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Blood orchid duchy.

As a relatively weak duchy, this country’s big and small lords obviously have no courage to fight against the star empire.

Even if the Empire of Stars only has 40000 troops, it is not worth mentioning that the blood orchid duchy mobilizes more than 10000 troops. It can be defeated and beheaded by the commander of the 4 neutral organizations. When the front arrived, the big and small lords all looked down.

But half a month, the blood orchid duchy has fallen back to his successor Duke.

Of course, due to the current instability in the country, military affairs are temporarily managed by Legendary.

At this moment, in a city only 40 kilometers from the Space Gate, Yingwo was turning over the latest news from behind.

“The Old Guy in Saitamayama actually successfully killed the god of the night, the God of Wind, which is a great contribution, and he actually bought a true divin essence !?”

Looking at these materials, Yingchao frowned suddenly. For a moment, his eyes fell on an old man with a Half-Step Legend cultivation base in front of him: “Wei Yan, this news is true? It really can help others to make it. The true essence of Demi-God? ”

“At that time, the true essence of Divine Essence appeared in the Chamber of Commerce of Jatherine in Titan City, the capital of Alfonso. In order to show that the true Divine Essence was true, the auctioneer specifically inspired the Divine Power contained in the Real Divine Essence. At this point, dozens of auctioneers of the Chamber of Commerce of Jatherine at the time could prove that they and each of them had a good status, and they came from all over the world. They would not cooperate with Jatherine Chamber of Commerce to guide and perform a scam. “

David Flame Dao.

“Earl Saitama Earl is one of the backbone of the lords. If it wasn’t for his father’s 1000 brilliant ‘sword of brilliance’ to escape from the call to return to Middle-earth, he should now be called the Marquis of Saitama, but also It was precisely because his father had not participated in the Divine War for decades that he could survive and become one of the top ten Legendary of the Star Empire! If you get this true essence of Divine Essence again, use the ‘Brilliant Sword’ 1000 With a deep understanding, eight-nine can take the opportunity to break through to Half Divinity Realm. At that time, not only the lifespan will be greatly extended, but its influence in the empire of stars will also be as the tide rises, the boat floats. The heroes in the pie. “

Legendary apprehensively worried.

The entire star empire is currently divided into three sects, that is, many lords with territories that are almost kings of mountains, orthodox royalists who guard the Imperial Family, and temples formed by many clergy around the temple of the field.

These three sects are still competing under the circumstance that the six great kingdoms of the outside world have publicly rebelled, which is called internal trouble and outside aggression.

Legendary Yingyou is one of the royalists.

“Although the lord lord has many people, Peak’s existence is always worse than ours. If it really allows the ‘Brilliant Sword’ 1000 break to break through … the situation on both sides may be reversed.”

Ying-wook said with a long sigh, “If only the true essence of divine essence fell to our royalists, we have a few Legendary in this lineage, the title of” brilliant sword “. If they can get the true divine The essence of Demi-God’s essence will be able to completely overthrow the lords and put the power in the hands of Your Majesty. At that time, the 10000 people in the empire will be able to suppress the rebellion of the 6 kingdoms with the force of sweeping the cave. “

Wei Yan knew this was a luxury in his Lord’s mind.

In fact, there are still people in the temple. Even if the royalists have another Demi-God, they may not be able to completely suppress the lords and put their power under the hands of Your Majesty.

“It’s been half a month since the army entered the barren land, haven’t Youying uprooted those forces?”

“At present, the gates of the several forces have been completely broken by the Young Master, but those forces have turned into darkness and hid in 4 places. The Young Master arrived at the barren realm, his life was unfamiliar, and the difficulty of the expedition increased a lot.”

“I didn’t let him directly order those countries in the barren world to send Strength to search for the Four Great Influences? The superiors must be able to take good measures and use their strengths. Do you not understand this?”

“There is also a lot of chaos in the wasteland, which makes Young Master a little bit shackled.”


Glittering eyes fell on Wei Yan: “That Shia country?”

“The Kingdom of Hea is one reason. There is also a steel empire that was breached by the cavemen. Even the gods of the cavemen projected their eyes on this World and sent several Holy Spirits. The news is that the number of Holy Spirits has reached eight. “

“8 Holy Spirit !?”

Bewildered with some emotion: “What do these cave men’s gods want?”

“Young Master is also a little confused and is investigating.”

Glittering nodded: “It looks like our gods in the north have been depressed for a while, and these gods in the cave people have become very impatient.”

Wei Yan didn’t answer.

For 1000 years, the gods of the cave people have been suppressed by the gods of the north. Who dares to come forward and shoot directly?

Some shrines even go to the Grotto People’s World every once in a while to collect resources and raise the Grotto people as leeks.

But now…

“Wait a minute!”

At this time, Yingying seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly confronted Flame Dao: “According to the news from Youying, he did not attack Sia Kingdom because Sia Kingdom has a existence called True God Nothing? This true Nothing True God’s existence has slayed several Legendary records and surrendered a Legendary bird? “

“Yes, that’s right. In addition to the Legendary bird, there is also a Legendary powerhouse. Because these two people exist, the Young Master is unwilling to take root.”

“True God …”

Yinghao quickly looked at the various materials on the table. Soon, he had turned the materials to one of the pages and pointed to the name above: “Baili Qingfeng!”

“Baili Qingfeng?”

Wei Yan was lightly startled, and then guessed something, and the pupils suddenly shrank: “According to the news from the back, the seller who brought out the true essence of divin essence is called Baili Qingfeng! And … is just from Wasteland! “

“Youying’s information has also been said, that nothingness True God Baili Qingfeng has come to our bi-monthly experience …”

Yingcong’s eyes gradually lighted up: “The person who sells the true essence of divin essence is Baili Qingfeng, and Baili Qingfeng comes from the barren world, and his identity is exactly that void God and Demon …”

Wei Yan also understood the meaning of his Lord, and his breathing was a little quick: “Maybe the so-called God and Demon is the inheritance he got! He found a divine corpse and got True God inheritance, so that in the barren world Waiting for the environment, Shengsheng cultivated to the point where he could defeat Legendary with the Half-Step Legend cultivation base! And he also extracted the true essence of divine essence from the divine corpse! “

“A divine corpse, it is impossible to extract only one true divine essence!”

Bewildered with words.

“Even if he has taken those true essences of divine essence, as long as the true essence of divine essence has not been thoroughly digested, we can still use the method of pill concocting to extract the strength of true essence of divine essence!”

David Flame Dao.

Yingchao suddenly stood up: “Come! Gather my dear, go straight into the country of Shia! Anyone who is the country of Shia and Baili Qingfeng has a great relationship, and in the recent cultivation base, the strangely soaring people are captured! In addition, please come to Lei Lun , He has a way to detect whether someone has taken Peak Supreme Treasure, and what kind of Peak it is! “

“Lord, there is a candidate in the information from the Young Master! Hias, the name is true! Level 9 was only a month ago, and has now reached Half-Step Legend, and the Young Master also mentioned in the news, in Its within the body contains an amazing Strength! “

Wei Yan reported immediately.

“Damn, I should have thought of it! Go! Capture the truth first! No! Anyone who is related to Baili Qingfeng and whose cultivation base is not growing normally won all!”

After Yingyue finished speaking, he quickly put on the Battle Armor and immediately picked up his sword.

“Lord, we should immediately contact our staff to rush to Titan City at the fastest speed, and hold Baili Qingfeng in our hands. I believe that the lords will certainly do the same. If it is not Saitama Earl, we must give priority to escorting the true divine. Essence of essence left, I’m afraid he had already attacked Baili Qingfeng when Titan City. “

Wei Yan quickly reminded.

“You’re right! I’ve been watched by the God of Justice and can’t enter his Divine Kingdom anymore, you go to communicate with the liaison person in the station, please ‘Master Son of the Plateau’ Yi Master to capture Baili Qingfeng!”

Ying confused told Wei Yan, but he was outside the room himself, and immediately dispatched troops.

For a while, the 3000 elite and 40000 soldiers from Blood Orchid Duchy stationed on the side of the Space Gate quickly mobilized and were ready to go.

“Lord, there was news from the liaison. The target character Baili Qingfeng had left Titan City a day ago. According to the situation, he would return to the barren realm. In addition … according to the information they received, there were Sarah and Heiqi 2 High Level Legendary went to capture him and asked him about the true essence of Divine Essence, but the two High Level Legendarys died, but Baili Qingfeng was safe and sound, and the whole body retreated. Intelligence personnel speculated that a Demi-God was standing behind him!

Yingyu was convening soldiers and horses, and Wei Yan, who had just come out of Divine Kingdom, the god of justice, hurried to catch up.

“Demi-God !”

These two words shocked Yingchao’s heart.

But soon he thought about it again: “It can’t be Demi-God. According to the battle strength of Baili Qingfeng, he should not be inferior, maybe he is not inferior to High Level Legendary, use sneak attack, or take advantage of 2 people. It is entirely possible for Bei Qi to kill Hei Qi and Sarah … I remember information that Baili Qingfeng is called the first assassin in the barren world? “

“Lord wise!”

“High Level Legendary …”

I couldn’t wait to catch the true and the others in the last second, and the enchantment of Dan Dan suddenly stopped, and his eyes flickered for a while.

He himself is a High Level Legendary!

Although it is difficult for him to imagine how only Baili Qingfeng of Half-Step Legend killed two High Level Legendary, there is a lesson from Sara and Heiqi who can’t help but care.

After thinking for a long time, he finally stopped the pace of intending the army to invade the barren realm: “Since we have not yet conflicted with Xia, there is no possibility of beating the grass to scare the snake … Zhao Youying is back, we will not move the troops first, and please Yi Master came at full speed, and when Yi Master arrived, he was able to capture it with all three of us. All the secrets on him will be owned by us! “

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