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As a soldier, Jonson also did not allow the enemy’s strength of astonishing 1000000 troops to be stationed on the territory of their country. In the face of Baili Qingfeng’s order, without the slightest hesitation salute: “Dear the Chairman’s order!”


Baili Qingfeng said.

Joeson commander-in-chief was nodded, and left with a look of astonishment.

“Qingfeng …”

Baili Changkong speaks again.

“Let’s help with the material dispatch.”

Shouzhen, Yasuo and the others realized what, said a word, and retreated.

Baili Changkong did not stop.

“2 grandfather, you don’t need to persuade me, I’m determined.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly: “The true purpose of slaughter of the empire is to killing the chicken to warn the monkey, so what is the next step after killing the chicken to warn the monkey? I don’t have to guess it to rule-rule the barren world! And if we want to maintain the autonomy of the barren realm, the best way is to fight with them, so that they can really realize the strength of the barren realm! Even if … our barren realm is not worth compared to the huge monster-like empire of stars And mention that they should also be painful! “

“I know.”

Baili Changkong nodded, he looked at Baili Qingfeng with some relief and some sighs: “I just want to tell you, escort the hydrogen bomb without Zhao Jiansheng himself, I’m here! You should take Zhao Jiansheng and 2 Legendary birds to assassinate Commander of the Empire of the Stars-Legendary Yingying, Legendary Youying! “

“I naturally believe in 2 grandfather you, but … 3 hydrogen bombs are of great importance, so I can really rest assured that Mr. Zhao does not know me. Besides … I know that Mr. Zhao does not like fighting and does not like slaughter, so unless he asks for it, I will He will not be forced to take part in anything related to slaughter. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Changkong listened and opened his mouth. It took a while before he said, “You are a good child, and grandfather is proud of having a child like you at Baili’s family.”

“I always remember what I really want.”

Baili Qingfeng replied.

It seems to be responding to Baili Changkong, and it seems to be responding to itself.

“I believe in you, remember, whenever we stand behind you, you are not alone.”

Baili Changkong said gently.

“I know.”

“Have a good rest. It’s not easy just to return from 2nd World and take on this battle again.”

Baili Changkong said, and also retreated.

For a time, only Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo holding his hand were left in the room.

“Sorry Xiaozhu.”

Baili Qingfeng lowered his head and looked at Baili Bamboo, with softness and guilt in his eyes: “I’m afraid to wait a few days before going back. I will call Yiyi and ask her to come with Uncle Zhao and wait for them to return. Pick you back. “

“Do not.”

Baili bamboo shook the head: “I want to watch here how the Qingfeng big brother does it. In this way, when I grow up, I know what I can do to help the Qingfeng big brother. You do n’t have to do that at the time. Tired, running around all the time. “

Baili Qingfeng touched Xiaozhu’s head: “The battlefield is a bit dangerous and not suitable for you, and since you call me a big brother, I don’t want my younger sister to be trapped in a dangerous battlefield.”

“Is Qingfeng big brother dangerous?”

“will not.”

“Qingfeng big brother will not be dangerous, and I believe that Qingfeng big brother will not make me dangerous.”

Baili Bamboo insisted.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the pretty face of Baili Bamboo with a stubborn little face, and couldn’t help laughing: “Well, if you want to stay, just stay there and wait for me to settle things. Let’s go back together. The day after tomorrow should be almost there, just to prevent Yiyi from running a trip, which is more than 1000 kilometers. “


Baili Qingfeng closed his eyes quietly and let the commander in charge of the military force dispatch.

Because it is only to attract the enemy, the important thing is the bluff. There is no need to send 1000000 troops to go to war. Soon, many troops have already set off and continued to the area planned by Baili Qingfeng.

The action of Sia Kingdom immediately caught everyone’s attention.

The self-care steel empire, the glorious empire under the coercion of Legendary, Olympus, the country of the forest, and even the golden eagle empire far away across the ocean have received news.

After the news came, there was almost no need to guess what everyone had thought of.

“Baili Qingfeng is back!”

“It must be the True God incarnation, otherwise the Sia Kingdom cannot be so motivated and perform such a big move. Their Strength is not enough to provide them with the confidence of Legendary and Legendary gliding tit for tat.”

“Baili Qingfeng is finally here. All the forces have been uneasy for more than half a month. Legendary Youying and his men have formed dozens of elite teams to kill people everywhere. Any forces involved in the 4 major neutral organizations, whether or not there is evidence, are caught. Kill, and one stay, all the associated people slaughtered cleanly. The dark Star Sect with 2 top powerhouses sits because a disciple in the door and a hunter’s association have jointly performed the task in the 2nd World. After a few words against them, they were descended on by Legendary. The field opened, and the whole family was more than 10000 people. None survived, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain …… “

Especially the former emperor of the world, the brilliant emperor William XII.

Baili Qingfeng has experienced it since the 2nd World. He returned unharmed. He should have a heavy heart. After all, Baili Qingfeng is the biggest stumbling block for their return to the throne of the overlord. But this time …

After learning that Baili Qingfeng returned, he was unfathomable mystery’s sighed in relief, and he was very happy.

After realizing this, his mood suddenly became extremely complicated …

“World rules have changed …”


time flies.

Sitting in a chair, Baili Qingfeng closed his eyes for a long time and suddenly eyes opened.

For a moment, a golden light appeared in his eyes and pupils.


Baili Changkong’s voice came in from outside.

He also brought in a box.

Boxes that make Baili Qingfeng look familiar.

“Your Blood Armor Battle Armor is damaged. It’s not easy to repair this fine divin gold Battle Armor in a short time, so use this Battle Armor first.”

Baili Changkong opened the box, and inside it was the Armor of the Storm Ripper made by Baili Qingfeng’s previous set of fine gold.

“Battle Armor …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the Battle Armor.

In the second month of the 2nd World, the first-class gold obtained from the glorious empire has been fully digested. Because of this, he can only fight the black magical demon when he battles with the 3 and 6 sages. Sovereign sword does not hurt.

What his fleshhy body really resists is only the aftermath of the collision of the demon Sovereign sword and his Sword Technique. It is not really the flesh and blood that is used to resist the Sword Technique, which has been amplified by the Explosive Secret Technique. But even so, It can be seen from the side that he defends the growth of Strength.

At least boutique Yao Jin has been completely left behind by his fleshhy body in defense.

Although Yao Jin’s defense has not been seen by Baili Qingfeng, since the assassination of its leader in the 10000 army, there are too many variables, even if Baili Qingfeng is afraid to say that he can kill with 100% confidence The High Level Legendary must die …

Therefore, an extra layer of defense is always a good thing.


Baili Qingfeng stood up.

He looked up and looked straight ahead.

During this ordinary movement, the spirit was excited, straight into the sky, multi-purpose, one after another, the particles of dust were polished into lenses, and after a few moments, “television” was excited, and immediately I saw a huge army clearly A fast speed rushes to a planned area more than 400 kilometers from the Yandan Mountains.

“Is Mr. Zhao here?”

“The plane on which he was flying should land at the airport in half an hour. The 3 bombers at the airport have already been inspected and are ready to go.”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng responded and stepped forward to put on the Storm Ripper Battle Armor.

Now his Refining Spirit realm has broken through to the Tenth Layer and is the tenth peak. He has already possessed an extraordinary spirit to interfere with the material ability, plus the spirit that has reached the tenth critical point during the domestication of the Legendary spirit. During this time, Tenth Layer was successfully conceived, and he used equivalent to 5 spirits at the same time.

As he spread his hands, the parts of each and everyone belonging to Storm Armor Battle Armor flew up, assembled on him, and successfully completed the armor in just ten seconds.

This kind of efficiency has to be asked for help for more than half an hour of the year.

Putting on the Battle Armor, Baili Qingfeng went out and went outside.

Outside, Yasuo, Shouzhen, Dongshengyang, Baili Tianxing, Duanmu Rui one after another silhouette are already waiting here.

“I’m going to the Space Gate in Blood Orchid.”

“Qingfeng, take care!”

Baili Changkong said.

“I will return.”

Baili Qingfeng was heavily nodded. He looked at the ground under his feet, then looked up, and looked at the starry sky above the head with the stars. Said solemnly: “Our World is called the barren realm by the people of the 2nd World, meaning barren The barren realm, from this name we can see how ridiculous and indifferent the people of the 2nd World are to us. “

Baili Changkong didn’t talk back, the name of the wasteland really came from the 2nd World.

Over time, those cultivators who often travel to and from the 2nd World and use the 2nd World as a cave Heavenly Immortal Realm standing on top of the World have accepted this name.

In the high position, they accepted the name, and the people below did not dare to refuse, so the name of the barren world fell on them.

“But no matter how desolate our World is, he belongs to our homeland after all. Countless people grow up in this land. Countless people love this land. Countless people guard this land … Outsider, what right is there to This land is hand-painted, and what qualifications are there to kill all living beings on this land? “

Baili Qingfeng said.

Yasuo, Shouzhen, Dongshengyang, Duanmurui, and the others heard what Baili Qingfeng said, and they had a kind of heart in their hearts. They wished they could also incarnation as a Peak Powerhouse, and refused the enemy and Space Gate.

“The barren world, no longer called the barren world! Even if our World is barren again, even if our World is barren again, that is also our World, and belongs to the Heaven and Earth that gave birth to us!”

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked down at the endless wilderness in the Yandan Mountains ahead.

The spring breeze is drunk there, and the grass is green there.

He went to the Legendary Lingering, and in one beat, the Legendary Lingering rose to the wind, and skyrocketed.

“From now on, Wasteland, renamed Heaven Wasteland Domain!”


(There are many similar names in it, which can be considered as a remembrance of his previous works by the wind. In this lifetime, how many of you and me are swallowed up in the moonlight night, the World is too fast, everything changes, at least, our memories are change.)

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