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Looking at the body, more than a dozen holes were penetrated, especially the head of the Legendary Holy Spirit Hei Mukai and Ye Hua who were penetrated by 3 Sword Qi at the same time.

Legendary is a High Level life, Life Strength is extremely tenacious, and as a Legendary in Holy Spirit, the vitality is even better than the ordinary Legendary.

But even the Legendary Holy Spirit is a kind of flesh and blood life, and it has only a dead end that penetrates the skull and heart.

even more how ……

Due to the World barrier, Holy Spirit Strength came a little 2 seconds slower than normal. Hei Mukai had not had time to fully activate the Strength belonging to the Legendary Holy Spirit within the body, at least until the moment of his death. A true Legendary Holy Spirit.

But this is not the point, the point is…

Expected by their Temple of Death, Hei Mukai died like a Sea Calming Divine Needle like the Legendary Holy Spirit?

Face to face?

Not even face to face, the other party is still 1000 meters away.

Sword Qi shot 1000 meters away can shoot Legendary Holy Spirit! ?

This Strength…

“Retreat! Back!”

The power of Yehua within the body Holy Spirit inspired and pulled back, and in his heart he was screaming madly: “The rumor is true! The rumor is true! He really has the power to defeat the Blood Temple and kill Legendary Holy Spirit Strength! “

The next second, golden light shone again.

“no no!”

Perceiving the crisis, Yehua screamed wildly, and the strength of Holy Spirit spared no effort to form a barrier in an attempt to stop the assassination of golden sword light.

As a subordinate of Galauda, ​​he was only an 8-level Commander before being converted into Holy Spirit. Although he gained Holy Spirit Strength, he did not fully master this Strength. In addition, the golden sword light speed shot by Baili Qingfeng was too. fast……

Without waiting for his golden shield to be strengthened to the extreme, the golden sword light has already connected him with a shield and passed through …


Following a moment of running along the inertia, Ye Hua’s body fell down and lost his voice.


“This is beyond 1000 meters, take the first level!”

Baili Qingfeng relied on the first-hand advantage to kill two people instantly, and he was quite satisfied with the results.

“In addition, my guess is good. At the tenth stage of Refining Spirit, my spirit is only enough to use Celestial to cooperate with the half-step star environment to pry the magnetic field of the stars and perform the Star Assassination Technique. Not only can it support the loss of half a step of the stars, but also can part out of the spirit to make the sword light speed faster, so in this world, my sword speed is still close to the point of the Super Star Assassination Technique! “

The only drawback is that it has double consumption, just like Super Star Assassination Technique.


This consumption is still within his tolerance.

“The Star Assassination Technique is actually using the power of the star magnetic field. I now use this Strength very poorly. After my spirit completes the” electric “magnetic attribute, the sword can be completely eliminated by magnetic suspension. Resistance, and then use electromagnetic propulsion to speed up the speed of the sword. Moreover, the shot does not need to be the formidable power Sword Qi, which is easy to be defeated. Instead, it can be directly assassinated with the help of Loren’s sword … “

Baili Qingfeng flashed a post-war summary in his mind.


Using magnetic levitation to eliminate resistance and electromagnetic propulsion to speed up the speed of the sword can also be considered. As for using the Lorentz force to kill the enemy …

Have to wait!

After all, Red Kobelco is too expensive!

“The Red God Steel … originated from the previous generation of the gods in the Grottoes, the Red God. The Red God fell down 100 years ago and the war in the North, and was beheaded by the Supreme King of the North. The land of the Red God fell on the hands of the Black God … If I really want to get enough of the Red God Steel, even to the point of using ten or losing ten, I have to start with the Black God and the Star Empire … Inherit The Black Temple on the site of the Red God and the Red God who once killed the Red God and broke the Red God Temple ’s star empire are definitely not a small number. With the purchasing power of the God Gold Coin … I can buy a few tons … forged into several 100 Divine Sword … “

Baili Qingfeng’s thoughts turned, but the efficiency of the matchless sword was not slow. As long as he was within the attack range, the cavemen were named by him after another.

As long as ordinary cave people have been pierced through their skulls, it is basically difficult to survive.

Because Baili Qingfeng slaughter is extremely efficient and has an assault speed amazing, coupled with Legendary Holy Spirit, Black Mukai and Yehua, they have almost no decent resistance and fighting have fallen, so that they are hosting the ceremony of Galauda. Naluo had almost no decent response.

They didn’t wake up until the breath of Baili Qingfeng appeared more than ten kilometers away.

“The breath of human Half-Step Legend !? How could the breath of human Half-Step Legend appear in the Core area of ​​the control area of ​​our death temple !?”

“Is that … it’s that human !? What about Hei Mukai? Yehua !? Couldn’t they return to the embrace of our Lord !?”

2 people were frightened and angry again.

Among them, Galauda, ​​who responded quickly, shouted immediately: “An enemy attack! An enemy attack! The guards will gather immediately to form a battle line!”

“So fast!”

Garuda said, rushing to the guard carefully selected by him.

Naluo did the same, quickly convened members of his own trial house, and when Baili Qingfeng rushed down, they were surrounded by more than ten Great Knight and Half-Step Legend powerhouses without exception.

“This human-Baili Qingfeng!”

Looking at that silhouette from afar, Nalo’s eyes were full of fear.

“Don’t give him every chance to break, shoot together!”

Galouda shouted, and the spirit of Holy Spirit on her body aroused and united with the breath of the guards around her.

But at this time, the breath of Baili Qingfeng who smashed to their front was a sudden meal, next moment …

golden light shines!

Countless words of Sword Qi shot at speed howling wind and torrential rain that even the Legendary powerhouse could hardly capture!

“Beware of Sword Qi!”

Galauda waved the sword in his hand, trying to cut out a giant sword, tearing all the space in front of him, but this blade was only cut in half, but the golden sword light killed him in front of him with shutting through the void speed. The speed was so incredible that he had to detonate the sword that had not yet reached its peak!


The sword and sword light collided fiercely in the sky.

Three of the four Sword Qi shot at him were smashed by the sword, and the remaining one passed through his shoulder, arousing blood light.

But Baili Qingfeng instantly stabbed more than one sword, but ten swords!

Ten six swords evolved into ten six Sword Qi, four of which were blocked by the fast-reacting Galauda, ​​but the remaining ten were like Death God’s sickle, and passed instantly through his 6 guards. …

Heart, skull, throat …

Each sword light is directly mortal by the dual traction of spirit and Internal Qi!

Suddenly, a dozen people shot red blood light on their bodies, and a blood mist sputtered directly in the area where their figures were located.

Nine people who had their heads pierced died on the spot, and the remaining two were also severely wounded. One of them was guarded and moved randomly, and he was lucky to escape his sword light assassination.

“What is this! What is Sword Technique !?”

Naluo, who was about to cooperate with Garuda, shot such a horrible scene and couldn’t help opening his eyes.

The speed of the sword light passing by the void just now, he could only see a residual image.

That feeling…

It’s almost equivalent to one’s own soldiers still using bows and arrows, the other party has changed to a musket, and it is still the type of a dozen bullets.

“Summon soldiers! He is not Legendary. There is no realm. Summon soldiers to kill him!”

After all, Galunda, who survived the blow from Baili Qingfeng Sword Qi, yelled.

Seeing this, Baili Qingfeng’s feet erupted. Because Celestial had to be used to pry the magnetic field of the stars, and the external force Celestial had eliminated the air resistance. His body and air waves collided violently, sweeping a mighty hurricane, and more There was smoke.


Seeing this scene, Shocking Narlow angry roar.

As crypt warriors, they do not lack the courage to fight. Even though they ca n’t see Baili Qingfeng just shot the Guardian Guard ’s Sword Technique, he can still face the silhouette that he is approaching without the slightest hesitation. !!


Baili Qingfeng’s stature that swept through the hurricane and the strength of Nalo swept through the strength of Domain instantly collided.

Even if the realm is illusory, under the amazing speed of Baili Qingfeng, this collision still oscillates a ripple of visible eyes on the sky in the sky, and the scattered ripples form an air wave sweeping over the four sides, blowing and However, the closest Grotto soldiers were not only set off by this Strength, they were screaming again and again, and their ears were covered with blood.

“The earth splits!”

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Na Luo shouted, and the Strength of the guard behind him continued to bless him. The giant axe in his hand resonated with the Legendary realm. It seemed to be integrated with the realm when it was cut. The void Strength first blasted to the space where Baili Qingfeng was located. The ten meters of Thunderbolt seemed to be split into two and a half by his axe, even if it was a towering mountain range!

“weng weng! ”

When the power of Nalo broke out and the power of Legendary, Baili Qingfeng’s figure disappeared again.

He seems to be integrated into the nature of Heaven and Earth, so that Na Luo feels that the target he locked is no longer an individual, but this side of Heaven and Earth. This side is huge, majestic, and I know nothing about 10,000,000 li. Heaven and Earth.

In the face of this transformation, his attack was impossible to start!

“what is this!?”

Narlow was shocked and terrified.

But before he had time to came back to his senses from this sudden change, Baili Qingfeng came out!

“xiu! xiu! xiu! ”

More than a dozen golden light sword light burst out.

Shine and glare!

It is like the bright light that the sun blooms.

This time, the distance between the two is less than two hundred meters, and the distance of two hundred meters is only a blink of an eye under the Sword Qi shot with almost 2 times the speed of sound …

“This is assassination!”

Vaguely, Na Luo could barely hear such a description, next moment, the golden sword light that pervaded the sky has swallowed the World in front of him …

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