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“Crystal spar is really good.”

Baili Qingfeng used Chengjing spar. The last time he was distracted for several days, and the adaptation was completed in half a day. This efficiency made him more and more precious.

“Unfortunately, this spar originated from the precipitation of years and Faith. It takes intelligent life to uphold a certain Faith for several hundred years to complete the incubation … If Faith is not strong, the incubation time may be extended to nearly 100 years, In 1000 years, it even gave birth to failure, and lifespan has hundreds of years of intelligent life … It is none other than Holy Spirit, divine lifeform, Demi-God, True God, which is equivalent to a special product completely belonging to 1000nd World. “

Baili Qingfeng watched that there were only ten crystals in his hand …

You have to save a bit.

While Baili Qingfeng waited for Shouzhen to go out, Baili Changkong and Baili Tianxing, as well as the white clothed Sheng, Zhou Yun and the others who lived in Xia City, also came over.

The birth of a top powerhouse is no small matter.

In particular, the top powerhouse born of Sia Kingdom will affect Shia ’s international status. They must re-form their attitudes to Shia based on this change.

“Why did Guardian become a top powerhouse in a flash? He didn’t seem to have embarked on the path to Xeon.”

Baili Changkong said.

“Is it Small Void Technique !?”

White clothed Seung asked with some shock: “Small Void Technique can really help those who have not stepped into the path of Xeon to achieve Xeon !?”

Baili Qingfeng is not easy to explain to several people.

After all, the essence of divine essence is too small to be inseparable.

Taking into account the special situation of the true body, it is in line with the characteristics of Sun and Moon Furnace Technique, and Sun and Moon Furnace Technique has also been integrated into the Small Void Technique. At the moment: “Small Void Technique is indeed a contribution, but mainly The Senior has a deep foundation. He stopped for too long at the Level 9 Celestial stage. A little external help can trigger all these foundations, and successfully break through to the top powerhouse realm. “

“Small Void Technique! Really Small Void Technique !?”

Zhou Yun’s face was full of irresistible excitement.

Until now, Small Void Technique has been circulating from the temple of nothingness. It can help Level 9 powerhouse who has not stepped into the path of Xeon to achieve Xeon. However, although many people are enthusiastic about Small Void Technique, these Peak secrets will not necessarily Easy to teach, there are very few forces who have learned this method at present, and they are in the hands of Heaven’s Mystery Building and Thunderbolt Sect, who have the best relationship with Baili Qingfeng. These people have not been able to obtain this Peak inheritance for too short a time. Getting started with Small Void Technique cultivation, let alone trying to borrow the Small Void Technique to achieve the strongest.

In this case, the original force of Small Void Technique was attached, and the forces who wished to lose their home to exchange for Small Void Technique became hesitant, and intended to wait until the news was fully confirmed before acting.

And now…

Under the eyes of all, the faithfulness of the kingdom of Hea performed such miracles in their presence.

“Although the fidelity is the Celestial at the pinnacle of Level 9, and the background can also be called strong, but in today’s World, the number of the Level 9 powerhouse is 100 than that of his strong, especially those whose title Level 9 has already polished its Strength to the extreme. As a matter of fact, I chose to study the Legendary Sword Technique. Compared to the knowledge of these people at the Level 9, what is the so-called rich accumulation of fidelity? “

Zhou Yun’s eyes gradually became feverish.

Looking at Baili Qingfeng, he organized the language a little, said solemnly: “Qingfeng Sect Master, our Myriad Realms firm has a secret inside the glorious empire. According to his investigation, the amount of superb gold collected in the glorious empire has reached an astonishing amount. 104 copies! “

“104 copies !?”

Baili Qingfeng startled: “So much?”

No matter the mirror mountain, the aurora empire, or the steel empire, there are only twenty-thirty copies of the first-class gold. ?

This number has almost reached the sum of the first-class gold that he has cultivated so far.

“The glorious empire is the oldest World hegemon. It plundered and plundered the wealth of the entire World 100 years ago. 104 are first-class gold, only a lot. If the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master needs it, we can launch that dark child and let At the risk of exposure and sacrifice, he stole these 104 superb golds for Baili Qingfeng Sect Master and gave them to Qingfeng Sect Master. “

Zhou Yun said cautiously.

104 first-class gold …

I have to say that Baili Qingfeng is very emotional.

If he can get these first-rate gold, Half-Step Legend will be completely immune to his attacks, even if the damage of Legendary’s life can offset a large part.

However, his character and character do not allow him to let others steal things from another country at the expense of his own life.

At the moment Baili Qingfeng shook the head: “No need.”

“Qingfeng Sect Master?”

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

He has not yet proposed that Baili Qingfeng will use the Small Void Technique in exchange for these 104 superb gold coins. Why …

“This … Qingfeng Sect Master, we really have a way to steal the 104 superb golds. If it is Qingfeng Sect Master …”

Zhou Yun was a little reconciled.

“I don’t need it anymore. I plan to find a brilliant empire to trade at that time.

Baili Qingfeng said.

He has more than 6000 kg of Blood God Steel. Blood God Steel, as divine gold, is not worth much less than first-class gold. With this treasure and the glorious empire, I believe they will not refuse.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng unmoved, Zhou Yun had to temporarily hold the urgency of Small Void Technique in his heart.

It really doesn’t work …

He can also think of ways in Heaven’s Mystery Building.

The market constant of Heaven’s Mystery Building recently stayed at Thunderbolt Sect for a while, and has already traded from Baili Changkong to Small Void Technique. Despite the promise that Baili Qingfeng will not spread, but …

They do not practice Small Void Technique, but only let the market constant take the part of Small Void Technique about how to break through to the top powerhouse, and then add their own ideas, claiming to be the exercises created by themselves, naturally they are not considered to be Baili Qingfeng Small Void Technique leaked.

With this idea, Zhou Yun did not force it anymore.

Soon, the entire group was leaving.

But Baili Changkong and Baili Tianxing 2 stayed.

In another room, Baili Changkong frowns asked: “Qingfeng, although the Small Void Technique can help people break through and promote the effect of top powerhouse, but it needs to be strong to the extreme strength of blood, leaning on the Body Refining lineage, faithful Senior’s situation, I know, it ’s not just Qi Refining Celestial, but he is too old, and his blood is dying. He really relied on the Small Void Technique to break the 桎梏 achievement to the strongest? “


Baili Qingfeng naturally does not hide from Baili Changkong.

His gaze looked a little at himself 2 grandfather …

The 2 grandfather Baili Changkong who cultivated a leak-free true body not only has a spirit state, but also has a significant improvement in body function under the condition of a leak-free true body.

Right now he was assured nodded: “I asked Shouzhen Senior to take a portion of the true essence of divine essence.”

“Really divin essence?”

Baili Changkong is a bit puzzled. Obviously, even if he has now become a Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master, his vision has increased a lot compared with all previous ones, but the true essence of divine essence still exceeds his cognitive limit.


Baili Qingfeng organized the language a bit: “It is a precious heavenly materials earthly treasures.”


Baili Changkong nodded.

Baili Qingfeng can come up with some Supreme Treasure that helps the Senior Senior to re-energize Qi and blood, but he also understands it.

Even the Legendary beastly man and the Legendary Holy Spirit were beheaded by him, and it is not strange that there is a special treasure in his hand.

Go back and check to see what it really is.

“2 grandfather, after you have refined the internal force, you might as well stop a bit and try to master your Strength, and when you can accurately master your soaring Strength, I will also give you a true essence of Divinity.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

According to the true observation of the guard, he has found that taking the true essence of the essence, the Legendary life can ensure 10000 nothing, but if the life below Legendary can accurately control the within the body Strength, the risk can also be greatly reduced.

“The true essence of divinity that breaks through to the top powerhouse …”

Baili Changkong heard Baili Qingfeng’s words, and couldn’t help but sigh: “I thought it was possible to condense the true body and step into the land. True Immortal realm is already a Great Destiny. I don’t want to be able to achieve Xeon in the future … “

“Not just 2 grandfather, so is my uncle, but it depends on your cultivation.”

Baili Qingfeng also spoke to Baili Tianxing.

The so-called cultivation situation is mainly aimed at his cultivation Innate Talent.

If the uncle ’s future cultivation can still erupt, letting people see that he hopes to achieve Demi-God by his own efforts, Baili Qingfeng will naturally not use the true essence of divine essence on him, so as not to ruin his future.

But if he ca n’t even break through the top powerhouse by himself …

Might as well let him refine the divine essence early.

Not only him, but also Shiyi, Baili Bamboo, and his relatives.

“Qingfeng, then I thank you first.”

Baili Tianxing was a little excited.

He didn’t dare to expect the real Divine essence in the hands of Baili Qingfeng to keep him straight into Xeon, but as long as he can be strengthened to Level 9, that is also a first-class master who looks at the World. Compared to a few years ago, even Grandmaster Realm was a little dare With imaginary situations, what is more successful?

After some communication, Baili Qingfeng sent 2 grandfather and 2 uncles out.

Watching 2 people leave in the grove, Baili Qingfeng did not return immediately, but was waiting for something quietly.

After a while, a silhouette appeared silently.

It was Zhang Qingshan.


“It’s all right over the lab.”

“There is nothing abnormal, but … a trace of anomaly was found during the investigation, but it has not been determined at this time. We will report it to the Lord after a period of time.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded and handed him a thing: “This is the essence of Legendary’s blood. You should know what it does. By taking it, you can have a powerful strength in a short time, but it is equivalent to killing yourself. The future, therefore, whether or not to use it, you decide. “

After that, he turned and left.

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