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“What a warm sun, what a fertile land …”

Outside of the Space Passage guarded by Hea, a commander of the Battle Armor with a golden body, kneeling on the ground, holding a touch of loess, his ugly face was full of fanaticism and enjoyment.

Not far next to him, 1000 to 10000 cavemen warriors rushed out continuously, crushing everything to resist Strength.

Screams, blood, flames, and explosions flooded the battlefield, but gradually turned from dense to sparse.

Occasionally, the Shia soldiers fought fiercely with guns, but they were soon crushed into smash by cavemen with terrorist abilities.

This battlefield has been completely occupied by more than 40000 cavemen, and the blood of more than thousand soldiers has spread to every corner of the battlefield.

As one of the cavemen Commander’s fishy claws, he was enthusiastic and enjoyed for a moment. He suddenly grabbed the tomahawk next to him, got up fiercely, and his face was full of embarrassment: “So fertile and warm, and there is no Fierce Beast raging land, But it is occupied by a group of human beings that are so small that they can be pinched to death by 100 people. It is a recless waste of natural resources! Such a land can only be truly held by our blood wolf city! Our blood wolf city will be safe in this area The land of harmless food has re-bred, grown, and climbed to a new peak! “

Behind him, the black-toothed cautiously in a wise man’s robe looked all around, and said: “Fishclaw Commander, Cardinal Shadoman is still waiting for our response. They want to confirm that those humans let us invade this World. Is it a conspiracy to ensure that when their Space Passage is opened 2 days later, they will cooperate with us inside and outside to attack with full force and break through several other Space Passages. “


He heard this name, and a dread flashed in his eyes.

Shaduoman Archbishop, this is Tianzhuyuan … that is, the head of the Blood Temple in Tianyu Mountain Battlefield. During his heyday, he had more than 20 shrines and Knights, and he was protected by Jeldo Great Knight. For his Order, fishy claws dare not violate.

“It has been more than an hour. During this hour, our pioneers have rushed to dozens or hundreds of kilometers. With such a large combat range, even if the humans of the Aurora Empire have any conspiracy, we will no longer be afraid of half points. People went back and told Shadoman Archbishop that what the Aurora Empire humans were saying is true. This vast sunny land will become our largest granary in Blood Wolf City, providing us with continuously food, expanding Blood Wolf City, and expanding the Blood Temple. Strength. “

Fishy claws spoke to a Small Commander next to him.

“Yes, adults.”

Small Commander arched his hand and quickly headed for the Space Passage, which had not yet closed.

The fishy claws set their sights on a broken building in front of them, and a cruelty emerged from the corners of their mouths: “It’s a fragile World, a fragile life. Then, everyone will charge and let these weak humans feel our blood wolf city’s Horrible! “


Sia Kingdom.

Baili Qingfeng has just emerged from the cultivation cave.

Inspiring Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique with the burning of 10000 energy cells will bring too much movement. Although it is just a breath, the kind of oppression from the level of life will still cause Shi Yi and Xiao Zhu who also live in the yard. Great influence. In this case, he wants to master the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique proficiently and break the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to break the human body’s eruption cultivation success normality, which has to be carried out in the cultivation cave.

After all, the cultivation cave has been continuously compressed by the space ripples over the years, and it has a diameter of nearly 300 metres. After compression, the ground is much stronger than rock and soil. As long as he does n’t rush to run wild, the daily cultivation is more than enough.

“dīng líng líng !”

When he came to his yard, Baili Qingfeng hadn’t had time to take a bath, and his phone rang.

“It’s time to fight.”

Baili Qingfeng murmured, he connected the phone, and soon there was a somewhat heavy voice: “Chairman Baili Qingfeng?”

“Prime Minister Yasuo?”

Baili Qingfeng heard that Prime Minister Yasuo’s tone was wrong, and asked, “What happened?”

“The plane to pick you up is already on the way … Can you please come to Hill’s Light immediately …”

Prime Minister Yasuo said gravely: “We have the latest news … The northern front of the Tien Shan War Zone belongs to the Space Passage that our Shia guards … It has fallen into a cavern of 1000 to 10000, rushing south and heading for Hill Light comes! “

“Tianyushan battlefield fell?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

He has not been to the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, but from the comparison of the Space Passage guarded by the 6th Army, it can be concluded that the Space Passage of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield is bound to be larger and more dangerous.

In order to defend this Space Passage, the northern front has a standing force of 300,000, and more than two-thirds are stationed outside the Space Passage.

But now, with such a powerful defense …

The Battlefield of Tianyu Mountain was lost?

“The first group army, the second group army, and the additional reinforcements totaled 2 20 troops. More than thousand thousand people died and more than thousand thousand people lost their contact and successfully retreated. Less than 40000 people …”

When Prime Minister Yasuo said this, his voice seemed to be a little condensed: “Chairman Baili Qingfeng, we, Shia, need your help!”

There was a plea in his tone, and even …

With a hint of despair!

Baili Qingfeng has met Prime Minister Yasuo. He is a very cheerful and enlightened Prime Minister. He always maintains an optimistic and positive attitude, which can make him feel involuntary in despair. It is difficult to imagine how bad the situation is!

“Is the light of the capital Hill !? I’ll be right there!”

Baili Qingfeng looked dignified.

“I know my request is very selfish, and the future potential of Chairman Baili Qingfeng is limitless … But Hill Light, there are more than 10000000 million people, Chairman Baili Qingfeng, I ask you, please!”

“It goes without saying that I will try to arrive within 2 hours!”

Baili Qingfeng finished talking and hung up.

Inside the room, Shi Yiyi seemed to hear the dignity of Baili Qingfeng’s tone, and could not help coming out of it. Someworriedly said, “Qingfeng, what happened?”

Baili Qingfeng took a look at Shiyi Yi, considering that this news could not be concealed at all, hesitated for a moment, he still said: “The Tian Pass Mountain Space Passage guarded by Sia Kingdom is falling, I need to go to help.”

“Tianyushan Space Passage falls !?”

Shi Yiyi startedled, and then quickly asked: “Is the cave man rushing out across Space Passage? How can the nearby guards let the cave man rush out? Have you asked how many cave people?”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head.


No matter what the reason, the 20 thousand 40000 garrison, the battle killed the thousand thousand, the missing thousand of the thousand, and the smooth retreat was less than 30000 …

They have done their best!

Baili Qingfeng went upstairs and dragged his own Storm Armor Battle Armor under the bed.


Began armor.

Shi Yiyi seems to feel the heavy mood of Baili Qingfeng, and now he doesn’t talk much anymore, just step forward: “Qingfeng, I’ll help you.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at her without refusing.

The Tianyu Mountain battlefield is located on the northern front, and the northern front is only 2 kilometers away from the light of the capital Hill. Even the Space Passage on the Tianyushan battlefield is less than 100 kilometers from the light of Hill.

300 kilometers …

At the speed of the cavemen, you can rush outside the city of Hill of Light, the capital of Shia, within a few hours.

He must be able to dress up the Battle Armor at the fastest speed and rush to the light of the hill, 1000 kilometers away.

only hope……

Have time to …

“dīng líng líng !”

The phone rang.

Baili Qingfeng had some inconvenience in piercing, Shi Yiyi immediately went to connect the phone.

“I’m Baili Qingfeng.”

“Qingfeng !? Hill Light called you?”

The voice of 2 grandfather Baili Changkong came from the mobile phone.


Baili Qingfeng responded solemnly.

The sound on the phone paused for a moment, and it took almost ten seconds for Baili Changkong’s voice to resound: “Qingfeng, next, no matter what choice you make, grandfather will support you, but before that, listen to me first I learned from Ms. Ke Ke that according to the Air Force investigation, the number of burrowers rushing out of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield has exceeded 40000, and there are still burrowers emerging from Space Passage continuously, waiting for 2 hours after Space Passage closed, I am afraid that the number of people in the cave will break through 50000 people, the strength of the cave people is undoubted! 50000 cave people, equivalent to 50000 Body Refining Grandmaster, not to mention that there must be high-level cave people in it! This is A terrorist army that the world ’s first power empire cannot gather together! You have great potential, unlimited achievements in the future, and even Xeon … may not be your end point! But if you go to the light of Hill this time, stick to the capital, Trapped in 50000 cavemen … you … “

Baili Changkong’s tone was lightly paused, and he finally spit out 3 words: “You will die!”

“Qingfeng …”

Shi Yiyi heard Baili Changkong’s solemn tone, and couldn’t help but make a depressing exclaim.


Baili Qingfeng said the word in his mouth …

Dead, it seemed far away from him.

But then, he thought of Wang Gang 2 years ago, and thought of every bit of growth along the way …

Dead, it seemed close to him again.

“Will it die …”

Let Baili Qingfeng go to deal with the cave people, let alone 4 50000, even if 6 70000, eight-nine 10000, as long as there is enough time, he is confident that he can consume humans with their physical strength and speed advantage.


If it is the light guarding the capital Hill …


It’s not empty words!

“So, Qingfeng, grandfather hope you can think clearly, go or not, but no matter what decision you make, grandfather will support you and understand you!”

“2 grandfather, just as Prime Minister Yasuo called me, he said, Hill Light, there are 10,000,000 people!”

Baili Qingfeng whispered softly.

Baili Changkong didn’t speak.

But he knows that according to the latest data obtained this year, the population of the capital, Hill of Light, has reached 1100.

“I have a good potential, I can be called a genius, and the potential is unlimited. If I guard the light of Hill, I may die there, but if all those who have the ability make the same choice at this moment, So, what about the Hill of Light 10,000,000 people? Once Hill of Light City breaks, ordinary civilians with 10000000 million hands without the power of a chicken are exposed to 4 50000 cruel and ruthless burrowers … where … will turn into A prison, right? “


Baili Changkong didn’t speak again, he knew that Baili Qingfeng already had the answer.

After a while, he said, “Good grandson, grandfather respects your choice. You are a dragon. Our True Dragon from Baili’s family, True Dragon, should be famous among the 8 famines, soaring through the Nine Heavens, grandfather is proud of you. Go, let those cavemen look at the true majesty of our True Dragon at Baili. “


(This plot 1st stage will end tomorrow night.)

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