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“How is it possible ?? All of this is Baili Qingfeng’s plot against !?”

Even Leonard, the Level 9 powerhouse in charge of all Bucks Kingdom soldiers, couldn’t help but stand up and ask questions.

“Pretty close.”

Reynolds is cautiously nodded and said.

“A conspiracy does not need to know who arranged it. It only needs to be seen by who is the biggest beneficiary, and the biggest winner of the establishment of the six-nation military joint committee is who the biggest beneficiary … Needless to say everyone also knows . “

Moore followed, adding a long sigh: “Our Bucks Kingdom will usher in one of the most terrifying opponents we have encountered in these years! A little careless … we will fall into the same place as the Great Sun Temple The end of the game, was eaten up and annexed by Baili Qingfeng and the Shia Kingdom a little bit. Eventually … The Knight Alliance … will change from the Knight Alliance of our Bucks Kingdom to the Knight Alliance of Sia Kingdom! “


Everyone in the field looked at each other in blank dismay, and without exception felt a chill like have one’s hair stand on end.

“3 The lesson learned from the Holy Alliance and the Great Sun Temple is ahead, and today’s confrontation we have already learned the means of Baili Qingfeng … it is incredible, like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, it ’s incredible, we fell into unconsciously In his plot against, especially the means by which he clearly understands the human heart … The mind and thoughts of Prince Riyi are almost completely under his control … I think now that I have to say a ‘high’ word! “

Moore sighed.

“Prince Riyi’s thoughts and ideas are completely under his control … you mean …”

State teacher Huo Yun seemed to have heard what he said, and asked with some shock.

“You should understand that I am concentrating on mindfulness and mastering the mystery of the mystery, and I am very sensitive to the function of the human body. Do you know what I feel on Baili Qingfeng?

“Speaker Moore will stop selling things, just talk.”

Leonard urged.

When Moore heard it, he no longer pretended to be mysterious: “Although the breath on Baili Qingfeng didn’t seem to change too much, I sensed the blood-reeking qi breath in him … the rich blood-reeking qi breath.”

“Blood-reeking qi information !?”

“Yes, this blood-reeking qi does not belong to Prince Riyi, but Baili Qingfeng himself.”

Moore said: “With the Level 9 body, a sword of horror that is not inferior to the top powerhouse battle strength has erupted. It is conceivable that its own load is strong. Baili Qingfeng has long understood this, so it deliberately took a stern attitude. Just and honorable came in wearing the Battle Armor. In the Battle Armor, we ca n’t even see what he looks like after cutting out that sword. We look at him at first glance, but he has eight-nine. His fleshhy body is on the verge of collapse, and the blood-reeking qi message emanating from him is the best proof. “

“So, you mean, from start to finish, Baili Qingfeng is shaping himself into a weak image, giving Prince Riyi the illusion that he can easily defeat it, and finally came up with the so-called one-sword gamble. ? “

Huo Yundao.

Moore’s nodded: “Because the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique has been stimulated to such an extreme degree that the load is so great that he can only pierce a sword, so all of his plot against comes around this point, and even When he entered the capital of our Bucks country, plot against had already begun, step by step, controlling people’s hearts, and finally everyone saw the results they achieved … and he became the biggest winner! And, we can’t regret it, Otherwise, the nations of Morocco, Belarus, Ghana, and Norway, who are afraid of us, will jump out and accuse us. “

“This Baili Qingfeng not only has extraordinary intelligence, extraordinary Innate Talent, arrogant force, and deliberate plot against so deep !?”

Moore laughed at himself: “I confess that I also have some experience in popular against against hearts, but now it seems that our means of political struggle are in front of Baili Qingfeng. Simply is pediatrics. No wonder the Great Sun Temple has learned from the incident and said To deal with Baili Qingfeng, using crafty plots and machinations will only dig the graves by themselves. Only dignified is correct, and crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood can defeat, surrender, and even kill. The temple provided us with bloody lessons and lessons with their destruction … “

“Invincible kingship …”

The people were silent.

The Aurora Empire has an invincible kingship. Once the Aurora Emperor takes the shot, even if Baili Qingfeng relies on the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, it can burst into the Xeon strike, and it will still be easily beheaded by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

But their Buck Kingdom …

not at all This Strength.

“Then we …”

“Baili Qingfeng has only one sword in the end! And wait, until Prince Riyi recovers, we will find another opportunity sooner or later, and pull him down from the military joint committees of the six nations. For now … for a time, forbearance, Baili Qingfeng If the instructions are reasonable, we will listen to them. If it is not good for our Bucks Kingdom, we will find excuses for dragging. In addition, there seems to be a war about to break out on Tianzhu Mountain. We should also pay attention to it. “

Reynolds said.

“Dragging …”

Everyone in Conference Hall heard it, nodded.

Now this is the only way to go.

“Also, we have to find a way to trade the Three Fusion Technique of Baili Qingfeng …”

“The salary volcano has given the conditions, as long as they have been reviewed by their three people, and then ensure that they are members of the Knight Alliance or they will not endanger the Knight Alliance, they are willing to trade Three Fusion Technique as a Xeon battle skill.”

Huo Yundao.

“What is the Xeon battle skill … If the Three Fusion Technique is really as powerful as they say, a Xeon battle skill … is also worth it. Go discuss it with Baili Qingfeng tomorrow.”

Reynolds said.

When the Bucks Kingdom talked about Baili Qingfeng, the countries of Moro, Beisen, Novi, and Ghana also held meetings.

As the conferences in these countries gradually began, they were also consciously aware of the abnormalities of Baili Qingfeng today, and many places simply could not be explained by common sense.

Then contact the biggest winner of the 6 military joint committee …

A conspiracy theorem also aroused everyone’s hearts.

For a while, Moro, Beisen, Norway, Ghana and other countries became more cautious towards Baili Qingfeng.


As early as yesterday afternoon, Prince Yiyi exposed Level 9 invincible’s battle strength to defeat 8 Level 9 powerhouses by one person. The capital of the Bucks has become a highly active spot in the East Divine Continent. Many people are trying to understand. How rude is the Level 9 invincible Prince of Sunshine.

Under this premise, the battle between Baili Qingfeng and Prince Riyi was carried out in full view. The number of witnesses and spectators was 100, so that when the battle ended less than half an hour, it had spread to less than half of East Divine Continent.

Even if the Sun Temple was destroyed, the Aurora Empire, which had just formed the Intelligence Section, was aware of it.


At this moment, in a villa not far from Li Palace, a man who looked 24 5 and was tall and sturdy. A man with blond hair was slowly walking out of the Practice Room. A slight coercion rose from him, making He looked like a Wargod just off the battlefield, which made people dare not look straight.

“Hobbs, bother my cultivation, you better have a valid reason.”

This silhouette stepped out of the Practice Room and looked with awe at the middle-aged man waiting ahead.

“Lord Miro.”

middle-aged man Hobbs looked at the man who seemed to radiate golden brilliance in the sun, and gave a little gift: “I’m sorry to interrupt your rest, it was His Royal Highness Oglie calling, so I must not Don’t come to inform you. “


The man shrouded in golden divine splendor is truly one of the three outstanding geniuses of the Aurora Empire. East Divine Continent is among the top five gods incarnation, Miro.

“His Highness Ogle’s called me?”

Miro looked a little surprised at Hobbs, but he thought for a moment, but it was nodded: “The Qi Refining lineage I am majoring in has reached its peak, and then I can wait for the invincible path to accumulate momentum, and then I can start to let the inside out Refining has become an internal force. If it wasn’t for His Royal Highness to meet in person, you wouldn’t disturb my cultivation for small things. “

“Do you want to prepare?”

“No, let’s set off to avoid His Highness Ogle’s waiting.”

Miro said, striding off the meteor, heading out of the hospital, squinting his eyes slightly, and said, “How long have I been in retreat …?”

“It’s been half a month since you were closed.”

“Half a month …”

Miro sighed a little, ignoring the world, and devoted himself to hard work for a full half month, with Innate Talent, and such hardworking perseverance, who can do it in the powerhouse at the same level?

However, Miro’s eyes became sharp again when he thought of the opponent who was already strong enough to match the Level 9 Ruler.

“Hurry up, fast up. After I ’m in for the inner power, I will be able to drive the sublimation of the Body Refining lineage and let the Body Refining lineage breakthrough to matchless. Then I settle a little bit and push the Refining Spirit to Awakening. , Shape the silver body of level 8, by that time … let alone the Level 9 Ruler, even if I reach the pinnacle of Ruler I can fight with one of them … “


He is getting closer and closer to that person.

Hobbs on the side heard Miro talking to himself. He knew Miro best, and naturally knew who the “Ruler” he regarded as his biggest rival. He was reminded of the real reason His Royal Highness Oglie called Miro past. I opened my mouth and said something, but after all …

Did not say it.

Soon, the entire group had arrived in the great hall where Ogle was.

Many people are waiting here at this great hall.

In addition to Ogle, Constantine, also known as the Polaris, is also there. There are three other people without exception. They are all great characters in the Aurora Empire. Each of them is in charge of important sections with high weight.

“Mirow, you are here.”

Oglie saw Miro, immediately stood up, solemnly asked: “Although you are a silver body of level 7, I want to know, to what extent is the so-called invincible of the same level of silver body? If you let You have reached Level 9 and gathered the silver body with the strength of the title Level 9. What do you think you can do? What kind of Strength can I have to defeat you? “

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