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The capital of Shia, the light of Hill.

At this moment the entire Light of Hill has fallen into chaos.

Although the news of the fall of Tianyu Mountain, Prime Minister Yasuo and cabinet members immediately announced that they were in a state of emergency and martial law throughout the city, but it still could not stop the spread of chaos in the city.

Beating, smashing, robbing and other incidents are common on major streets, accompanied by screams, wailing, and rising flames of smoke.

At the same time, there are an unlimited number of cars driving on the street, and people want to escape from the light of Hill, and people on the roads and alleys are getting news that one one’s head out of fear The rushing crowd blocked Hill’s Light’s Main Street, and even those fire and emergency vehicles were blocked on the road.

This situation was not alleviated until a zero tolerance for the desperate mob was ordered above, which could be shot.

At this time, the Cabinet Conference Hall had already moved to the general operations command room, which had a total area of ​​1000 square meters. There were to-and-fro pedestrians everywhere. Each and everyone displays were hanging on the walls, showing the Air Force reconnaissance. All the data obtained are outside the command line, and there are still a large number of sections working together, which are extremely busy.

Yasuo stood in front of the big screen and put down the phone with some pain.

Duanmurui glanced at him and shook the head: “In this case, it doesn’t make any sense to have one more person and one less person, even the Level 9 Ruler, or even the Level 9 Ruler who has become a silver body, faces 10000. The assault front composed of burrow people is useless. Even if the top powerhouse is close, if you dare to rush into the battle and be surrounded by 10000 burrow people, you will still be besieged and killed. “

“I know……”

The Prime Minister Yasuo’s voice replied a bit hoarse: “But since I sit in this position, I need to be responsible to the people of Shia and do my best to convene any Strength that can be called to deal with the crisis at hand.”

Duanmurui sighed: “Captain Jonson almost abandoned the Heisenberg defense line and is leading 80000 troops of the First Army to Hill’s Light. He intends to lay out a line of defense in the Yandan Mountains 40 kilometers away from Hill’s Light. The troops sent by the local area are blocking … but because the time is too tight, they may start a war with the pioneers of the cavemen when they just arrived in the light of Hill … in other words, they will be able to build by then Fortifications … few. “

With the help of fortifications, the war between humans and cavemen can beat the casualties below 100. If the army led by Commander Jonson is attacked by the cavemen without defense …

“40000 … even 50000 … too much, really too much …”

Yasuo clenched his fists, but his hands were shaking.

10000 people in the caves will charge, and often 1,000,000 troops will be required to resist them. 4 50000 people in the caves …

That requires 4 5,000,000 troops!

The entire Shia mobilized all the troops in the country, and they could only make up more than 100 10000. Even if the emergency recruiting during the war is counted, when the veterans are formed to play, at best they can only mobilize 2,000,000 people.


The point is, will the cavemen give them so much time?

Hundreds of 10000 people from the caves rushed out of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield and were destroyed along the way. Currently, they are advancing towards the light of Hill with a speed of almost 60 kilometers per hour. From the battlefield to the light of the capital Hill To 300 kilometers, or 260 kilometers in a precise way … 4 hours, the pioneers of the cavemen will be soldiers.

“Are we … no reinforcements? The Tian Pass Mountain Space Passage collapsed and 4 50000 people from the burrow rushed out. After the destruction of our Sia Kingdom, it was bound to turn its frontiers to the Aurora Empire and the Aurora Kingdom, especially the Aurora Empire. They There are still 3 Space Passages in town. If these burrowers and the 2nd World burrowers should meet inside and outside, siege the 3 Space Passages they guard, and let the remaining 50000 burrowers also rush out. By then, the thousand thousand lands The cave people work together, and there is no force in the East Divine Continent that can resist it. Even the Aurora Empire is no exception. They don’t understand the reason.

Qi Xiaoyu, a member of the Kunwu team, couldn’t help asking.

As an ordinary player, she had no guts and qualifications to ask this question, but …

4 50000 The cave people’s army was under pressure. The pressure brought by the cave people made her lose her calmness, so she courageously asked them involuntarily.

“Reinforcement …”

Duan Murui took a look at Qi Xiaoyu. At this time, she didn’t have the heart to hold her accountable.

There may be reinforcements, but by no means now.

Even more profiting from somebody’s misfortune than reinforcements.

As for the so-called cold teeth of the Aurora Empire …

From the sudden accident of Commander Chu Ying and the others, to the fall of Tian Pass Mountain Space Passage, to the cave people who rushed out of Space Passage, they ignored both the Aurora Empire and the Chiyan Kingdom, as if there were targets and direct command. You can guess from the light of the hill of the capital, Hill …

Aurora Empire and these cavemen …

There is collusion!

There must be some unknown agreement between the two, so that this 2 4, or even thousand thousand cavemen, will become a sharp sword in the hands of the Aurora Empire, aimed at Sia Kingdom and killed.

Therefore, compared to the hope that the Aurora Empire sent troops to reinforce them, they would not thank him for their downfall.

“40000 … even the 50000 cavemen’s edge, no country can resist! Perhaps there is reinforcements, but … must be exhausted by our Sia Kingdom …

Duan Mu Rui slowly said.

At that time, no one knew if Shia had been beaten completely.

“At the moment, all we can do is to do our best … even if … the last drop of blood is exhausted!”


“Emperor, Sia Kingdom 20 40000 The garrison has been defeated. A total of 4 50000 cavemen have rushed out of Space Passage. The cavemen who have rushed out of Space Passage are guided by the black liquid ministry and are heading straight for the light of Hill ’s capital Hill Go! In order to guard the light of Hill, Shia ’s army will definitely fill in all, and when Shia ’s army is completely defeated, we will be able to enter Sia Kingdom under the pretext of saving Hia, on the one hand, the remaining cave People expelled to the Kingdom of Chiyan, on the other hand, just and honorable occupied Sia Kingdom, as easy as blowing off dust, to bring this powerful and prosperous country into the territory of our Aurora Empire! “

The battlefield of Tianyu Mountain is still in the heavily fortified fortress. Swordfish, with a look of surprise, kneels in front of the Aurora Emperor, and reports to him the latest progress of Sia Kingdom.

“Tianyushan plan is very smooth. It seems that there is no need to worry about the country of Xia.”

Aurora Emperor calmly said.

For this scene, it was no surprise.


There was not much joy on his face.

Sia Kingdom, is nothing, the demise of Sia Kingdom was already announced at the moment the Tien Shan plan was officially implemented, and the next crucial moment is related to whether the Aurora Empire can successfully sweep the East Divine Continent. Lay the foundations down to unify East Divine Continent.

“Our plan is not so clever. The Chiyan, Buck, and Moro countries should be able to guess that these burrow people are related to us. The next time is to truly test us. On the one hand, we We must ensure that the people in the black liquid department can control the army, and let them destroy the living strength of Sia Kingdom in 2 days, and further sweep the direction of the Red Flame Country. On the other hand, we also need to be Shadoman. Set traps, beat them, hurt them, and make them never dare to step into the East Divine Continent … “

The Emperor Aurora said this, looked up slightly, and looked in one direction: “In addition … As soon as the Tianshan Mountain plan is implemented, Zhao 4 should not be able to bear it. The net has been compiled, and they are waiting to be hooked. to catch everything in one net …… “

“The Emperor Shengming! The plan of Tianzhu Mountain is really a stone and a stone with four arrows! First, destroy Sia Kingdom, bring the territory of Sia Kingdom over 4 square kilometers into the territory of our Aurora Empire, and open up channels to invade the other 1000000 countries of the Knight Alliance. 5 Severely damaged Chiyan, and let the Chiyan kingdom suffer great vitality through this war. 2 It was buried in Blood Temple to completely dissolve the threat of Tianyu Mountain battlefield. Finally, even Zhao 3, a group of small insects that had been hidden in the dark, was able to be destroyed. We were crushed to death, the Emperor really did nothing! In just one blow, we completely cleared all the ghosts and puppets, and laid the foundation for the 4th generation of our unified East Divine Continent! “

Swordfish looked enthusiastically at Your Majesty, the enthusiasm was fiery.


This is the real high!

Moreover, countries such as the Heiya, Chiyan, and Bucks clearly understood this plan. There is still no way to stop it, and they can only watch what happens next.

Because everything is already in the expectation of the Lord.

He couldn’t help but think of Baili Qingfeng from Sia Kingdom. That Baili Qingfeng is said to be very thoughtful, so it is said to be inexhaustible?


Really ignorance of the world, let the ghosts dominate.

Baili Qingfeng’s ingenious strategy compared to the emperor’s whale swallowing the world, and laid the ambition of East Divine Continent’s future in one fell swoop, what difference is it?

Thinking of this, the swordfish couldn’t help but kneel down again, with a dumbfounding look: “How lucky I am to be able to follow the monarch and witness the monarch’s supremacy and domination of the Divine Continent!”

The Emperor Aurora glanced at the swordfish without speaking.

Thinking of that secret report, at this moment, his mind has completely shifted from Sia Kingdom to Zhao 4.

“Zhao 4 Zhao Jiansheng …”

East Divine Continent first powerhouse!

At this time, he will not only lay the foundation for the aurora empire to rule Divine Continent’s 10000th generation, but also use the Great Emperor Sword Technique to cut East Divine Continent to the first Xeon, and ascend to the throne of East Divine Continent Number One Person!

Emperor of East Divine Continent 1st Empire!

East Divine Continent first powerhouse!

a real man, when so!

“After Tianshan Mountain, I, Emperor Aurora, 睥睨 Divine Continent, first in ancient and modern, invincible!”

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