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Tien Shan Battlefield.

The entire battlefield consists of 4 huge Space Passages.

These 4 Space Passages not only have a huge opening range, but also have a short opening period and a long duration, which can be used by hundreds of Grotto Warriors to continuously and rush out from the inside.

Affected by this factor, the defense of the Tianmao Mountain Front is unable to establish a defense line of more than ten kilometers to surround the Space Passage in the same way as other Space Passages.

The battlefield of the Tianying Mountain Battlefield stretches for several 100 kilometers. These 100 kilometers have more than 100 troops from more than a dozen countries in the East Divine Continent, and each army can be regarded as 10000 war elites because of its annual battle with the cavemen.

In total, more than 160 troops from each country are densely packed with each and everyone fortresses, sniping at any cave man who may flee on the front. For years, almost never made too many mistakes.

Even if there are occasionally so many cave people rushing out of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, the number is not large, and each country draws out an elite team composed of senior martial artists, one after another, and can be cleaned up.

In the past month, due to the increase of troops in the Tianzhu Original Cave, opposite the Tianmao Mountain battlefield, the battlefield looked a lot busier than in the past.

Not only the Aurora Empire, the Diyan Continent, the Buck State, the Sia State, the Moro State, the Ghana State, the North Sensation State, the Norway State, the Quicksand State, and the others Horse, the Golden Eagle Empire, the Shining Empire, The three iron empires were world hegemons, and they were also unwilling to send people afterwards.

However, Olympus and the country of the forest did not have much movement, and they were invincible.

At this moment, in a fortress 40 kilometers away from the largest Space Passage in the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, a man wearing a dark golden Battle Armor was looking at the direction of Space Passage.

The space ripples spread by different Space Passages are different. The ripple range of this Space Passage …


20 kilometers!

“Tianyu Mountain …”

The man said these words in his mouth, and his tone seemed to contain endless booing.

At this time, a man with the same Battle Armor and Level 9 Ruler cultivation base came forward, kneeling on the ground, and frantically looked at the man on the balcony who seemed to be only thirty-forty: “Monarch! After confirmation, Zhao 4 appeared In the area of ​​Ancestral Dragon Mountain, he has left the Battlefield of Tianzhu Mountain! “


This Space Passage is guarded by the Aurora Empire, and there is only one person in the entire Aurora Empire who is eligible to be honored as the emperor-the one who controls the entire country of the Aurora Empire and has more than 6 100000000 million lives and deaths, and has the authority of Supreme Aurora! The Aurora Emperor who overwhelmed all nations and forces in East Divine Continent with one person’s power!

“Finally … left?”

An aurora monarch in a boutique dazzling Battle Armor slowly whispered to himself. He looked at the sunset in the distance and shook his head slightly: “soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed, because of him, my plan for Tianshan Mountain was delayed at least one year.”

“The emperor … I don’t understand. With the power and power of the Emperor Great Emperor Sword Technique, if we are willing to do something, it is not difficult to seduce Zhao 4 into the sword array to hang him, why …”

“Zhao 4, this person, the weakness is too obvious, there is a strong force in the air, you only need to arrange for its weakness, killing him is easy, but … the beast is especially fighting, he swept the East Divine Continent, even the West Yanzhou, South Many experts in Lizhou have lost one after another under his sword, and the top powerhouse in his hand has over ten people. This impressive record is enough to prove its extraordinary battle strength. If he fought back, we can siege him , But there must be heavy losses. “

“Every one of us at God’s Pillar is willing to die for the Lord!”

Man excitedly said.

“Swordfish, your ten and eight god pillars are cultivated by me. I can trust your loyalty, but our goal has never been personal grudges, not personal disputes. Unification of Divine Continent is our real purpose. Ruo Yin Zhao 8 The loss was heavy, and our Tianmaoshan plan is bound to be affected again. After being forced to postpone, I have waited too long and don’t want to wait any longer. “

The Aurora Lord slowly said.

His mind and pattern are far from what Zhao 4, Bai Xianglong, Ding Yijian, Jin Chihong, and Tiewujiu can understand.

They may be regarded as powerhouses, but they can dominate one side, but his Aurora Emperor, if he wants to invade the world, will rule the Divine Continent and become 1000 ancient emperors!

After unifying the East Divine Continent, integrate all Strength, use the East Divine Continent as a springboard, enter Xiyanzhou, and compete for the king of the world!

Just like the steel empire of the world’s first power.

The Aurora Empire now follows the path of the Iron Empire.

The only difference is that the steel empire is characterized by powerhouse as clouds, and even created a war legion composed of pure War Grade powerhouse, while the aurora empire …

The background is far from the steel empire, and it is only possible to fight in the East Divine Continent.

“Sovereign Lord!”

The man named Swordfish was so touched on his face that he wished to immediately save his life for the Aurora Emperor.

“According to what I have received … Zhao 4, this time is to contact Bai Xianglong, Ding Yijian and the others, the purpose is to be the 4th Xeon, breaking my Great Emperor Sword Technique! But he doesn’t know, he Everything I do is under my control, and even when the plan of Tianyu Mountain is successfully implemented, he will be crazy and attack me, and when he hits, it will be the day of his death.

The eyes of Emperor Aurora kept looking into the distance.

It seems that the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, except that Space Passage, has not attracted him any more.

Even Zhao Jiansheng, who is called East Divine Continent’s first powerhouse, is no exception.

“Is Mahal of the Golden Eagle Empire, Coulson of the Iron Empire, and Elizabeth of the Glorious Empire, any special team members they bring?

“Nothing has changed.”

“It doesn’t matter if there is a change, they can’t stop my plan.”

Emperor Aurora’s tone is full of confidence: “Not only they can’t stop, Zhao 4 and his party can’t stop, even if they reach out to Heaven’s Mystery Building in our East Divine Continent these years, it is too slow to stop me from aurora empire. The rise of the project, when the plan is completed, East Divine Continent will have only one voice! “

“The emperor plans for this plan for several years, and naturally it will not be disturbed by a little accident.”

Swordfish convinced, for a moment, he seemed to think of something, hesitated slightly: “Just the emperor … behind, there was bad news …”


Emperor Aurora.

“Yes! The Lord humiliates and dies! I urge Your Majesty to let me take someone to kill myself, kill Baili Qingfeng, and take revenge for the empress!”

Swordfish resolutely said.

“No need to……”

The aurora monarch’s indifferent shook the head: “You guys, you can’t kill Baili Qingfeng.”

“en! ?”

Swordfish lightly startled: “Although Baili Qingfeng has an extraordinary cultivation base and is rumored to be a silver body, it may not be useful in front of the Great Emperor Sword Technique created by Your Majesty, as long as I lead a A six-man squad, and the power of the Great Emperor Sword Technique, will surely cut him under the sword. “

“speed !”

Emperor Aurora said: “You all person ignore a little, Baili Qingfeng’s speed!”


“Now the most important thing for us is to implement the Tianyushan plan, and everything else must make way for the Tianyushan plan.”

The Emperor Aurora did not explain any more, but just said, “I’m also curious about his Three Fusion Technique and Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique … he can create such methods, and he is even better than Zhao 4 in some aspects!”


Swordfish couldn’t help but suddenly shrank: “It’s better than Zhao 4 !?”

“You’re not a top powerhouse, and you don’t know what it means to break the human body at Level 9.”

Rays of light flashed in the eyes of the Emperor Aurora: “Xeon, the World Level powerhouse, has 3 stages, training True Qi is the first stage, breaking the human body is the second stage, and Refining Spirit is the tenth stage. The third stage, however, of these 2 stages, the 3nd stage is the most critical. “

“The 2nd stage is the most important?”

There was some doubt on the swordfish’s face.

The Emperor Aurora didn’t explain it, and he finally looked at the Space Passage again …

Then he looked back.

“Zhao 4 has left, so …”

The Aurora monarch said, and turned directly to the fortress.

Along the way, the Emperor Aurora arrived, and all the soldiers looked at him enthusiastically, eyes full of worship.

Emperor Aurora went directly to the basement below the fort, where 2 pillar members guarded it.

After seeing the arrival of the Aurora Emperor, he was half-knelt saluted at the same time.

Emperor Aurora was nodded, and swordfish came to the room.

The room was very empty and no items existed.


However, the eyes of the Emperor Aurora fell immediately into a corner: “Go, let me tell Shadowman Archbishop. One day later, there will be 10000 deaths in the Space Passage in the direction of Heia, and their death is like a huge blood. sacrifice, tens of thousands of creature resentment will produce high-energy response, inspire Space Passage, so that Space Passage, which would have been opened after 10000 days, will be opened in advance, and the army on our side will go to rescue because of your fierce offensive … … that vast expanse of land is your hunting ground. This is my sincerity. “

In the corner, there seems to be a silhouette faintly discernible.

“Thank you for your generosity.”

The voice came out and disappeared quickly.

Swordfish looked at it all the way, but could not find anything, and could not help but feel a little frustrated.

“This is the 2nd World Shadowblade Horde’s Innate Talent. It has nothing to do with the cultivation base.”

Aurora Emperor calmly said.

“I know.”

The swordfish was nodded, and he hesitantly said: “We sacrifice a Space Passage, and we are afraid … then the cavemen will not act according to our agreement, but slaughter, destroy … a completely destroyed It is not in our interests …

“Cave people, believe in powerhouse! I stayed here for a few years to fight with people in the cave. The purpose is to let the people in the cave understand our strength. Only when they show sufficient strength can they be qualified to talk to them and be qualified. Let them keep their promise! “

Speaking of this, Emperor Aurora was full of the courage to win the game: “Lifeform has herd mentality … After leaving 2nd World, will these cavemen continue to obey the orders of Blood Temple, or will they become a handle in my hands? No stronghold one cannot overcome Divine Sword, who knows? “

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