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“en! ?”

When Baili Qingfeng packed up and took Xiaozhu to go out to the hotel lobby, there were already a lot of people in the lobby, and there was also a face he was quite familiar with.

“Mr. Baili, they have been missing for a while.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng come down, the familiar face greeted him.

“Kassan Knight.”

Baili Qingfeng was nodded to him.

“I haven’t seen him for a while, Mr. Baili’s style is still … no, it’s better than before. The entire Titan City has attracted attention from all over the world because of the true divine essence brought by Mr. Baili.”

Kazan smiled.

But his smile was a bit complicated.

Originally, he and Baili Qingfeng were separated because he wanted to let him feel the hardship that he could not walk without aristocratic status, so that he could come to the door to work for himself, and as a result did n’t expect ……

Within ten days, Baili Qingfeng had already moved around the city. Even Aden Young Patriarch heard about his name and asked him to come and visit him.

“you flatter me.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Mr. Baili, let me introduce you. This is the Aden Young Patriarch of our Black Crystal family.”

Cassane’s figure led to the appearance of a man in his 30s who looked behind him.

“Mr. Baili, nice to meet you.”

Aden greeted with a smile: “I heard that Mr. Baili is a person in the barren world. It is an honor for us to come to the Alfonso Kingdom. It is a bit of a curiosity to live in this hotel as Mr. Baili. There is a manor house outside Titan City, and it is a gift to meet with Mr. Baili as a gift to meet Mr. Baili. “

Meet the manor?

Baili Qingfeng stunned …

Very local.


“Mr. Yading’s kindness was brought to my heart. I stayed in the hotel, and I still have food here, and there are people who help with hygiene every day. When I go to the manor, eating is a problem, and hygiene is a problem … Plus I’m going back soon, and I don’t need to occupy a manor for nothing. “

Aden drew a little from the corner of his mouth: “This … Mr. Baili, there are 100 people in the manor, and which is included 6 chefs … they are any specialty dishes in Mastery in China …”

To the manor and the chef?

Should the chef pay a salary?

100 people! ?

How much is the monthly salary?

Can’t afford to afford.

Baili Qingfeng shook his head again and again: “No, it’s really unnecessary.”

Having said that, without continuing to speak to the Aden Young Patriarch, he immediately said: “I will be accompanied by Laukassan Knight along the way, or I will invite you to dinner. You can choose any shop you like.”

Cassan Knight glanced at Aden, and Aden opened the mouth and said: “Mr. Baili is a guest, or I’ll come and invite.”

“No, no, I want to thank Cassane Knight for how you can treat you.”

Baili Qingfeng is a bit resolute.

Aden glanced at Kassan Knight, and finally he had to say, “Then I would thank many Mr Baili.”

After speaking, he also said to Aden: “Can the Rose Garden have a seat?”

“of course.”

Aden answered with a smile.

Now the entire group boarded the waiting carriage and headed for the Rose Garden.

The Rose Garden has an elegant environment, consisting of 8 independent yards, each of which can host a group of guests, and each of the staff responsible for service is a unique young girl.

Baili Qingfeng followed Aden and the others into the Rose Garden. Just looking at the carefully planted flowers and elegant surroundings all around, a heart was cold.

How much does a meal cost in such a place?

And when he saw the prices of those foods on the menu, his corners of the mouth were even slightly drawn.

Aden is still a familiar cook, ordering dishes with a smile, as if he is the master.

After he finished ordering the dishes, Baili Qingfeng silently calculated …

462 Gold Coin!

Money converted to their World …

At least 40 60000!

It’s bleeding!

Baili Qingfeng came to this World for more than 20 days, and it took less than 100 Gold Coins. When he left, a meal spent more than half of the total Gold Coins he brought …

For a moment, he took a deep look at Aden and came to a conclusion …

“This child must not be deep!”

Baili Qingfeng for a meal is like chewing wax, which costs 40. Due to the difference in taste, he has not yet felt how delicious these things are.

“Haha, it turns out that Aden and Qingfeng are here.”

Baili Qingfeng and the others half eaten, a hearty voice came from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, Linde and Lin Lin, as well as Angele and Nanxiu came in from outside.

For a time, Aden, a nobleman of the Kingdom of Alfonso, stood up and saluted slightly: “His Royal Highness.”

“No need to be polite. I’m not here to invite you.

Linde said, his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng: “Qingfeng will not be welcome?”

Considering that Linde took him into the Chamber of Commerce in Jatherine and accompanied him for a few days, even if the store was really expensive, it was so expensive that he worried that the remaining 800 Gold Coins were not enough to pay the bill, But with a smile on his face, he replied with a smile: “His Highness Linde is willing to come, I am welcome, and it happened that the past few days many thanks, His Highness Linde took care of him, and asked His Highness Linde to have a meal as a thank you.”

“Thank you for being me. I have been specially entrusted by President Yasselin to thank you Qingfeng.”

“Thank me?”

Baili Qingfeng startled.

“Yes, Qingfeng, you should know that for a Chamber of Commerce, the most important thing is fame and credibility. Only fame and credibility will go out, and people will trust you in this Chamber of Commerce. Qingfeng, you as a Half-Step Legend , But generously put a true divination essence in the Chamber of Commerce for sale, how much trust does this have to the Catherine Chamber of Commerce? In addition, the true divine essence in this Supreme Treasure news, only Waiting for a while to ferment, I am afraid that it will be able to make a sensation in the north, and even the name of the Chamber of Commerce with Jatherine will become known to everyone. “

Linde said with a smile on her face: “As one of the shareholders of Jasselin’s Chamber of Commerce, I, and everyone in Jasselin’s Chamber of Commerce, should thank you well.”

“No need, we just get what we need, and I get the crystals I need from the Jaslin Chamber of Commerce.”

“Thanks are still necessary, otherwise we are a little unhappy. It just so happens that Qingfeng does not need clear crystals. We still have 22 clear crystals in our royal collection. We will give these 22 clear crystals to Qingfeng. You, as a thank you for your kind publicity for our Chamber of Commerce in Jasselin. “

Linde said with a smile.

Next to him, Lin Lin had already taken a box, and inside it was one after another valuable crystal.

“22 clear crystals!”

Aden, listening, couldn’t help but suddenly shrink.

Although his manor is not small in size and geographical location, if you really want to use Gold Coin to calculate it, it will be around 1,000,000 at best.

And the 22 clear crystals that Linde took out …

Reaching an amazing 10000 3,000 taels 100 God Gold Coin!

If you want to exchange Gold Coin for God Gold Coin, you have to open at least 10000 to one, or even 10000 to one. From this we can see that the man-made manor and the 22 clear crystal stones in Linde ’s hands are different. To what extent.

You know, a large lord of the Equivalent to Duchy level, without calculating the value of the land, all the net worth is 5 to the hundred thousand god Gold Coin.

“This … this thank you gift is too valuable.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“But compared to your help to our Jatherine Chamber of Commerce, it can’t be considered. With your ad of true essence essence, Jesselin Chamber of Commerce will probably become all businessmen in the next few years. The topics we talk about are remarks. Even the Peak family, who is standing on the top of the Northland, will remember our Jatherine Chamber of Commerce in our hearts. This is not important to the future development of Jatherine Chamber of Commerce. It goes without saying. “

Linde looked at Baili Qingfeng with a sincere face: “Qingfeng, if you recognize me as a friend, please accept it.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the crystal clear crystal in Lin Lin’s hands.

Although this time in the Alfonso Kingdom tour, he received a total of 79 clear crystals, which are more than enough for the cultivation before the Legendary stage. However, no clear crystal is a treasure that has a great benefit to the Refining Spirit cultivation. Will be too few.

Besides, when he reaches the Legendary stage, in order to increase the number of spirits to 99, he still needs to spend a lot of clear crystals. Now it is safe to prepare more.

Thinking of this, after all, Baili Qingfeng came forward and took over the clear crystal spar in Lin Lin’s hand: “Then I would like to thank Many Highness Linde.”

“Haha, that’s right.”

Linde smiled cheerfully: “I really want to thank me, just play for a while in Titan City, so that I can do all the landlord friendship.”

“No, I have been out for a long time, and I should go back when I buy something.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“No more games?”

“Well, I came to the Alfonso Kingdom at this time, and I realized that I was weak, so I planned to go back and retreat.”

Baili Qingfeng said cautiously.

Linde was about to save it, but for a moment it seemed like something had come to mind, and said suddenly: “Well, what would you like to buy for a while and let Lin Lin take you to buy it, she is very familiar with Titan City.”

“Qingfeng, want to buy something and tell me, or I can recommend it to you.”

Lin Lin tilted her head and looked at Baili Qingfeng, smiling sweetly at him.

Baili Qingfeng didn’t want to trouble others, just considering that many shops in Titan City could not enter without aristocratic status. It would be a lot more convenient if Lin Lin was there, so he nodded: “That would be trouble.”

A meal was eaten intermittently for more than an hour, and then it gradually dissipated.

Aden did not stay with Baili Qingfeng during that time, just smiled and waved goodbye to him.

Baili Qingfeng strolled for an hour, bought something, and separated from Lin Lin, who was so enthusiastic that he could not bear.

But before leaving, he sent Lin Lin a small box with a Purple-gold Card and 4 Gold Cards.

After doing this, Baili Qingfeng and Xiaozhu returned from the city with a full load, and took back the fosterary Legendary bird puppet, which also fixed a small house on the back. It rose into the sky when it was getting dark and headed towards Duchy .

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