They have waited for more than ten years, and they can afford to wait for half a year.

“Is everyone here?”

“It’s all coming.”

Reynolds was nodded, and soon went with Moore to a temporary Conference Hall not far from the infirmary.

By this time dozens of people were sitting here in the Conference Hall.

Like the previous Level 9 powerhouse national division Huo Yun and Great Marshal Leonard in it.

“Your Majesty, isn’t it that 6 of the six military joint committees are all right? Why is there such a big change?”

As soon as Reynolds arrived, one stood up and asked.

This is Fai Honghong, the commander in chief of the Navy of the Bucks Kingdom, and also belongs to the Peak giant in the Bucks Kingdom.

“This matter, in the final analysis, is that we underestimated one person.”


“Baili Qingfeng!”

Reynolds said, waved his hand, and soon a detailed picture was projected on the conference hall screen.

“Baili Qingfeng … is so deceptive … He was only 21 years old, and before he became famous, he seemed to spend most of his time in school. Even after he became famous, he rarely communicated with other people. A loyal and honest, simple and young, the appearance of harmless to humans and animals shows that even yesterday, Prince Riyi also made a “naive” evaluation of him, but in fact … “

Reynolds said this, with a somewhat heavy tone: “This is the material we collected about until now about Baili Qingfeng. Look at this part. This part of the material describes Baili Qingfeng in detail, describing it as a wily old Fox, sinister and devious, but … the Buck Kingdom and Sia Kingdom are not enemies in the end, and this information is said to have been obtained from the Great Sun Temple of the Aurora Empire, perhaps with the subjective color of the Great Sun Temple, so we Didn’t take it to heart … “


Everyone looked at the information on the big screen, each and everyone was shocked.

“Baili Qingfeng is best at camouflage? Almost all the time, he is shaping himself into a simple, naive and weak image?”

“Baili Qingfeng rigorous schemes and deep foresight, the best at clear understanding of the human heart? The tricks shown are like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, which makes people indefensible?”

Various exclamations came from the crowd.

Reynolds heard the words of everyone, and sighed in his mouth: “3 Holy Alliance was deceived by this” weak and harmless “camouflage. When he grew little by little, he did not notice when he swallowed his own flesh. It wasn’t until Baili Qingfeng grew up and the 3 Holy Alliance itself was weakened to a certain extent by chronic bloodletting that Baili Qingfeng exposed its true face of insidious very ruthless, gave the 3 Holy Alliance a fatal blow, and put a check on this inside Hea Uprooted variables. “

He actually got this information for a month, but it didn’t get him enough attention. This was their biggest mistake in this plan.

“In addition to the 3 Holy Alliances, the collapse of the Great Sun Temple can also prove the terror of Baili Qingfeng this child.”

Reynolds waved.

The big screen quickly projected another material.

The materials describe in detail how the Basilica was played by Baili Qingfeng in the palm of the hand. Little by little provided its resources to Baili Qingfeng, which made Baili Qingfeng grow stronger. This scene …

Almost the same as Baili Qingfeng’s bloodletting on the 3 Holy League.

It’s just that he made it more perfect and thorough this time.

The bloodletting is only to weaken the 3 Holy Alliance, and you can play tricks in the Da Ri Temple to lie on the Da Ri Temple to suck blood. When you weaken the Da Ri Temple, you can grow up quickly.

“This is why Baili Qingfeng was able to promote Ruler at a very fast speed after entering the Kingdom Guardian level. He did not have any data on how many resources he swindled from the Great Sun Temple, but there is evidence that even the Great Sun Temple Sect-protection Priceless Treasure The supreme holy stone was deceived by Baili Qingfeng, and I guess … at that time he was afraid that he had emptied the Great Sun Temple. “

“The Sect-protection Priceless Treasure Supreme Sacred Stone has been scammed? Are all the people in the Great Sun Temple not a fool?”

Hui Chihong said suddenly.

“The people in the Da Ri Temple cannot be fools, otherwise they cannot develop into the most terrifying secret agency of the East Divine Continent. The failure of the Da Ri Temple can just prove the insidious and cunning of Baili Qingfeng and the deep thinking!”

Speaker Moore said: “You continue to look at the subsequent materials of the Great Sun Temple. Baili Qingfeng first throws bricks to lure the jade and the Great Sun Temple, and then lured the tiger away from the mountain. , And then concealed the sky, secretly crossed Chen Cang and raided the headquarters of the Sun Temple, and then to fish in troubled water caused the Sun Temple to start the self-destruction process. At the end, he also took advantage of a crisis for personal gain to incorporate the remaining resources of the Sun Temple. He had his own, and on the side of Hiah, he was at ease, closed the door to catch thieves and destroyed the submarine on which Tessie and the others were riding, and eventually killed Tessie along the shore of Wuhe Port … “


Everyone heard Speaker Moore explaining that each and everyone couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air.

This conspiracy, this plot against, this very ruthless …

No wonder the Sun Temple was easily played to death without the slightest effort to fight back.

“This child is mindful … so terrifying!”

Reynolds glanced at the crowd in the field, his face was also full of fear: “Now, Baili Qingfeng has put his mind against us and applied it to us.”

“Baili Qingfeng uses mind against us …”

Everyone moved in their hearts, and soon realized what they saw. Each and everyone’s eye-punch show: “Your Majesty means … today’s scene is completely Baili Qingfeng’s self-directed and self-directed, one-handed planning !?”

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