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“2 grandfather?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Changkong with a stunned expression.

Dong Shengyang, who has not been talking much, said the same: “I also think that what Qingfeng Sect Master really should do at this time is to go to Xia Ya as soon as possible to discuss the mystery of breakthrough Legendary with Zhao Jiansheng in order to cope with the increasingly difficult situation. “

After speaking, his tone was a little bit stronger: “The empire of stars is by no means weak! Although according to our analysis, the empire of stars has various checks and balances, it is impossible to really treat our barren world. 10000 First, like the Temple of Death, the Black Temple, and the Wargod Temple, which scarcely paid attention to our barren world, was not a big offense? If it wasn’t for the Qingfeng Sect Master, we had to visit the Temple of Heaven, and we had to add another Blood Temple … 10000 The Great Temple is like this, who dares to guarantee that the star empire will not set its sights on our barren world in the future? With the power of the star empire, even just 4% of Strength, is far beyond the limit we can handle. “

Yasuo heard a bitter smile: “It’s just that many countries have submitted information to us for help. In this position, I have to say this sentence. I also personally hope that Chairman Baili Qingfeng will be able to work hard and be as strong as possible as soon as possible. Get up and continue to guard our Sia Kingdom like Sea Calming Divine Needle. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Changkong and then looked at Prime Minister Yasuo, saying, “Did something happen that I didn’t know?”

“The matter has been resolved, Qingfeng, you don’t need to think about it again, Youying and the bloody duchy army behind him are afraid to act blindly without thinking when you are not here, now you are coming …”

Baili Changkong said and looked again at the Legendary Bird Falcon that he brought with a slight smile on his face: “It also added a new battle strength to us. I believe they will not easily do it, and, We have let people sneak into the 2nd World and pay attention to the army transfer of Bloody Duchy. If the commander called Yinghao asks the empire for help and sends a stronger army, we can also drop Divine Punishment weapons and give them a fatal blow. . “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Changkong and did not forcibly ask.

They don’t say, he went to the Heavenly Knowledge Hall forum at worst.

What a big deal, presumably the Heavenly Knowledge Hall forum has been so noisy, will know when you see it.

But before this…

“We can’t keep Bloody Duchy’s army stationed!”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly: “I saw it when I was here. The Blood Orchid duchy and the Star Empire are stationed with 30000 soldiers and horses in Blood Orchid Town on our side, and 60000 soldiers and horses on the Space Gate side. These are from the 2nd World The destructive power of the army is too amazing. Once they go south, they ca n’t stop by relying only on Shea ’s Strength. By that time, I do n’t know how many people will lose their wives and their families, and we must fight back. ”

“The counterattack needs to be more cautious. Now the two sides check and balance each other, and the stars empire and blood orchid duchy are directed at the 4 neutral organizations. This is a battle that belongs to the 4 neutral organizations. Wait until the 4 neutral organizations are eliminated. Later, presumably they will retreat on their own, and once we really go to war with these troops … victory, it will completely anger the empire of stars, and maybe cause more terrifying revenge, and once defeated …

Speaking of true expression grave.

His words basically represent the thoughts of everyone.

Refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

The threat of this huge monster from the Empire of Stars is too great.

“But they are pinning their hopes on the credibility of the enemy! They came to the 4 major neutral organizations, will they really retreat after eliminating the 4 major neutral organizations? Although there are some gaps between the 4 major neutral organizations and us, After all, the human strength that belongs to our barren world is destroyed by them now, almost equivalent to breaking our arms in the barren world. If they then use the same reason to deal with other countries and cut off other countries one after another, we hope Doesn’t the Asian Gang help? “

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Changkong, Shouzhen, Yasuo and the others glanced at each other and didn’t know how to tell Baili Qingfeng that the 4 neutral organizations really spoke.

After a while, Baili Changkong only said: “What you have been talking about is to avoid war, but according to what you mean now, you want to go to war? We let the army of the Empire of the Stars leave their work so that the war will not break out , In line with best results. “

As he said, he added: “Of course, during this period, we are not doing nothing. At present, the troops of Sia Kingdom and Aurora Empire are moving quickly. We will form a 1,000,000 elite army and arrange a line of defense in the Yandan Mountains. One is Baili’s choice, and has the best equipment. The grass-roots officers are almost all War Grade powerhouse. I believe that the battle strength they can explode, even when compared to the 1,000,000 people in the cave at the beginning of the day Inferior. “

“If the invaders are humans in the barren world, maybe I have enough patience and goodwill, but you have not been to 2nd World and you do not understand the cruelty of the 2nd World rules!”

Baili Qingfeng said that the expression was a bit lonely: “The 2nd World is a crueler world than the time of our chaos a few years ago! This is from their wild slaughter without the slightest hesitation when dealing with the 4 neutral forces You can see if you hurt an innocent! That ’s 100 300,000 lives! A whole 100 300,000 people! How many wives have their deaths caused by their deaths, and their homes have been destroyed? ”

Baili Changkong, Shouzhen and the others couldn’t help but looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Although they have the same faces as us and belong to the same race as us, we cannot place any hope on them!”

After Baili Qingfeng said, looking straight ahead, his words were stingy: “In this case, the best way to avoid war is to destroy it!”

“Destroy the war …”

“That’s right! I will personally go to the enemy army, kill their commander, and try to repel them into the Space Gate after they have no heads.”


As soon as Baili Qingfeng spoke, Baili Changkong said hastily: “It’s too dangerous! Not to mention that the enemy’s commander is in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. The commander alone is a High Level Legendary, more than ordinary Legendary. Powerful, if in this World, Qingfeng you may still have the power to fight him, but in that World … “

“I’m more sure to kill him in that World!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Changkong: “2 grandfather, don’t forget, I’m the first assassin in the deserted world! Assassins want to kill, and don’t need absolute Strength advantage! As for the so-called army, as long as I kill the speed fast, the army Can’t catch up with me. “


“It’s the best way to assassinate the other party’s senior management and let the other party really feel the threat receding!”

Baili Qingfeng repeated.

“If their commander Legendary did not let those soldiers retreat in fear after death, but angered and venged, and set off a war, how can we resist?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on Prime Minister Yasuo: “I remember that I have the status of chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the six countries.”

In his slightly aggressive eyes, Yasuo headed for a busy road: “Naturally, all six Knight Alliance nations, including the Aurora Empire, obey the chairman at all times.”

“Okay! Give me a map!”

“Chairman please.”

Commander Joson, who was with Prime Minister Yasuo and the others, took a step forward and took him directly to the combat headquarters not far away.

Baili Qingfeng took Xiaozhu’s hand and soon went with Jonson.

Behind him, Baili Changkong’s eyes were a little complicated.

But he said nothing after all.

He sighed softly, followed the crowd slowly, and came to the command room.

Here is a map hanging on the wall, detailing the topographic map of Sia Kingdom and north of Sia.

“Arrange your army here and make a posture where you will fight them here!”

“This position … is behind the enemy? But not at all can be used for defense here.”

“There is no need for defense. The real significance of your presence at the rear is just to attract their attention and draw them out of Shia.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

The town of Blood Orchid is on the border of Chia.

Although Sia Kingdom, due to the existence of Zhao Jiansheng and Legendary birds, made 2/3 of the troops of the Star Empire’s army stationed outside the border of the Kingdom of Hea, there is still one third in the territory of Hea. Baili Qingfeng mobilized these soldiers to leave the blood. The real purpose of the town of Lan 160 kilometers away was to attract the empires of the stars and the bloody duchy’s army to move them northward and leave Sia Kingdom.

“This … the meaning of the army is just to attract the enemy to leave our territory? But that area not at all can be used for defense. Once the angry enemy hits our army … even our most elite army of 1000000, I’m afraid May not be able to withstand it. “

“I said that the meaning of the army is only to attract their attention and to let them leave the territory of Hea.”

Baili Qingfeng said, with a tone of lightly paused: “I will contact Zhao Jiansheng and ask Zhao Jiansheng to escort me three hydrogen bombs. During this time, I will prepare the bombers on the Yandang Mountains side. Once the enemies originally located in Blood Orchid Town are about to leave the border of Heia, The bombers took off, after they had completely left Gia … “

Speaking of this, he stopped.

There seemed to be a constant voice in my heart that rebuked him, calling him a grass-killing life hangman, bereavement of the war criminals of heaven!


Think of their encounters in the 2nd World 1000 Naruto mountain range, and then think of Legendary Youying. These people treat other people’s lives as innocuous, kill innocent people, destroy their homes, and cause a full 4 when dealing with 130 neutral organizations. The horrible death and injury of Yu Ren, the idea that just came out has been forcibly suppressed by him …

“I know exactly what I’m doing now!”

He spoke softly to his heart.


Baili Qingfeng looked up, faced Jonson, and said forcefully: “Once the enemy of Blood Orchid Town leaves Shia, let the bomber squadron drop bombs! Kill the war completely in the cradle!”

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