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“The essence of Legendary blood!”

Zhang Qingshan looked at the back of Baili Qingfeng turning away, his eyes were a little red.

Legendary blood essence!

That is what makes Tibet Mu such a Ranked Second Powerhouse as the World Xeon List desperately for, and Baili Qingfeng ……

Just give it to him! ?

Except for letting him look at the lab in Bikini Basin, don’t ask for anything in return!

Zhang Qingshan looked at the Legendary blood in his hand, and firmly held it in his hand, as if it had a weight of 1000 jun.

He disregarded Baili Qingfeng, who had disappeared, and then knelt down in the woods: “Master … I have limited Zhang Qingshan ability, and all I can do is bow!”

After that, I stunned to the end!

Then stood up and resolutely turned away.


Prime Minister Yasuo’s efficiency is fast.

It took only 1000 days for the 2 people on the Void Knight group to arrive at Xinghui Garden outside the Blue Lake.

Xinghuiyuan itself is positioned as a large high-end community, consisting of ten or two dozen middle-level buildings and dozens of villas, and it is not difficult to accommodate 2 people.

Of the 1000 people, half of them are in the Aurora Empire. There are 300 members in the countries of Heia and Knight Alliance, and the remaining 2 people are from around the world.

And those high-level martial artists are the main martial artists from all over the world. Among them, there are more than 40 Level 9 powerhouses, 80% from all over the world.

When these people arrived at Xinghuiyuan, they thought they could be trained by Baili Qingfeng in person, and even waited for good performance. They were fancy by the characters who started a Legendary era, and they were accepted as disciples. Small Void Technique, but after a few days, Baili Qingfeng didn’t show up at all, and let them continue cultivation and leave it alone.

In this scene, those Middle Level martial artists didn’t say anything. They moved out the training regulations of the Void Temple, but those High Level martial artists couldn’t sit still. Each and everyone tried every way to find out the relationship and want to understand. Baili Qingfeng summoned their purpose.

However, what they didn’t know was that this scene was seen by Baili Qingfeng in full.

Although others are in the courtyard on the other side of the Qingyuan Mountain, under the mysterious “television”, all their actions are exposed to his vision.

By careful observation, he directly cleared those who were impatient, clever, and unscrupulous.

After excluding these people, there are fewer than 300 people who deserve the attention of Baili Qingfeng.

Among the remaining 2 100 people, those who are old, those who have exhausted their potential, and those who have rigid thinking, were once again excluded by Baili Qingfeng, and only 100 people left for him to choose from.

Of course, these choices were made in secret and no one knew.

Many people even think that Baili Qingfeng devoted his time and energy to cultivation. After all, within three or four days after the 1000 people of the Void Temple arrived, he never stepped into the courtyard where he lived.

Actually, it’s true to say that Baili Qingfeng the past few days are in retreat.

He has always been a pragmatist. It is better to use the ten clear crystal stones as soon as possible to turn them into his own strength.

This is what he did in a few days.

Although it took only 3 or 4 days, Ke Chengjing’s spar was consumed by him again, and the corresponding 2 spirits just separated quickly grew up. Although they have not reached the tenth level of equivalent to Refining Spirit, they have also disappeared. Not far.


“Constantine, Miro, Winder.”

Baili Qingfeng was standing on the balcony protected by a solid stainless steel anti-theft net, with these 3 names in his mouth.

He has some accidents.

didn’t expect God’s incarnation Miro was actually a member of his vanity Knight group, and also participated in this special selection.

You know, when returning from Crypt World, he also met Miro and Constantine.

“Although the two of them were a little unexpected among the remaining 2 people, but … in all respects, they passed the assessment, especially Miro … I feel that his personality has changed a lot …”

Baili Qingfeng observes.

At this time, he seemed to see something, thought for a moment, and went downstairs.

Before long, Baili Tianxing took a group of 3 people to the outside of the courtyard: “Qingfeng.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, his eyes fell on the 3 people behind him.

One of these three women, an old man, he had all seen on the way back to Xiyanzhou when he stepped on Pingjing Mountain.

Karan State Princess Zhang Silvia, and his steward Matthew.

“A few of my friends said that they would like to meet you if they had something … I don’t know if you have time.”

Baili Tianxing looked awkwardly at Baili Qingfeng.

At the same time, he also added: “When I was out and about, Zhou Peng saved my life.”

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the Grandmaster with the lowest cultivation base among the 3 people, and it was estimated that it was Zhou Peng.

Perceiving Baili Qingfeng’s gaze, Zhou Peng was somewhat restrained and saluted: “I’ve seen the Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Baili Qingfeng already understood the relationship between the three at a glance.

It must be that Silvia and Matthew found Zhou Peng, and based on the relationship between Zhou Peng and Baili Tianxing, let Baili Tianxing take them to see themselves.

Considering Zhou Peng’s life-saving grace for Baili’s heavenly travel, Baili Qingfeng nodded: “Please come in.”

With several people in the living room.

Soon after arriving in the living room, Zhou Peng had an excuse to talk to Baili Tianxing to leave for a while, and Baili Qingfeng set his sights on Silvia and Matthew again: “I know the reason why you came to me, but, I’m not at all involved in the internal affairs of the Iron Empire. “

“Qingfeng Sect Master has been thinking more. We are here for 2 things. One thing, I hope to join the imaginary Knight group under your seat at Qingfeng Sect Master and become a member of the Knight group.”

Silvia said with a slight smile.

She wore a light blue shoulder-length dress, exposing a white collarbone, full of dignity and elegance.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at her …

Land True Immortal!

This cultivation base, naturally, has joined the Void Knight group, and then …

“It’s hard for you to find such an uncle Baili Tianxing in such a big circle, and take over a kind of favor from Zhou Peng that he owes. With this kind of favor, I can promise you to let you join the vanity Knight group, but you I can’t guarantee whether it will survive the final review. “

Baili Qingfeng calmly said.

“Many thanks Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Silvia gave a slight gift.

“No need to.”

“In addition to this, we have one thing that we want to contribute to the Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Sylvia took a volume from Matthew: “With the growing influence of Qingfeng Sect Master, how to turn this influence into strength has become a Qingfeng Sect Master. You are imminent. Questions to consider, from the fact that the Qingfeng Sect Master has intentionally really trained his own Knight group, it can be seen that the Qingfeng Sect Master should be aware of this, but … maybe the Qingfeng Sect Master has the means to cultivate a group of real powerhouses, but to Make sure that, like other ancient forces, the subordinates cultivated are loyal and loyal, but there are not many days left, so you have to use a special method. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Silvia.

With the essence of Legendary’s blood in his hands, it is not difficult to train a group of top powerhouse-level subordinates in a short time.

But it is undeniable that when these people are trained, how to ensure that they can unite with themselves and execute their orders intact is very problematic.

Otherwise, once these people get out of their control and become evil …

He is the culprit for all this.

“What method do you have?”

“Qingfeng Sect Master should know that the ancient forces often use various methods to select those martial artists who have Innate Talent, and then control them subtly with the technique of Refining Spirit. So, as fast as one or two years, slower Then 2-3 years will surely make these people fearless for their own interests … “

“Do you want me to use this method to control the rest of the Void Knights?”

Baili Qingfeng expressionlessly said.

Sylvia looked at Baili Qingfeng. Although his expression did not change at all, for some reason she had a kind of thriller in her heart for no reason. It seemed that if she really answered that way, there would be terrifying results.

Now she hurriedly said, “Of course not.”

She handed over the book that Matthew received from her: “This method, named Records of Numerous Stars, was the High School of His Highness the Prince when my father happened to save His Highness the Prince by coincidence. As a gift, Records of Numerous Stars is the most Peak’s technology of cultivation in the empire of stars. The cultivation is the ultimate … can make people gather Divine Kingdom and achieve True God! “

“Consolidate Divine Kingdom and make True God !?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes immediately fell on this volume.

“This book is True God inheritance?”

True God!

Those who have not witnessed True God Divine Power in person will never know the power of True God!

At least, that’s definitely a realm far beyond the reach of Baili Qingfeng.

Even if he perfected the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, and comprehend out of the field, and then resonated the strength of life, cohesion, and heart power into the Legendary realm, he did not have the confidence to face the powerful Strength!

And now…

A Karan duchy’s Princess Zhang actually came up with a book of True God inheritance! ?

If this volume of True God inheritance is true, it is definitely a copy of World unique and unmatched today.

Looking at Baili Qingfeng with a moving face, Silvia’s pretty face finally regained some confidence, and the words were chic: “In a certain level, it is a True God inheritance.”

“Some level !?”


Silvia was nodded, with a touch of ease and fascination in her eyes: “The Records of Numerous Stars of the Empire of the Stars are somewhat similar to the Great Emperor Sword Technique of the Aurora Empire, but the transmission and preciousness are far from being comparable to the Great Emperor Sword Technique. This method originates from a Mysterious Land that was born some 10000 years ago-the astral world. Anyone who is successful in cultivation records of Numerous Stars in the world will light up a star in the ‘astral world’. Continuously cultivated, the starlight of his star will gradually brighten, until one day, starlight is powerful enough to completely control the ‘star world’, at that time, he will condense the power of all starlight in the Star Condensation world for his own use, carrying 100000000 10000 Stars Strength , Board divine throne and make great Great Divinity! “

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