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Ancestral Dragon Mountain.

In a courtyard halfway up the mountain.

Bai Xianglong, the old man standing on the top of the East Divine Continent, looked at the latest information, and put a long breath out.

“It’s really surprising and unexpected.”

Bai Xianglong said.

But there was no surprise on his face.

“Shan Master, how should we treat Baili Qingfeng as a tough guy or take advantage of our friendship with each other and show us better than him …”

Behind the white elephant dragon body is a middle-aged man who is thin but has a magnificent figure.

This middle-aged man is named Bai Junhou, who is the left arm and the right arm of Bai Xianglong. He is responsible for the trivial matters of Bai Xianglong on Ancestral Dragon Mountain.

His influence in the outside world is no less inferior to a powerful king.

“Tough means …”

Bai Xianglong bowed his head and thought for a while, then he said: “Do you think, Baili Qingfeng, is really as scheming, rigorous schemes and deep foresight as the rumored?”


Bai Junhou could not answer.

“Zhu Rong, you say.”

White elephant dragon once again named.

Zhu Rong was also summoned in the courtyard.

If you talk to Baili Qingfeng, his baby granddaughter Bai Xiaoyu recognizes first, and Zhu Rong definitely recognizes second. After all, when Bai Xiaoyu communicates with Baili Qingfeng, she is actually on the scene every time.

“Baili Qingfeng …”

Zhu Rong carefully considered the language, cautiously said: “This person may not be as scheming as the legend … but one thing is certain, even if he is not as deep-hearted as outside rumors, but also It must belong to great intelligence who may appear to be stupidity. It is by no means what he looks on the surface, naive and simple, harmless to humans and animals. “

“Great intelligence may appear to be stupidity … good great intelligence may appear to be stupidity.”

White Elephant Dragon nodded: “So you two said, his East Divine Continent first assassin’s name, true or false?”

“East Divine Continent First Assassin …”

Bai Junhou mentioned this title with a hint of jealousy in his eyes: “The intelligence capability of the Great Sun Temple is actually more than our Ancestral Dragon Mountain. Their evaluation of Baili Qingfeng is very valuable. Baili Qingfeng …… belongs to a conspiracy He is an expert in planning ambush and assassination of a character who cannot be defeated. After all, he has too much actual combat experience. “

Zhu Rong at the side also thought for a while: “As early as Baili Qingfeng was still weak, he had assassinated many people, such as the military attaché of the Aurora Empire ambassador, 3 Holy Alliance Elder Feng Cunyun, Supreme Elder Yin Tianfeng, Lan Yu, Although his assassination method is slightly different from other assassins, he already had a good foundation at that time. The true name of his assassination is that he assassinate the 6th-level peak True Immortal with 8 Wargod strength. That battle, that battle established his reputation as a Peak assassin … I think he would be extremely Mastery even if he was not East Divine Continent Number One Person in the assassination. “

“A young master who is good at assassination and also masters the Sword Technique that can break out of Xeon …”

Bai Xianglong heard the words of two people, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “It’s too dangerous to deal with such a person, but his benefits are also extremely amazing. Not to mention Three Fusion Technique, his door alone can break the human body, The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique that allows Level 2 to break out into a Xeon strike is enough to affect the current world pattern. It is conceivable that if this Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is popularized and digital Level 9 is refined, it will be the same level in the top powerhouse. Sudden attack with powerhouse dragging … who can resist !? “

Bai Junhou and Zhu Rong looked at each other and didn’t know how to answer.

“In addition, Baili Qingfeng can cultivate to Level 9 Ruler so quickly, and even Refining Spirit climbs to the 9th Illusory Cave … I don’t think this is entirely because of Innate Talent. No matter how talented he is, he cannot be a talent To this extent, even the most shorking and stunning Aurora Emperor of East Divine Continent, at the age of 21, has just cultivated that’s all. ”

“The master of the mountain wants to attack Baili Qingfeng … but Baili Qingfeng is now …”

“I know what you want to say. The climate of Baili Qingfeng is already in place. If it is not killed, it will cause no end of trouble. Even if I take the shot myself, there may not be complete assurance to kill it.”

White monarch nodded.

Zhu Rong aside regretted it: “I knew that, when we were in Star Track, we should take it and capture him, forcing him to find out his secret.”

“The current Baili Qingfeng is really not easy to deal with, and his status is not as good as before. The mountain master really has to deal with him, unless there is complete assurance, otherwise …

“I have to admit that according to the information I have obtained so far, I have shot 90% to kill him by myself and only 60% have grasped him.”

Bai Xianglong said that the tone was lightly paused: “But … what if two top powerhouses shot at the same time?”

“2 top powerhouse shots at the same time !?”

The eyes of Bai Junhou and Zhu Rong shrank.

“Jin Chihong of the golden light group summoned to me and invited me to join forces to capture Baili Qingfeng and force him to find out his secrets and strengthen himself to fight against the aurora monarch and that person.

“Jin Chihong …”

Bai Junhou and Zhu Rong shivered.

The golden light of the golden light group and their Ancestral Dragon Mountain’s white elephant dragon 2 top powerhouse shot at the same time to capture a level 9 of Baili Qingfeng …

This kind of thing has never happened in the history of Cultivation World. Baili Qingfeng can force 2 top powerhouses to take shots. This kind of treatment is definitely a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again, even if he died in the end. , Even death is glorious.

“Shan Master, if you really have shot with Jin Chihong, Baili Qingfeng impossible to escape!”

Bai Junhou’s remarks chimed: “Also, don’t say that Baili Qingfeng has so quickly repaired the secrets of Body Refining, Qi Refining, Refining Spirit 3 to Level 9, and only the Three Fusion Technique and Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique he mastered, if he can It’s enough to ask us to recover the cost. Moreover, the Aurora Emperor has always stayed at Tianzhu Mountain, and there must be a big plan. If it succeeds, the Divine Continent will be dramatically changed. Even if it fails, he will look at us next On me … “

“If he gave birth to a battle, how about burn both jade and stone to launch Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to the extreme to cut out 2nd Sword and 3rd Sword?”


With Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, suicide attacks are unstoppable.

This is the key to Bai Xianglong’s hesitation.

“En !? My guest is here, and you step down. I have one important thing to do now. During this time, I tried my best to collect the details of Baili Qingfeng. I want to know all his information.”

Bai Xianglong said, looking at Zhu Rong: “You can take Xiaoyu with you, approach him, get to know him, and then report all the news to me … no word leaked!”


Zhu Rong saluted respectfully.

Now and Bai Junhou retreated.

Soon after the two of them pulled back, they saw a silhouette coming quickly from a distance. Although the speed is extremely fast and running like the wind, they seemingly true and seemingly illusory. Phantom, thought he had an illusion.

When the man arrived in the courtyard, the feeling of seemingly true and seemingly illusory dissipated. A man looking up and down 50, looking extremely ordinary, appeared like a field farmer in front of the white elephant dragon.

Although this man is old and full of simplicity and honesty, looks like harmless to humans and animals, he seems to be thrown into the ground like a rural peasant, but the white elephant dragon does not dare to look at him, but looks a little True colors: “Zhao Jiansheng, you are here.”

“Hello Baishan, hello.”

The man greeted with a grin, and could not see the temperament of East Divine Continent’s first powerhouse on his body: “I have something to say about you, and there is something strange about the increase of troops at Tiantuo Mountain, not like we have seen It’s that simple, and the Emperor Aurora has contact with the Blood Temple on the Tianyu Mountain battlefield. I’m afraid it’s bad. In addition, I also found that as early as 3 years ago, the Emperor Aurora had tamed a large part of 10000 people, but somehow, That tribe never showed up, I do n’t know where I went, I was afraid there was a plan … I am 80% sure. Within half a month, there will be great changes in Tianzhu Mountain. It may be that the Aurora Emperor’s conspiracy succeeded. We must take the shot. ! “

“Siege the Aurora Emperor.”

The white elephant dragon expression grave said: “Siege the Aurora Emperor, we will face the Great Emperor Sword Technique of the Aurora Emperor …”

“I also invited Jin Chihong of the golden light group and Ding Yijian of the Yunxiao Sword Palace, combined the power of the 4 top powerhouses to break through the Great Emperor Sword Technique ……”

Zhao 4 regretted: “In the past few years, I have 6 chances to kill the Aurora Emperor, but … he shoulders the heavy responsibility of guarding Tianyu Mountain. Once he dies, Tianyu landslide, East Divine Continent is bound to the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, so I have n’t shot, but I did n’t expect that he came to the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain, not to break up the cave people on the opposite side of Tianya Mountain, to solve the threat of these cave people to East Divine Continent, but I want to take advantage of the cave people to sweep Divine Continent, and then take the opportunity to make a profit, to achieve his ambition to unify Divine Continent … “

“In the case of the four of us, the siege of the Aurora Emperor is indeed more than enough.”

White Elephant Dragon Road.

He glanced at Zhao 4.

Zhao 4 only paid attention to his Innate Talent and strength. In fact, he looked down on his own character, person, and behavior style.

Mu-ne, stubbornness, confession of death, and again and again have an excessive tendency to clemency to let go of those enemies who plan him.

Bai Xianglong had dealt with him once and made a plan for him, but he still lives well, without him, a few good words to coax.

Zhao 4 had a very low background. Before he became famous, no one knew who he was. Until he became famous, the talents dug out his background.

He was originally only a helper of the Ever Family of the Evergrande Group, responsible for taking care of the tens of acres of farmland of the Yue Family country estate. He did n’t know what happened when he was in his 30s. He actually won the 2nd World Peak inheritance. Live the same life, facing the loess back to the sky, 20 years as a day.

Until one day, the beastly man was in chaos, forcing him to take up a weapon to resist, this resistance …

World is shocked!

He has actually trained True Qi, and he has achieved great results!

For a while, countless people came to seize the secret from him.


No one is invincible.

In a very short time he swept Divine Continent with Invincible Strength!

The white elephant dragon, Ding Yijian, Jin Chihong, and the iron-brother of the steel brother society all became his defeated. The two top powerhouses from Baiye Group and Xiyanzhou were beheaded by him who did not take it.

East Divine Continent The first powerhouse was born!

Zhao Jiansheng’s name is like the sky!

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